The Billionaire Baby Bombshell (12 page)

BOOK: The Billionaire Baby Bombshell
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“My solicitor assures me the courts will be in my favor,” Carlos said now.

“Not after they know you’ve been slandering my family in the press.” Alex placed his hands on his hips. “You’ll stop this vendetta. Now.”

“What vendetta?”

“Don’t play dumb. We both know what you’ve been doing.”

Carlos snorted. “Fine. But only if you hand over Sprint. And stay away from Yelena.”

A raw moan of dismay rumbled in her throat but she managed to swallow it. Her hands, she noticed, clutched damp fistfuls of red satin and quickly she released her grip, furtively smoothing out the skirt.


Alex’s cold response rang clearly across the courtyard, breathing life into Yelena’s stiff form, warmth into her cooling limbs.

“You’ve got no proof,” Carlos hissed. “And with a few well-chosen words in Yelena’s ear, she’ll drop you and your account quicker than last week’s leftovers.”

“She won’t believe you.”

“But I’m her brother. The only person she trusts. She’ll believe me.”

Although she couldn’t read Alex’s expression, his tense shoulders and angled jaw at Carlos’s smug words spoke volumes.

“What Yelena and I do is none of your business, Carlos.”

“Like hell it’s not!” Carlos’s fists tightened. “You’ve dragged her down to your level and I should—”

“Do not threaten me, Valero.” Alex stepped into the light, his face a mask of angry impatience and dark shadow. “You can try your luck right here, right now, but I’ve taken on guys twice your size before and won. In fact—” his chin lifted, a tight smile stretching his lips “—go right ahead. I’m just itching to punch that pretty face of yours.”

In deathly silence, Yelena watched the standoff, heart thundering, every limb and muscle alert with horrible anticipation.

Then, after interminably long seconds, Carlos slowly stepped back.

Alex shoved his hands in his pockets. “Ultimatums only work if you’re holding all the cards, Carlos.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“It means you lose. I have your threats on tape. I have proof you were talking to the press. And pretty soon I’ll have proof you were stealing not only from Sprint but others, too. And more importantly, I have Yelena. Don’t try it,” he added tightly as Carlos rocked on his feet. “I will take you down.”

Carlos’s face twisted into a furious mask of rage but Alex kept going. “Keep talking to the press and you’ll see how much mud sticks.”

Finally Alex turned and headed across the courtyard, to the path that led back to the party. At the last minute he paused, glancing back. “You need to leave now. I’ll have security drive you to the airstrip.”

A stream of curses followed him as he disappeared, before Carlos turned on his heel and stalked inside.

Yelena slipped back, the lengthening shadows enveloping her. With racing heart, she placed her palms on the smooth stone, taking relief from the cold, unyielding surface against her burning skin.

This changed everything.

A few seconds passed before her body craved movement, her mind solitude. It was no surprise she ended up at the most secluded area of the resort.

The grotto was private and intimate, a small rock pool surrounded by an impressive array of trees and strategically placed slabs of granite to form a miniature version of Diamond Falls’ waterfall.

She sat in a deck chair, the gentle rustle of material whispering around her legs. The bubbling, lapping water, coupled with the hypnotic ripples shimmering across the illuminated surface slowly edged into her consciousness, gently prying loose her fervent thoughts. Gradually the noise in her head eased off, leaving her with unanswered questions.

Since when had Carlos become so vindictive? How could her brother willingly set out to destroy a family? He’d never even met Pam and Chelsea.

The crystalline waters held no answer. A gentle breeze rushed through the trees, bringing with it the faraway noise of the party. Moments later, a bunch of jovial partygoers interrupted her reverie. As they laughed and joked, clumsily stripping off their formal wear, Yelena rose.

“Hey! Come and join us in the pool!”

The cute guy was grinning as he paused midstrip but Yelena shook her head with a smile. “No thanks.”

Amidst their calls of disappointment, Yelena threw them an apologetic smile before clicking open the pool gate.

