Read The Black Widow Online

Authors: Lisette Ashton

The Black Widow (4 page)

BOOK: The Black Widow
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Jo frowned, unhappy with the way that Sam had shifted the focus of her anger. ‘It’s not just the change of address,’ she said firmly.

Sam nodded as though she understood. ‘I know. And it was wrong of me to be interested in your physical health and wellbeing. I apologise for that too.’

Jo opened her mouth, about to say something else, then decided not to bother. There was no arguing with Sam, she realised. Whatever she had to say, Jo knew she would be wrong. The simplest solution was to apologise first and ask questions later. It would be easier to go with the flow and let Sam lead.

Grinning, as though she had read Jo’s thoughts, Sam began to slide out of her skirt. ‘Our first client of the morning is scheduled at eleven.’ She pushed the bottle-green skirt over her narrow hips as she glanced at her wristwatch. ‘So that gives me a little time to try and make up for upsetting you.’

Jo was about to raise a word of protest, then caught sight of Sam’s French knickers. The midnight-blue fabric was not the most suitable colour for her skin tone, but Jo did not think that spoilt the image too greatly. Sam stood with her hands on her hips, legs apart, treating Jo to a smile that was eager and alluring in the same moment. Circling her right leg was the black garter that Jo had bought for her exactly two weeks earlier. Even when she was not wearing stockings, Sam continued to wear the garter, as though it was an engagement ring.

‘They look good on you,’ Jo whispered, trying to look at the underwear and not Sam’s body.

Sam took a step towards her. The difference in their heights put her face close to the exposed cleavage between Jo’s breasts. As she exhaled, her breath warmed the orbs, forcing the nipples to stand harder.

‘You’re getting excited,’ Sam observed. She unfastened the button on Jo’s trousers and allowed them to fall to the floor. Smiling, Jo stepped away from the clothes with elegant grace.

‘You really do have a very strong hold over me, don’t you?’ Hesitantly, she reached out and cupped one of Sam’s small, pert breasts. The satin fabric was tight but she could feel the ardent thrust of her nipple through the material. Her fingertips pressed firmly against the yielding bud and the two women both drew excited sighs.

Sam placed her hand on Jo’s hip, tracing her fingers against the flimsy fabric of her French knickers. ‘These feel so luxuriant,’ she whispered. ‘I just had to get you a set as soon as I’d tried them.’

Jo made a noncommittal sound, stroking the bare flesh of Sam’s waist and enjoying the way she trembled beneath her touch.

Sam’s carefully caressing fingers had moved from her hip and were now stroking her buttocks through the silky fabric. With slow deliberation, she eased her fingers under the leg of the pants and began to stroke the intimate flesh beneath.

Jo drew a shuddering breath and tried to take a step away.

Sam followed, her cool, exploring fingers remaining where they were.

‘Are we safe to do this sort of thing in here?’ Jo asked suddenly.

Sam laughed, gesturing to the two adjoining doors with her free hand. ‘These are our offices and we can do whatever the hell we please.’ As she spoke, she moved her hand back to the heated cleft between Jo’s legs. Exploring the moist line of flesh, she raised her eyebrows in mock surprise. ‘But I think that I’d better act quickly,’ she said, teasing the tip of her finger against Jo’s pussy lips. ‘You feel so hot down here you could set off the fire alarm.’

Jo smiled, gasping as Sam pushed a finger inside the warm depths of her sex. The slippery wetness of her arousal allowed Sam to penetrate her in one fluid motion. ‘How are you going to cool me down?’ she asked, still stroking Sam’s breasts through the satin.

‘Like this,’ Sam replied, wriggling out of Jo’s reach. She lowered herself to a kneeling position, hooking her thumbs in the waistband of Jo’s knickers as she moved down. With a gliding motion, she pulled the French knickers from Jo’s waist, over her knees, and down to her ankles. Her face was on the same level as the thick swatch of Jo’s pubic bush and she nuzzled the curls lovingly.

Jo felt a shiver course through her. She reached one hand down to Sam’s head and grabbed a fistful of the Titian tresses. With the other hand, she raked her fingers into the wiry dark hair above her own sex. Her fingers teased deliberately through the thatch, making for the hood of her clitoris.

‘Oh no you don’t Sam said firmly, guiding Jo’s fingers away. ‘If you want to play with a cunny, you can play with mine in a moment. This one is for me.’ Placing a hand on each thigh, she moved her face close to the warmth of Jo’s arousal. Her tongue darted and she flicked the tip against the ambrosial wetness.

