The Cupcake Diaries: Sweet On You (5 page)

BOOK: The Cupcake Diaries: Sweet On You
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“Wait until you see the inside,” Kim said, her face aglow. “There’s already a kitchen
and a big marble customer counter, tables, and chairs. The previous tenant left a
lot of equipment behind that the building owner said we could use.”

“Sorry I didn’t tell you about this when Kim called me away from lunch,” Rachel whispered
against Andi’s ear. “I thought you’d like the chance to stay and get to know Jake.
Am I right?”

Jake had driven her to the shop in his shiny blue convertible Mazda Miata and stood
inside the doorway, talking with the owner of the building about the lease.

“I forgive you,” Andi told Rachel with a smile, “but no more secrets.” Next she turned
toward her sister. “Kim, how did you find this place?”

“The tattoo guy I met at the bank said he had a shop on Marine Drive. I tried to find
it to see more of his designs but found this place instead. The owner of the building
was cleaning out the inside for a new tenant, and I asked him about renting the space
to us. Come take a look.”

Kim led the way, swinging her slender arms with a flourish while pointing to all the
interior walls. “My paintings can decorate the shop and be available for purchase
at the same time. It really will be like having my own art gallery.”

Andi had never seen her quiet, aloof sister so animated.

She had to admit the excitement was contagious. Her heart skipped a beat the moment
she stepped into the spacious adjoining kitchen and opened all the cupboards and drawers.
Her resolve to make Creative Cupcakes a success grew stronger with every passing moment,
and her hope for the future soared.

Once the beer advertisements were taken down and the shop was cleaned up and painted,
it would be perfect. They could redecorate with sheer pink curtains, install glass
display cases, and line the whole back countertop with cupcake boxes.

A wide door toward the back of the room piqued her interest, and she flung it open.
“What’s this?”

Her loud audible gasp brought Rachel, Kim, Jake, and the building owner to her side.

Kim’s mouth popped open. “It’s the tattoo parlor!”

Andi stared at the tattoo patterns pasted to the walls, the dentist-style chairs,
and the tattoo guns, needles, and colorful tubes of ink next to the jar of Vaseline
on the back table.

“He’s on vacation this week,” the building owner told them.

“His door connects to this shop?” Jake asked with a look of concern.

The building owner nodded, and Andi glanced at the others’ faces. Each of them displayed
different shades of unspoken doubt.

“No wonder I couldn’t find the shop earlier,” Kim said, her eyes growing wide. “I
didn’t think to look behind the building.”

“Cupcakes and tattoos do not mix!” Andi exclaimed, imagining her father’s reaction
if he found out.

Rachel patted her arm and stuck her head farther into the dim back room. “It isn’t
as bad as you think. The tattoo shop has its own side door.”

“His customers can also come through our section in the front,” Andi said apprehensively,
“and scare everyone away.”

“A tattoo shop wouldn’t scare me away,” Rachel argued. “What do you have against tattoos?”

“Tattoo parlors are not kid friendly and family oriented. Do you think I want Mia
hanging out with a bunch of black-leather, bald-headed bikers with inked-up skin?”

“Not everyone with a tattoo wears black leather,” Rachel teased. “I bet in a month’s
time little Mia and the tattoo artist will become great friends.”

“He’s an artist, I’m an artist, and baking is an art form, too,” Kim added. “As fellow
artists, I think we should stick together and find a way to work this out.”

“Jake?” Andi asked. “What do you think?”

“Every business venture includes a certain amount of risk,” he said, looking her in
the eye. “But the front of the building
the ideal space for a cupcake shop, and you can’t beat the location.”

Andi looked out the large front windows to the tall steel girder trusses of Astoria’s
biggest attraction, the Astoria−Megler Bridge, the longest continuous truss bridge
in North America. Below, the glistening water of the Columbia River beckoned and would
offer an amazing view to their customers, especially if they were tourists.

She glanced at Rachel and Kim, and they both nodded.

“Okay,” Andi said, replacing her reservations with a rueful grin. “Let’s talk business.”

after going over the fine details with Jake and the building owner, Andi added her
signature below everyone else’s on the lease agreement. She couldn’t be certain which
excited her more: opening her own cupcake shop or the fact she’d see their new partner,
Jake, on a daily basis.