She kept on walking until the path stopped. Startled she glanced up, to the very last suite, which stood alone and apart from the others. Her eyes ran over the brickwork, the fancy tiled patio with its top-shelf furniture and drawn curtains.

Such perfection and beauty. Yet she wondered if the occupants would come up quite so well under scrutiny.

With a heavy sigh she turned.


She whirled, her eyes seeking the figure in the long shadows, fear pounding her heart.

A tiny click and warm light flooded the path. Alex’s broad shape filled the doorway, one arm leaning against the sliding door. “Are you okay?”

Fate. She rocked on her toes, eager to leave yet unable to. Her granite resolve crumbled like dust on the wind, erased by what she’d overheard. The inexplicable urge to move surged through her then suddenly she was taking one step forward, one step, then another. “No. No, I’m not.”

When he opened his arms it seemed perfectly natural to step into them. And then the tears came.

Somehow he managed to steer her inside, close the door then seat them both on his couch. And still she clung to him,
savoring the feel of this huge, muscular man, taking comfort in his protective arms.

That’s how he made her feel. Protected. As if he could fix anything for her.

“What happened?” he finally asked when she eventually pulled back.

Feeling a little foolish now, she dipped her head from scrutiny, quickly wiping at her cheeks. He couldn’t fix this. It was something she had to get through all by herself.

“Carlos and I…we had a falling out.”

“I see.”

She glanced up. His expression remained neutral, waiting for her to continue.

“He…” She hesitated as everything came flooding back. “He still blames Gabriela for…well, everything. And he certainly hates me for Bella. I…I heard you both in the courtyard.”

“Heard what?”

“Everything—Carlos’s lies, his threats, his…”

The anguish on her face made Alex’s heart ache. He reached for her hand, linking her fingers in his. “I’m sorry.”

“So am I. For not seeing what he was really like sooner.” When she brought those dark watery eyes up to meet his, he was a goner.

“You couldn’t know,” he managed to get out.

“But I should have. I should have—”

“Don’t.” He cupped her cheek, a sudden intimacy that shocked her into silence. This is what he had wanted, for her to see the depth of Carlos’s nature, yet the victory rang hollow in the face of Yelena’s pain.

Despite her tears his body reacted on an elemental level, a primitive level. Me, man. You, woman.

My woman.
He’d had her once, and the urge to have her again surged through him. The guilty forbidden pleasure only heightened his need, a need far beyond his control.

A dark and terrible shard broke off inside him, disappearing into the murky waters of his past to be lost forever. In its place something sparked, something warm and hopeful.

Something that made him want things he had no right to.

She searched his face, looking for what, he didn’t know. Compassion? Humanity? Whatever it was, her scrutiny undid him, unraveled the last of the control he’d been clinging onto.

When he leaned forward and kissed her, she let him, her sigh of acceptance sweet in his mouth. Her lips tasted of salt and warmth and Alex explored every inch of that flesh, from the generous swell of her bottom lip to the wide corners that would spread in mischievous abandon when she laughed.

He felt the desperate urge to hear her laugh again.

But right now, laughter was the last thing on his mind. Instead he eased her back into his soft leather couch, his hands full of her hair, his lips on her throat and his senses reeling from her sensual scent.

She shifted her weight, allowing him to settle more firmly between her legs. His manhood was already hard and throbbing and when it bumped up against her thigh, his breath rushed out on a groan.

“The floor,” she got out beneath his mouth, eyes heavy with arousal.

He needed no further direction. As if she were no lighter than a doll, he scooped her up and deposited her on the carpet.

Yelena stared up at him as he made short work of his shirt, his tie already long gone. The appreciative sigh rumbled deep in her throat as he kneeled before her, purposeful intent glowing in his darkened eyes. Reaching out, she swept a hand over that broad chest, her fingers teasing from one nipple to the other.

His sharp breath made her chuckle.

Then she let her fingers trail down over his abdomen,
savoring the beautiful eroticism of those bumpy ridges, the warm yet iron-hard muscle beneath, until she got to his belt buckle.

