The Choice (20 page)

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Authors: Kate Benson

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #War, #Romance, #Military, #Romantic Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

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“Where the hell have you been?” I ask him, still panting.

“I was eavesdropping,” he admits quietly, unashamed. “I heard what you told my sister.”

“Stalker,” I say teasingly
as my cheeks flare.

“I love you
so much, Baby.”

“I love you, too, Jellybean

“Sophie,” he starts, his voice just above a whisper. I can see the longing in his eyes, the same longing I feel in my heart every time I see him. I know what he wants to say, what he wants to a
sk, but I can’t give it to him. Not yet. Placing my finger over his lips gently, I press my forehead to his and hold his eyes.

“Not yet
, Baby,” I whisper, my heart breaking for us as I saw the disappointment he tries to hide flash in his eyes. “Soon.”

Chapter Nineteen

I never realized how grateful I could be to not be prone to hangovers, but as the alarm sound
s across our hotel room at seven the next morning, that’s exactly how I felt.

After a late start to the party, we’d stayed out well past three in the morning with Chase, Sophie, Emily, Brad and their friends. While Drake paid for a car service as a gift to the couple, he and Chase hadn’t drank much. I couldn’t say I blamed them either since the last time any of us went to a bar was when Sophie was attacked.

Sophie, on the other hand, completely surprised all of us by getting more hammered than I’ve ever seen her. Considering I’d lived with her for five years that was saying a lot.

I laugh silently to myself as I recall her confessing to me, rather loudly and in front of Chase and Drake’s friends Tommy,
Nick, Savannah and Trina in fact, that she and Chase had snuck into the bathroom for a quickie.

“Oh my God, Sophie,”
Chase had chuckled down at her from his spot beside her in the booth.

“I’m drunk and I got mine, fuck it!” she shrugged from beside him as she drained her rum and coke.

“Damn right you did, Baby!” Chase smiled proudly, watching as she reached for the fresh drink sitting next to her empty glass.

“Give it up,” she said, raising her arm up and meeting him for a fist bump and causing the entire table to double over
in laughter.

The mattress shifting slightly beside me breaks me from my thoughts.

“What are you over there grinning about, Love?” I hear Drake say from beside me as he wraps his arm around me sleepily and nuzzles into my neck.

“Just thinking about Sophie last night at the bar,” I confess, smiling
wide when he laughs against my skin. “I’ve never seen her so drunk. She was cracking me up!”

“Yeah,” he smiles
, pressing his lips against my collarbone. “She’s going to regret it this morning. I’m glad you didn’t drink that much.”

“Me, too,” I agree. “When do we have to leave?”

“We need to be at the house at nine thirty, so we have a little less than two hours,” he says softly, running his hand over my stomach and kissing me on the side of the head. “We need to get ready and have breakfast before we get over there, though, so we don’t really have much time to spare. Are you hungry?”

Smirking at his crazy bed head
, I run my fingers through his jet black locks and feel the need for him coursing through me.

“Not for food,” I admit.
“Do we have time to play?”

He kisses me gently before moving over me, pushing my knees apart as he holds my arms above my head possessively and rests on top of me.

“Hmm, we’ll make time. Open up,” he whispers before he pushes into me, running his lips down my collarbone. I feel his lips move into a smile against my skin as he finds his rhythm and his eyes hold mine. He rocks into me with slow, skilled movements until every thought, every feeling I have is consumed with him. The world around us could cease to exist and in these moments, I would never know it. “That’s it, Love,” he whispers against my jaw as he sees my lips begin to tremble, feels my core begin to quake. “Good girl. Take what you need, Baby.”

“You feel so good, Drake,” I whimper as my eyes hold his.

“So do you, Baby,” he pants as he releases my wrists, moving his now free hand to massage my clit as he continues to move inside me with the same sensual strokes. Feeling my orgasm building slowly, he feels me beginning to pulse around him. The growl that leaves his lips catapults me instantly. “Give yourself to me, Analise,” he whispers against my mouth. “Come for me, Baby.”

“Yes sir!” I wail out, both of us knowing his command leaves my more than willing body no choice.

Feeling my wetness pour out around him, Drake
grips my hips possessively and increases his pace. Holding my eyes prisoner, he’s growls my name out huskily through clenched teeth as he finds his own release.

As his movements slow, his grip loosens
, but he doesn’t release me. Staring down at me silently for a moment, our breathing returns to normal as our eyes stay locked on each other.

