The Death Ship of Dartmouth: (Knights Templar 21) (14 page)

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Authors: Michael Jecks

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‘So, what are you saying? That he’s lying?’ Kena still didn’t understand.

‘Either the bodies were tied to irons and thrown overboard, or they were carried away in the other ship. Hawley would have no need to lie. If there were dead men in the water, he might as well tell the truth.’

‘It’s also been suggested that they could have been taken, either to ransom them or to use them as slaves.’

Beauley gave him a steady look. ‘And how likely is that? Even if the pirates wanted some of the men, a few would have died rather than be caught, wouldn’t they?’

‘I don’t know who the men were.’

‘Didn’t you hear? Odo and Vincent were aboard, and Adam. Can you imagine any of them giving in to another ship?’

Kena looked away with a frown on his face. ‘You’re sure of that?’

‘I wouldn’t have mentioned it otherwise.’

‘At least there’s cause for rejoicing in those bastards’ deaths! I’ll pray for Adam to be sent into Christ’s merciful hands, the poor fellow, but for Vincent and Odo, I’ll ask for all their sins to be remembered. I hope they burn in hell!’

‘I doubt not that your prayers for Vincent and Odo will be heeded. There are enough others in the town would be happy to see them swinging on the gibbet. The point is, though, they were brave fighters. They didn’t fear pirates or any others.’

‘True enough. So what happened to the men?’

‘The bodies must have been carried away. Unless, of course, the men are alive and happy somewhere else. Hiding.’

’ Kena scoffed. ‘You think that Adam could have betrayed his master? Vincent, maybe, but never Adam.’

‘Someone could have paid Odo and Vincent. If they had surprise on their side, they could have killed Adam. Danny’s body was on the ship … If, say, Odo told Adam, and Adam went down to look at him, Odo and Vincent could have overwhelmed even him.’

‘True. And that was the sort of work they excelled in, the murderous sons of hogs!’

‘If you ask
could have paid them, that is easy. What if Hawley offered Adam a job working for him instead of Pyckard – offered him a bribe, maybe – and he refused? Hawley can be a most ruthless man.’

‘Ruthless enough to remove the whole crew and kill them

‘If he rescued some, they may be living anywhere even now,’ Beauley smiled cynically. ‘Or perhaps Vincent and Odo had another score to settle.’

‘Such as?’

‘Who can tell? They were guilty of many crimes.’

Kena gritted his teeth. ‘You have no need to tell me that! If it were not for some of my own sailors and Adam himself, those sodomites would have raped my wife!’


‘He saw what was happening and went to save her. I rewarded him, and the other men there. But he would not come to join me. I offered him money, but he remained loyal to his master. Perhaps that is it? Odo and Vincent killed him to be avenged for stopping them raping my lady.’

‘And then flew from the ship? All I know is, my own men are growing worried that they’ll be killed too if they go out.’

‘Just killed?’

Beauley gave a humourless grin. ‘No. There’s also the rumour that the devil took them all. Some of the lads reckon he’ll come and take them too. The church is doing better trade than the tavern just now.’

‘At least if it was the devil,’ Kena snarled, ‘he’ll have taken the right lads. Odo and Vincent deserved to die after what they did.’

Beauley said nothing, but he was glad to hear that his informant had been right. From what he had heard, Odo had grappled with Mistress Millicent in the street, as though she was a common draggle-tail from an alehouse, before Vincent had tried to pull him and her into a little alley. Only
the arrival of Kena’s own men had saved her. No wonder the man hated them.

‘Well, master,’ he said, standing up to take his leave, ‘I should be careful about telling people about that. Better if you keep it quiet. After all, if a man is known to hold a grudge against a pair of villeins who attacked his wife, and the villeins suddenly die, people don’t bother to look very far for the murderer, do they?’

Chapter Ten

It was almost twilight when Moses slammed the bar across the front door before walking back into the hall and drawing up the shutters.

‘Master? Are you all right?’ he asked worriedly.

‘Fetch me a warmed pot of wine,’ Pyckard replied from his chair, and gestured limply with a finger.