She chanced a glance, absorbing the raw desire in his face before slowly trailing her palm down, over the large bulge of his erection.

“Lord, Yelena…” ended on a groan as she quickly unbuckled, unzipped and dragged his pants down.

He was a large man in every area. Her hand wrapped around his silken heat, quivering when he groaned again. The power she held, the power she commanded, was amazingly humble. It filled her to the brim, spilling over as she slowly bent her head.

She heard him mutter an oath as she slid him past her lips, his fingers tightening in her hair, gently urging her on. Even as the deep pulse between her legs rocketed, she took time to savor his every taste, every smell, until finally her mouth settled at the base of his groin and she murmured a satisfied sigh.

She breathed deep, filling her lungs with his pure, musky male scent, loving the way it excited her.


He was a man on the edge and losing control, his guttural command ripped from deep within. Wasting no more time, she moved, her mouth working him, loving him while his hands rested possessively on her head, guiding her pace.

It was an act so raw, so shockingly primal, loving him with her mouth. But it was also absolutely perfect. To hear his harsh breath, to feel his pounding heart, knowing she was the one giving him so much pleasure, thrilled her every single nerve.

She had the power to control a man, this man who exuded such palpable command. It numbed her thoughts. She couldn’t think, she could only feel. His tight hard butt beneath her
palms, the damp arousal sweating from his skin. His granite-hard erection in her mouth.

She felt his muscles quiver and in the next second, he pulled free. “Stop.”

“But I haven’t—”

“Sweetheart,” he choked out, gently pushing her down to the floor. “I need to be inside you.”

She melted right there and then, bonelessly sinking back into the plush carpet. But after he bunched her skirts around her waist, his hand searched to no avail.

Yelena grinned, twisting sideways. “Try the zipper.”

They both chuckled as Alex dragged the zipper down. But amusement swiftly fled when the dress parted from her body and like Venus released from the sea, she lay bare for his inspection.

He took a deep, staggering breath. “God, you’re stunning.”

The raw look that passed over his face floored her, empowered her. She placed her hands behind her head, smiling, unashamedly teasing him in her black high cut G-string. “Why, thank you, kind sir.”

Then he lowered his head and her smile ended as a gasp. Strong teeth teased her nipple, rolling the hard bud around his mouth, creating sudden hot friction between her legs.

He spent what felt like ages cupping the generous swell of her breasts, licking the valley between, teasing both nipples with his thumbs until she was panting, ready to explode.

“Alex, please…” She felt no shame in begging, letting him know she needed him inside her, making love to her.

And he was there, his hands spreading her thighs wide.

She held her breath, waiting, waiting. When he entered her, swift and hard, she cried out in joy.

Alex paused, heart pounding in his throat. “Did I hurt you?”

Her mouth curved into an erotic smile, her eyes fluttering
open. She could kill him with that look, all dark and wide with arousal. Then she wrapped those long legs around his waist, angling down. “No” came her breathless reply as she arched her back. “Not at all.”

Her perfect neck called to him; he placed hot kisses across the length of it as she moved again, inviting him to continue.

He eagerly reared to meet her. She was so tight, so wet. He moved first in gentle strokes, then as he felt her passion begin to swiftly build, he switched to hard, almost rough thrusts. She murmured her satisfaction, meeting him all the way, tilting her hips so he could go deeper, harder.

Yelena was filled to the brim with sensory overload. He rocked her hips, grasped her bottom with skillful hands, filling her totally, completely. She felt like she could do anything, be anyone in this one moment. She was at one with him, an essential part of two halves that fit perfectly together, deep in the throes of some powerful, amazing force.

Alex’s hot breath bathed her, his mouth devoured hers on the down thrust, then up again as he continued.

She was…it was…

Her eyes sprang wide, every sensitive inch of her skin throbbing, tingling with breathless climax.

She heard Alex groan as with one last thrust he emptied into her.

Oh, how she loved him.


elena floated back down to earth slowly with a satisfied smile on her face, her entire body throbbing with pleasure.