“What are you thinking about?” he asks. When I hesitate and shake my head slightly, he squeezes my hips and gives me an impatient look. “Tell me,

“It’s embarrassing,” I say quietly as blush heats my skin.

“I don’t care,” he says bluntly. “Remember what we said? No holding back, Analise.”

“I remember,” I say in the same quiet tone.

“Good,” he starts, his steel blue eyes holding mine. “So, tell me what you’re thinking about.”

After biting down on my lip in deliberation for a moment, I felt the impatience rolling off of him. Drake is one of the most patient people I know, but one thing he can’t stand is when I keep things from him, no matter how small. This may be embarrassing, but I know if I want to avoid making him feel bad, I have to just get over my unease and spit it out. He’s struggling to keep it together, but I know it won’t be long. This thought no longer enters my mind when he speaks again.

“Analise,” he says as he gently touches the edge of my chin to bring me back to him. “Do you trust me?”

“Of course,” I say with no hesitation. “It’s not about that at all, Drake.”

“Well, then what is it?” he asks. “One of the things I love most about you is that you’re fearless, Baby. You’ve got nothing to worry about so just count to three and say it.”

Nodding slightly, I glance up at him again.

“Promise you won’t laugh at me?”

“Yes,” he says immediately. “I promise.”
Releasing a deep breath, I watch his eyes.
This is so stupid
, I think to myself as I hear the whisper of his voice again. “One… two… three… ”

“Why do you keep introducing me as your girlfriend?” I blurt out.

my girlfriend,” he says, looking at me like I’m nuts and rightly so.

“I know!” I say, covering my eyes in embarrassment. “
But I just hate the word girlfriend.”

“Well, what do you want me to call you then?”

“I don’t know,” I say nervously, my eyes still covered in childish embarrassment. He gently pulls my hands away from my face, chuckling lightly when I keep my eyes closed.

“Don’t hide from me,
Analise,” he says softly. “Open your eyes.” Slowly, I do as he asks and face him. “What are you trying to say to me?”

“Girlfriend seems temporary,” I admit in a small voice
as I fight the tears that threaten. “I don’t want to be temporary.”

Analise,” he whispers, the effects of my name on his lips shooting sparks through me. Bending down over me, he encases me with his strong arms, his lips brushing against mine so lightly, they feel like feathers. He runs his thumb under the edge of my eye as a traitor tear escapes and blows my cover. “Baby, there is
temporary about you,” he promises. “If everything else in the world ceased to exist right now, I’d still belong to you. You’d still belong to me. You know that, don’t you?”

“Yes,” I admit quietly
as I rest my hands on his chest. He waits patiently for me to continue and eventually, I find the courage to. “I think the wedding is just making me worry about things I normally wouldn’t think about.”

Taking in my expression as he strokes my disheveled hair, Drake looks at me for a moment before responding. When he does, his words take me by surprise.

“Do you want to get married, Analise?” he asks quietly. “Is that what you’re trying to tell me, Baby?”

“Someday,” I confess cautiously.
Before I can finish, he cuts me off.

“We’ll get married then if that’s what you want.”

“Wait… what?”

“It’s never been a question of if,
Analise, only when? I was only waiting for you to bring it up. I didn’t think you were ready for that yet. If you are, we’ll get married, Baby.” Bending down to kiss me chastely on the lips, he smiles wide before climbing out of the bed. “We should wait until tomorrow, though. We already have one wedding today,” he winks before kissing me again and smacking me on the ass. “I love you. Let’s get a shower, Love.”

Sitting up on my elbows to face him again, I’m completely stunned speechless. He looks over at the clock and immediately back at me.

“Come on, Baby. We’re going to be late,” he says, pulling me from the bed and leading me to the bathroom.

I watch him silently as he turns the water on, pulls me into the shower and washes us both quickly before shutting it off and grabbing a towel from the hook outside the curtain and helping me dry off. Occasionally, he’ll smile or chuckle, but for the most part, he allows the shock to run its course in silence.

I’m halfway through drying my hair when I shut the hairdryer off. I place it onto the bathroom counter, pivoting on my feet and finding him pulling his suit from the closet. He’s whistling and looks up to see me standing in a towel with half dry hair and smiles at what must look ridiculous.

“You call that a marriage proposal?” I blurt out.

“There she is,” he chuckles before shooting me a wink. “I was wondering how long it would take you to ream me out.”

“You were screwing with me?” I’m instantly hurt, but the look in his eyes only lets it last a moment.

