The Biker Next Door (6 page)

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Authors: Jamallah Bergman

BOOK: The Biker Next Door
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Speaking as if he was coming out of
a trance he said, “You’re welcome. We better get ready to get out of here.”
Once they got everything squared away, both of them headed out to their cars so
that they could head on home.

Thank God, she didn’t fall asleep
behind the wheel Hailey thought when she saw her driveway at last. When Hailey
got out of the car, he was coming over towards her. “I’ll walk you to the

“You don’t have to do that Brad, go
on home and get you some sleep, I’ll be all right.” she assured him. He nodded
watching her go to her door, waited for her to open it and turned on the light.
She turned around and waved back at him as he did the same.

Chapter Four

The night of the annual Costume
Party was a huge event the company held at one of the grandest hotels in town,
the Castleberry Inn. Everything was beautiful when Tori and Hailey had arrived
to the soiree. “They really did it up this time haven’t they?” Tori said.

“I think they try their best to
always out do the last party they had. But I like how they did this place up so
beautifully with all of these candles. I have to say I do like your costume,
girlfriend.” Hailey smiled as Tori giggled while swaying her hips from side to
side. That’s when a guy came over and asked her, “Would you like to dance?”

“Go on, I’ll be all right,” Hailey
assured Tori while she and Zorro walked off together.

Walking over towards the bar, she
grabbed a champagne flute. Slowly sipping her drink she saw some of her
co-workers and decided to go over to see what all of the laughter was about. It
seemed Patrick from accounting had been up to no good as always and of course
was talking it up about another one of his crazy dates. She never could
understand some of her co-workers at times, especially when they went on a rant
about their current relationships or in Patrick’s case, his latest conquest,
which for him was a weekly thing. She knew there would be no way she would go
on about who she might have gotten with or was dating, things like that people
had any business of knowing. Hailey was laughing along with the rest of her
co-workers not realizing that Brad and his date were just walking in.


* * * *


Brad decided to go as Gomez Addams
while Rebecca wore a very sexy black dress like Morticia. Looking over at her,
he had to admit she looked hot as hell. When they walked into the ballroom, the
couple was automatically getting a lot of praise. “My goodness Brad, you guys
are looking great and who is this lovely creature?” asked Mr. Stevens, who was
dressed as Dracula.

“This is my girlfriend Rebecca, but
for tonight, she’s my lovely wife Morticia,” Brad said wrapping his arm around
her waist while she raked her red fingernails along his face.

“Let’s go and dance, bubele,”
Rebecca said in a seductive manner. He quickly kissed her arm as everybody
started to laugh and they walked over to the dance floor.

Brad held her in his arms closely
while they danced, for he enjoyed holding her like this and couldn’t wait to
rip off that dress later on tonight. It showed off her curves beautifully as
well as her beautiful breasts, both of which he loved most about her. Suddenly,
while twirling her around, something caught his eye. It was Hailey talking with
some of the guys from accounting as well as some people from his own floor. He
could see the lovely smile on her face that always seemed to warm him whenever
he would look at her. The costume she wore was gorgeous, showing off the most
luscious pair of breasts he had seen in a long time. He licked his lips because
he could see the tops of them almost about to spill over her bodice but he had
to see them up close. Once the song was over he told Rebecca, “I want you to
meet my neighbor and secretary Hailey.”


* * * *


“I honestly can’t believe you did
that, what did she do?” asked Reginald from accounting.

“Oh at first she was shocked but
then she started laughing so I thought well everything was all right then she
slapped me so hard that I almost fell to the floor,” replied Patrick.

The laughter continued and Hailey
was laughing to the point where she was crying. Thank God for the handkerchief
underneath the strap of her dress as she softly dabbed her eyes. Soon she heard
her name being called out, quickly turning around she saw Brad standing there
with a very beautiful woman in black. Hailey had to admit they both looked
great, especially Brad in his pinstriped suit and slicked back hair and fake
mustache. Even with the get up, he still looked handsome as hell, Hailey

“Wow, you both look great as the
Addams. I have to say it’s also one of my favorite shows ever, I’m just
surprised no one came as Uncle Fester or Grandmamma.” Hailey smiled and the
couple did the same.

“I want you to meet Rebecca,
Rebecca this is Hailey,” Brad introduced her as Rebecca smiled and shook hands
with Hailey.

“It’s so nice to meet you at last,
Brad has often praised you for helping him out with his work. I love that
costume of yours, who are you supposed to be if you don’t mind me asking?”

“I am Christine Daae from—”

“Phantom of the Opera, one of my
favorite movies,” said Brad with a smile as Rebecca looked on with a surprised
expression on her face.

“Well it’s good seeing you both, I
hope you enjoy your evening,” she said as one of the guys poked her on the
shoulder and said, “Hailey, you’re going to miss this story over here.”

“By the way, where’s your date?”
Rebecca asked.

“I don’t have a date, I came here
with my good friend Tori.” She looked at Rebecca and Hailey knew what she was
up to. She tried her best not to laugh watching her grab hold of Brad’s arm. It
was the sign telling her that ‘this is my man and you can’t have him.’

“Such a pity, you’re a very pretty
girl. I would have thought someone would have snatched you up. But don’t worry,
there are a lot of men here tonight that wouldn’t mind getting with someone
like you.”

Brad couldn’t believe how Rebecca
was acting towards Hailey, the tension between the women could have been cut
with a knife. He knew he had to stop it before it got any worse for he knew how
Rebecca could be.