With his full weight completely covering her, their flesh slick and wet, she took a deep breath. He was as necessary to her as air.

“You look pleased with yourself.”

She opened her eyes into Alex’s smiling ones, wicked with humor. Where their bodies joined, she could still feel him inside, intimate and hot.

She tightened her legs around him with a slow grin. “I am.”

“You should be.”

He rolled, taking her with him so she was on top. And when she pulled back, his hands went to her breasts, cradling the generous curves in both palms.

“You are beautiful.”

She tilted her head. “So are you.”

“It’s official, then.”

They laughed, two lovers sharing a deeply private moment. But as the seconds lengthened, Yelena’s grin slowly sobered.


“Mmm?” He was still on her breasts, seemingly fascinated by the way her nipples pebbled beneath his thumbs.

She dragged in a sharp breath. How could she be so quickly aroused again, so soon?

“Alex. We didn’t use protection.”

His hands stilled, his eyes flying to hers. “Are you…?”

She felt the flush spread from belly to scalp. “I’m healthy. I’ve—”
Loved you for years.
She pulled in a breath before adding, “I’m fine.”

“So am I.”

He reached up, took her head between his hands and dragged her down for a kiss.

It wasn’t a kiss full of lust and longing. It wasn’t designed to arouse or command like so many others they’d shared before. Instead it was tender, soft. Loving. Yet more than the others, it made Yelena’s blood pump faster, her lungs swell, her heart sing.

She let herself get swept away on the moment, let her mind take her to a place where she and Alex were together, where Bella completed their perfect family and they all lived happily ever after.

Yet she could only indulge in the fantasy for so long because slowly, her head began to fill with questions and doubts, ones that became too loud to ignore.


“Mmm?” He’d moved down to her throat, his hands still holding her in place. She groaned as her body responded with sluggish delight.

She wanted to tell him her deepest secrets right then, let him know exactly how she felt. Yet fear robbed her of courage.
Alex put a high price on the truth. Would he want her after he knew she’d been lying all along?

“Was Carlos right? Did you hire me to get back at him?”

Her questions had the desired effect: his questing hands stilled, his head angling back to take her in.

“Do you really want me to answer that?”

Abruptly she withdrew, backing up against the couch, pillow clutched to her chest. “Which means yes.”

Alex’s thoughts tangled at the look on her face. “You know Bennett & Harper are the best in the business. That you are exceptional at what you do.” He held up a hand at her impatient frown. “And yes, I did start out angry and desperate to cause Carlos damage. But then—”

“Then, what?”

“I didn’t want to anymore.”

Her brow wrinkled. “You didn’t want to sleep with me?”

Lord, she undid him.
“I didn’t want Carlos to be the reason,” he explained, taking her hand. When he brought it to his lips, her eyes widened. “There’s never been a moment I’ve not wanted to make love to you, Yelena.”

He watched her face relax, her eyes go liquid. Then she blinked and shook herself.

“You used me,” she said flatly.

Her eyes, so dark and expressive, wounded him to the core. He could dredge up excuses but shame humbled him. He nodded. “I know. And I’m sorry.”

She studied him for another moment before her chin tipped up. “Why did you invite Carlos tonight?”

“Because I needed you to see him for who he really is.”

“You couldn’t just tell me?” But even as the words left her mouth Yelena realized how stupid she sounded. She wouldn’t have believed him. Not then. But now…

“And he's been going to the papers.”

His chest tightened but he forced himself to relax. “Yes.”

Yelena stared past his shoulder to the opposite wall in silence.

“I'll get my proof. About everything.”

The silence stretched again until Alex said gently, “Look, Yelena, I know he’s your brother but—”

“You’ve got to understand something about Carlos,” she said firmly, bring her eyes back to his. “His reputation, his…his…” She struggled for the words, hand accentuating her dilemma. “His obsession with being who he is and what that stands for is the only thing he cares about. You know what it was like at school—no one touched the Valero girls. It was flattering having an overprotective brother. Gabriela hated it but had no choice, given what had happened back home. And when I got older, it became…”


She nodded. “It was never about me. It was about him and his perfect reputation.”


