The Damascus Chronicles (39 page)

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Authors: Dominic R. Daniels

BOOK: The Damascus Chronicles
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The battle was over; the shadow agents were dead, and the poor, terrorized Police Commissioner had seen too much to tell.

The others landed their crafts and the military chopper to speak with the Commissioner, who was shaking from the trauma.

“Commissioner, you are all right,” said Serena, untying her.

“Who are you people? You saved my life and this city,” shivered Commissioner Hamilton.

“Our names are not important. Just remember that you were saved by the Denizens of the Night,” said Serena.

“Perhaps she should know, Serena, that my name is Damascus. You don’t remember me, Commissioner but remember this; you owe us your life,” said Michael before hopping climbing aboard the helicopter. The helicopter returned them back to a hidden airfield owned by Zoratus Enterprises. After landing, the Commissioner thanked Michael and his friends and promised to keep their secret.

The supernatural world would remain hidden from mortal men unless it wanted to make itself known. However, yet another an unknown terror waited.

Part Ten: The Final Confrontation
Chapter 60: An Old Score

Across town in an old rat-infested hideout where the train tracks met, Phillips sat in his moldy and torn chair smoking a cigarette, worried about what was happening on the streets. Sergio Garcia was with him. The two were hiding out from the cops, as they knew that the police were closing in on their trail.

“I don’t like it Garcia; the city has gone to hell, the boss is missing and we’re caught in this roach coach hellhole,” said Phillips.

“Shut up Rodney. The cops don’t have us yet, fuck those pigs!” Sergio was shining up his hunting knife and spitting on the dirty carpet.

“Turn on the tube. Maybe the news will say something,” said Phillips. Garcia turned on the TV that was on the old kitchen counter and they watched.

“This just in on our top story. Notorious mafia under boss Franco Scarfo was found dead at the bottom of the new Monolith Tower that has been under construction. For unknown reasons it appears that Scarfo was on the main floor of the building and may have jumped or fallen off by accident. Suicide is suspected. Police are underway with a full investigation. More information on this story as we bring you new developments. This is Mike Lee.”

The reporter was cut off by the remote in Garcia’s hand. “Seems like the boss had a fucking breakdown, or someone broke him,” said Garcia.

“Those fucking monsters! It had to be,” screamed Phillips.

“What do you want to do?” asked Garcia as he lit a cigar.

“We’re going to snuff out those fucks for good and blow up the Don’s main headquarters. Let’s kill them all,” said an insane Phillips.

“Send them all to hell. Then we’ll have the power in the city.” Garcia agreed and kicked over a crate that was filled with chemicals. Both of them began to create bombs and form a plan of attack.

Meanwhile, at the Terrace Tower, Damascus’ crew and the supernaturals met with Don Felice to update him on the situation.

“So how did everything go with the train yard job?” asked Don Felice, looking out his window at the city ravaged from the rioting.

“Couldn’t have gone better,” replied Jackie.

“We managed to wipe out Franco Scarfo’s thugs, save the train storehouses, and the merchandise within,” said Serena.

“Good, very good. I am very pleased with you all, especially with you, Michael,” said Don Felice lighting a cigarette.

“It’s wasn’t easy,” said Anthony.

“And now that reminds me, Michael, your money for this job.” Paulie brought over a briefcase that held the money.

“Oh, how I love the smell of fresh green in the air,” said Michael.

“Your business is appreciated,” said Don Felice.

“Always a pleasure, thank you both,” said Michael, shaking both men’s hands. He then turned around to his friends and crew and gathering some rubber bands from a little box on the Don’s desk, bound up sets of 100,000 dollars to pay his crew. “Michael, you’re a man of your word,” said Rocko.

“My word is my bond,” said Michael.

“Now then, ladies and gentlemen, what about the news on the Society and Franco. Has that asshole been taken care of? I need to know,” asked Don Felice.

“Yes, sir. The main members of the Dark Society have been killed,” said Michael.

“Good. What about that bastard Franco?” asked the Don.

“I personally took care of his ass, Don Felice; we’ll never see him again,” said Jackie. “Very good, that’s excellent news. Now that this chaos is over perhaps the city will return to somewhat normal. What about the other factions that were involved? Any other conspirators?” inquired the Don.

“The Mexicans, Russians, and Chinese wanted to stomp up us out,” said Michael.

“I thought so; we’ll take care of them soon enough. This war with the Scarfos has caused too much bloodshed already. It might be good for our families to try to rebuild our organizations instead of bickering, and especially rebuilding the district of the city that was destroyed. I’ll rebuild your club Michael, since you and your friends help saved our organization from destruction,” said Don Felice.

“Thanks,” said Michael, shaking the Don’s hand for such kindness.

“Now that the city is cooling down, I think I’ll set up a party for you all. It’s time to relax a little,” said the Don smiling.

“That would be nice, Don Felice. It’s going to be smooth sailing from here,” said Michael stretching his arms behind his head and smiling.

A rumbling came from nowhere as the building began to shake violently. Phillips and Garcia sat in a car not far away, releasing the switches on the remote bombs they had hidden in different parts of the building.

The sound of thunder shook throughout the whole infrastructure.

“Earthquake!” yelled Suki.

“No it’s a bomb,” said Serena, sensing the danger and feeling heat from the fires that had begun to flow through building. They all ran. “We’re trapped!” screamed Don Felice.

“Not for long, hang on!” yelled Suki enclosing them in a force field of protection and levitating them out of the building, smashing through the glass and floating over the city.

“What the fuck!” the Don screamed, terrified. “We’re safe in here Don Felice. Everyone in the room is here,” Michael reassured the Don as they floated farther away from the tower. They saw the place blow apart and start to collapse as explosion after explosion erupted. The building came crashing to the ground, completely destroyed. “You there honey, bring us to that rooftop, land this thing there,” said Paulie, pointing. “Suki,” she corrected as she landed the floating sphere on a nearby rooftop .

