The Copper Horse #1 Fear (28 page)

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Authors: K.A. Merikan

BOOK: The Copper Horse #1 Fear
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Erik groaned, his hands tight on Reuben's body as he entered it over and over again, the friction making Reuben lightheaded. He rested his cheek on the padding, letting most of his weight rely on the thick log that was now completely immobile, making it easier for Reuben to answer his master's thrusts. He felt both hot and dizzy with the burning sensation spreading throughout his entire body. Fresh air felt soothingly cool on his skin. The smell of grass, combined with leather and sweat, only added to his excitement as Erik's scrotum slapped against his buttocks with every thrust. His own balls were tightening up, his cock as stiff as the log he was attached to. If he only could stroke himself a few times, he'd be spurting gallons.

Reuben groaned, trying to get some attention, but his master was too far gone to notice, quickening his pace with every second. It felt as if each movement of Erik's stiff cock made his hole burn, and he shook with the sheer emotion of it.

Erik's completion was marked by a heavy groan as he lined up his whole body against Reuben's, still buried deep inside of him.

Reuben could barely breathe, especially since his focus was desperately shifting between fantasizing about the spunk that was filling him and his own rock-hard cock. Erik let out several controlled breaths before slowly withdrawing his cock, and he immediately replaced it with a rubber plug, effectively locking his spill inside.

"How do you like your second tail, Copper?" Erik stroked his heated skin with fingers that were still a bit shaky.

Reuben just bowed his head, thrusting his hips uselessly in the air, too excited to control his own lust. His hole felt tight around the tail, which was yet another titillation, not good enough to get him off, but not annoying enough to stop his excitement.

"Such a poor thing." Erik bit into his ear, his palms continuing their journey across Reuben's back. "So sweaty and dirty."

Reuben moaned once more and shuddered at the thought that he was at Erik's mercy. His owner could just leave him like this, with no satisfaction. The phallus teased his insides, making it even harder to calm down.

Erik finally let go of him and walked to the other side of the log to face Reuben with a satisfied smile. He slid his fingers up the sides of Reuben's head, and when their lips met, all Reuben could do was let out a wail of need. He tried to rub against his master, but the machine prevented him from getting close enough. Judging from the intense heat he felt in his face and chest, he had to be as red as a cherry by now.

"We need to take care of this." Erik started unbuckling the straps securing Reuben's arms to the log. "But for now, I want you to stay still. Can you do that for me?" he asked with a small smile.

Reuben's shoulders tensed up and he looked at Erik for guidance. All he wanted was to get off.
He moaned once more through the bit, nervously shifting his hips. The plug was driving him mad and what was even worse, making his cock drip each time it brushed against his sweet spot. He kept fantasizing about a hand on his cock, but didn't attempt to disobey when Erik let one of his arms free to buckle his wrist to the cuff on his thigh and then repeat the process with his other hand. Using the reins, Erik gently led him toward the pen Reuben had noticed earlier that day.

The phallus in his hole was longer than usual and it kept teasing his insides. He was so excited that it was hard to walk, and he almost regretted not even trying to get off. It wouldn't take him long for sure. The day's work was also taking its toll on him, so he hoped trotting somewhere wasn't Erik's idea of a fun evening. Thankfully, it seemed that his master wanted to tie him to the wall, much like he had during their sessions in the last few days. Knowing he might be satisfied sooner if he behaved, Reuben did exactly what was expected of him and remained in place as Erik fastened the reins to a metal ring on the wall.

"You may have a groom, Copper, but there are things I prefer to do myself." He bent over the fence and returned with a bucket full of brushes and supplies.

Like sucking me off maybe?
Reuben kept looking at Erik, his cock stiff as a gentleman's collar. His hopes fell when Erik fished out a brush from the bucket. Instead of hair, it had black, rubber studs. "Now be a good boy and stand straight, all right?" Erik put the brush against the side of Reuben's neck and started rubbing it in a pleasant, circular motion. Reuben gave him a skeptical look, trying to lean in with his whole body. What was his master doing rubbing his neck when there was a cock demanding attention some three feet below?

