Read The Case Against William Online

Authors: Mark Gimenez

The Case Against William (36 page)

BOOK: The Case Against William
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maintenance man pointed them in the direction of the practice fields. They
crossed Mac Davis Lane—

I loved his songs," Chuck said.

tried to sing a Mac Davis song but fumbled the lyrics.


was born right here in Lubbock," Chico said, "just like Buddy

the quarterback that was supposed to be Don Meredith in
North Dallas Forty
Chuck said. "Best movie ever made."

gave him a look of disbelief.

saying it's better than the
Die Hard
movies? You are

maybe not the first one. That's a classic."

straight it is."

what I said."

athletic complex building sat across the street. Behind the building were the
practice fields. They stood at the fence and watched the team.

he is," Dwayne said. "Number fifty-one. John Smith."

stayed until the practice ended an hour later then waited out front of the
athletic complex building for John Smith. When he exited the building, they
approached him. He was stocky and muscular with short blond hair. Wet hair.
He wore a sweat suit and sneakers.

Smith?" Frank said.

player stopped. "Yes, sir?"

wet—you just shower?"

recoiled. "Hey, if you're one of those creeps like that Penn State guy,
likes to hang out in gym showers—"

Frank Tucker. William Tucker's father."

Smith held a hand out and started to walk off. "I don't want to talk
about that."

flashed the badge. "Police business, son."

Smith stopped and surrendered. But his face did not register guilt. Instead,
he offered a sad shake of his head.

Mr. Tucker. That was a strange question."

another one: Texas versus Tech game two years ago in Austin, did you shower
after that game?"

sure why you're asking, but I did. I shower every day. Did William really
kill Dee Dee? I guess he did. He confessed."

didn't. Confess or kill her."

frowned. "But they said on TV that—"

wrong. Did you know Dee Dee?"

sir. Everyone did. She was a sweet girl."

she promiscuous?"

pondered a moment then nodded. "That's what I heard."

didn't have sex with her?"

Tucker, I'm a Mormon. And a virgin. Like Tebow."

got two daughters I want you to meet," Chico said.

see Tebow signed with the Patriots?" Chuck said. "No way he's
beating out Brady."

stared at Chuck. He turned his palms up.


returned to John Smith. "Did you know Darrell Jackson and Bo

sir. The three of us, we were the starting linebackers back then. They were

they have sex with Dee Dee?"

sighed. "Darrell had sex with every girl on campus, from what I heard.
He was this handsome cowboy. He modeled for book covers, romance novels, had
copies in his room."

about Bo?"

he was …" John shook his head. "A swamp rat from the

they shower after the games?"

didn't keep tabs on that, Mr. Tucker. You'll have to ask them."

will. Where are they now?"

I heard, Darrell is back cowboying on his family ranch in Wink, and Bo is up in


pro ball, for the Wranglers."


sir. I hope William is innocent."

watched John walk off.

ain't the killer," Dwayne said.

do you know?" Chico said.

interviewed a hundred killers in my time, and none of them were Mormon."
He paused. "Course, sometimes they fool you."

know," Frank.

Chapter 44

like a bigger version of Roy Rogers," Dwayne said.

Roy Rogers?" Chuck said.

and Chico had flown to Omaha to find Bo Cantrell. Dwayne and Chuck had driven
the one hundred seventy miles from Lubbock to Wink to find Darrell Jackson.
They had. On the Lazy River Ranch outside town. Darrell rode up on a big
white horse just as they pulled up to the ranch house and got out of the
rental. He did look like a male model.

you?" Darrell said.

looking horse," Dwayne said.

a rancher?"


brings you out here?"

Dee Dunston."

almost hoped that Darrell would yank on the reins and gallop off. Because then
William Tucker's life would be saved. Which would save Frank Tucker's life.
If the boy went to prison, Frank would never be free. He was a good man and a
good friend, and Dwayne Gentry was down to three friends in the whole world.
He couldn't afford to lose one.

understand you knew her," Dwayne said, "in the Biblical sense."

dismounted. He jingled.

cowboys really do wear spurs," Chuck said with a kid's grin.

frowned at Chuck then turned to Dwayne.

knew her. But I didn't kill her, if that's why you're here."


thought William Tucker confessed?"

He didn't kill the girl."

said his blood was on her."

was on you, too," Chuck said.

an ex-cop, too?"


ex-cop and an ex-coach."

wore number fifty-two back then, didn't you?" Dwayne said.


was bleeding at the end of that game. When you tackled him, his blood got on
John Smith, Bo Cantrell, and you."

do you know?"

film," Chuck said. "Got a real neat zoom feature."

you shower after the game?" Dwayne said.

recoiled and seemed a bit amused.


answering it?"

I showered after the game. Always did. I may be a cowboy, but I'm not a cow.
I got a degree in engineering, and I know how a shower works."

and Chuck exchanged a glance. Darrell pushed his hat back on his head.

you two fellas came all the way out here to ask if I showered after the game?
Hell, you could've called."

about Bo Cantrell? He shower after the game?"

laughed. "Bo Cantrell was a half-crazy, juiced-up coon-ass from Louisiana
who suffered one too many concussions. And he stunk worse than cow shit. His
idea of bathing was swimming in the swamp."

us about him."

came up together, started all four years. He was middle linebacker, I was
outside. He was dead set on going pro, but he was only two-thirty. Pro
linebackers are two-sixty. So he got on steroids junior year. Made him meaner
than a rattlesnake. And the concussions didn't help his disposition."

didn't partake?"

