Read The Best Medicine Online

Authors: Elizabeth Hayley

The Best Medicine (12 page)

BOOK: The Best Medicine
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“Christ, don’t remind me,” Alex muttered as he took a long drought of his beer. “I swear, she’s made it her mission in life to drive me to the brink of insanity. And it’s not like I even did anything to deserve it. She left
For her fucking trainer at the gym. She fucked around on me, yet I’m the one getting screwed. Unbelievable.” Alex shook his head in disgust before continuing. “And for her to use Nina against me is bullshit. She doesn’t have to keep taking me to court so that I’ll support my daughter. If she needed something, all Tessa would need to do was ask. I’d give that little girl my right arm if she needed it.”

And Scott knew that was true. Alex was an excellent father. And he’d also been a great husband. His world had revolved around the two women in his life since the day each had come into it. And it was infuriating that Tessa was trying to make his life miserable. It reminded Scott why he didn’t get involved with women beyond a certain point. It just wasn’t worth the hassle. And
? Scott couldn’t even begin to imagine himself as a father. Even though he’d had a great role model, Scott liked his freedom. And as much as Alex tried to convince him of the opposite, Scott saw parenthood for exactly what it was: a fucking life sentence without the possibility of parole.
Fuck that.
But even though Scott was thankful for the
reminder of why he needed to take an emotional step back from Lo, he still felt like an asshole for dredging all this shit up. “Sorry, man. I’m a dick for mentioning it.”

Alex waved him off. “It’s cool.”

Scott observed Alex stare intently at the TV screen, though Scott was sure he wasn’t actually watching it.

Xavier must’ve noticed as well because he quickly cut in. “So, Doc, it seems you have an admirer.” He covertly gestured toward the end of the bar where a stunning brunette was eyeing Scott.

Scott gave her a quick once-over: her brown hair was styled well, with not a single strand out of place, and her makeup was flawless. Her light brown eyes glittered with seduction as she pushed her huge tits forward.
Leading with your best asset. Smart girl.
Scott couldn’t deny that the woman was beautiful. She screamed designer clothes and thorough maintenance. But as he looked at her, he couldn’t help wishing that her hair fell more naturally around her shoulders, that her makeup was used as an enhancer to her existing beauty rather than as a perfectly applied mask. He wanted her eyes to be more genuine, and still have the ability to see past his mound of bullshit. But what really shook him to his core, was how he wished she’d leave more to the imagination: leave him wanting to unwrap her like a present instead of giving him a sneak peek of the goods before he even got her home.
What the hell is wrong with me?

Xavier and Alex looked at him, waiting for him to make his move. But instead, he said the only truth he could. “Eh, not for me.”

Chapter 10


Somehow Lauren had managed to dodge her friends’ probing questions about why she’d bailed on them the previous Friday. She’d texted back that she’d just been busy with school and her new job and would talk to them soon. She’d just neglected to mention the fact that part of what had kept her busy over the weekend was her sexy-as-sin boss.
Lying by omission doesn’t really count as lying, does it?

Unfortunately, on Tuesday, Scott had gone to the satellite office to tie up some loose ends since he’d missed Friday. He had sent Lo an e-mail to tell her that he’d be back by lunch, so she hoped that meant he’d be joining her in the cafeteria. She also hoped she’d finally experience the one thing she’d been waiting for since she agreed to have casual sex with Scott: that they would actually
casual sex.

Lauren spent the rest of the morning completing the mindless tasks Scott had instructed her to do as she thought about how awesome it would be to run her
tongue over Scott’s cock. It was that thought that had her nearly salivating when he finally showed up at noon.

“Hey. Anything going on I need to know about?”

Lauren turned her chair in his direction. “Nope. Just working through my Lauren-Do List.”

She saw a sly grin overtake his lips. He moved closer to her. “Am I on that list?” His voice was low, ensuring that he wouldn’t be overheard.

Lauren licked her lips. “You’ve been on that list for quite a while now.”

Scott pursed his lips as if he were thinking about the best way to respond. Finally, he straightened and took a step back. “Going down to the cafeteria today?”

“Always do.”

Then, with a quick nod of his head, Scott walked out of the office.

What a fucking clit tease.

Lauren continued working for the next hour and tried desperately not to think about Scott. It didn’t work. By the time one o’clock arrived, Lauren was so horny she could barely keep herself from squirming in her seat for relief. She quickly gathered her lunch, told her mom and the other women that she’d see them in an hour, and left the office without Scott.

The last thing she wanted was for anyone in the office to find out about her relationship with Scott. Well, that wasn’t completely accurate. She didn’t exactly have a
with Scott. Really, the last thing Lauren wanted was for anyone in the office to know they were . . . doing whatever they were doing.

Lauren began her trek down to the cafeteria when she suddenly felt a firm hand on her biceps.

“Let’s take the stairs,” Scott growled as he pulled her toward the stairwell.