"Copper, no!" Erik gave him a quick smack on the ass. "Stand straight." He moved the brush to his face, gently rubbing it against skin.

Reuben frowned but complied, following Erik's movements with his gaze.
Why can't he be normal about it and suck?

Instead, Erik moved the brush in an agonizingly methodical way, even around his crotch, teasing him with the touch. Reuben couldn't help himself and made one more attempt to shift closer. It wouldn't take a lot. Maybe three strokes. But no, Erik pretended he didn't notice anything and proceeded to brush his calves instead. He drew in a sharp breath when Erik squatted in front of him, his blond head inches away from Reuben's throbbing erection. He grinned behind the bit and moved forward, moaning when he managed to brush his prick against the golden hair. Another drop of precome dripped down, and Erik looked up just in time to see it. He shot to his feet, pushing his elbow into Reuben's side.


Reuben let out a high-pitched whine but got back into his place. He couldn't help himself! It was easy for Erik! He was all spent and relaxed!

Erik waited for a moment to make sure Reuben would behave, and then exchanged the brush for another, once again starting the massage at Reuben's neck. The stiff hair felt pleasant on his skin as it moved down his body in energetic strides.

He had to admit that after a day's work, a caress like this was a nice thing. His muscles were slowly unwinding and he could set his mind adrift. The third brush was the most pleasant of all: soft on his heated skin as Erik moved it in long, gentle strokes down Reuben's torso. If anything, the touch only strengthened his arousal.

Come on... Suck it, touch me... you know you want it, you pervert...
His eyelids half closed as he looked down to Erik's fly. The man hadn't even bothered to tuck his cock back into the leather outfit, and it was now hanging out, pale in contrast to the shiny, dark leather of the suit. Watching a man this handsome on his knees in front of him was a thrill in itself. Before coming to this house, he had only been sucked off once, by a whore. He'd wanted to see what it was like, but didn't dare approach a man about it, so he'd settled for a quick, unsatisfying blowjob. Erik on the other hand... His lips were pure perfection, and Reuben would do a lot to coax him into sucking.

Erik had other things in mind, though. Pretending not to see his pet's raging hard on, he used a metal comb to gently untangle Reuben's mane. It reminded him of when he was a little boy and some wealthy girls working for charity would comb his hair once a week. For some time after, he'd always itch less. He slowly backed into Erik's body, pretending it happened by accident. The phallus shifted in his hole, teasing another drop of fluid out of his cock.

"So impatient!" Erik laughed, giving his mane a final brush before...
, moving on to the plug-tail!

Reuben let out a prolonged moan as the thing moved with every stroke to the attached hair. He wanted to cry out in frustration, and his balls tightened again. If he were asked, he would probably gladly bend over again, no questions asked.

"You are so sensitive in there." Erik gave him a light kiss on the shoulder, blowing hot air over Reuben's skin. The sensation was so surprising that he smiled to himself behind the bit. He hardly believed such simple things could feel that sensuous.

"We'll see about satisfying your hole when I'm able to get it up again," Erik murmured with a hint of promise, dropping the comb back into the bucket.

Reuben instantly turned his eyes to him and his smile faltered. Was he supposed to wait for the next time his master wanted to fuck him to even have a chance at getting off? And all these dirty words, like 'your hole', only reminded him of his position and embarrassed him all over again.

"Bad!" Erik corrected his posture with a quick smack to his ass.

"Nn... hh!" Reuben wouldn't give in, though. He tried to turn to him and remind his master of his throbbing erection.

"Bad, Copper!" This time, the smack actually hurt.

The sting stopped Reuben's fidgeting, but he made a point of frowning very deeply with a loud groan.

"There, there." Erik smiled at him and brushed Reuben's face with the softest towel. It smelled like trees! He was so surprised that he actually followed it with his head when his master took it away. Erik brushed the cloth over his whole body, once again avoiding the crotch, but as he kneeled down in front of his pet, a new hope grew in Reuben's chest. Erik pressed on his ankle. "Up."

It's already up.
He sniggered at the thought and looked down, expectantly, once more trying to show off his stiff, reddened cock.

"Up," repeated his master, gently pulling Reuben's foot up.