Jo groaned and pressed herself back against the wall. Her fingers gripped tightly in Sam’s hair and she tugged the woman closer. Holding her head in such a fashion allowed Jo to press the woman’s mouth firmly against her pussy. Sam was able to force the tip of her tongue into the most sensitive recess of Jo’s wetness. The intimacy provoked an electric prickle of pleasure that snatched her breath away.

Spreading her legs, Jo allowed Sam to lick deep inside her, enjoying the delightful tremors that went spiralling through her body. She wanted to taste the woman’s juices and revel in the heady sensation of licking at Sam’s crotch, but she resisted the temptation, for the moment. Once again, Sam had overstepped her duties as the junior partner and, this time, Jo was determined to make her pay for it.

She gripped tighter on to the waves of red hair, extracting a small groan from the woman between her legs.

‘Ouch!’ Sam complained. She continued to lap at the inner folds of Jo’s labia as she spoke. The words were muffled but clear enough. ‘Be careful. That hurts.’

‘You deserve it,’ Jo growled breathlessly.

Sam traced her tongue against the pulsing heat of Jo’s clitoris. She played the tip against the sensitive nub in a staccato dance, kissing the lips of Jo’s sex with passionate intimacy. ‘I suppose I deserve to be spanked as well.’

Jo heard herself groaning as she drew breath. She tried to ignore Sam’s suggestion, made uncomfortable and excited by the image in the same moment. The sound of her cry seemed to come from miles away and, distantly, Jo realised she was caught in the throes of a sudden, stunning orgasm. The tip of Sam’s tongue was fuelling a fire in her clitoris that quickly seared its way through her entire body. Every nerve was taut with a burning frenzy of euphoria. A tumultuous explosion of pleasure pulsed through her veins and she shrieked as her body achieved its climax.

Staggering with the aftermath, Jo stared down at Sam, her features etched with a mixture of gratitude and anticipation.

‘You screamed,’ Sam observed, a wry smile teasing her lips. ‘Did I hurt you?’

Jo chuckled, leant forward, and dragged Sam from the floor. Wrapping her arms tightly round the redhead, she kissed her. With their mouths joined together, Jo could taste the remnants of her own pussy honey glazing Sam’s lips. The subtle flavour of her excitement added an infuriating degree of eroticism. As they kissed, Jo ground her thighs together in a dry simulation of her body’s desire. Her hands traversed Sam’s scantily clad contours, cupping her small breasts and teasing the taut nubs of her nipples. Before the intense pleasure proved too much for either of them, Jo moved her hands down. After exploring Sam’s narrow waist, she allowed her fingers to stroke the smooth flesh of her hips. The urge to have and possess her was so powerful she could not resist it.

Breathing heavily, Jo swept Sam from her feet and carried her to the desk in the middle of the room. Their mouths were still joined and she was able to see the redhead’s eyes open wide with surprise when the carpet was pulled from beneath her. Jo pushed her on to the desk.

The hint of a warning flared in Sam’s eyes and Jo sensed she was about to deliver some pious reminder about Doctor McMahon’s advice. Unwilling to have the mood broken, Jo pressed her mouth harder against Sam, kissing her with a ferocious passion.

When she eventually broke the kiss, Sam started up at her, wordless excitement shining behind her wire-rimmed spectacles.

Jo grinned down. Her hands were moving over the redhead’s legs with rough, demanding caresses. She moved her fingers over Sam’s inner thighs, pausing only to trace the line of her garter. Then her hands were moving to the French knickers, the tips of her fingers sliding beneath the loose fabric at the legs.

Sam gasped. ‘I’m not sure we have this much time,’ she whispered.

‘We’ll make time,’ Jo assured her. Her index finger had reached Sam’s warm, velvety wetness and she blindly stroked the slick flesh.

Unconsciously, Sam bucked her hips as her body responded to the touch.

Jo tugged the French knickers away from her in one graceful motion, tossing them to the corner of the room. The sight of Sam’s pubic bush always excited her. There was something exquisite about the swatch of fiery red curls surrounding her labia. The vibrant colour seemed to capture the heat of the redhead’s passion. Unable to resist the temptation, Jo knelt down and lowered her lips to Sam’s pussy.

As her tongue trailed against the glistening flesh, Jo inhaled the musky fragrance of Sam’s scent. Lapping at the sweet honey, she savoured the intimate flavour before swallowing avariciously.

With mounting excitement, Sam groaned and writhed from side to side on the desk.