“He’s never held Bella, not once.” Her breath caught, a dead giveaway to her distress. “He never even asks about her.”

She finally sees how Carlos really is
. Alex wanted to pump his fist in the air, shout out his victory, but triumph was tempered by the obvious pain that shone in her eyes.

Then Yelena said, “So what Carlos heard…what I heard. Your father
having an affair?”

His heart paused. “No.”

“Then what were you arguing about?”

“Nothing important.”

He rose in one fluid movement, so abrupt Yelena involuntarily gasped.


“I’m telling you to leave it, Yelena.”

She paused. It was his voice, all rawness and jagged angles, a stark contrast to the smooth way he pulled on his pants.

He was damaged. Oh, not on the outside, because Alex
Rush had perfected a polished façade of control and restraint as necessary to his survival as breathing. No, it was something deeper, something missing. She knew him.
knew him, and not in the casual-date way Gabriela had cheerfully described before Yelena had cut her off, red-faced. And not in the “my business partner, Alex Rush” Carlos had bragged about.

Was she the only one who could see into his heart, see the cloying demons that touched his soul, ones she knew came from his picture-perfect home, ones he refused to address?

“I won’t leave it,” she said firmly. “Please tell me, Alex.”

He rounded on her so suddenly, with such fury blazing from his eyes that she jumped.

“I said, leave it! Just because we had sex does not give you carte blanche to my entire life!”

She felt the slap as surely as palm meeting skin. Blood fled from her face, the dark truth a hard lump in her chest.

“So I’m just good enough to sleep with, is that it?”

Disgust hit Alex’s stomach the exact moment shock distorted her features. He took one step back, dropped his eyes to the floor with a growl. It was done. He couldn’t undo it now.
Way to go, mate.
The slow, victory clap of his conscience rang hollow in his ears.
You’ve been looking for a way to push her away and now you’ve found it.

“I think I should go.” She reached for her dress, a flush staining those high cheekbones.

He groaned. “Yelena, you don’t have to—”

She shot him a look as she fumbled with her clothing, finally dragging the dress over those beautiful curves. “I’m flying home tomorrow, remember? I need to focus on your campaign.”

Yelena grabbed her shoes then hurried to the door, silence dogging her retreat. Yet as she cracked the door open, she forced herself to glance back.

Alex had picked up the remote control and was flicking
through the channels, his bare back so painfully straight that her hands ached to touch him, to help ease the tension bunched along those beautiful shoulders.

Her throat tightened, choking whatever breath she had left.

“You need to think about this situation with Carlos and Sprint Travel. If you fight him for it, it’ll hit the papers. It could turn ugly and overshadow what we’re trying to achieve here.”

The efficiently spare nod, along with a gruff “I will” was her only acknowledgment.

Pain sliced her heart but she managed to hold it together until she walked out, closing the door behind with an inaudible click.


Yelena paused in the corridor, the subdued lights throwing her shadow across the pristine white walls. Gently she placed a hand on the door.

“I love you.”

She wanted to shout it loud instead of whispering into the empty silence. She loved Alex Rush.

Slowly she dragged herself down the hall, muscles aching with delicious exertion, shoes dangling from her fingers, the hem of her dress bunched in her hand.

She understood Alex better than he thought she did. He was an exceedingly proud man, one who did not take attacks on his family lying down.

She finally made it to her door and fumbled in her purse for the keycard. A wave of guilt lapped at her heels as she softly made her way inside. Alex wouldn’t lie about Carlos. Not about something this important. And she’d heard it with her own ears. Her brother was behind those awful rumors, not only trying to destroy Alex’s reputation, but also Pam's and Chelsea’s in the process. Three innocent people.

And then there was her own bombshell. How would Alex take that?

She gently woke Jasmine, who’d fallen asleep on her couch, then took a quick shower. As the smell of Alex washed from her body, her mind went into overdrive, senses inundated as she recalled every second, every passionate moment of their lovemaking.