While Rachel and Kim checked out more of the kitchen, Andi swooped around the large
front marble counter. “Can I take your order, please?”

Jake took a stool on the opposite side reserved for customers. “I’ll take a hot fudge
sundae cupcake with spicy dark chocolate frosting and chocolate sprinkles. My new
girlfriend loves chocolate.”

“Girlfriend?” Andi arched an eyebrow. “I didn’t know you had a girlfriend.”

“Well, she hasn’t given me her phone number yet,” Jake said, a glint in his eye, “but
I’m hoping she will, once she figures out if we should date or not.”

Andi smiled and averted her gaze. “My phone number is on your copy of the business
papers we signed.”

“I know, but it’s not the same. If
give it to me, I’ll know it’s okay to call to ask you out.”

“You can call,” she said, her voice wavering, “but . . . let’s see how we all work
together first.”

Jake studied her a moment, and a solemn expression crossed over his face. “Does the
word ‘date’ scare you, Andi?”

“It does.” Heat rose into her cheeks, and she gave a little high-pitched laugh. “I
haven’t ‘
’ since my divorce.”

Jake circled around the marble counter to stand by her side. “How about we meet here
Saturday night, say it’s a business meeting, and order pizza?”

Andi looked up into his warm eyes, and her heart leaped in her chest. “Okay.”

“Okay?” Jake said and grinned.

“Yes. Oh, Jake, can you believe it? Our very own cupcake shop!” Andi spread her arms
wide and twirled around.

Jake caught her hand in his and gave her a couple of extra twirls. “With a kitchen
big enough to dance in.”

“Thank you for helping us,” Andi said, coming to a stop in his arms and resting her
hands on his chest. “I won’t let you down. I plan to make this shop a huge success.”

“Don’t you mean ‘we’?”

“Of course.
will make the shop a success.” With her spirits soaring higher than they had in days,
Andi tore a slip of paper from the Cupcake Diary, wrote down her phone number, and
pressed it into his hand. “See you Saturday, Jake.”

Kim worked long hours over the next seven days to clean, paint, decorate, and prepare
Creative Cupcakes for customers. Lucky for them the shop had come with much of the
furnishings, and Andi had already spent years perfecting baking methods and testing
recipes. Jake purchased an industrial mixer and glass display case from a restaurant
supplier, Rachel discovered the perfect website from which to order pink personalized
cupcake boxes, and Kim practiced her artistic skills with frosting.

Mia helped in the mornings, as much as a five-year-old could, then Andi would put
her on the bus for afternoon kindergarten and work some more before the bus dropped
her daughter back off again. Heather took Mia home early and helped put her to bed.
But Andi stayed into the evening, when Jake would arrive and do what he could to lend
a hand.

This week Mia had off from school for spring break and sat quietly at one of the shop’s
round white dining tables coloring with crayons in one of her Disney cartoon books.

“This was Mom’s recipe,” Andi said, showing Rachel and Kim how to mix the ingredients
for lemon-coconut cupcakes. “Do you think our shop menu should start with twelve different

Kim added the last cup of sugar to the bowl. “No more than that or we’ll get overwhelmed.”

“How early do you think we’ll have to get up in the morning to start baking every
day?” Rachel asked, leaning against the counter full of flour, sugar, eggs, butter,
brown sugar, coconut, and vanilla.

Andi laughed. “Earlier than
used to.”

She turned on the electric mixer, and the buzz of the swirling beaters deafened their
ears for several long minutes. Then Andi shut off the machine and filled the individual
cups of the baking tray with the yellow batter. She’d insisted on buying the thicker
cupcake wrappers, even though they cost more, to keep the edges of the cupcakes straight
and sturdy. Seemed like a good choice.

“What I want to know,” Rachel said, her full red lips curving up into a devious smile,
“is if it was a business meeting, then why weren’t Kim and I invited?”

Andi flushed, thinking of her night at the cupcake shop with Jake. They’d talked and
talked, ordered pizza, baked a batch of cupcakes, and talked a whole lot more. She
evaded her friend’s question and instead replied, “Jake found a supplier who sells
second-hand baking equipment for half price. Isn’t that nice?”

