The Billionaire's Son 6 : Initiation (A BDSM Erotic Romance) (Billionaire Erotica) (3 page)

BOOK: The Billionaire's Son 6 : Initiation (A BDSM Erotic Romance) (Billionaire Erotica)
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I was bent over
hands on my knees, but I could sense Alfred creeping closer to me. Suddenly, I felt rough fingers crudely poking into my pussy. I gasped
, nearly toppling over, as the fingers slid in and out of my
To my shock and dismay, the crude sensations further heightened

"She's quite sopping, sir
Alfred reported.

Ethan replied in an offhand manner.
"It's quite a shame I have an important meeting to attend. I would love to feel those plump lips of yours squeezing my cock, Katia.
Ah, well anticipation will make the eventual so much better.
Alfred, show Katia what a dirty girl she is."

Before I could imagine what was about to happen, I felt a stinging slap on my ass. It was quickly followed by a slap to the other cheek. When Alfred's clumsy fingers jabbed into my pussy once again, I almost moaned out loud with the delicious sensation. I felt I was on the verge of an orgasm, and that would p
robably be the most humiliating experience ever to happen
, especially in front of Derek.

Ethan laughed.
"What a delight you are
You may stand now."

I stood up, blood rushing to my face, and I hoped that
I was the
one who c
ould tell
that my face also burned with shame.
Derek looked as if he would
into a rage at any moment.

I think you were quite mistaken, my friend. It appears that Katia is more than ready and willing. Alfred, take Katia to the sitting room. Bring her clothes so she can get dressed. And bring her some refreshments. I have business with Mr. Blackstone to finish."

I followed Alfred out of the room, scared to look at Derek. Alfred sneered disdainfully at me as he handed me my clothes and left me to dress in the
sitting room. I got dressed at lightning speed and without
thinking twice,
left the room and
crept back
toward the study.
I desperately
to know what was happening in the other room.

Listening at the door, I caught snatches of the conversation between Derek and


chosen to be your mentor, Alex. My recommendations can get you the invite. But you're going to have to restrain your
. Your slave
belongs to The Club."

Derek's reply was muffled; he was probably facing the other way.

"Your slave
be at your initiation. She will perform an action to symbolize her complete loyalty to you
and The Club
. Without her, you won't be initiated. And without initiation, you won't be allowed
to the Equinox party. Frankly I'm concerned that you're not ready for that yet
, anyhow

strained to hear the mu
ed words.
voice rang out much clearer.

"Just have her ready for Friday night. I am hosting the initiation since I'm your mentor. Make sure she's in costume. Don't make me regret that I'm going out on a limb for you Blackstone. I have some stuff you can give her
to loosen her up a bit. And, for god's sake Blackstone, don't pull any possessive shit with her on Friday. Besides, the initiation revolves around you. You'll
have a group of slaves climbing all over you and you'll
be getting your cock blown
all night. All she has to do is watch.

A clanking noise down the hall got my attention. I scrambled back to the sitting room. Several moments later, Alfred entered carrying a tray of refreshments. He set the tray on a table, and left without acknowledging me.

I sat in the chair for about five minutes before Derek entered and collected me. We left the house without speaking. My gut felt queasy with nerves as we drove away silently.

"Derek, what happened?"

Derek scowled, "Just what I was afraid of Julia. Jesus Christ, that old fuck was groping you right in front of me."

I swallowed uneasily. "Forget about that. When is the Initiation? We just need to get through the Initiation then we can go to the party at Highgate Manor. What luck! We're so close to finding Elise."

Pulling the steering wheel hard to the right, Derek pulled over and turned to face me. "You're not going anywhere!
Don't even
mention it
again. And that's final!"




Seeing the impressive manor looming before him
once again
, Derek remembered
the horrible meeting with
two days earlier. He was not used t
o feeling so out of control of any
situation. He remembered the absolute rage he had felt watching Julia exposing her pussy to the lecherous men, even as his own cock pulsated with lust at the sight.

After the meeting was over, as soon as he was comfortable that he had no one tailing him, he dropped a confused Julia off at her home
He wasn't mad a Julia, in fact he was quite impressed with her bravery and there was never any doubt about her
e sexiness.
He just didn't want to share her
with anyone
. Not knowing how to express his emotions, he ended up going to the
to vent his frustrations on a punching bag

Before he
had so awkwardly left her, he
explained to her that he thought they shouldn't have any contact with each other
for a few days
to protect her identity.
He would contact her soon. She had looked crestfallen, but he wanted to get through this
initiation without involving her.
had stressed that Julia was necessary, but he was hoping he could
throw more money at
The Club
if they
gave him any trouble
Otherwise, the whole thing was off; he wasn't about to put Julia in any contact
with The Club again -
let alone
some kind of crazy sex initiation.

two days later,
he was
preparing to enter
's house again to
attend his
Initiation ceremony. He wasn’t sure what was in store for him, but if he kept his wits about him, he would be
tantalizingly close
to finding Elise.
He was
more than
ready for his crazy quest to end. And it now seemed
that Elise had
willingly disappeared,
this life
without a
concern for her family.
That would be so typically selfish of her that he was beginning to believe it was true. If he could locate her, make sure she was not being coerced into anything and that she was not in
danger, he would report back to her family
with or without her consent
and gladly be done with the whole tangled mess.

