The Cover Model (10 page)

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Authors: Cheyenne Meadows

Tags: #contemporary comedy sensual romance

BOOK: The Cover Model
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Mitch whapped her on the back. "Okay?"

She nodded, sucking in a much-needed breath. "Thanks." The word croaked out.

Good grief.
Fancy swallowed hard and resisted the urge to fan herself.
I've lost my ever-loving mind.
Maybe the full moon that prompted others to go crazy instead pushed her horny buttons? Or perhaps, Mitch's lust proved contagious through physical contact. She held his hand, allowing the tiny molecules of lust essence to leave his pores, sit on his skin, in order to transmit onto her hand and enter through the microscopic openings. They then congregated, congealed, and made a fast-track straight to her brain. Why else would she sit in a hotel in the middle of Seattle on vacation, listening to an older lady read about kinky fornication while sitting next to a gorgeous man whose high-decibel sex performance kept her up the first night of her stay. The cause boiled down to either Mitch or she fell down a rabbit hole at some point. Fancy would lay bets on the hunky man next to her.

So much for her fantasy of spending the evening recalling her childhood, listening to a master storyteller weave stories of ducks, kittens, and puppies as they found adventure and trouble, coming through unscathed with the happy ending.

Just when the scene reached a high point, or in Fancy's opinion, a particularly embarrassing and astounding scenario, the lady closed the book, grinning wickedly at the small audience.

"If you want to know more, you'll have to pick up a copy."

A few murmurs of frustration and discontent carried across the now silent room. The author waved them off. "I know at least a couple of the tables in the lobby have copies. Feel free to stop by." With a wink, she stood and walked to the side of the room, whispering to another lady in the wings.

"Definitely evil." Mitch swiveled to look at her. "Either she'll incite a mass scramble for the tables to buy a copy or the ladies will march on the town, searching for a hot playmate to spend the night with."

Fancy blinked at him, not certain what to add to his line of conversation that wouldn't encourage him or embarrass her any more than she'd already experienced.

"So what do you think so far?"

"It's… it's… interesting." What could she say?
Bondage is the way to go? Take me to your room and tie me up?
A shudder coursed through her body at the thought. No restraints in her future. Nope.

He grinned in mischief. "Not a kinky bone in your body, huh?"

"Not that I know of. I take it you have one?"

"Oh, yeah. A big one."

She sputtered once more. Unsure exactly what he meant, she clamped her mouth shut and refrained from asking. Without a doubt, she had reached her allotted level of mortification for one night already.

"If everyone will take their seats, we'll move on to our next author presenter."

Some of the previous attendees left, leaving several vacant places in their wake. Without the crowd, the remaining few spread out.

Grateful for the interruption, Fancy wiggled on the sofa, adjusting for comfort. Mitch wrapped an arm around her middle, twisted to the side, and pulled her to recline against his broad chest. She opened her mouth to protest but quickly changed her mind. His conditioned muscles provided a lush surface, warm and cozy, which drew her in, providing serenity and security. Giving in this one time, she relaxed into his body, sighing in contentment.

Chapter 15

The next morning, Darla walked into the sex shop, noticing a bored-looking salesperson and a room full of anything and everything a person could want for their bedroom play. The lack of other customers only added icing to her cake. Glancing around, she marched straight to the back, checking out the more risqué bondage devices.

Oh my.
Her mouth began to water as she spied all sorts of toys she'd love to use on Mitch. Restraints first. Handcuffs or leather? She couldn't decide but knew they had to be stout. Her big man wouldn't like being tied down and would certainly struggle to get free. She couldn't have that, not when she had hours and hours planned for them. A short riding crop caught her attention, sending a thrill throughout her body. Bad boys did need to be punished, after all. Taking the whip in hand, she ran her fingers over the leather, checking out the sturdiness. Nah. She didn't want to leave marks on his perfect body. Slipping the item back in the holder, she stepped to her left.