“The tattoo artist is nice,” Kim said, gathering some of the used bowls, measuring
cups, and spoons and depositing them into the sink. “His name is Guy.”

Rachel laughed. “A nice Guy?”

The back door connecting the cupcake shop with the tattoo parlor burst open, and a
large dark-haired man, wearing a ripped denim vest and a wild look in his eye, ran
into the room. Two uniformed cops chased behind him, the larger one knocking the man
to the floor face down, and locking metal cuffs on him behind his back.

Mia screamed, and Andi flew to her daughter and swept her up in her arms.

“You didn’t even let Guy finish,” the arrested man complained, as the two police officers
pulled him from the floor to his feet.

The officer who’d knocked him down said, “Tough.”

Rachel gasped. “You’re the same cop who wrote me the parking ticket!”

The big square-jawed cop with short sandy hair who reminded Andi of a Rock ’em Sock
’em Robot glanced toward her friend and nodded. “Good to see you.”

Rachel frowned. “Wish I could say the same.”

After the two officers escorted the man from the building, Andi released her daughter
and opened the Cupcake Diary on the counter of their new cupcake shop. Clenching her
teeth, her shaky fingers picked up a pen and wrote:

Never rush into a commitment.

“Andi, don’t say it,” Kim warned, holding up her hand. “I admit maybe we should have
taken more time to think about the decision to open our shop next to the tattoo parlor.”

“Too late now,” Rachel said, wincing. “We already signed the lease.”

Andi groaned. “This is a disaster!”

“There’s more bad news.” Rachel held up her cell phone to show them her latest phone
message. “The health inspector can’t come and approve the kitchen until the end of
the month.”

Andi’s thoughts shot to her Victorian cottage on the hill. “That means we won’t be
open in time to make a profit to help me pay my rent.”

“I can help.”

Andi turned around to find the white-ponytailed tattoo artist, inked with designs
from the neck down, standing behind her, and she jumped with a start. “I didn’t see

He grinned and revealed a gaping hole where his left canine tooth was missing. “Sorry.
They say I move quiet as a ghost through walls.”

“That’s supposed to make me feel better?” she asked.

“No, maybe not. But if I get the health department to move up your inspection date,
would you accept that as an apology for my customer and his uniformed friends’ intrusion?”

Andi didn’t know what to say, but Rachel and Kim agreed, and Guy went off to make
the call.

“Maybe one of the health inspectors is a client of his,” Kim whispered. “Maybe he’s
calling in a favor.”

“Someone he knows well enough to bribe?” Rachel added. “Someone with a dirty little
secret to hide?”

Andi exchanged a dire look with her now wide-eyed friend and then her pale-faced sister.
“Maybe we don’t want to know.”

Guy walked back toward them and handed the phone to Andi. “It’s all set for noon tomorrow.
She wants to talk to you to confirm.”


“My cousin,” he said, waving to Mia, who peeked at him timidly from around the end
of the counter. “She’s one of the local health inspectors and a struggling mom trying
to make ends meet. Just like you. She agreed to come on her lunch hour if we provide
the lunch.”

Andi tried not to let her mouth fall open. “She—your cousin—she did?”

“Thank you, Guy,” Kim said, shaking his hand. “We are all so glad we’re going to be
your next-door neighbors, aren’t we, girls?”

Rachel nodded, and Andi had to agree. “Glad to have you with us, Guy.”


Chapter Six

Recipe for Success: let your dream rise above your fear of failure.

—Jake Hartman, cupcake critic

a little sway as she push-pinned the Creative Cupcakes business license to the front
wall of the shop. True to his word, Guy’s cousin had moved up their health department
inspection and given the shop county approval to open for business.

Next, Andi turned to the page in the Cupcake Diary where she’d pasted a recipe for
strawberry milkshake cupcakes and found a handwritten note from Rachel.

I changed the oven temperature to 350° on the last batch. See if you notice a difference.

P.S. Jake wanted to know your favorite color, and I said yellow. Was I right? I bet
you get a bouquet of yellow roses. Or tulips. Tulips are in season for Easter. So
are daffodils. What a guy! Can you ask him if he has any good-looking single friends?

BOOK: The Cupcake Diaries: Sweet On You
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