Read The Boss Too: Billionaire Romance Online

Authors: Lexy Timms

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #New Adult & College

The Boss Too: Billionaire Romance

BOOK: The Boss Too: Billionaire Romance
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The BoSS Too


Book 2

Managing the Bosses Series


Lexy Timms

Copyright 2015 by Lexy Timms





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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to an actual person, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners


All rights reserved.

Copyright 2015 by Lexy Timms

Managing the Bosses Series


The Boss

Book 1





The Boss Too

Book 2





Who’s The Boss Now

Book 3




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From Best Selling Author, Lexy Timms, comes a billionaire romance that'll make you swoon and fall in love all over again.
Jamie Connors has decided a job is more important than a boyfriend. She's landed an awesome position working as billionaire Alex Reid's personal PA. It is not meant to be a job with benefits and yet she finds herself in Alex' bed. Despite being smart, pretty, and slightly overweight, she doesn't believe she's attractive enough for a man like Alex.
Trying to manage work and put as much time into her sister's wedding, Jamie finds herself trying to please everyone. Her sister's wedding is at the foreground of the family's attention. Jamie would be fine if her sister wasn't so bossy, if her mother would stop nagging and her awful ex-boyfriend wasn't about to become her brother-in-law.
Jamie has to learn to love herself again, speak up for herself and have the confidence to go after what she wants. She also needs to prove to Alex that she's perfect for her job and for his bed.
** The Boss Too is book 2 in the Managing the Bosses series. **
For mature audiences only. There are adult situations, but this is a love story, NOT erotica

Chapter 1


Jamie stared at the reflection in the mirror. For someone who hated to look at herself, she was starting to spend a lot more time seeing herself for the first time, again and again. She touched her neck, the three small finger-pressed bruises had gone and she was glad Stephen wouldn’t be at the dinner tonight to celebrate her father’s birthday. He had to work late, according to Christine.

Alex had offered to come with her to the dinner. Not because he wanted to dine with her, but because he had felt obligated to provide protection in case Stephen showed up. Since their wild night over a week ago things had gone from awkward to back to semi-normal. She shouldn’t have spent the night. She should have gone back to her place instead of staying tangled in his sheets. His compliments and sexy smile had convinced her otherwise.

In the early hours of the morning, she had slipped out of his bed and gone back to her suite. She’d changed into workout clothes and gone for a run on the treadmill to try and clear her head. It hadn’t helped. The morning light brought her actions into clarity and as much as she had needed that night, it hadn’t been right.

It didn’t help that after she had showered, she had to text him and ask to drive to work with him because her car was still in the office garage. They’d sat in awkward silence and when they arrived at the office, Jamie found an excuse to need to go to her car. Alex didn’t argue when she suggested he head in and she would be up shortly behind him.

They had managed to get through the day, with a lot of meetings, and as the days worn into the next neither brought up the night of passion. By the time a week had passed, they had stopped trying to avoid each other. Jamie spent her free time in the gym and had gone shopping to buy a bathing suit so she could start swimming in the pool. She’d watched Alex swim one evening, hiding behind her blinds. Her body warmed as she watched him swim laps.

“Jamie!” Christine stepped into the bathroom. “What’s taking you so long?”

Jamie jumped back from the mirror and pretended to dry her hands with the machine. “I had to send a few emails out for work,” she lied.

“It’s dad’s birthday. Can’t you take a night off?”

“I am. Right now.”

“Good.” Christine played with her hair in the mirror and touched up her makeup. She glanced at Jamie in the mirror’s reflection. “You wearing a girdle or something?”

“What? No.” Jamie shook her head. “I’ve lost a bit of weight.” She shrugged. “I’ve kind of found my groove in the gym. The treadmill and I have become good friends.” She wanted to tell Christine about her night with Alex but held back.

“A real Christmas miracle.” She smiled. “Now let’s just see if you can keep it off.” She squinted at Jamie. “You’re still not the right size for the red dress.”

Jamie opened the door and held it for her sister. The damn red dress. She bit back a comment and forced a smile on her face. “I’m doing this for me. Not for you.”

Christine walked back to the table. If she heard Jamie’s comment, she didn’t acknowledge it.

Jamie purposely sat beside her mother, leaving the space beside Christine open for Stephen if he showed, and far enough from Jamie she didn’t have to speak to him.

Her mother picked up a menu. “This is a nice restaurant you chose, Jamie. Full of healthy choices, I hope?”

“Fruit for dessert and everything.” She winked at her dad.

“Excellent. I really hope you’ll take advantage of that today, then. I know it’s your father’s birthday, but it wouldn’t do to let yourself go before your sister’s wedding.”

“Of course, not,” Jamie said automatically. She planned on eating the piece of cheesecake Murray had left with her meal earlier today. He still made her meals, same as Alex’s, and she couldn’t complain. He was an amazing cook.

