The Billionaire's Forbidden Desire (4 page)

BOOK: The Billionaire's Forbidden Desire
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The knot in her chest was gone, now replaced by a deep pulsing ball in her belly. It was similar to the need and hunger that had driven her all these years, and it centered around Dane—his very presence and vitality. She felt the tug, pulling her closer to him.

Did he feel it too?

Maybe not. He seemed entirely too poised. Maybe a lot of women invited him to dinner. That wouldn’t surprise her, given how magnetic he was. For the first time in her life, she wished she were a little bit more like her mother. Betsy Reed would know exactly what to do. There was no man-situation she couldn’t handle with ease.

After they finished their fruit, Sophia took dirty plates into the kitchen. She rinsed them in the sink, turned to load them into the dishwasher and almost yelped when she bumped into Dane. “What are you doing?”

“Helping you clean up,” he said matter-of-factly. He was standing right behind her. “That seems like the least I can do.”

“You don’t have to,” she murmured, flustered.

She was somewhat trapped between Dane, the sink and the open dishwasher, which was pressing into her calf. She tried to reach around him, but somehow couldn’t. Her limbs felt too heavy, and she couldn’t look away.

He took the plates, leaning past her to put them into the washer rack. Although he’d claimed to have had three bottles of scotch, he moved with such cool control she couldn’t help but wonder if he’d miscounted or exaggerated. He loaded the plates and shut the appliance.

He was only a few inches away, and she could see every long, gorgeous eyelash around his stunning blue eyes. He smelled amazing this close, like scotch and something else she’d never smelled before. If she had to put a word to it, she’d say it was masculine and…irresistible.

Her insides turned soft and gooey, and something hot and needy coursed through her veins. She looked at his mouth, set in a firm flat line. A crazy impulse to press hers against it crashed through her, and before the rational side of her brain could kick in, she rose on her toes and pressed her lips against his.

They were unexpectedly soft. A sweet ache knotted in her belly, and she clenched her hands, gripping the edge of the counter. Her heart hammered as though she were suspended in the air, just nanoseconds away from landing a jump.

He didn’t move, and suddenly embarrassment hit her. It wasn’t like her to be so forward. Besides, his being helpful didn’t mean he was inviting her in for a kiss.

She pulled back.

Dane’s strong arm snaked around her waist, keeping her close. His eyes glittered like dark sapphires as he studied her. Her face grew hot, but she couldn’t look away. She swallowed, licking her lips for the lingering taste of him. “I, ah… Sorry—”

“Don’t be,” he rasped, his breath brushing over her cheek. “Now. My turn.”

Chapter Five

Before Sophia could process anything, Dane cupped her face and kissed her. His mouth was insistent and persuasive as he explored her lips—their texture and shape. He seemed to know just where she was most vulnerable, and he licked along the line where they joined, probing gently.

Acting on her instinct now, she opened her mouth and let him in. He plundered her, his tongue and teeth and lips relentless. Blood roared through her, and her knees grew weak. Before she could fall, she wrapped her arms around his neck. Pleasure curled in her belly then spread through her body like the sweetest of drugs.

He gripped her ass and pulled her closer. His thick erection pushed against her, and she moaned with want. Her panties were already damp.

“Which way is your bedroom?” he asked between kisses.

Unable to speak, she gestured behind her. He picked her up and carried her without breaking the kiss. Every step rubbed her against him, and she whimpered at the maddening friction. Heady need swept through her, and she hung onto Dane’s unyielding body, knowing he was the only one who could ease the throbbing knot in her belly and below.

He set her down in front of the giant bed and pushed the tank top straps down her arms. “You aren’t wearing a bra.”

“I…don’t really need to,” she said, almost apologetically. Was he disappointed that she was so small? She’d never worried about it before. Actually she preferred that her breasts were next to nonexistent, but now she couldn’t help but be self-conscious. She crossed her arms over them.

“Don’t.” His order shot out like a crack of a whip. He took her wrists and lowered them to her sides. “Don’t ever cover yourself in front of me.”

He fell to his knees, pulling her down until she was perched at the edge of the bed. His warm breath blew over a nipple, and she bit back a moan as sharp pleasure shot through her.