“Not at all,” he admits calmly as he pulls my dress from the closet to hang on the door before facing me. “I’d marry you in a minute, but you’re not ready, Analise.”

“So you fake a marriage proposal?”

“No,” he says seriously again. “I didn’t fake anything. If you were ready, we’d already be on the next flight to Vegas, but you’re not and that’s fine. I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings or made you angry, but you said it yourself, this wedding has made you worry about things you wouldn’t normally even think about. Maybe my approach wasn’t great and I am truly sorry for that,” he says, walking over to touch my face. “But you needed to know how you felt about it and now you do.”

“I do want to get married, though,” I confess.

“And we will, but not until we can discuss it without you going into shock,” he smiles, kissing me on the forehead. “I meant everything I said, Baby. You are very permanent. It’s always been a matter of when, never if. My love for you is limitless, Analise. Don’t ever question it.”

“I love you, too.”



“Ugh! Baby, kill it!” Sophie groans from beside me as the alarm clock sounds out across our hotel room. Stifling a chuckle, I press the button to shut it off and sit up on my elbows to take in her appearance.

Her blonde
hair is all over the place, tangled all to hell in some spots. She was far too drunk for a shower when we got in, so the dark circles under her eyes are worsened by the makeup smeared there. I’d been able to remove the short, pink sequined dress she’d worn when I carried her into the room. However, the there was so much glitter on our sheets it looked like we’d had an orgy with Tinkerbell and about five of her friends. The fluorescent pink beads Melissa had passed out with miniature cocks hanging from them still hung shamelessly from her neck.  

Damn! Baby G
irl looks rough!

“Good morning, Baby,” I say in a low voice. Apparently not low enough, judging from the noises coming from her lips.

“Oh my God!” she whines in a scratchy voice. “Baby, please shut up,” she says, placing her hand on my chest weakly, causing me to grin. I’m not feeling great, either, but I can’t imagine how sick she’s feeling. “What the fuck did I drink last night?”

“Half of Tampa’s rum and about nine shots of tequila,” I chuckle, the movement causing her to groan again.

“Stop moving,” she begs, placing her hand over her mouth. “Why didn’t you cut me off?”

“I did, Baby,” I tell her. “
I cut you off three hours in and you called me a bastard and stole Ana and Trina’s drinks for the rest of the night.”

“I’m sorry,
Love Bug,” she says weakly, rolling over onto her side slowly to face me. “You forgive me?”

“Always,” I promise with a smile, stifling a chuckle at her appearance.

“God, I bet I look like a bag of ass,” she blushes.

Nah, you look beautiful,” I tell her honestly, gently moving a stray lock behind her shoulder. Nothing could make Sophie unattractive to me, I really believe that.

“Oh shut up, you gorgeous li
ar,” she moans, making me grin.

After helping her out of the bed, we make our w
ay to the bathroom. When she sees herself for the first time in the mirror, she stops in her tracks.

“Sweet Jesus,
” she sighs dramatically as she reaches for her toothbrush.  

Once she’s taken the aspirin I set on the counter for her, I help her untangl
e the beads from her hair with slow, deliberate movements before turning the shower on.

“Come on,” I say as quietly as I can
, pulling the curtain back for her. “Get in, Baby. It’ll make you feel better.”

“I don’t think I’m ever going to feel better,” she disagrees, slowly stepping in under the water.

I help her wash her hair as gently as I can, loving the feel of her wet, naked form resting against mine under the spray of the hot water. Squeezing her body wash into my hand, I run my hands over her skin with slow, steady movements. The combination of Sophie’s naked body, the soapy water and the low sigh that escapes her lips has me hard almost instantly. Before I can have time to wonder if she’s noticed, I feel her eyes on me and hear her soft voice against my chest.

“I wish I wasn’t feeling so horrible,” she whispers, her eyes full of regret. “I want you, but I don’t know how much I can move right now.”

“It’s okay, Baby,” I tell her, bending to kiss her lightly and inadvertently pressing my erection harder against her stomach. The action causes a slight whimper to escape her mouth before she bites down on her lower lip in frustration.

Ugh!” she groans, resting her forehead against my shoulder. “This is going to be the longest day ever.”

Do you need to come?” I ask her as I push her wet hair behind her shoulder.

Her cheeks flush pink before she nods sheepishly at me.

“Yes,” she admits. “But I don’t know what I can do for you right now.”

