Read The Bigger They Are Online

Authors: Jack Allen

The Bigger They Are (10 page)

BOOK: The Bigger They Are
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As if that wasn’t impressive enough, Phyllis grabbed Tony’s hips and pulled herself toward him, taking the rest of his cock all the way down her throat. Her nose touched his stomach and his big, fat balls slapped against her chin. David blinked. He could see her neck bulge out with the impression of his cock going down her throat.

Phyllis held it there for a few seconds, then pulled it all the way out, slowly, like a shiny serpent emerging from its den. Her saliva dripped from the end of it, and ran down her chin. She wiped it away with the back of her hand.

“You wanna try it now?” she said, and looked at Jo.

She touched her hand to her chest, and her eyes gaped.

“M-Me? I ... I don’t know,” she said.

But she was already moving toward Tony and his massive cock. She knelt to the floor beside Phyllis, and looked at her with a quick flash of a nervous smile.

David shifted on his feet and crossed and recrossed his arms. His mouth was watering. This was going to be good. The anticipation was killing him.

Jo took Tony’s cock from Phyllis. Her hand moved up and down the shaft and she stared at the big, swollen head like she didn’t know what to do with it.

“Just go slow,” Tony said.

From her knees, Jo looked way up at him and nodded. She licked her lips, opened her mouth wide, and let his big cock head slip in.

David was the one who groaned out loud. They all turned to look at him. He bit the inside of his cheek. He was embarrassed, but so what? Let them look. This was too good to be upset about something so trivial at the moment.

Jo looked at Phyllis and Tony again and smiled, as if to apologize for her husband’s behavior.

“Now go ahead and give it a try, just like Phyllis told you,” Tony said.

He held his cock around the base and pushed it toward her, like he was getting impatient. She nodded, and was looking straight at it, focusing all her efforts.

She licked around the head a few times, and down the shaft, smothering it with her wet lips and tongue. The whole time, her head was turned so she could look directly at David. He squeezed his hands into fists and clenched his teeth so hard he was afraid they would crack. He hated that she knew how to turn him on so bad.

She took the head of Tony’s cock in her mouth again and slowly moved her head back and forth. She could barely fit that much between her lips. Her jaw looked like it was going to split. How was she supposed to get the rest of that thing down her throat?

The more Jo worked her head back and forth, the more of Tony’s cock she could get into her mouth. It was only a few minutes before the first few inches of his cock was shiny with Jo’s saliva, and she was sliding those few inches of thick cock in and out between her lips with the deliberate slowness that she had used many times to drive men crazy. From the look on Tony’s face, it seemed to be working on him, as well.

“Well fuck me, woman. You are good at this,” Phyllis said, with her hands on her hips.

Jo took Tony’s cock out of her mouth. He groaned.

“Shit, girl. Don’t stop now,” he said.

“What do I do next?” Jo said with an innocent note in her voice like she was learning from her big sister how to apply makeup.

Phyllis held one hand up like she was holding an imaginary cock.

“Now you try to ease it to the back of your mouth, and when you feel pressure on your throat, you have to make yourself relax completely so you don’t gag, and then swallow.”

Jo nodded as she listened. Her hand continued to work back and forth on Tony’s cock. He was looking down at her with a big smile. When she took the end of his cock in her mouth again, his eyes closed and his lips made an O shape and he moaned.

David fought back his own sighs and groans. He wanted to reach down and rub the bulge in the front of his slacks, but it was bad enough that it was sticking out where they could all see.

Jo worked her head back and forth. When it came to the point where she was ready, she pushed her head forward, which jammed his cock deeper into her mouth than it had yet gone. Her eyes squeezed shut and she gagged horribly.

David cringed. She bobbed her head back and forth some more. The line of saliva had moved down the shaft of Tony’s cock, almost to the mid-point.

She tried it again. She leaned forward, into Tony’s cock, squeezed around the shaft with both hands, and gagged horribly again. She pulled his cock out of her mouth and coughed. Her chin was covered with saliva. She wiped it away, and when she looked at Phyllis, her cheeks were bright red.

“I seem to be having a bit of trouble with this,” she said.

“What do you got to help her out?” Tony said.

Phyllis nodded. Her finger wagged.