“Gorgeous,” he murmured before taking it into his mouth.

Her thoughts scattered, and it was all she could do to hold onto him as he suckled it hard. His teeth scraped it, and she could barely drag in air. Restlessness grew, coiling tightly inside her. She dug her hands into his hair as electric pleasure streaked through her body, and she heard herself whimper
over and over again…although she wasn’t sure what she was asking for. She just knew he was the only one who could give it to her.

He cupped her other breast in his large hand, pinching the nipple with just enough force to make her back arch. When he pulled away from her chest, she groaned loudly with protest until she found his lips trailing down her belly, leaving wet kisses behind.

Her body quivered as he pulled down her pants and panties. She should be embarrassed, but she was past caring as he breathed softly over her inner thighs. He pressed his mouth against her calves, and she bit her lower lip, hoping he wouldn’t notice her ankles weren’t quite perfectly straight or that her feet had suffered years of abuse inside ice-skates.

She didn’t even know why his opinion mattered when tens of thousands of people had seen her flaws already, but it did. She’d never felt more vulnerable and nervous.

“Perfect,” he whispered.

The tension eased, and she let out a shuddering breath. He nibbled on her skin, his lips and tongue and teeth moving expertly to set her nerves on fire. Cool air brushed between her slick folds, and she flushed, although she was too turned on to care much.

“You’re so wet, love.” His eyes glittered.

“I can’t help it.”

He growled, the sound reverberating deep in his chest. “I don’t want you to.”

She swallowed, waiting and wanting and…

His mouth closed over her sex.

Her head fell back. He lapped her up, like she were a peach dripping with juices. His hands pushed her thighs wider apart, and she let him, willing to do anything so long as he didn’t stop. He sucked her clit hard, then pushed a finger inside her.

She clenched around the sudden invasion. It felt so good as he stretched her, but somehow it wasn’t enough. She wanted to beg for more, but something held her back. He plunged his finger in and out, then a second one joined.

Something bright and wondrous formed inside her. He increased the pressure of his movements, then curled his digits, hitting just the right spot. “I want to taste your orgasm on my tongue.”

The dark whisper rippled over her senses just before he licked and sucked between her legs. Fiery pleasure exploded inside her, ecstasy overloading her. Her back arched as she screamed. She put a palm over her mouth, biting the heel of her hand to muffle the sound.

Dane pulled her up the bed, setting her in the center. He was already nude, having shrugged off his robe. He twisted her hair in his hand, holding her head tightly, and kissed her mouth. He tasted salty, like her, and she welcomed him into her mouth, sucking him and moaning against him. His thick erection nestled between her folds, and he rocked sweetly, bumping into her clit. She shuddered as the familiar tight ball formed in her belly.

He lined his cock so the head could dip in and out of her, teasing her with shallow thrusts. She angled her pelvis for a deeper penetration, but he adjusted himself, frustrating her.

She clutched him to her, her hands clumsy. “Please… Don’t deny me.”

He groaned. “I don’t have a condom.”

“It doesn’t matter. I can’t get pregnant.” Her periods were extremely irregular, and when she had them, they were more like light spotting. Her doctor had said she wouldn’t be fertile until she gained at least thirty pounds.

“You’re so small and tight.” The muscles in his jaw bunched. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

“You can’t hurt me.” He’d already given her more pleasure than she’d ever experienced. “Please.”

He took both of her wrists in his hands, pushing her arms up, imprisoning her in his grip. “You’re so damn beautiful. Hot.”

He plunged in, burying himself deep inside her. She cried out at the stunning invasion. It felt like he’d split her open.

Strain and tension deepened the lines around his mouth and corners of his eyes. He cursed and held himself still. “Why didn’t you tell me?”


“That it was your first time.” He choked out the words between clenched teeth.

She blinked away tears. Was it something she should’ve discussed earlier? It had never occurred to her, but then what did she know about relationships anyway? She’d never had time to even look at boys while growing up. “Sorry. I didn’t think it was important.”

“Don’t ever apologize,” he said, his forehead resting against hers. “Especially when you did nothing wrong.”