Lauren was so stunned and so ready for him to do what she’d been fantasizing about all morning that she didn’t bother to respond. She allowed herself to be led through the heavy steel door. And once it closed behind them, she also allowed herself to be thrust up against it while Scott moved in on her, rubbing his erection into her abdomen.

“So about that list,” Scott murmured as he began kissing her neck.

“What about it?” Lauren expelled a gust of air as she twined her fingers in Scott’s hair, bringing his lips even deeper into her neck.

“I think we need to check a very important item off of it.”

Lauren couldn’t find words to reply. It didn’t matter that they were in a stairwell where anyone could walk in on them. Actually that fact made it all the more appealing. She lifted her leg over his hip, causing her pink and purple cotton dress to slide up her leg.

Scott’s hand was instantly there, roughly kneading the flesh that was so close to where she wanted to feel him most. She moaned wantonly as she let her hand drift down to his pants, unhook the button, and pull down the zipper.

Scott’s kisses intensified. His lips pushed into her skin harder, with more fervor.

It was fucking awesome. Lauren dipped her hand into his boxers and fisted his long, thick cock.
Jesus Christ, am I going to enjoy being on the receiving end of this.
She began to work him, dragging her clenched hand over his steely length.

“That’s it. That is so fucking it,” Scott groaned as he slipped his hand under the material of her dress and pushed her panties to the side. His finger ran over her clit, causing her to dig her heel into the back of his thigh. “Mmm, someone liked that.”

Lauren released a shaky breath. “Do it again.”

Scott rested his cheek against hers. “Ask nicely,” he whispered roughly into her ear.

She didn’t care how it made her sound in that moment. Lauren was not above begging. “Please, Scott. Please do it again.”

Scott nibbled her earlobe as his finger teased her clit again.

Lauren felt the juices flow to her core. She wasn’t sure if she had ever been so turned on before. She continued to jerk him off, increasing her speed as he worked her into a frenzy.

“I need to be inside of you, Lo. Is that okay?”

Lauren couldn’t believe he was even asking. She was letting him finger-fuck her in a hospital stairwell for Christ’s sake. “Yes.”

She felt him reach into his pocket with the hand that wasn’t unraveling her, and withdraw a condom. “You want to put this on me?”

Lauren was just about to take the condom from him when she heard voices above them.
Dear God, why do you hate me?

They both froze and stared at each other with wide eyes. When it became clear that the voices were descending toward them, Lauren and Scott quickly pulled away from each other and set about fixing their wayward clothing.

“Worst fucking timing,” Scott grumbled as he buttoned his pants, grabbed Lauren’s hand, and yanked her away from the door before swinging it open. “We’ll definitely be finishing this later.”

Once they were back in the hallway, Scott dropped her hand. “You didn’t bring a lunch today?” he asked when they reached the elevator.

“No, my mom said she wasn’t packing one for me anymore and I didn’t feel like putting anything together.”

“Well, if you need some added incentive, you could always pack me a lunch when you’re making yours.” Scott flashed her his megawatt smile that Lauren couldn’t help but return.

“I’ll think about it.” Lauren and Scott boarded the thankfully empty elevator and began their descent. “So,” Lauren said, “when exactly are we finishing what we started?”

Scott smiled again. “Desperate, are we? Don’t worry. I tend to have that effect.”

“Whatever, narcissist.” Lauren rolled her eyes. “How about later tonight? I could come by after work.”

Scott groaned. “I can’t. I have a meeting for a benefit the hospital is having at the end of October.”

“Oh yeah, my mom and I got an invitation to that. It’s a children’s charity, right? Some kind of gala?”

“Don’t feel obligated,” he said. “Just a bunch of pretentious ass-kissers flaunting their money and discussing politics. If I wasn’t required to go, I wouldn’t.”

Scott’s explanation confused her. The way his eyes darted away from hers made it seem like he intentionally fabricated reasons for her
to attend. It wasn’t as if they would go
together. Why wouldn’t he want me to go?
But Lauren abruptly halted her overanalysis and decided that the most likely explanation was the one he’d given.
The thing is gonna blow.

They made their way to the cafeteria and ate their lunches in between jibes and playful conversation. There was one thing Lauren definitely couldn’t deny: she really enjoyed spending time with Dr. Scott.

*   *   *

The next day, Lauren was still replaying her encounter with Scott in her mind. Finally she couldn’t take it anymore. She had to see him. As she sat at the food court of George Mason munching on a fresh pastry, she snapped a picture of her books spread across the table in front of her before sending Scott a text.
Better food, but the company’s not nearly as entertaining.

Lauren took a sip of her iced latte before placing her phone inside her bag, certain that Scott wouldn’t text back until later. He’d just be returning from lunch, and she figured he probably had a busy afternoon since he’d been out of the office until noon on Tuesday. He’d most likely be catching up on paperwork and phone calls in between patients. So she was surprised when her phone sounded three minutes later.
Entertaining, huh?

