The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Proverbs (192 page)

BOOK: The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Proverbs
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There is always a FIRST time
there's a first time for everything
(1961– ) XII. 504
But there is always ‘
a first time
Little Caesar
III. vii.
‘I ain't got nothing to spill …Did I ever do any spilling?’ ‘There's a first time for everything.’
Kill 'em with Kindness
First time for everything. In Ronnie's case, first and last.
Pel among Pueblos
‘He has no record.’ ‘Doesn't mean a thing. There's always a first time.’
Washington Post
17 Aug. A19
As I write, it is still possible that some of the actions threatened .. may actually be taken. Who knows? There's a first time for everything.
beginnings and endings
The FISH always stinks from the head downwards
The freshness of a dead fish can be judged from the condition of its head. Thus, when the responsible part (as the leaders of a country, etc.) is rotten, the rest will soon follow. Gr.
BOOK: The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Proverbs
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