“I would’ve been able to make it better for you if I’d known.” He brushed his thumbs over her tears. “You’re killing me here, do you know that?”

He kissed her, his mouth gentle and sweet. She kissed him back, loving the texture and taste of him, the way he changed the angle of his head for a deeper connection.

The kiss seemed to last forever. All of her senses were drenched in him—his scent, his taste, his heat and solid presence. His callused fingers caressed her sensitive skin with a delicacy she hadn’t expected from a man so large and physical.

He seemed to know exactly where to touch and just the right amount of pressure to exert. She was already so sensitive from the previous orgasm, it didn’t take long before a knot of pleasure throbbed to the fast beating of her heart. She cried out, her whole body arching with the need to reach for more.

Only then did he move, slow and steady. His gaze focused on her, making sure she was all right. The delicious friction sent shivers along her spine, and she gripped his shoulders.

It was too much—the steady, hard strokes of his cock and the hot intensity of his eyes. She’d never experienced anything like it, not even when she was competing for a world title.

Her heart thundered, and she couldn’t draw in air. The bitter disappointment that had been her constant companion for the past four years was gone, replaced by Dane and the searing pleasure he was giving her.

When the second wave of climax crashed into her, she let go, drowning in electric feeling. His arms wrapped around her, and he groaned, biting out a harsh word, before he joined her in the sea of mind-obliterating sensation.

Chapter Six

When Sophia could breathe normally again, she looked at Dane through her lashes. He was absolutely gorgeous naked, his shoulders wide, muscles lean and beautifully defined all along his tall body. She reached over to run her hand along his ribcage, then stopped. It was ridiculous for her to feel shy now, but…

“I don’t bite.” Amusement lightened his voice.

She flushed.

“I don’t know how you can blush now.” He propped his head on a hand and looked at her. His finger grazed her cheek. “You weren’t shy when I had your legs spread and was—”

She put a hand over his mouth. “Oh my god, stop.” Her face felt hot enough to fry eggs.

He fell back on the bed, laughing. He looked so carefree and happy that moment, she couldn’t muster even a bit of annoyance at his amusement.

Suddenly, he sobered. “Still, I meant what I said. You should’ve said something.”

She gave him a sidelong glance. “Do you normally discuss your sexual history before you sleep with someone?”

“If it’s relevant, yes. And this being your first time, it was. By the way, you should also have asked me if I was clean before you told me I could forgo the condom, and yes, I am clean,” he said.

Oh jeez
. That thought had never even crossed her mind. Crazy how little she knew about real life while knowing more than almost everyone on competition prep, jump technique and edge control.

Sophia couldn’t tell what Dane was thinking as he gazed at her. Was that also a side effect of her lack of experience or something else?

Finally, dark regret flitted through his eyes. “Not that I’m complaining, but you should’ve done it with somebody you’ve dated for a while, not some random stranger you picked up off the beach.”

“I don’t have a boyfriend.” Suddenly she couldn’t face him anymore. She lay on her back and stared at the ceiling. “Didn’t think I needed one to, you know…do that.”

“No, you don’t.” He ran a finger down her shoulder. “I just…” He sighed. “Never mind.”

His lips brushed where his finger had been, and the tension drained from her muscles. “I don’t want to talk about ‘should’ve’. It is what it is.” The mantra she’d told herself over and over again to push aside disappointment. She curled toward him. “And I wanted to…experience something other than my troubles. Didn’t you?”

“What makes you think I have troubles?”

“You were drinking, and you don’t really seem like an alcoholic, so…” She cleared her throat, looking away. “It looked like you had something painful you wanted to either forget about or run from.”

Silence stretched, and he didn’t move. Sophia winced. Maybe it was presumptuous or something to talk that way after sex?

“Go to sleep,” he said softly, his voice oddly lacking inflection. He pulled the covers over her.

Something was off, but her tired mind couldn’t quite grasp it. She let her heavy eyelids fall. She could sort it out tomorrow.

* * *

Dane looked at the slim blonde curled next to him. She was breathing evenly now, her body relaxed in sleep. What the hell had he been thinking?

BOOK: The Billionaire's Forbidden Desire
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