Read The Dark King Online

Authors: Jordan Summers

Tags: #Paranormal

The Dark King (8 page)

BOOK: The Dark King
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"Get up!" He demanded.

The bear grunted, but didn't move.

"I said, get up!" Pitticus kicked him in the ribs.

The bear groaned and rolled over onto his back. A swirl of light surrounded him. When the light faded, Cornelius was in his human form and the wounds he'd suffered in the fight had sealed. His jaw clenched as he glared at Pitticus, then he slowly struggled to his feet.

Taylor's heart was in her throat. She couldn't seem to take a deep breath without choking on it. She had no idea what was about to happen, but it didn't look good.

Cornelius swayed, but somehow managed to keep his feet under him. Pitticus pointed the sword tip at Cornelius's bloody chest. "Move!" he shouted.

Cornelius hesitated.

Pitticus drove the tip of the sword in just enough to draw fresh blood. "I said, move!" This time when he pushed the bear-shifter with the blade, Cornelius backed toward the fence surrounding the Pit.

"That's far enough," Pitticus said. "Now turn."

Cornelius looked as if he was about to resist, but the warning look he received from Pitticus seemed to change his mind. He slowly turned, leaving his back vulnerable to the Pitticus.

"Grab the fence," Pitticus said. He reached into a strange pouch attached to his loincloth and pulled out two lengths of rope.

Cornelius grasped the fence, his muscles flexing convulsively as he forced himself to hang on. Pitticus quickly secured his wrists to the fence.

Was he going to bind him and then kill him? The thought horrified Taylor. Hades had already unjustly accused her of trying to disrupt the fight. Well this time he’d have just cause. There was no way she would sit back and watch one man slaughter another. Taylor started to rise, but Hades quickly pulled her back down and gave her a quick jerk of his head to silence her.

The stench of the Phantoms’ depravity thickened the air. The smell of blood, sweat, and desperation gagged her. Taylor curled in upon herself unable to watch the carnage to come. She covered her eyes with her hands and waited for it to be over. Everyone around her seemed oblivious.

The crowd shouted, “Do it!” Their thunderous voices drowned out reason. They were barbarians, each and every one of them. Beasts in both their human and their Other form.

Taylor peeked between her clenched fingers. Perhaps watching with one eye would make what was about to occur somehow less horrifying, but she didn't think so. Pittacus slowly approached Cornelius with the sword in his hand. Taylor's heart lurched.

All the while the crowd droned on, hammering her eardrums with their ceaseless chants. Her stomach churned with acid threatening to ruin her new shoes. Beside her, Hades watched in eager anticipation.

Part of her was disappointed that he could be so blood thirsty, while another part was grateful that she was seeing him for who he truly was. It would make resisting her attraction to the King much easier.

Pitticus raised his sword. Taylor's stomach recoiled. With two quick slashes that seemed to arc like heat lightning, Cornelius' loincloth dropped to the ground, leaving him naked. The crowd roared in approval.

Taylor refused to voice her confusion. She'd already caused enough trouble in the stands. She had no idea what was going on. Was it tradition to strip someone of their clothes before you killed them? To humiliate the loser even more? If so, then this society was as messed up as Earth's and Taylor wasn't sure she wanted permission to stay.

Death awaited her, if she returned to Earth. The Russian mob would kill her on sight, but Taylor was beginning to think her chances of survival were greater with the mobsters. They may torture, but they didn't tend to humiliate their victims in the process.

Cornelius's muscled ass twitched from side-to-side as he tried to pull his hands free. Pitticus took his time loosening the ties of his own loincloth. He kept glancing at the crowd and grinning maniacally, which only seemed to urge them on.

The material finally slid down his long legs, revealing his hardening shaft. The crowd's applause became deafening and their chants turned into roars of encouragement. Everyone seemed glued to what was happening in the Pit. Taylor couldn't blame them. She couldn't seem to look away either.

Pitticus grasped his erect cock and began to stroke it. Juices pearled on the tip, but not enough to lubricate his thick length. He opened his mouth, revealing his fangs. Liquid shot out from the tips of his incisors, covering his shaft in shimmering moisture.

What was that?

"Venom," Hades answered her unvoiced question.

