The Culture of Fear (56 page)

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Authors: Barry Glassner

BOOK: The Culture of Fear
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panic about
USA Patriot Act
USA Today
on aviation safety
on battered husbands
on child abductions
on elderly/crime
on heroin
on indiscriminate victimization
on Internet addiction
on Kubeck
on NAS
on road rage
on Rohypnol
on teen gambling
on teen violence
on unwed fathers
Usenet groups, pornographic pictures on
Vaccine Injury Compensation Program
metaphoric illnesses and
scare about
ValuJet crash
counterfeit parts and
coverage for
safety violations and
Vanished Children’s Alliance
Vera, Hernan on black anti-Semitism
on Shakur
black/white portrayal of
Vietnam Syndrome
Village Voice
on black/white shootings
on Muhammad
on TWA Flight 800 crash
in advertisements
potential for
real life/television compared
Violent crimes
elderly and
Virginia Tech shootings
Wagner, Edward on MCS
Wakefield, Andrew
Wald, Matthew
Wall Street Journal
on child abductions
on gun control
on PC, 11
on ValuJet crash
on workplace violence
Walsh, Adam
Walsh, John
on Ramsey murder
Walters, Barbara
Clinton interview by
War of the Worlds
(Wells), radio adaptation of
Warren, Jerry
Koontz and
Washburn, Jennifer on women/medical devices
Washington Monthly,
on aviation safety
on aviation safety
on battered husbands
on breast cancer/abortions
on child abduction
on crack babies
on drug abuse
on elderly/crime
on Fisher
on GWS
on Halloween crimes
on Homeland Security warnings
on illegitimacy
on MCS
on Muhammad
on pharmacist errors
on Riggs murder
on Shakur death
Weapons of mass destruction (WMD)
Welles, Orson
Wells, H. G.
Werner, Eddie murder of
White males, delegitimation/demonization of
Whitestone, Heather
White women
murder rate for
rapes of
Wildmon, Donald anti-Semitism of
Will, George
on rap lyrics
Williams, Hank Jr. violent lyrics by
Williams, Walter on PC,
Wilson, John NAS and
Wilson, Nona Thorpe and
Wilson, Pete
Winfrey, Oprah
road rage and
Wolfowitz, Paul
Wooden, Kenneth mock abductions by
Workplace health/safety issues, coverage of
World Trade Center attacks. See September 11, 2001
Wren, Christopher on heroin scare
Young, Sacret on GWS
Internet addiction and
Young, Neil violent lyrics by
Young, Steve on child abduction
You Tube
Zimmermann, Susan breast implants and
Copyright © 1999 by Barry Glassner.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. For information, address Basic Books, 387 Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10016-8810.
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eISBN : 978-0-465-00443-0

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