Everyone was shaken by what had happened. “I thought you took care of everything,” said Don Felice, traumatized.

“I did; we left no one alive, I’m sure of it,” said Michael.

“There’s only one person who could have done this. Phillips, that’s who!” exclaimed Serena.

“Find him and whoever may have helped him, and kill them. Chances are, they’ll try again. We had many good people who worked in that building, and look, the media is already arriving,” ordered the Don.

“You don’t have to ask twice,” said Michael.

On the ground, news crews were reporting on the devastation.

“Where are you going?” Jackie asked the Don. “Paulie will inform Godfather Scarfo of the situation and I will be taken to his safe house,” said Don Felice. “You all be careful.”

Chapter 61: Running Fever

On the ground below, Phillips and Garcia escaped from the destruction, laughing. “We fucking did it, hehaheehaha! This town is ours!” laughed Phillips wickedly.

“Now that the Santerinis are out of the way we can route their shipments of cocaine with ours from Spain. This city will become a great mecca for our distribution in the states,” said Garcia confidently, lighting up a cigarette while driving. “You think the other crime syndicates will be on us?” asked Phillips.

“Nah! Holy shit!” screamed Garcia as a large thump was heard on the car’s roof.

“What the hell was that!” exclaimed Phillips as he slowly turned to look out his window. A large fist smashed in his teeth.

“Fuck!” screamed Garcia as he saw Serena and Michael on top of the car in the left side rearview mirror. Serena smashed in the back window, trying to get in to disable Garcia. Grabbing a knife he stabbed her in the leg, causing her to lose her footing and fly off onto the street; blood spurted on the windshield. Michael smiled an evil grin as he was upside down looking through the front windshield, punching it open with his fist and grabbing the wheel by force, trying to crash Phillips and Garcia.

“Fuck off vampire bitch!” cursed Phillips spitting up a shot of blood while shooting Michael in the chest with his pistol. Michael fired a tracer dart on the edge of the car before he fell off. The car escaped into the city. “What the fuck! What the fucking hell was that!” screamed Garcia, still driving.

“Fucking Damascus! Jubel failed. That freak Reynard Desbode failed,” spat Phillips.

“Look, I don’t give a shit who it was. Let’s just get the hell out of here!” yelled Garcia. “Fine. There’s a small plane at the airfield,” said Phillips, trying to keep it together.

“You okay?” asked Michael back on the streets as he managed to catch up with the wounded Serena. “I’m fine,” she replied. Her wounds were rapidly healing, as were Michael’s. “Damn bastards got away.”

“Well, at least we spotted them on the rooftops,” said Michael pulling out a tracking device that Rocko had given to him.

“They’re heading to the airfield, probably to escape,” said Serena.

“Contact the others through telepathy,” said Michael, catching his breath.

Serena contacted the other supernaturals and told them to meet them at the airfield to close in on the attack. “Julius, we need air support at once,” said Serena via telepathy.

“I know. Rocko, prepare the mini bombers,” ordered Julius to Rocko where they were in the main underground hanger checking over equipment.

“Roger, chief,” said Rocko, setting up the bombers as he and the other supernaturals took off, flying to the airfield to rendezvous with Michael and Serena.

“Ready to rock baby!” said Michael as he loaded his machine gun with a fresh clip, smelling the lead.

“Ready as I’ll ever be.” Serena reloaded her gun; they were looking for a car to steal to catch up with Phillips.

Without warning they were spotted by Rocko and the others, who set down the mini bomber jet cycles. “You two need a lift?” Rocko asked.

“What took you so long?” said Michael as he and Serena hopped on.

“We had to fuel up,” explained Rocko.

“Where’s Phillips?” asked Darius who was with Marianna and Suki who were silent.

“At the old airfield. It’s been closed for years,” said Michael.

“What are we waiting for let’s go!” said Suki.

“Copy that,” said Marianna. They took off to engage the prey. The supernaturals closed in just as Garcia and Phillips made their way to the plane. “Fuck! They’re here!” screamed Garcia.

“Just don’t stand there, shoot them!” yelled Phillips as the two unloaded bullets at the incoming bombers that were ready to strike.

“ Black Devils come in! Get your asses here! We got company!” yelled Garcia on his communicator. Black Devil Society terrorists in rows arrived on the scene from the hangar, firing away at the jets as they closed in.

“Evasive action! Evasive action!” yelled Michael as he and the others led evasive maneuvers away from the incoming projectiles.

“Destroy the plane!” ordered Serena as she fired a missile that blew the plane to scrap metal.

“No!” screamed Phillips.

“Kill them!” screamed Garcia as they shot back, evading the explosion.

“Retreat! Retreat!” yelled Garcia as he and Phillips got in a back-up getaway car.

“Drive!” screamed Phillips as Garcia sped off. Phillips pulled out a M60 machine gun from underneath the floorboard and blasted the gun back at the supernaturals that were still firing away. “Black Devils! Get your asses here and follow our lead!” yelled Garcia over his intercom in the car. “Yes sir,” reported the terrorist in one of the jeeps.

“Draw their fire and send them to hell!” ordered Garcia as he sped off into the city’s abandoned rock quarry that was just around the bend.

“Fire!” ordered Darius as he and the others blasted the jeeps, destroying them and killing the terrorist goons.

“Let’s get out of here! Now!” screamed Phillips as Garcia hit the gas to evade the attack. They escaped, releasing bombs that blew up and exploded with light that blinded the supernaturals, causing them to crash.

“Jump all of you!” screamed Michael as they ejected from the bombers as exploded. All landed safely on the ground. They were in good shape except for Rocko, who had broken many bones.

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