Taylor glanced at him, but he wasn't looking at her. He appeared to be speaking to Opal. Something twinged in her chest at the obvious intimacy the two shared. Taylor steadfastly ignored the unpleasant sensation and turned back to the spectacle before her.

Pitticus was an impressive man, in no way small and he seemed to be growing larger by the second. Taylor crossed and uncrossed her legs, shifting restlessly in her seat. She tried not to think about the venom or his dripping shaft.

When his cock couldn't get any harder, Pitticus approached Cornelius. "You led me on a merry chase, but now I have won fairly. You will surrender your ass to me and your body from this day forth."

His words carried over the din of the crowd. A slight tremor ran down Cornelius's spine and the muscles in his thighs twitched. Pitticus kicked Cornelius's legs wider, then positioned the head of his cock against the man's straining backside. He stroked a bloody hand over Cornelius's flank, leaving a streak of blood behind, then reached around and grasped Cornelius's balls, rolling them in his palm.

Cornelius jerked and his shaft grew. The strain on his face took on a look of eager anticipation. Pitticus cupped him roughly and Cornelius groaned. He wanted this. Wanted him. This wasn't an act of rape or humiliation. This wasn't punishment for losing. This was seduction, pure, simple and raw at its core. One man staking a carnal claim on another.

A flush of heat swallowed Taylor’s body in one insatiable gulp. She squeezed her thighs together to ease the sudden ache. Despite the prior carnage, she found herself growing wet and aroused. She glanced at Hades to make sure that he hadn't noticed. Fortunately, his eyes remained locked on the men. She cleared her throat and shifted again.

Pitticus gave Cornelius one final squeeze, which rung a moan from the bound man's throat, then rocked back and plunged his cock inside the warrior's tight butt. The ring of muscles gave way by force and determination. Cornelius's back bowed and he cried out, his legs giving way beneath him.

Before he fell, Pitticus caught him around the waist, holding him in place. His hips continued to rock, driving him deeper and deeper inside of Cornelius's willing body. Taylor's nipples hardened. Her breath sawed in and out of her lungs as the warriors fucked.

Her gaze strayed once more to Hades. Instead of watching the spectacle, his red-ringed eyes were now locked on her. His breathing had also deepened and a slight flush covered his cheeks. He inhaled and his nostrils flared as the musk from her arousal reached him.

Lust struck her hard and fast. Taylor’s body responded automatically. Her eyes drifted down of their own volition. A massive bulge filled the front of Hades' tight pants and seemed to grow under her perusal. Her gaze shot back to his face and she froze.

It was a purely instinctive action on her part. Something told Taylor if she moved, he'd be on her doing exactly what Pitticus was doing to Cornelius. And she wasn't altogether certain that she would stop him.

A bellow came from the Pit, echoing around the room. All eyes turned back in time to see Cornelius spill his seed onto the ground. Sweat covered their bodies, the strain showing in every fiber. Pitticus leaned his head back and his fangs appeared to grow even longer than before. His strong hands locked onto Cornelius's trim hips. He thrust twice more, then roared a second before he plunged his fangs into the bound man's neck.

His whole body shuddered as his hips cradled Cornelius's ass. Pitticus jerked once, his mouth still locked and sucking hard, then he slowly released the warrior and pulled out, his spent cock dripping with their shared juices. Pitticus reached for his sword and slashed the bindings holding Cornelius in place. The other man fell to his knees.

"Come." Pitticus wiped his bloody mouth with the back of his hand. "I am not nearly finished with you yet."

Cornelius looked shattered and...

Pitticus turned to the King. "I claim Cornelius as my mate from this day forth."

Hades glanced at Cornelius. "Any objections?"

The man slowly shook his head.

"Then your claim is accepted," Hades said. "Go forth and be happy."

Taylor really wanted to go back to her room now. She needed to be alone, so she could seek her own release. She didn't think she could take anymore 'fights' like this one without embarrassing herself.

"I don't understand," she said in way of a question.

Hades glanced at her. "It's simple. In the Pit everyone has a choice to either fuck the loser or kill them. Most fights end in death. In this case, Pitticus and Cornelius have been harboring a 'not-so-secret' attraction for each other, but were both too dominant and stubborn to act upon it. So Pitticus finally sent out a challenge. The fight took care of the dominant question and gave the men the relief they've been wanting for months."

