The Bikini Diaries (21 page)

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Authors: Lacey Alexander,cey Alexander

BOOK: The Bikini Diaries
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Like before, she couldn't think, stopped trying. Simply absorbed. Simply felt.

When finally she couldn't maintain the position any longer, she pulled her head back,

releasing Pete's cock from her mouth, smiled up at him, and told him she wanted
in her pussy now. In response, he groaned, brushed his thumb across her swollen lower lip,

and gave her a look that said
thought she was the queen of sex, too.

As Pete rummaged in his jeans for a condom, Wendy rested atop the rumpled sheets, her

body feeling well used but still hungry. Brandon lay facing her, running his fingers

through her hair, over her breasts, telling her she was hot and beautiful.

I am not me anymore,
she thought in that moment, f simply
am not me.
In ways, sure. But she would never be the same. And she didn't
to be.

Once sheathed, Pete lay down behind her and ran his palm up her outer thigh. The pace

had slowed now, and though she'd wanted it hard and fast earlier, this change was

welcome since she was growing tired.

'Are you ready for me, honey?" he whispered, his voice deep, sexy.

"God, yes," she breathed, adding, "Do it like this, from behind. So I can make out with Brandon while you fuck me." Again, all confidence. No fear. Taking what she wanted.

Telling her men how it was going to go.

Despite having just had Brandon's enormous shaft inside her, when Pete entered, she still let out a low groan—from that always incredible sensation of being impaled on a guy's

hard cock. Mmm, God, it was delicious.

As Pete began to move in her, as she began to meet his thrusts, she looked into Brandon's eyes—
no hesitation
—and let him see all the lust and pleasure there. Could there be any moment more intimate between a man and woman than to gaze at each other while

another man fucked her? She didn't think so, and she found herself savoring such a

strange and unique human connection—but at the very same time, she reminded herself

that he was not a man to get attached to. No matter how sexually giving he was. No

matter how caring or respectful. No matter how... plain fun he was to be with in every


Besides the fact that he was her... her conquest, her own personal "freedom ride," he was now also a business associate, weird as that was. And after this was over, she didn't

expect to have any direct contact with him through work—but if Walter invested in

Emerald Shores, Brandon would indeed be at least a distant presence in her life, and she didn't want to be hung up on him from afar. If she saw his name on a piece of paper or on the computer, she wanted to flush with the warmth of remembering this moment, this

week, and all the pleasure he'd opened her to—she didn't want to feel sad or lonely or

anything else that came with getting attached to a guy she shouldn't have.

"Feel good?" Brandon asked her then.

Her stomach curled with the weird pleasure of it.
Do you believe I'm a bad girl now?"

"Mmm-hmm," he told her, sounding wholly convinced— finally, then gently twirled one erect nipple between his fingertips as he leaned in to kiss her.

His long, deep tongue kisses echoed through her as strongly as the drives of Pete's shaft.

At the front of her pussy, Brandon's cock, still erect and damp, rested at her slit, nuzzled at the indentation there—and as she moved against Pete, it also rubbed her clit against

Brandon's hardness.

"Ohhh..." she heard herself sigh against his mouth and instinctively hooked her leg around his hip to press against him more insistently even as Pete kept thrusting,

connecting with what she suspected was her G-spot.

Brandon continued kissing her as he massaged her breasts and found her rhythm below,

beginning to move in time with her and Pete. They rolled together like tumultuous ocean

waves, writhing, meeting, creating perfect friction on all sides, and soon moans from all three of them filled the air.

She wished she could see them from above, all tangled together. With one hand, she

rubbed Brandon's chest; with the other she reached behind her, to Pete's firm ass, pulling him more deeply inside her.
Perfect pleasure.
Those words wafted through her head.

She'd found that, and she was wallowing in it, literally.

She and Brandon kept kissing, but she occasionally turned her head to kiss Pete, as well.