Jo moved her mouth away and turned the redhead over. Sam moved easily into the position, as though she had already guessed what Jo intended. Instead of lying with her back on the desk, she was now spread over it, feet buried in the carpet, stomach and breasts pressed firmly on to the surface.

Jo pushed her nose between Sam’s legs and nuzzled gently. Her tongue slipped into the velvety depths and she lapped greedily. Using her fingers to tease Sam’s sex wide apart, she forced her tongue further into the warm, musky cleft. She stroked the side of her thumb over the tingling nub of the redhead’s clitoris, inspiring a guttural groan.

Gently, still licking as she did it, Jo eased two fingers into the wet hole. Sam’s arousal was so great they slid easily inside. Jo could feel the tingling inner walls of the woman’s pussy clenching hungrily around her. Eagerly, she pushed the fingers deeper. As her tongue moved over the tip of the clitoris, Jo noticed that her thumb was brushing against the tiny circle of Sam’s anus. She did not even contemplate pushing her thumb inside, she simply did it.

Sam screamed at the unexpected intrusion. Every muscle in her body was furiously taut as she released sound. As Jo pushed the thumb deep into the forbidden depths of Sam’s arse, she felt the inner muscles contracting repeatedly. It was disturbingly arousing sensation. She could feel her own fingers brushing her thumb through the thin lining of Sam’s heated channels.

When the orgasm struck, Sam clenched hard against the intruding fingers.

Jo’s knuckles were forced uncomfortably together and almost pushed from their tight confines by the shivering muscles.

Sam’s scream began to taper off, only to be renewed when Jo slid her fingers deeper inside. She continued to work her tongue on the pulsing tip of Sam’s clitoris, greedily drinking the spray that erupted from her second climax. Beads of sweat glistened on Sam’s forehead and her lips were curled into an animal grimace of passion.

‘Too much,’ Sam whispered, easing herself away. There was a reluctant smile on her lips when she turned to face Jo. ‘Far too much,’ she said, leaning forward to kiss her.

Before their lips could meet, a small beeping sound from Sam’s wristwatch broke the mood. ‘Blast,’ Sam said, glancing at her watch and turning off the alarm. ‘It’s almost eleven. Perhaps we can finish this later.’ She reached for her discarded clothes and began to toss Jo’s garments towards her. ‘We have an eleven o’clock coming in two minutes.’

Stepping back into her suit, Jo watched Sam dressing. The embers of her satiated arousal glowed dully. ‘I’m still pissed at you,’ Jo said calmly. ‘You’ve moved the offices and changed the company name. Do we still do investigation work, or has that changed too?’

Sam opened her mouth as though she were about to reply, then shook her head. ‘I have been doing a bit of research into areas where we could diversify,’ she said quickly, ‘but we’ll discuss those later.’

Jo rolled her eyes and squeezed her fists into tight balls. It was not the first time she had thought of punching Sam. She did not think she would have actually done it even if they had not been disturbed, but it was still an attractive idea.

‘Flowers and Valentine?’ the woman asked, pushing her head around the door as she knocked.

‘Valentine and Flowers.’ Jo scowled at Sam, who looked set to correct her, then turned her attention back to the woman. ‘That’s us. You must be our eleven o’clock.’

‘Mrs Meadows,’ Sam said, stepping forward and extending a hand. ‘We spoke on the phone. I’m Samantha Flowers and this is my partner, Jo Valentine.’

Taking the hand, Mrs Meadows smiled politely. ‘Call me Faye.’

Jo watched as Sam ushered the woman into a chair and then sat behind the desk on which they had just been fucking. With a frown of annoyance, she realised she was virtually redundant in what was supposed to be her own office.

‘You’ll have to forgive our chaotic appearance,’ Sam told Mrs Meadows, gesturing at the uncluttered room around them. We’ve only just moved in this morning and we’re still trying to get everything in order.’

‘Will you be able to take on my case?’ Mrs Meadows asked.

‘Of course,’ Sam enthused.

‘That depends what it is,’ Jo said, fixing Sam with a menacing glare. She stepped behind Sam’s desk and sat casually on the surface, smiling tightly at the client.

Faye Meadows was tall and blonde. There was an expression of cool confidence on her thin face that gave her an authoritarian appearance. Yet, in spite of her smile, her ice-blue eyes were hard and uncompromising. She wore a light grey trenchcoat that had the patently unflattering look of expensive designer-wear. Her diamond engagement ring was large, and, coupled with her recent, professional manicure, it indicated that she was more than a little affluent.

BOOK: The Black Widow
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