"What about the venom?" Taylor asked.

"If used properly, it can work as a numbing agent," Hades said. "Did you think Pitticus fucked him to punish him?"

"I--." It was about the only syllable she could handle at present. Taylor had thought that and worse. She glanced over at Opal, whose small nipples were showing through her uniform. At least she and Hades weren't the only ones turned on. She was afraid to look in Perseus' direction. The tension in the room changed. Several of the warriors rushed out. She had a pretty good idea what they intended to do.

"I need to fuck," Hades said like someone saying 'I need a drink'. He looked at Taylor and waited.

Hades was temptation incarnate. Taylor had thought so the moment she had laid eyes on him. Her body thrummed with the need to say yes. But she couldn't act upon those instincts. Taylor had made many mistakes in her life. Almost all had started with her falling into bed with men too quickly. It gave them the wrong impression. Hell, it gave her the wrong impression.

There'd already been so many misunderstandings between her and Hades, which had to be a record of some kind, since she'd only arrived a few hours ago. If she accepted the King's unspoken invitation, it would just complicate matters. Worst yet, it would confirm his earlier beliefs about her. And contrary to what he might truly believe, she wasn't a whore.

She couldn't do it. No matter how bad she wanted to.

Taylor shook her head, not trusting herself to speak. The definitive movement ended the internal argument she'd been having and gave Hades his answer. This was her chance to start over, begin again, even if that meant giving up something she dearly desired.

Something dangerous flashed in Hades' eyes before it was carefully suppressed. Without a word, he reached over and grabbed Opal, pulling her to her feet.

"Come!" He hesitated, then glanced at Taylor as if she were an afterthought. "You, too." He glared at Perseus over her shoulder, all but daring him to speak, and waited for her to rise.

What did he mean by 'her too'? She'd told him no. Okay, so she hadn't actually said the word aloud, but she'd been clear. If he thought she was going to have a threesome with him, he was going to be a very disappointed King. Taylor wasn't sure how it worked here in Monster Kitty land. Just because she was a stripper didn't mean she was a

Hades walked away before she could set him straight. Taylor said her goodbyes to Perseus, and reluctantly followed the Dark King into one of the halls leading out of the Pit seating area. They weren't in plain view of the crowd, but they were by no means hidden. Anyone strolling down the hall would come upon them.

The King pushed Opal against the wall and stripped the lower half of her body bare. She made no move to stop him. Instead she eagerly spread her legs. Hades loosened his pants and pulled his cock out.

Taylor's mouth dropped open. No wonder Opal spread her legs so quickly. And like a fool, she'd turned him down. Taylor had been with men who were well endowed, but Hades made them seem inconsequential by comparison. He stroked himself, making his shaft harder and longer. She could do nothing but stare in envy.

There were no prelims. Hades simply positioned the head of his shaft at Opal's opening and parted her with one hard thrust. Taylor froze, suddenly unsure of what to do. A myriad of emotions churned inside of her. None of which were pleasant.

Why had he asked her to come along? Was he some kind of voyeur? Did he get off on other people watching him? Or had he asked her to follow so he could keep an eye on her?

Another thought struck, this one far more insidious. Was Hades punishing her because she'd said no?

Taylor didn't need a babysitter and she certainly wasn't about to volunteer to be an audience of one. If Hades' intent was to punish her, then he had succeeded. She'd seen enough to know that he'd haunt her dreams for the rest of her life. And worst yet, she still wanted the sexy bastard. There had to be something wrong with her.

She gave the rutting couple one final envious glance, intending to leave. She couldn't watch this, couldn't watch him. Not like this. Their eyes met. Hades' blue gaze trapped her. By sheer force of will, he kept Taylor from moving while he continued to fuck Opal. Taylor felt every thrust, every glide, every brush of his chest. And she hated him for making her want him even more.




Hades locked gazes with Taylor as he ripped open Opal's clothes to get quick access to her moist sex. And there was no doubt that she was wet. He could smell her ripening. Opal’s aroma wasn't nearly as sweet as the lush scent emanating from Taylor, but the female Earthling had turned him down.

BOOK: The Dark King
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