“I know just what you need.”

She reached into her purse and pulled out a bottle of red fluid with a finger pump on top.

“I always keep a bottle of this with me. Never know when I’m gonna need it,” she said.

“What is it?” Jo said.


She handed the bottle to Jo, who turned it in her hands, with a puzzled look on her face.

“Chloraseptic? What do I do with this?”

Phyllis made a disgusted noise and rolled her eyes. She took the bottle back.

“You spray it in your mouth, of course. It numbs your throat. Kills the gag reflex. Now open up.”

Jo hesitated a second, and glanced at David. But Phyllis was waiting, so she turned her head up and opened her mouth wide. Phyllis squirted the bottle into her mouth twice. Jo cleared her throat and smacked her lips a few times.

“I don’t know if this is going to work,” she said, and touched her throat with her fingertips.

Phyllis lifted Tony’s cock for her to take hold.

“It’ll work. You’ll be amazed. Try it,” she said.

Jo took his cock in her hand again, but she held it gingerly and watched it carefully, like it was a snake that had bit her. She took a breath, licked her lips, opened her mouth, and put the cock in. Tony groaned and smiled.

“Oh yeah, baby. I don’t know what you’re feeling, but your mouth feels fantastic,” he said.

He glanced at David out of the corner of his eye, as if he wanted to rub it in. David’s erection twitched in his slacks and he bit the inside of his cheek.

Jo pulled his cock out of her mouth and looked up at Phyllis. Her head was shaking.

“You’re right. It works. I don’t feel like I want to gag at all,” she said.

She opened her mouth wide and wolfed on Tony’s huge cock like she was trying to impale herself on it. David’s jaw fell open. He couldn’t believe how deep she was taking it in her mouth. But then he grinned. It was what was going to happen next that made his mouth water with anticipation.

Jo paused a moment with just the head of Tony’s cock in her mouth. She was taking deep breaths, like she was working herself up for the big moment.

She slid his cock deep into her mouth until it seemed to get stuck, right around the mid-point of the shaft. Her eyes were squeezed shut and tears were running down her cheeks. The veins in her neck and her temples bulged and throbbed.

The choking noises from her throat made David very tense. Should he put a stop to this? The last thing he wanted was for his precious young wife to give up her life just for a cheap gimmick, even if it was for a very important client.

“Swallow, dear. Don’t forget to swallow,” Phyllis said.

Jo made a big effort to swallow, and Tony’s cock lodged even deeper into her mouth. David’s breath caught in his own throat, like he was feeling sympathetic pains for his dear wife.

“Oh fuck,” Tony said in a low voice.

“Now breathe through your nose,” Phyllis said.

Jo moved her head like she was trying to nod, but of course she couldn’t because she had a huge cock lodged in her throat. Her nostrils flared, as if she was breathing through her nose with an effort. She started to move her head back and forth slowly, sliding his cock down her throat and back out again. His eyes bulged out of his head. She was really doing it, and it was better than he could have imagined.

“Oh baby. I’m gonna cum,” Tony said.

He put his hands on either side of her head and pulled her all the way in toward his stomach. His huge horse cock stretched her jaw even wider. Jo was screaming and pushing against his legs with both hands. Her voice was nothing more than a muffled squeak, of course, with all of that cock in it, and Tony was groaning and bucking his hips forward, as if he didn’t notice her cries, or he just didn’t care.

David blinked. He should have done something to help her, but he was too caught up in the thrilling spectacle to do anything about it. He could see the way that her neck expanded with every throb of Tony’s cock, and this time it was her eyes that bulged out of her head.

Tony’s body jerked with each spasm. David didn’t know how Jo could take it. The whole thing went on for so long. How much cum was he pumping down his poor wife’s throat?

Finally, Tony released Jo’s head from his grip, and she pushed herself away from him with her hand on his thighs. His cock came out of her throat slowly, with a wet, sucking sound. When the fat, purplish head finally fell from between her lips, it was followed by a gush of cum that was so white and so thick that at first David thought his wife had spit up a mouthful of latex paint.

She bent over the puddle on the floor, coughing. David started to move toward her, but Tony held up his hand, with a stern look in his eye, and he stopped in his tracks.