A ball gag dangled from a hook. She pondered the idea before quickly discarding the need to mute his words. No way did she want to muffle Mitch as he begged her to let him come, to drop her body on his, to take his large cock deep inside. Her breathing caught at just the image.

"Can I help you?" The salesperson, a middle-aged woman, strode over.

Darla glanced at her, then back to the wall of beautiful bondage equipment. "Actually, I was considering tying my husband down to the bed. Can you tell me which of these might be best?" She pointed to the row directly in front of her.

"Well, it depends upon how comfortable you and your husband are with the notion. For beginners, I usually recommend something light like scarves, which can be torn and have more slack, giving the person a feeling of more control. They aren't nearly as intimidating as the others. The handcuffs and leather restraints are more for the seasoned couple with definite interest and high trust levels."

Darla nodded and fingered the black leather. "Oh, he's really into this."

"Just remember with the handcuffs, you have to have the key. Lose it, and there might be an embarrassing call to make. The leathers are simple enough to apply but quite sturdy. And they don't leave marks like the handcuffs do."

Bingo. Sturdy and non-marking. Darla plucked the black leather restraints off the hook. "What about the feet?"

The woman didn't even blink. "Right below on the bottom shelf."

Grabbing up her needed equipment, Darla glanced through the section once more, impulsively snatching a pair of handcuffs as well. She stared at her goodies, then at the dozens of remaining options, sighing with longing. Oh, well. Perhaps another time. Right now, she needed to focus on Mitch.

Catch him in his room, make him tie himself down as much as possible. She could finish the act. Then he would be at her mercy for as long as she wanted. Gleefully, she pictured all the ways she could take him. They'd be somewhat limited with his spread-eagle position, but no matter. She could ride him until the cows came home. Make him come, then lick him back to hardness once again. Make him lick her, then settle over his erection for another turn in the saddle. Over and over again. She wouldn't stop until she lacked the energy to lift a single muscle.

Finally, after years of adoration, Mitch would be hers.

Chapter 16

Trotting over to a familiar table, Fancy grinned at Molly. "How's business today?"

Molly smiled in return. "Not too bad. It's been steady all day." The older woman pinned her gaze. "How's Mitch?"

Fancy's face heated slightly. "Umm. I guess okay. I haven't seen him today." Not that she didn't look for him on her way downstairs, in the cafeteria, even listened for him moving about his room.
Oh, good grief, Fancy, you've got it bad.
When her previously dormant libido decided to kick in, the silly mechanism decided to make up for lost time.

Even after yesterday's debacle of him hitting on Darla in the elevator, she still couldn't wipe him completely from her thoughts. Not when he'd tracked her down and sincerely asked her to give him one more chance. His body language and face had vouched he spoke the truth. Her gut agreed. She'd not been sorry so far.

"Fancy? Earth to Fancy." Molly waved her hand in front of Fancy's face.

"Oh, sorry. I got distracted."

Molly tittered. "I know exactly who has you so distracted."

Fancy sighed. She brimmed with questions, concerns, and had no one to share her complicated situation with. Molly seemed like a quality person and reminded her somewhat of a mothering type.

Sucking in a breath, Fancy blurted out her worries. "You're right. I like him. A lot. It's just he's this big-name cover model. Gorgeous. Successful. Heck, every woman would love to garner his attention."

"True. So what's the problem?" Molly glanced around the quickly thinning room and plopped down, patting the seat next to her.

"Why me?" Fancy took the offered chair. "I'm plain, inexperienced, and so far removed from his kind of life I'd probably qualify as an alien."

Molly chuckled and shook her head. "Oh, dear. You don't see it, do you?"

"See what?"

"You're different than the rest. Pretty, smart, working on making the world a better place. You have something to offer that those other women can't touch with a stick."

Fancy tilted her head in puzzlement.

"You've got backbone and integrity. Self-respect."