In between, he dropped kisses on her bare shoulders, her upper arm. Her pussy felt more

swollen and stimulated than ever in her life, by one cock
her and another

When Pete's arm circled her, his hand cupping her breast, she looked down to see the

back of his hand now also bumping up against Brandon's chest, And when Brandon's

mouth left her lips to head south, to suck the tit Pete held, she wondered if his mouth

touched Pete's hand. She wondered if, below, their legs mingled. She had the urge to see that: her two men touching.

And she was pretty sure that if she suggested such a thing, her two big, masculine guys

would probably have heart attacks, so she wasn't going to ruin the moment, but as the

three of them moved together in sexual union, she enjoyed the idea, the notion that their legs
touching, that on some level they were gleaning pleasure from each other as much as from her.

Wendy was the first to climax. Adding visions of her guys touching each other to the

glorious pleasure already echoing through her body pushed her over the edge. As the

pulsations rocketed through her, she moaned her ecstasy, clinging to Brandon with one

arm around his neck, using the other hand to grab on to Pete's hip and make him fuck her still deeper as she exploded. The orgasm went on and on, longer than usual, and she

soaked up every drawn-out second of it.

Pete went next, just on the heels of Wendy, groaning, "Fuck,
between clenched teeth, then driving
hard, hard, hard
into her, and she welcomed it, loving that she'd made him come.

Before Peter had even completely finished, Brandon moaned, 'Ahhh—me, too," and she

hadn't quite expected that, hadn't quite known if what they were doing could take him

there, but it did, and he shot his wet white come upward, spraying both their stomachs

with a shocking warmth that made her gasp.

As Pete pulled out of her, she rolled to her back between them and both guys began to

rub Brandon's juices into her, producing the most erotic sight Wendy had ever beheld.

Brandon focused on massaging it into the flesh of her cunt while Pete rubbed it into her breasts using both hands, as if it were lotion.

And then they slept, and Wendy had never experienced sweeter slumber.

God, she was fucking amazing. The truth was, he hadn't thought she'd do it. Or that even if she did it, that she'd be... well, a lot more timid, and that she'd leave it to him to take the lead.

It wasn't the first occasion on which Brandon had shared a woman with Pete. Or even the

second or third. They'd known each other a long time and were fortunate enough to live

in a place and an age when more women were agreeable to such liaisons.

But it was the first time that sharing a woman with Pete had made Brandon come so hard,

or had him blathering to her about how beautiful she was. He hadn't been lying—she'd

pretty much convinced him she could be a perfect bad girl now. Yet at the same time, he

knew how much more there was to her: brains, ambition, humor.

Maybe ... maybe he was starting to care for this woman. Or maybe he'd just let himself

spend a lot more time with her than he usually did with any one particular girl and that alone accounted for his feelings. But then, he'd kind of felt this way from the start with her, hadn't he? After that first night on the beach, he'd wanted more of her and been

worried he wouldn't get it.

He watched her sleeping, her lips softly parted, her nipples still slightly erect even now.

Pete lay on the other side of her, just as naked, sprawled so that one sun-darkened arm

fell across her not quite as tan stomach.

Sharing her had been about more than the hot kinkiness of it. Sharing her had been... like urging a baby bird out of its nest. Maybe that was a silly—and far too placid—analogy,

but it was what came to mind. He was teaching her to be naughty—and not just for him,

but also for her. He thought she was like a butterfly spreading her wings for the first

time—but then wanted to slap himself. Since when was he so sappy? Especially about a

girl? Or sex, for crying out loud.

And still, as he studied the way his buddy's arm rested across her body, it felt different than ever before. He felt a strange connection to her that he couldn't explain to himself.

Sharing her with Pete had been like... like a communion of sorts. It was clear to him that she was in a period of sexual experimentation, and he simply found himself wanting to

help her experience everything she could. The weird part, though, was that he wanted it

in such a soul-deep way. He wanted to give her things. He wanted to make her life fuller than it had been when she'd met him.