Before he could say a thing, Hailey
fired right back at her. “Listen, I don’t want your man. I know what you’re
trying to do. I work for your boyfriend. Yes, I am his secretary, but that
doesn’t mean I want to fuck him. So all of this grabbing him by the hand to
claim your territory and such is fine with me because the only thing you’re doing
is making yourself look like a fool. So let’s get this perfectly clear for the
rest of the evening so that we all can have a great time here. I don’t want
your man. He is my boss and yes, he’s also my neighbor and fellow movie buff,
but as far as anything else between me and him, I am so sorry to tell you, but
there isn’t a thing. And with that, I hope you both have a lovely evening.” She
turned back away from the couple, listening back in on the conversation with
the group.

Brad couldn’t have been more proud
of her than he was at that moment. No one he knew had ever stood up to Rebecca.
The entire moment excited him so much he could feel a raging hard-on.

“Can you believe what she said to
me?” Rebecca complained while they walked towards the bar.

“Well, why did you try to embarrass
her like that? That woman is my neighbor for Christ’s sake and you tried to
make her feel bad in front of me. You had to try and belittling her like that
by trying to make her look like a fool and she did a 360 and brought it back on
you. That woman is probably the toughest chick I’ve seen in years besides you,
did you have to go up against her?” Brad asked her as she got a glass of
champagne from the bar.

“I want you to fire her, Brad.”

“For what reason do I have to fire
her for?”

“For talking to me that way, I
won’t have anyone talk to me that way especially some fat ass frump of a girl
with a smartass mouth.”

Brad grabbed her by the arm,
quickly walking out of the grand room. He couldn’t believe she wanted him to
fire Hailey, a definite no-no in his book. She was probably the best thing to
have happened to him in forever, he wasn’t about to give her up for nothing.
When they got outside, they walked over towards the valet. “Send for the limo
please,” Brad said then turning to Rebecca continued, “I think you need to go
back to the hotel and cool off. I am not going to fire her because of what you
did and I am not going to have you talk about my employees that way. So when
you’ve calmed down, you call me, all right. I am not going to let you make me
look like an idiot in front of my bosses or employees because you can’t seem to
hold your tongue. Any other place would have been fine with me, but not in
front of folks I work with.”

Rebecca looked shocked and
dumbfounded as the limo soon came over toward them. “Sweetheart, I’m so sorry
for that, listen why don’t you come back with me, I’ll make it up to you I
promise.” A sultry smile on her face with a voice that purred like a kitten,
she placed her hand inside his jacket. He quickly ended her obvious ploy to
butter him up by pulling her hand out. Brad was pissed at her actions.

“Rebecca, I swear any other night
that smile of yours would have gotten away with what you just did, but not
tonight. I’m very angry and you’re the last person I want to take it out on. So
I’ll call you tomorrow, all right.” Brad opened the door, helped her inside and
told the driver where to go while they drove off into the night. Taking a deep
breath in and slowly letting it back out, he eventually calmed down before
heading back inside. He didn’t want to go back inside angry to the point where
he would end up arguing with some idiot much less did he want to confront
Hailey this way.


* * * *


Hailey looked over towards the
entrance. She knew she had probably pissed his girlfriend off, but she had no
business saying that to her regardless of the fact she was Brad’s girlfriend.
Soon he came back in, but this time he was completely alone and appeared to be
looking for someone. Then his eyes locked with hers and Hailey noticed a small
smile crept across his lips while he walked over towards her way. “I’m sorry
about what I said to your girlfriend just now.”

“No, don’t be sorry, you stood your
ground, I admire that in you. Plus she was asking for it for messing with one
of the toughest chicks I know.” Brad laughed and she ended up doing the same

She was thankful he wasn’t sore
with her for speaking her mind, either way if he was or wasn’t, his girlfriend
deserved every bit of what she had to say. Seeing him laugh like he did
brightened up the moment even though they now stood in awkward silence.

He asked, “Would you dance with me,

Looking into those beautiful eyes
of his, she knew he meant it without a doubt, watching him hold out his hand to
take hers. Gathering her gown, Hailey took his hand and they walked onto the
dance floor. She felt his arm go around her waist as he held her close to him,
so close her breasts almost popped from the bodice of her dress. His hand
rested on her back while they swayed softly to the song. It was like no one was
there except for them. Neither one of them said a word for only with their eyes
did they talk. Never in her life had she been in awe of someone and that
someone was Brad Matthews— her boss, her neighbor, and her friend. She noticed
his brilliant smile when he said, “You know you look really cute when you

Hailey turned her head the other
way to keep from blushing even more only to have him turn it right back to look
him straight in the eyes again. “If we weren’t in front of everybody here at
work, I’d kiss your lips right now.”

“Do you honestly mean that, I mean,
you don’t really mean that Brad?” Hailey shook her head and that’s when he
smiled. The way he said it completely threw her for a loop. To hear him say
that he wanted to kiss her was something she secretly deep down had been
waiting to hear.

“I’ve been serious about that kiss,
Hailey, from the first time I’ve met you. I have wanted to steal a kiss from
you. I’ve never met anyone like you in my life and I swear you’ve got to be the
most stubborn woman I’ve met, which I think is probably what has made me want
you even more.”

That blush spread across her face
even more like a radiant heat while he smiled down at her. Never had she felt
more comfortable with any man while her head rested on his chest as they
danced. Hailey just wanted to stay like this in his arms for as long as she
could. But once the song ended she said, “I’ll be right back, I’ve got to make
a run to the bathroom.”

Once she got to the bathroom,
Hailey was thankful that at least she was able to make it and not go all over
herself. Next year, she thought, I’ll wear a much more simple costume. After
she washed and dried her hands, Hailey headed out the door only to have someone
grab her hand, pulling her the other way. “What are you doing?” she asked once
she saw it was Brad pulling her towards another door, which led to another
room. “Why are we in here?”

“I plan on getting that kiss from
you one way or another and now I think it’s the perfect time.” He pulled her
close catching her completely off guard as he looked down on her face, his
fingers touched so lightly over her cheek.

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