He was met at the door by the sour looking Alfred.
"Good evening, Mr. Blackstone. Please follow me."

Alfred led Derek down the hall, past the study and into a guest suite. "Please make yourself comfortable, Mr. Blackstone. Your robes have been laid out for you. Someone will come to collect you in about one hour. Enjoy your evening, sir."

After Alfred turned and exited the room, Derek heard the unmistakable sound of the lock turning. He wasn't concerned yet. One solid kick to the door and he could probably get out, but for now, he was intent on playing along with the Initiation.

rek examined the robe; it was a different
style t
the other robes
. This one was more like a long sleeveless tunic that would hang above his knee. It was entirely white with a green sash to keep it fastened. It reminded him vaguely of a roman toga.
He threw the costume down on the bed and stalked the room looking for anything out of the ordinary.

For the thousandth time that night, he was thankful that Julia was not involved in the initiation. Who knew what he would have to face tonight?

The hour seemed to stretch on forever. When time was nearly up, Derek changed into the white robe and paced the room impatiently. Fina
lly a knock sounded at the door. The door swung open and a man in the standard brown hooded robe beckoned him to follow.

"Congratulations, Blackstone. You're in for the night of your life."

Derek followed the man. "Are we going to the Initiation now?"

The man gave him a friendly slap on the back. "No. First will be the celebratory dinner held in your honor. The actual Initiation is
a short ritual
that's club tradition. Then the party begins. You're in for a terrific night, so just relax and enjoy."

Derek doubted that he would relax or enjoy anything that night. But he schooled his expression
into calm nonchalance
. It was important that he at least
be enjoying himself even though
he couldn't wait to
this night
behind him.

robed man led Derek to a
sitting room where about a dozen
robed men gathered. As Derek assessed the situation, a man approached him. When he drew near, Derek recognized
the face of
Ethan Graham
, his so-called mentor, under the

offered him a glass of champagne, "Cheers, Blackstone. Here's to a night beyond compare."

Derek mumbled his agreement as they both drank the champagne. Soon the other robed members surrounded
and peppered him with congratulations and general small talk.
He was forced to accept many refills of his champagne
as the well wishes
were never-ending
No one seemed particularly interested in asking him personal questions and the subject of his 'slave'
ever came up. As time went by, Derek felt himself slowly relaxing.
So far, this had been less daunting than an Elk's Club meeting.

When it was announced that dinner was ready, Derek was surprised to catch himself
in a moment
laughing quite jokingly with another man. He took a deep breath trying to clear his
head. He needed to keep his wits about him. He couldn't let the ge
neral excitement of the night rub off on him.

The men ushered Derek into the large formal dining room and sat him at the head of the enormous table. Derek was surprised that the table was completely empty
o place settings
no table décor. His
trouble focusing
as the double-doors to the dining room swung open and a bevy of slaves sauntered in
to the room
wearing nothing but their collars and
leather and rope harnesses of various style. Each woman carried a platter, which she paraded before Derek. He vaguely saw the offerings pass by:
caviar, grapes, cheeses and other unidentifiable foods. He saw other wom
n carrying trays with lines of white powder cut tidily - cocaine, he realized. Still others carried trays of sex toys: dildos, beads, restraints, lubricants, and a host of other things he could only
glimpse in passing.

But mostly, Derek's eyes were fixed on the women
Seeing the nude women made his senses go into overload. While his cock remained strangely dormant, his
head was
sexual urges.
didn't even real
ize that he
was no longer worried about maintaining his cover identity or getting through the night. He was anticipating with
eagerness the debauchery that was to follow.

A nude blonde woman straddled his lap
, coaxing more champagne between his lips. He vaguely felt hi
s robe being removed as he calm
ly watched the site before him. Some
of the
women had climbed on top of the dining table. They displayed themselves
often performing sex acts
on themselves to the delight of the cheering men. He watched the man to his right inserting a cucumber into a writhing woman on the table.
wanted to join them, but he suddenly realized that two women were busy sucking
on his slowly stiffening

As he changed focus to concentrate on the delicious feeling, he wanted to climb up on the table himself and let everyone climb all over him
- l
et them devour him whole.
He wanted to be on the bottom of a pile of flesh - arms and legs akimbo, pussies in his mouth, lips around his cock. He felt as if he were floating in a sea of sensation and the feeling was close to euphoric.
He reached forward to grab a fistful of voluptuous tits as more champagne poured down his throat.
Strange, h
e felt as if the air itself was caressing him.

Somewhere, deep inside and
barely competing with
the entire
, it
dawned on him that he had been drugged.
But he just didn't care anymore


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