Just then, her eyes fluttered open.

"Hey, bunny," he whispered.

She smiled.

"Good?" he asked, feeling the need to check on her, to make sure everything was still fine.

She shook her head, but smiled cutely, replying,

He grinned back. "Bad bunny," he scolded.

As she shifted slightly, Pete stirred and opened his eyes. Then he seemed to remember

where he was and what they'd just done. "Damn," he said, "that was fun."

Watching Wendy's eyes, Brandon saw how much that pleased his naughty little beach

bunny—and it made him a little hard all over again, that quick.

Biting her lip and looking pretty as sin, she reached out to grab both guys' wrists, to pull their hands together, atop her cunt. She still lay on her back, her large breasts falling heavy toward her sides, so naturally beautiful that, like last night, Brandon wanted to

somehow capture the way she looked right now, put it in a bottle or a drawer, save it for some later point in time when she was no longer with him. In her he saw some perfect

culmination of purity and sin that blurred all the lines and made his feelings for her a little less scary than they probably should have been.

"I want you both to touch me, together, at the same time."

So bold now, his bunny. Well, she'd been pretty bold from the start, but the kinkier they'd gotten together, the more shy she'd acted at moments. Until tonight—until she'd taken

them both on and started bossing them around. It made him smile inside. And stiffened

his dick further.

He knew she liked the way he rubbed her clit—it was an easy enough thing to tell and

something he happened to be skilled at—so like earlier, he automatically gravitated there, while Pete eased his fingers deeper, underneath, between her legs. She spread

instinctively, then issued another command. "I want to take turns sucking your cocks while you touch me," she said. "So I want you both to turn around, put your heads down there"—she pointed toward her crotch—"and look at my pussy while you play with it."

Jesus God—she was a continual surprise to him. She really was getting badder all the


And he wasn't about to argue with a woman who so clearly knew what she wanted, and

apparently neither was Pete, so they both resituated as she'd directed, as Pete grinned and said, "You can suck my cock all you want, honey."

The strange thing, Brandon discovered, was being face-to-face with Pete while they

pleasured her. The geography of their three ways didn't usually go like that, bring them up close and personal with
each other.

But soon enough they both seemed focused totally on her beautifully exposed cunt, the

flesh already engorged again, even after her orgasm. Her pink inner lips parted to reveal her opening, and her clit was noticeably swollen, too. He could smell her arousal along

with the general scent of sex on all of them.

"Damn, look at this pretty little pussy," Pete said, and Brandon watched his buddy thrust two big fingers inside her. Her juices seeped out around them and made him want to sink

his dick there. When Pete began moving his fingers in and out, they made noise in her


Above, Wendy's breath grew ragged, heavy, and her voice came out raspy. "Kiss me

there, Brandon. Kiss me there while Pete touches me."

He just looked at her, his own breath hitching. Even more so when she added, "And, Pete, use your other hand to hold me open for him, so he can lick me better."

He and Pete both hesitated. But Wendy was propped on her elbows now, watching,

waiting, and even if this close contact with Pete felt a little weird, he supposed neither of them wanted to mess up the hot, perfect harmony of the night.

So as Pete reached, using two fingers to part the top of her pussy, Brandon leaned in to lick her, careful not to let his tongue touch Pete's fingers—although it was hard to avoid brushing them slightly with his chin—or Pete's other hand with his nose. But when that

happened, neither of them even flinched, so he decided it was no big deal—it was what

the lady wanted, and they both seemed committed to giving it to her.

His hot beach bunny continued to watch, even as she reached out both hands to stroke

their dicks. She seemed riveted by the sight of them working at her pussy, which made

him lick her harder, made him bear down with his tongue, taste her deeper, flick it across the nub of her clit with vigor, regardless of whether that meant he touched Pete's fingers that way. Below, Pete's other hand played with the lower part of her cunt, teasing it,

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