The Deal (17 page)

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Authors: Z. Elizabeth

BOOK: The Deal
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“Jesus Christ, mate, cool ya tits. It's not like she's walking the club alone, she's on her work night out and Jamie is with her.” I whip my head around to glare at Danny, who raises his hands in surrender. “Just saying, Tammy isn't going psycho over Jamie being away.”

I flicker my eyes towards her and see she is perfectly fine. She's playing Rock, Paper, Scissors with Joe on the end of the square sofa. I sigh and run a hand down my face.

Tammy hasn't been in love as long as I have

As I lift my head up, I feel a hand slap down on my shoulder. The hand makes me jump in surprise and when I swing my head around I see it's Jamie grinning down at me. To his side is an absolutely plastered Nic, who is clutching his arm and giggling to herself. She looks so beautiful, so carefree.

So unbelievably fucking smashed.

“I believe this drunken mess belongs to you,” Jamie shouts into my ear and pulls Nic around planting her on my lap. I have to tighten my grip around her waist and manoeuvre her so we are both sitting comfortably. I look around the table and all eyes are on Nic and her state. I know they are trying not to laugh because, other than the girls and Joe, none of us have seen her this drunk and I’m not a fan. I don't like the fact she is so drunk she has no idea what is going on around her. It's a dangerous situation to be in and one that gives me the shivers when I think of how many other times she may have been this way.

Pushing me out of the dark place my mind is beginning to go to, Nic throws her arms around my neck and smacks her lips onto mine. God, she tastes of vodka and I have to pull back as the smell is overpowering.

“I've missed you, husband.” I can just about understand what the fuck she is trying to say and I know I need to force water down her neck. I look into her eyes and they are beyond glazed. The greens are glassed over and I guess  that she will most likely fall asleep any time soon. I run a finger down her cheek, so afraid something may happen to her. Her eyes snap open and gaze into mine before she rests her head upon my shoulder.

“I love you, Craig,” she murmurs into my ear and I freeze. I stop breathing and wonder if that was what she actually said or if my mind is playing tricks on me. I know they say your true feelings come out when you are drunk, but will she remember saying that to me?

I decide that it's time to take her home. I don’t give a rats arse if I’ve been here less than an hour, my wife is beyond drunk, and although I'm pretty sure she won't remember in the morning, she just told me she loved me. I need to hold her close and relish in the fact she just told me her biggest secret.





I wake up with a start and excitement bubbles through me as I glance at the clock. 6:40am shines back at me but I couldn’t care less. Christmas is my favourite holiday and I am spending it with the people I love! I swivel around to see Craig passed out, one arm hugging his pillow the other wrapped around my waist. I carefully remove him and sneak out of bed, closing the door behind me. I've never cooked a dinner for four people let alone eleven, which is the number of people preparing themselves for food poisoning later on tonight.

Craig and I prepared the Turkey last night before popping down the local with the gang for a Christmas Eve drink or two and I know roughly how long it needs to be cooked for, hence why I am up super early to make sure everything goes to plan. I want to remember this day for as long as I can; need to know it was a success and I can at least do something right, even if I can't keep Craig for myself.

I preheat the oven and chuck the Turkey in. Turning the Christmas tree lights on I arrange the presents stacked under the tree. Craig and I set a limit on how much we could spend on each other but I am pretty sure we both went over. We did a Secret Santa too with the guys due to it costing a fortune otherwise. I got Matt and he was single-handedly the easiest person to buy for and I cannot wait to see his cheeky face when he opens my present.  I make sure the stockings are hanging neatly before turning on the TV and quietly letting the sounds of Christmas float through the apartment. This is the most peaceful it's going to be today and I embrace it. After visiting both the parents, and I know how hard that is going to be, we will be coming back and preparing the lunch and playing host to nine of our best friends.

Getting lost in my own little world, I don't hear the bedroom door open and only realise Craig is awake when I feel a kiss to my head. I lean my head back and smile up at him. He bends down and lightly kisses me.