He sighed and complied, deeply confused at why would his feet be more interesting than a prick that was ready for sucking. Erik cleaned the bottom of his foot with the towel and repeated the process with the other leg. He looked up and his satisfied expression froze, eyes widening slightly.

"What is that?" he breathed, fake astonishment coloring his voice.

Finally he'd get the attention he craved! Reuben barged forward, rubbing his cockhead against Erik's cheek with an impatient groan. His master drew back, sending him the look of innocence personified. "Copper, what do you intend to do?"

You know damn well, you bastard!
Reuben snarled with irritation. It was becoming harder and harder to hold himself in line.

Erik put a hand on Reuben's belly, just over his aching cock, and leaned closer, examining his crotch with pretended astonishment. "It's so big, Copper! What happened?"

Reuben was hot all over, his heart thrashing around in his ribcage, and he sighed, utterly helpless. The complement did help though, and he clung to the last of his restraint not to pounce and rub his erection against Erik.

"Does it hurt?" A deep frown cut through Erik's forehead as he examined the stiff cock in front of him and suddenly gripped the base tight.

"Ye—ah!" Reuben muttered with a lisp and thrust his hips forward, drunk with the touch. He knew it wouldn't take a lot, and when Erik moved his hand in a milking motion, he was lost. Three strokes later, he came harder than ever, trying to get off on the handsome face down by his cock. It felt so good his knees were close to buckling, and the way his thick seed looked as it sprayed all over his master's half-opened lips and cheek almost kept him from going soft.

He was panting for air, his body hot and shivering. Only now he realized his anus was also tightening rhythmically around the plug and, oh, how pleasurable it was. His mind leapt into a different head space. There was a flicker of tongue on the crown of his penis and then, Erik's fingers traveled back up his body and the master was facing him again. Some of the come actually spilled down on his leather top.

"Bad pony!" Erik remarked, though there was no true disapproval in his voice. "You got me dirty!"

Reuben was now too tired to do anything, so he just bowed his head, hoping that gesture would solve the problem.

Erik gently pulled on his reins. "You need to clean up the mess you made." Reuben furrowed his eyebrows, unsure of what his owner wanted. He had a fucking cloth in the bucket; he could just wipe it off and get it over with. So he backed away.

"Now be a good boy and lick it off, Copper." Erik gently pulled him closer.

He shook his head and gave Erik the prettiest look he could muster. Sucking on Erik was great, and he loved the bitter-salty taste, but he didn't want to lick his own spunk. He now regretted that he hadn't avoided Erik's face.

"You know you have to, right?" Erik's voice cooled as he tugged Reuben close again. "Don't make me punish you, Copper."

Reuben's gut clenched in confusion when the force actually sent a spark of excitement down to his crotch. What was wrong with him? Still, he took a step back, avoiding Erik's gaze.

"Lick it." This time, Erik lowered his voice enough to sound threatening. His eyes narrowed at the disobedience.

"Nh... gh!" Reuben tried to voice his disapproval of the idea, though he knew it didn't sound like what he had wanted. His mind was screaming 'danger!' and his throat got more choked up by the second, but he still wouldn't budge.

"I will feed it to you whether you like it or not..." Erik trailed off, rubbing his come-stained lips over his. Reuben answered with a snarl and yet again pulled away with his head.

Erik gathered the drying cum with a swipe of hand and then wiped it all across Reuben's face. Reuben frowned and tried to pull away with more force, deeply upset that something like this was happening to him after he'd been so good, so compliant up till now. He even let his master fuck him without any whining.

"I'm disappointed." Erik looked up at him with his lips squeezed into a tight line.

Well, fuck you, too.
Reuben closed his eyes because he felt them watering and didn't want Erik to see that. He'd been working all day! Didn't he deserve a bit of slack?

"And you will be punished." Erik unwound the knot that held Reuben by the wall and tugged him along toward the building.

Reuben was quick to voice his resentment, but all that came out was a lispy pile of unintelligible muttering. Wasn't having it on his face punishment enough?

Hans opened the door for Erik, who stormed into the house, his dick still sticking out of his trousers.

"Prepare the trestle!" he screamed at John, who appeared from a nearby corridor.

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