It was all Moses could do not to burst into tears. The poor master had been good to all his staff, and his disease had been so sudden, it was hard to believe that this was the same man whom Moses had known and worked for over the last fifteen years. He was so shrivelled, like a leaf in late autumn, sitting huddled in his thickest fur coat and rugs against the chill of death. And at the same time Moses had lost his only other friend. Danny, his younger brother was dead, brutally murdered.


‘When I have gone, Moses, there are many who will try to suggest that I owe them money. You must not allow people to take advantage. I leave it to you to carry out my wishes. All my papers and my Will are in my little chest in the counting-room, and the key is here about my neck. You understand me?’

‘Yes, of course. I’ll do all you ask,’ Moses responded dully. He took his master’s hand and gripped it, as though he could transfer some of his own life-energy to his master’s frail body. He would do anything to keep this kindly man alive.

Pyckard held his gaze. ‘I would like you to perform an errand, old friend. Would you do that for me too?’

On the outskirts of Dartmouth, Hamund Chugge sat down on a rock and pulled at the thongs of his sandal. He rested his staff against his shoulder as he poked a finger between sole and foot until he had found the little pebble, and could hook it out.

It was tempting to stop here and close his eyes, but he couldn’t. That would mean death if he was seen, and he wasn’t going to let that happen. He would survive this somehow.

The man he had killed had deserved it. He had been a brute! And when he turned up with his piece of paper and smiled at Hamund with that oily grin, Hamund had to wipe it off his face. If he could change the past, well, he would. But he couldn’t. So Flok was dead, Hamund was outlawed and must leave the realm, and … God knew what would happen to Sarra.

She had suggested going with him, but what would he be able to offer her now he must leave the country? All he had was a possibility of starting afresh in the King’s domains over the water, and there was no guarantee that he would succeed in those strange, alien parts. All he could hope for was that his drive for success would help him in
his new life, and that one day, if he were able, he could send for her.

‘No,’ he muttered. There was no bitterness in his voice, just resignation. Better that they should live apart. In time she would forget him, maybe win a better man. There must be plenty of them about, who wouldn’t get drunk and murder the man-of-law of the wealthiest and most dangerous man in the country after the King just because he sought to take your living from you.

That any man could legitimately take away another’s farm, his lands, his livelihood, and not even offer compensation, that was beyond Hamund. But that was exactly what had happened. The Despenser’s man Flok had arrived some months ago, just after Sir John de Loos had died in the brutal fighting against Thomas of Lancaster, the foul traitor who sought to set himself against the King. Sir John was a decent, kindly man, who had given Hamund his freedom some years before, but as soon as he died in the battle, Hamund reckoned Despenser started looking at his lands.

Hugh Despenser was an evil, thieving devil who concealed his insatiable greed behind a mask of boyish charm, so they said. Hamund knew nothing of that. All he knew was that his lands were to be taken from him by this man.

It was one thing for a disloyal subject to see his lands and assets forfeited by the Crown. All those who had raised their swords in support of the Lords Marcher – it was fair enough that they should lose their lands. And the men who supported Earl Thomas, too. They were traitors to the King, so their lands and titles should be seized.

But a land in which those who were devoted to their King and gave their lives for him could see their family and servants deprived of their property and wealth, forced to give up all to the grinning brute who could take them purely because he had the King’s ear … that was a land where justice held no sway. It was a place in which bullying alone ruled: a bastard realm.

When that oleaginous shite Flok appeared and shoved the parchment at him, pushing him back into the passageway as he demanded to see the lady of the house, Hamund could only gaze uncomprehendingly at the words written so carefully. When Sarra appeared in the doorway, her hair escaping from the coif she had hurriedly pulled on, Flok eyed her like a drunk considering the whores in the stews. Still Hamund had done nothing. He had followed the two into the hall itself, shushing the other servants as they rebelliously eyed the man-of-law while he gazed about him, apparently well satisfied with all he saw.

‘This manor is to be forfeit. You, lady, will prepare to leave in two months. At that time I shall return to take over the management of all the demesne.’