“Merry Christmas, wifey

“Merry Christmas, husband.” 

I watch him rifle through the presents dressed only in his  boxers and I bite my lip at the sight of his bum. How I want to run my hand over it and squeeze the ever-living daylight out of it but before I can do anything, he turns around and plonks himself next to me. He looks bashful and I inquisitively smile at him.

“Before I hand this over, I want you to know that I wanted to give this to you in private, just the two of us, away from prying eyes.” He starts, “I hope you like it because it's my favourite.”

He hands over the present and I know for a fact it's going to be a photograph. I rip apart the wrapping paper like a little kid and stare down at the picture in front of me. It's of Craig and I in ZoHoKa staring and smiling at each other. I glance up at him and he's blushing, looking anywhere but me.

I don't understand, does that mean he loves me? This picture is so personal and intimate.

“I love it, thank you.” I whisper, gleaming at Craig who just shrugs and passes it off as nothing. I put the frame on the table and pull his face to mine, carefully pouring my feelings into the kiss for him to understand how much it means to me. When I pull back, he gives me a smouldering look but I disregard it because I want to give him one of my presents. I leap off the sofa and retrieve it in an instant. I pass it over and watch him tear the paper off. Now it's my turn to be nervous. I know he will love it, but it's always the fear that it won't be enough. He looks from his hands, to me and back to his hands, shock plasters his features and then a grin makes its way to his face. In one short moment I have gone from standing up to straddling Craig while he dominates my mouth. The kiss is raw and unadulterated and I can't help but moan into his mouth and grind myself into him.

“Fuck, Nic, you are the best wife I'll ever have, you know that?” he murmurs against my lips, nibbling my bottom lip before assaulting them again. This reaction over a pair of tickets to watch Manchester United and Swansea City? Yeah, I will totally be buying more football tickets.

“So you like it then?” I ask when we pull away for air. My hands are digging into his shoulders and I love the way he responded to my present. Definitely the epitome of a little kid on Christmas morning. But there is nothing little about him when he thrusts his hips up, making us catch our breath. He leans his forehead against mine and smiles. “Are you for real? Shit, babe, this has been the best Christmas present I've ever got.” I'm pretty sure that’s a lie, but I’ll take it. “And how about a little Christmas cheer to say thank you.”

And that, my friend, is why I am completely besotted with this guy. Buy a guy some football tickets and they will love you forever.

Bring on the appreciation, my Christmas lover.” I whisper into his lips, giggling when he throws me across the sofa. “Oh, we haven’t done it here yet.”

In a heartbeat, my kickers are ripped off, my tee-shirt thrown across the room and he's taken his boxers off. He moulds his body with mine and pins my hands above my head. I can feel how hard he is and in one thrust he's sliding deep inside me; my moan catching in my throat at him filling me to the brim.

“It's time to rectify that then isn’t it, Mrs Thomas?”















Chapter S



“Well, that went as well as it could have. Have to say, I’m surprised there wasn’t more drama.” Craig says, swinging our attached hands up and down as we walk down the path from his Dad's house.  I smile back at him and nod. I know his auntie is watching us from the upstairs bedroom window so I turn around and wave a goodbye to her. My mother and his father were on their best behaviour this morning and they even gave Craig and myself a present, bearing in mind it was alcohol, but it's the thought that counts.

“I'm sure both our parents saw how serious we were when we said we wouldn't speak to them if they acted like little kids today.” I shrug, slipping into the car. Craig follows suit and before we set sail back to our flat, he gives my hand a kiss. I give him a smile and buckle my seatbelt around me.

“Next stop: slaving over the stove whilst all you lot get drunk.” I chuckle, watching the houses pass us by. I wonder what's happening inside them; if the children are giddily playing with their toys, if the adults are as excited as I am, or if anyone is still asleep. Then my heart twinges when I think about those who will be spending the day alone, with no family to buy presents for, to have dinner with, to share the Christmas cheer.

“You all right, Nic? Bit lost in thought there.” Craig gives my shoulder a little shake. I blink out of my thoughts and plaster on a smile. I nod and realise we're home.