She loved him.

For another hour she lay awake in her enormous bed, the feather quilt bunched about her waist as she tossed and turned.

A tiny cry permeated the silence and Yelena rose with relief, padded into Bella’s room and scooped her up in her arms.

In the semidarkness she gently jogged the hungry baby, cooing softly as she took the bottle from the fridge, heated it then settled on the sofa.

“Is it wrong that I don’t want to tell him, Bella?” she whispered softly as the baby fed. “I promised Gabriela I’d keep our secret and keep you safe…” She trailed off, her fingers tightening around the bottle. She recalled Alex’s fury, his pain, when he’d first seen Bella on the plane.

“He still thinks you’re mine.” And as much as she desperately wished Bella was hers in every sense, she knew the lie would eventually come between them. Not right now, not in the first flush of desire and lust. No, it’d be later, when the bonds of trust were again strong between them.

That is, if there
a later. Alex was desperate to push her away. And right now, she had the awful feeling it would be easier—and safer—if she let him.


After her restless night, Yelena was determined to focus on work the next morning before the midday flight took her back to reality. But instead of going to her makeshift office
where the chance of running into Alex was high, she made a detour for Ruby’s.

Breakfast and coffee, she reasoned. Plus the added bonus of people watching in case her thoughts wandered.

She needn’t have worried—when she clicked on to the morning’s papers to check last night’s coverage, one small article caught her eye. Quickly she read, a deep frown forming. According to the reporter’s skillful prose that skirted the edges of truth, she and Alex were deep in the throes of a secret affair.

“Yelena, do you have a minute?”

Yelena blinked up from her laptop screen to Pamela Rush, who stood next to her booth, eyes hidden behind large sunglasses. Her fingers played with the plaited belt at her waist, telling Yelena something was off.

With a reassuring smile, she clicked the laptop closed.

“Sure. Take a seat.” She nodded to the vacant spot opposite, then gestured to a waiter. “Would you like a drink?”

“Iced tea, please,” Pam said automatically, giving the waiter a smile as she removed her glasses.

Yelena waited patiently as Pam carefully folded her sunglasses on the table, then recentered the coaster. Finally, the older woman linked her fingers and glanced out to the entertainment area, to the view of the semicrowded pool beyond.

“A lovely day for a swim.”

“Mmm. Did you stay long last night?”

Pam smiled. “About ten. The bands were still going when I left. And Chelsea looked to be having a good time.”

Yelena nodded, smiling back.

A brief pause, then Pam said, “You’re leaving today.”

“Yes.” Yelena nodded. “Now that we’ve started the ball rolling I need to get a team together, start organizing details for the anniversary, plus put a few feelers out for some one-on-one interviews.”

Pam looked surprised. “Alex has agreed to it?”

“Last night was a start. I’m working on it,” Yelena added with a rueful smile.

“Ah.” Pam paused, her fingers going to a thin, elegant diamond ring on her left hand, methodically turning it around and around. “Chelsea and you have been getting along well.”

“She’s a great kid.”

Pam nodded. “Thank you. She’s been so angry for so long—I suggested therapy but she balked at that. Which would be fine except she wasn’t talking to anyone, me and Alex included. I’m grateful she’s had someone to open up to. Which is what brings me here.” She petered off and took a breath. “I need you to organize an interview.”

Yelena eased back in her seat. “For you?”

Pam nodded, her gaze direct. Those dark blue depths contained a multitude of feelings—pride, honesty. And fear.

“Does Alex know?”

“No. He’d just try and talk me out of it.” Her face turned stormy. “I love him, Yelena, but he always takes on too much responsibility for this family. He’s always has been my little protector, ever since he was a boy.” Her smile was bittersweet, speaking of pain long buried. “No, this is for me, Yelena. I need to do this.”

Impulsively Yelena reached across the table and placed her hand on Pam’s, looking her straight in the eye. “Okay.”

Pam nodded, her relieved sigh coming out in a rush. “Thank you.”

BOOK: The Billionaire Baby Bombshell
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