I never figured on going pro. I'm a cowboy. I had this ranch to come back
to. Bo, he didn't have anything waiting back in Louisiana for him. If he didn't
go pro, he was back hunting gators in the swamp. I always figured I'd read
about him in the paper."


Figured he'd commit suicide, like those other brain-damaged pro players."
He shook his head. "Well, I'd better go look for some cows."

Jackson stuck a cowboy boot into a stirrup and mounted the big horse. He
jerked the reins as if to gallop off, but didn't. He turned back to Dwayne and

the end of our senior season, Bo's head just wasn't right. The juice, it made
him paranoid. You go looking for Bo, you watch yourself. He started carrying
a gun."

Cantrell had been taken by Omaha in the third round of the NFL draft two years
before. He was now a starting linebacker for the Wranglers. He sported a
shaved head and tattoo sleeves on both arms. When he walked out of the
Wrangler's training facility after their Tuesday practice, Frank called out to
him from across the parking lot.


glanced their way but kept walking and yelled over his shoulder, "No

and Chico caught up with him.

don't want your autograph."

walking. "Good."

want to ask you about Dee Dee Dunston."

stopped. He turned and looked them over. And Frank looked him over. His head
seemed oversized, his neck was thick, and his shoulders were wide and lumpy
with muscles. He had acne. He was not a handsome human being. He wore a
Wrangler T-shirt, sweat pants, and sneakers. Grass was in his hair; his thick
arms were matted with dirt and sweat. His body odor was stifling.


Frank Tucker. William Tucker's father."

maintained his stern expression, but Frank saw something in his eyes. Guilt.

I hear it, your boy's done confessed to killing Dee Dee."

heard wrong, Bo. He didn't kill her."

who did?"

They locked eyes. Dwayne had reported in on their meeting with
Darrell Jackson. Only one suspect remained.


massive neck muscles clenched. His breathing came faster, and his face flushed.
He was the killer.

didn't shower after practice, Bo."


You didn't shower after the UT game two years ago either."


William's left elbow got cut at the end of the game, when you and Darrell
Jackson and John Smith tackled him. He bled down his arm. His blood got on
their arms and your arms. But they showered after the game, washed the blood
off. You didn't. His blood was still on your arms when you raped and murdered
Dee Dee that night out back of the Dizzy Rooster."


can. We can prove that you killed Dee Dee. It's over, Bo."

Cantrell stepped toward Frank as if to hit him.


turned and walked fast to a jacked-up four-wheel drive pickup, got in, and sped
off. Chico took a photo of the license plate with William's cell phone. Then
Frank called Dwayne. When he answered, Frank said, "You and Chuck drive
to Midland, fly to Omaha. It's Bo Cantrell."

are we going to get Bo to confess?" Chuck asked.

and Chico had picked up Dwayne and Chuck at the Omaha airport that night and
driven back to the hotel.

gonna haunt his ass," Dwayne said. "When you know who the bad guy
is, and the bad guy knows you know, you gotta get in his head, let him know
you're watching him, make him look over his shoulder, get him scared."

us?" Chico said. "An ex-lawyer, ex-cop, ex-coach, and ex-con?"

point," Frank said.

dealt with his kind before," Dwayne said. "He ain't the brightest
bulb in the box, see, but he figures he got away with murder. And rape. Now
it's two years later, and he likes his life. Wants to keep it. He'll do
anything to keep it. Even kill again. 'Cause he's got nothing to lose."

again?" Chico said. "That would be us?"

would," Dwayne said.

calls for a drink."

Chapter 45

eight the next morning, Friday, they were parked directly across the street
from Bo's home in an upscale Omaha neighborhood. It looked like the Tucker's
old house in River Oaks, which is to say, completely unbefitting Bo Cantrell.

gonna see us," Chuck said.

want him to," Dwayne said. "This ain't a surveillance. This is a

the difference?"

you try to be stealthy, not let the suspect know you're watching him. A
haunting, you want him to know he's being haunted."

But that sounds more dangerous."

is that."

Cantrell pulled out of his driveway at nine. He saw them and sped off in his
truck. They followed him to the Wrangler's training facility. They watched
him walk inside. He glanced back at them at the door.

wants coffee?" Chico said.

Dwayne asked.


decaf Mocha Cookie Crumble Frappuccino with extra whipped cream," Chuck
said. "One shot."



pumpkin latte, one shot, and a doughnut," Dwayne said. "I always ate
donuts on stakeouts."




kind with sugar."

have a donut, too," Chuck said.

scone," Frank said. "Regular tall coffee, no whiskey."

me if Bo comes out," Chico said. "I'll be back in ten."

came out at three that afternoon. Frank waved to him. He did not wave back.
He drove to a liquor store—

he's teasing us," Chico said.

then to a strip joint.

he's taunting us," Chuck said.

did not enter the establishment. Bo might have friends in low places. They
waited. And waited. A few hours later, he exited the joint with a stripper.

a cash transaction," Chico said.

followed him back to his house. He entered with the girl, but they saw him
peeking out the window at them.

good haunting, boys," Dwayne said.

Chapter 46

next morning, they were again parked outside Bo's house.

sure this will work?" Frank asked.

sure," Dwayne said.

BOOK: The Case Against William
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