“All peachy-keen.” I reply, grabbing all the bags we obtained from our visits and step out of the car. “Ready to start this monstrosity of a dinner?” I follow him up the stairs and step in behind him.

“With me cooking it? Oh girl, this Christmas dinner will blow others out of the damn ocean.” Craig winks and snaps his fingers in a 'oh hell yes' way. I roll my eyes at him and smack his arse to which he mock gasps and holds his cheek bottom, pouting as he rubs it. “Did you just assault me?”

“I'm pretty sure I'm allowed to touch my husband.” I wink and open the front door to our flat, Craig stomping in behind me. I throw the presents on the sofa and head into the kitchen to check on the Turkey. It still has 2 or so hours left to go, and with everything else peeled and stuffed and ready in pots and pans to cook, I open up a bottle of wine, pour myself a large glass and down it in one, sighing in the relief that today is going smoothly so far. I walk back into the living room taking the bottle and another glass with me and pour myself and Craig a glass, handing it to him before cuddling up next to him. He has some children's Christmas film playing on the television which he seems to be enjoying. He especially likes it when one of the Reindeer keeps falling on its arse, and I let out a snigger.

“How’s the butt cheek?” I ask into my wine glass and I feel Craig tug on my hair.
              “It really about you kiss it better it?” he replies, wiggling his eyebrows up and down while I pretend to throw up over him. He tugs my hair yet again and I end up slapping his hand away.

“Stop tugging my hair,” I shoot a glare at him “And how about you kiss my arse?”
              “Now, Mrs Thomas, you know that could be arranged...but then the Christmas dinner would go to waste as we wouldn't be leaving the room and you know what the twins are like with their food.” He sighs melodramatically, pinching my sides and placing a kiss on my head.

“Well we better make this meal the greatest they have ever had or we will never hear the end of it. Uni food consisted of Noodles and Chicken Dippers, so if this doesn't work out we can always make that for lunch?” I offer and Craig laughs at my confession. Like he lived off fresh food every day. And if he did, why the hell hasn't he cooked every night for me?!

“Nic, you have me to cook this dinner, it will work out fine, I promise.” He grins, twisting my hair around his finger and once again, giving it a tug. I am going to cut his fucking fingers off in a minute. “Now get your arse into the kitchen where you belong, woman.” And with that he leaps from the sofa, laughing his head off whilst I am sat fuming at him.

Fucking sexist pig. I will get him back for that.




Dinner was a huge success. As a woman who should know how to cook, Craig did a mighty job. Yes, yes, I did just make a joke about Craig being a woman. Thank God he doesn't have the anatomy to match. No one has been sick yet or complained about a bad stomach  - although Matty boy did pretend he was going to puke at the table which did not amuse me but all in all I think it's safe to assume that it's been a success. We'll see tomorrow when it's had time to process. Then I will be blaming Craig as it's been him kicking me out of the kitchen whilst he got on with everything. Not that I'm complaining, the wine has been going down rather nicely!

With all the plates piled on the kitchen island, we have all congregated back into the living room as Tammy and Danny are too impatient and want to exchange their Secret Santa's. All the presents are under our tree, everyone putting them there when they arrived. Before we agreed to do this, to make it more fun we told each other we wouldn't tell anyone who we had, letting each other guess before the spilling happened. This is where GCSE Drama comes into play and a poker face has to appear. I can't wait for Matt to open his. A certain package includes a boy band he despises...his face is going to be amazing. I grin to myself as I sit down beside Danny and I rest my head on his shoulder, wrapping my arm around his bicep. I smile across at Craig, who smiles back and rolls his eyes with a cock of his head from side to side. On one side of him he has Sophie who has planted her head on one shoulder and Joe on his other. Everyone just looks so content that I can't help but smile at our group – how far we have come since school despite neither group really meshing together until Rob and Kels started going out but we all get on so well. And with the extra addition of Tammy, Soph, Jamie and Joe, it's hard to think to a time where we weren't all together.

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