“Do you got it?” Tony said.

Jo coughed some more, and nodded.

“I think I got it,” she said.

She rubbed her neck. Her voice was hoarse. She pushed herself to her feet. She stuck out her right hand and shook Tony’s hand. His cock bobbed awkwardly between them. Her saliva dripped from the tip into the puddle on the floor between her feet.

“Thanks for your help,” Jo said in her soft, hoarse voice.

But Tony didn’t let go of her hand. He had a grin on his face, and he looked deep into her eyes.

“You’re turned on, aren’t you?” he said.

Jo’s face blushed. She tried to pull her hand away, but he wouldn’t let her go. David’s toes curled in his shoes, and his hands squeezed the edge of the desk. Was there more to this show?

“Your pussy’s wet, isn’t it? I mean really wet, like dripping down your leg?” Tony said.

Jo glanced at David, like she was almost sorry for what she was about to do, and she nodded.

“Don’t look at your husband. He wants it as bad as you.”

Jo straightened her back and seemed to recover some of her composure.

“What is it you think he wants?” she said in her hoarse voice.

Tony took her hand and put it around his thick, sticky cock.

“To see you fucking this cock. Isn’t that right, David?” he said.

“Oh yes,” David said, and nodded eagerly.

Jo stared at him with her mouth hanging open, like she was horrified that he would say such a thing, but her hand was moving back and forth on Tony’s cock.

He put his hands on her waist and lifted her off the floor like she was a doll that weighed nothing. She was looking into his face with big, wondrous eyes, as if she was a doll. He put his hands between her luscious thighs and pried them apart. He pushed her short skirt up to her waist and ripped her panties off. Jo put her bare ass on the hard wooden desktop and gasped, but she did nothing to try to get away from him.

Tony was standing between her spread legs, holding her knees in each hand. Jo was watching his huge cock.

“Now, I want you to put my cock in your pussy,” he said.

Jo propped herself back on the desk with one arm and closed her other hand around his cock. She licked her lips. She guided the fat head of his cock to her pussy, but just as it touched her tiny, delicate slit, she frowned.

“I-I don’t think it’s gonna fit,” she said.

Tony laughed.

“Nonsense. I fucked my sister with this cock when she was twelve. If she can take it, so can you,” he said.

“Your sister?” Jo said with a disgusted sneer.

David swallowed and wiped the perspiration from his upper lip. He felt light headed. God, how he would love to see Tony fucking a young girl with that huge cock.

Tony leaned forward so the head of his cock pressed into Jo’s slit. She winced.

“She may not have wanted me to fuck her. At least not that first time.”

Jo was staring at Tony’s face, and when she looked down between her legs, the head of his cock had poked into her pussy.

“Holy shit,” she said.

Her voice was a squeak like a mouse. Tony chuckled.

“Yeah. I get that a lot.”

David chuckled himself. It was amusing to see his wife so out of her element. It would be nice when she got back to her old domineering self. For now, though, he was going to enjoy watching her be the one who was domineered.

Jo grabbed Tony’s arm in a death grip. Her knuckles were white. She had beads of sweat on her brow. She looked hard into his eyes.

“Tony. Please. Don’t hurt me,” she said in her weak, hoarse voice.

Tony dragged her toward him so her ass was on the edge of the desk, and the head of his cock poked deeper into her pussy. Jo yelped.

“It’s gonna hurt, child. You’ll get over it in a hurry.”

Phyllis was standing by the desk, staring down between Jo’s legs where Tony’s cock breached her tiny slit. She had her hand on her hip and chuckled.

“I know that’s right,” she said.

Tony pushed forward with his hips. Jo whimpered and tried to crawl away from him, but he was holding her knees tight. She had that horrified look on her face again. He shoved forward with his hips.

“No. No. Not so hard,” Jo said in a pathetically weak voice.

“Don’t fight it, baby. We gotta get it in you,” Tony said.

He readjusted his grip so that her knees were in the crooks of his elbows and her legs were bent back. He grabbed her hips with both hands and shoved forward with his hips. A couple of inches of his cock jammed into her pussy. Her mouth fell open, but no sound came out. David flinched and his eyes squinted.

BOOK: The Bigger They Are
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