‘You cannot think to do this, sir!’ Sarra had said, her hand at her throat. Hamund could see her despair. She stood tall and elegant in her flowing, green velvet tunic, and Hamund so wished to go to her side and clutch at her hand, but he daren’t. Instead he listened with the others as Flok sneeringly waved aside all protestations. Those which appeared to give him the most amusement were the defence that Sir John had been a devoted captain for the King.

‘He’s no use now, is he? He’s dead. So I’m sure that his
loyal vassals will loyally support the installation of a new master here; a man who meets more accurately the King’s needs.’

There was a certain tone in his voice at that moment, and Hamund understood that it was this Flok who would become master in the hall when Lady Sarra had been thrown out.

Flok had departed a short while later, and the hall was left in stunned silence. There was a moment that seemed to last for an age, and then Lady Sarra moved slowly across the floor, almost as though gliding, until she reached the door behind the dais that led to her solar. Hamund saw her face just once as she walked that gauntlet of shame and ruined pride. She turned to close the door, and as she did so, her eye met his, and he saw a woman destroyed.

Hamund could have remained, of course. If he’d wanted to bow to the man Flok, he could have stayed there and had his daily ration of ale, his food, his annual tunic, and all the other little benefits that made for a good life. But he’d never forget the sight of his lady at that doorway. And he would never forgive himself, were he to leave that poor woman unavenged.

So instead, he had drunk a couple of quarts of ale, sitting near the fire, listening to the muted sobs from the solar, and telling himself that there must be a way to protect and serve his lady. But the more he drank, the more he saw that there was no means of defending her against this kind of attack. All he could do was avenge her and the memory of her husband.

As the light began to fade, he took up his long knife, a memento from the Welsh wars, and a staff, and left the hall.
He walked the three miles in the gathering dusk to the vill, and stopped outside the inn. And that night he slew the man who had sought to steal his master’s property.

That night Baldwin could have continued on his way, but when he was still a couple of leagues from Dartmouth, he decided that it would be better to take his rest and have a good night’s sleep rather than try to complete the entire journey in one day.

He had reached Totnes when he made the decision. The weather was fine, but the sun was already sinking. Baldwin knew that the estuary on which the town of Dartmouth lay was long and winding, and he had no desire to fall into a deep pool in the dark.

The inn he found was a clean-looking long building. Perhaps it was an old place, but the owner had seen to the limewash regularly, and the thatch was only one summer old. Baldwin tied his horse to a ring and entered the stables, and when he saw clean straw and how tidy the stalls were kept, he was content.

Having seen that his horse was well served, he entered the main block and called for a meal. There was a good, thick pottage and some reasonable bread that filled his empty belly, although when he enquired about a room for the night, he found that there was none to be had. His only choice was the main bedchamber, in which five men were to sleep that night, or to remain here in the hall.

In many years of travelling, Baldwin had experienced different inns in several kingdoms, and never had he succeeded in sleeping well in a room with strangers. In
preference he decided to remain in the hall. He went out first to see that his horse was well catered for. The grooms had already rubbed and brushed him, and now he was munching contentedly at a fork or two of hay in his manger. Baldwin slapped his shoulder and tickled his ear before leaving. A warrior should always see to the comfort of his mount before all else: it was a rule he had learned early on, and the lesson was ingrained in his soul.

The inn was loud, not raucous but happy, and he knew he would find sleep evasive until some of the patrons had left for their beds. Still, he was warm, full, and tired enough to doze, and he drew a bench to the wall and sat there with his chin on his breast.

In his mind still was the curious behaviour of the bishop.
. That was the word Baldwin had been looking for. As though he feared he was sending Baldwin into danger.

The knight considered that for a while. The port of Dartmouth was by no means quiet and safe. No port ever was, of course – but he was going to find out all he might about a man who had raped a lady-in-waiting to the Queen. Such a man should be caught and exiled, rather than simply watched, but Baldwin thought he understood that. There was no need to further antagonise the French king. The countries were already smarting from the last short war.

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