Shh,” I whisper, slowly raising her leg to the edge of the tub and gently slipping a finger into her sex. “Don’t worry about me, Princess.”

“Ah,” she sighs
at my touch, her head gently resting on the tile wall behind her. “Chase, that’s not fair…”

“Hush, Baby.”

Kissing my way down her neck, I continue to massage her wet opening in slow, gentle movements. Her hands rest on my waist, moving to my shoulders as I sink to my knees in front of her and grip her thigh into my free hand. Licking my way down her stomach, I hold her hooded gaze as I sweep the tip of my tongue around the edge of her navel, lightly tugging the small diamond charm resting there with my teeth. The action causes a slight gasp to escape her lips and I can’t stop the wicked grin that forms on my face when I feel her getting wetter.

Barely making contact, I begin teasing her
entrance with my tongue, pressing my metal barbell over her swollen clit before gently sucking. It sends her into orbit and keeping one hand on the wall, the other moves to my hair, gripping forcefully and pulling a groan of pleasure from my chest.

Hmm,” I hum appreciatively at both her sweet taste and her response. “That pussy needs it bad, doesn’t it, Princess?”

“Yes!” she cries out,
her voice weak. The primal sounds leaving her have me so hard, it’s painful. Now needing a release as badly as Sophie, I plunge my tongue into her dripping sex as I grip my cock and begin stroking myself. “Baby,” she pants after a moment. “Are you…?”

“Mm hmm,” I admit, pushing her folds open with one hand while I continue pumping myself with the other. Hearing her let out a deep moan, her grip tightens in my hair and
when my eyes find hers again, hers are fluttering as she begins pulsing against my tongue.

“Oh my God!” she groans loudly
, growing wetter by the second. “That’s so hot, Chase!”

You like that, Dirty Girl?”

“God, yes
!” she pants. “Please let me watch you, Baby!”

Instantly more turned on by her request, I flatten my tongue against her
opening and lick her in one long, torturous stroke before sucking furiously on her clit. It only spurs her on, causing her hips to buck involuntarily against my mouth. Moving her hand from the wall, I place it over her sex and lean back, sitting on my feet so she can watch me.

Her eyes lock onto the way my fist is pumping my swollen member and she lets out a loud whimper.

“Touch yourself, Baby,” I tell her and immediately she complies, her gaze shifting between my eyes and my dick as her fingertips begin sweeping over her swollen clit. The water from the shower is still running down her front, splashing onto her shoulders and falling over her hard nipples. She lets out a low moan of pleasure that sends tingles through me and has me letting out animalistic sounds of my own. “You’re so fucking sexy, Sophie. Do you see how hard you’ve got me?” I ground out through clenched teeth, making her hips buck again. 

“Fuck!” she pants. She’s getting closer.

I turn my head slightly and
place several bites into the sensitive skin on her upper thighs, relishing in the sound of her incessant panting. Her fingertips begin moving faster as she bites down on her lower lip and her body starts trembling in front of me. It’s the hottest thing I’ve ever seen in my life.

owns that pussy, Baby?”

You!” she calls out, moving her free hand up to her breast, kneading it into her palm and pushing me closer.

I want to taste your come, Princess. Give it to me,” I order, watching her lose control at my words. Teasing her opening with my fingertips, I increase the pace of my strokes, knowing I’m not far behind and give her what she needs. “Go Baby!”

In seconds she’s gone, calling out my name loudly as she grips the slick tile beside her with her free hand. Needing to taste her release, I move her other hand away from her and begin greedily lapping up her juices and sending her into
another spiraling orgasm, bringing mine on full force. Somehow sensing this, Sophie grips my hair and pushes my head away from her still drenched sex.

“Come inside me,” she pants. Immediately, I’m on my feet, lifting her to my waist and filling her
in one swift movement. “Ah!” she cries out. “God, I wanted your dick so bad, Baby!”

Fuck!” I groan, slamming into with as much force as I think she can handle. She’s calling out my name, no longer concerned with anything else as she begins to pulse around me again. “It’s yours, Sweetheart. Take it, Baby.”

“Yes!” she calls out, her head falling back against the tiles once more in surrender as our eyes stay locked. “
You’re mine.”

“Yes, Baby,” I grin wickedly
at her possessiveness before taking her lower lip between my teeth. “I belong to you, Sophie.”

“Mine!” she screams as she finds her final release. Plunging her tongue into my mouth
with force, I’m emptying into her in moments.    


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