Jamie turned to her father and gave him a hug. He hugged her back. “Happy Birthday, Dad,” she said. “I got you two tickets to a Broadway play. Don’t tell Mom. She wanted me to sign you up for the vegetable of the month club.”

Her dad smiled. He was looking more and more like himself these days.

“How’s the wedding planning going, Christine?” Jamie’s mom asked over a glass of wine. “I hope it’s not too much work to do on your own.” She shot Jamie a disappointed glance.

“It’s a lot of work. I’m exhausted.” Christine made a face. “With Jamie’s job in the way, it’s very difficult for her to help me. But everything is under control.”

“I’m so glad. It must be so difficult planning everything and yet you look so much in control.”

The waiter came then, much to Jamie’s relief. “Can I take your orders?” he asked.

“I’d like the chicken Caesar salad, please,” Jamie said, handing him the menu.

“Dressing on the side,” her mother said, raising an eyebrow at Jamie. “She wants dressing on the side.”

“I’d rather have dressing on the actual salad. I don’t think it’ll kill me.”

“No, but it might send you on a downward spiral to obesity.”

Jamie sighed. “Fine,” she said. “Dressing on the side, please.”

“I’ll have the same, but with the dressing on the salad,” Christine said. “And a chocolate martini, as well.”

“Another red wine for me, and the seafood chowder,” her mother added. She elbowed her husband and he looked up from his phone.

“Oh,” he mumbled. “Just the special. Thank you.”

“I can’t wait to see your wedding dress,” Jamie’s mother said to Christine. “It’s going to look fantastic on you, I know it will.”

Jamie’s father rolled his eyes and checked his pocket for his headphones. When he realized he didn’t bring them he turned to Jamie. “What have you been up to as of late?”

“Gina, a girl I work with, and I went out for happy hour at the bar across the street, and—”

“Oh no, you got the fried shrimp, didn’t you?” Christine rolled her eyes. “You always do. I knew you were wearing a girdle tonight!”

She bit back a comment. Her dress was loose and unfitted. Why in the world would she wear a girdle with it? “Has your wedding dress come in already?”

“Excuse me, I hope you don’t mind me interrupting a moment,” a smooth, male voice said. “Could I speak with Jamie a moment?”

Jamie flushed. Could this night get any more awkward?

Everyone stared at Alex as he approached the table. Jamie could see three men in very expensive business suits sitting at the table behind them.

She stood and walked over to him. “Business dinner?”

“Boring as hell. I’d rather be at your table.”

She tried not to smile. “No, you wouldn’t, trust me.”

He glanced behind her. “No Stephen tonight?”

“Not so far.” She wondered if he’d purposely brought the meeting to the restaurant as she could have sworn his agenda had him downtown tonight. “Do you need anything, Mr. Reid?” She’d gone back to calling him by his full name and he hadn’t argued.

His face betrayed nothing. “There’s a contract I’ll need you to type up tonight. I hope that’s not too much of a bother?”

She couldn’t tell if he was being sarcastic or trying to see if she would be home tonight. “No problem. I may have to borrow your computer as my laptop is at work. I didn’t think to take it back this evening.”

Did she detect a spark in his eye at the mention of his laptop? Warm tingling teased deep in her belly as she thought of the last time she’d used it and he’d caught her looking at porn.
It wasn’t my fault!
She wanted to tell him. Even if she’d been the one snooping at his computer history.

“Not a problem. I’ll also make sure Gina orders you a Mac notebook similar to mine with connections to the office.”

“Sure.” She heard her mother cough and clear her throat behind her.

“Excellent.” He turned back to the entrepreneurs behind him. “I believe we’ve concluded our business for tonight, Ms. Connors. I hope you enjoy the rest of the meal. Direct the bill to me when it comes. My treat for your father’s birthday.” He turned and walked back to his table.


Dinner dragged on at a ridiculously slow pace. She nodded at Alex as she left before her family ordered dessert, using the excuse of the contract to get away early.

“Ms. Connors?” Alex called out.

“Yes?” She turned around and walked back to his table.

One of the businessmen blatantly ran his gaze down and then back up Jamie’s body. “Ms. Connors, is it? Come join us for a drink!”

Jamie smiled politely.

“She can’t.” Alex stopped Jamie before she could reply herself. He tossed her a set of keys. “My computer is in the kitchen. I’ll send you the outline of the contract via email shortly.”

She caught the keys as he finished speaking and nodded. “No problem.” When she turned to go, she heard the one businessman who had spoken to her earlier complain to Alex and then Alex’s response.

“You could have let her join us for a drink!”

“She’s not that kind of personal assistant.”

What the hell did he mean by that?

BOOK: The Boss Too: Billionaire Romance
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