She frowned. "Are you saying those other women don't?"

Molly waved her hand. "Listen to me, girl. I've been around these conventions for years. Seen all kinds. I can tell you this; those starving models with the bought boobs can't keep Mitch's interest. Sure, they might provide for one night of entertainment. Might even appear in some pictures, but that man needs more substance. More brains and less cleavage. If you know what I mean."

Glimpsing the turnstile display a few feet away, Fancy found an image of Mitch staring back at her. "I thought all men wanted a trophy wife and hot sex."

Waving at a passer-by, Molly turned her attention back to the topic at hand. "That's just their dick talking."

Fancy choked at the woman's abrupt words, earning a sharp whap to the back. By the time she cleared the obstruction, Molly prattled on. "A smart man, a true man, wants more than sex on a stick."

"What if I can't live up to Mitch's standards?" Fancy worried her lip.

"Honey, I saw the look on that man's face when he stared at you. Trust me, you more than make the grade."

Fancy nodded slowly. "There was this incident yesterday where he went off with another woman. He said it was meaningless and for a greater good, but it stung. How do I trust him again? How do I know he's not just using me?"

Molly studied her for a long moment. "First of all, why would he use you? What would he use you for? I can tell right now you two haven't tried out the springs in the hotel bed yet. As far as I can see, the idea of him using you simply doesn't float." She looked away, then back. "Trust is earned, you know that. Go with the flow and see where this road leads. Follow your heart."

A customer approached. Molly stood up and began speaking, answering questions about her unusual items.

For a long moment, Fancy considered the other woman's words, found her advice sound, and most of her worries evaporated like a rain puddle in the Sahara.
What do I have to lose?
It's not like another opportunity like this will arise next week. Heck, in her twenty-five years, she'd never stumbled across a similar situation. The handful of dates in college turned out to be either boring or deceitful, the men focused on their present lives full of partying and chasing women or too distracted by other women at the time to pay her much attention. None of them compelled her to strip, jump on a hotel bed, and hop on board a male in his prime for a long, sensual, wicked ride like Mitch did.

Mitch. Once again she stared at the book cover and pondered. Two more days to enjoy, free of work and obligations. Time to let her hair down, explore a new world, and actually have fun before the fairy tale ended and reality reared its ugly head.

"So what did you decide, dear?" Molly sat back down.

Fancy smiled. "I've always wanted to be a princess, and I hear this place is magical."

Molly grinned. "You just have to believe, Fancy."

Reaching over, Fancy hugged the woman. "Thank you." She stood up. "You'd make an excellent fairy godmother."

The older lady's eyes sparkled with happiness. "I'd like to think so."

Chapter 17

"Thank you. I hope you enjoy them."

Fancy grinned at the young woman, collected her bag full of paperback books, and continued to meander around the tables. After visiting with Molly, she decided to let go today, enjoy herself, and see what the day might bring. Her first stop included shopping through all the wares on display in the main lobby.

Finding the end table, she paused, her mouth falling open at the molded chocolate in the shape of both male and female parts.

"Find something interesting?"

Mitch's voice, whispered directly in her ear, startled her. She jumped and spun around, bumping into his strong body. He steadied her but kept his arms loosely wrapped around her waist.

Checking out his clothes, Fancy blinked. He wore painted-on leather pants, which gave everyone a graphic hint at all his endowments, leather boots, and a tight, form-fitting shirt he'd have to surely peel off later. Staring at his pants, she couldn't quite kick her brain into gear.

"Codpiece or sock?" The question slipped out unbidden.

He chuckled, leaned down, and nuzzled her ear. "Neither. That bulge is all me, baby."

She gasped as he nibbled on her earlobe, the simple act sending her stomach into a wonderful, slow somersault. Her libido sat up at attention, demanding she see the evidence for herself. Just before she turned to putty in his arms, Fancy heard the loud whispers filled with Mitch's name.

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