You seem surprised
, she wrote back.
Couldn’t you tell I was entertained? Don’t underestimate yourself, Dr. Scott.
Lauren could feel the flirtatious grin spread across her face as she texted back. The three dots on her screen indicated that Scott was writing back. And she had no doubt Scott would reciprocate with his own innuendo.

And he didn’t disappoint.
I never underestimate myself. And for the record, I “entertained” you more than once.

Yes, you did, Doctor. And I fully intend to even the score.
Lauren leaned back in her chair and inhaled a deep breath as she waited for Scott’s reply. She could feel a rush of warmth make its way down her core and settle itself between her thighs at the thought of getting to touch Scott’s cock, stroke it in her hand, and wrap her lips around it.

This time Scott wasn’t so quick to reply, and the anticipation of waiting turned her on more.
What happened to you? You still there?
she wrote before clicking it to sleep and setting it down beside her.

Finally a message popped up on her lock screen, and she slid her finger across it and entered the code.
Sorry. Just trying to figure out how I’m supposed to make it through the rest of my appointments with my cock pressed up against my pants like this.

Lauren knew Scott was playing her game. She doubted that he was actually hard from a few texts, but damn if the possibility didn’t make her squirm in her seat a little.
Only one remedy I know of to take care of such a condition
, she wrote back.

And what’s that?
He obviously wanted her to tell him what she planned to do to him. But something inside her told her it would be more fun to make him wait.
Not sure words would do it justice. How about we meet at your place after you get done with work?

Again Lauren stared at her phone, waiting for Scott’s response. But what she saw made her wish she hadn’t gotten so excited for it.
I can’t tonight.
It was simple. Direct. Very . . . Scott. But she hadn’t expected it. Something else she hadn’t expected was the twinge of disappointment that shot through her at the subtle rejection.

, she wrote back, not knowing what else to say.
Your loss
This time she didn’t wait to see if he replied before throwing her phone in her bag, tossing the rest of her pastry and coffee in the trash, and heading to her last class of the day.

*   *   *

“So what’s been going on since I saw you last?”

Scott shifted uncomfortably in the dark brown armchair that engulfed his large frame. He had never realized how emasculated he felt by that chair. It was as if the damn thing was swallowing him.
I know who else I’d like to swallow me.
And so went Scott’s thought-hemorrhage. He knew exactly what he should talk to his therapist about, but opening up to her suddenly felt like a bad idea.
Did I actually turn down sex for an appointment with a shrink? Should it feel weird to open up to my therapist? God, I’m so fucked up.
“Nothing in particular,” he finally replied. He felt himself actively avoid her stare as he lied and wondered if she noticed. When she remained silent, he chanced a glance at her. She was studying him curiously.
Damn it.

“You sure about that?”

Scott thrust his hand into his pocket, a movement that didn’t escape Dr. Specchio’s attention. “Yes. No. Ye— Maybe.” Scott sounded like a blathering fool and he couldn’t do anything to stop it.

Dr. Gwen Specchio, a petite woman who was probably in her midfifties, sat back in her chair, obviously hoping a more relaxed posture would elicit the same response in Scott. Scott knew it immediately for what it was. He’d been in therapy for long enough to know when he was being de-escalated.

“Why don’t we start with any new developments in your life since I saw you last?”

How about we not?
Scott hadn’t been to therapy in a couple of weeks. He normally tried to attend his weekly sessions, but he’d canceled the last few. He told himself it was because he’d simply been too busy to attend. But he recognized the real reason for what it was: he had absolutely no interest in talking about Lauren. “I had dinner with my mom Sunday. She was her normal self. She discussed my brother.” Scott knew therapists loved talking about mommy issues, and he wasn’t above feigning an Oedipus complex to get out of going where Gwen was steering the conversation.

She typed on her tablet before looking back at him. “How did you feel afterward?”

Scott loved that question. It seemed cliché whenever she asked it, and he almost laughed every time. But that didn’t stop him from answering it honestly this time. “Angry.”

She leaned forward slightly. “Angry at what?”

“At everything. At the fact that she can’t understand that my dad gave her endless chances, but she can’t do the same for her own son.”

“Why do you think that is?”

“Because she needs to maintain the facade of the innocent victim.”

Gwen pondered that for a moment. “Do you think it’s a facade or do you think your mother really feels victimized?”

Scott couldn’t quite see where this line of questioning was going, but he was sure he wasn’t going to like where it ended up. He knew when a conversation was being
guided toward an end goal. “I think she’s afraid to be judged. By convincing herself that she’s the victim, she frees herself from all responsibility in what’s happened with Tim. She can neatly transfer all that blame onto him without feeling any herself. And Tim
to blame for the choices he’s made. But she can’t be absolved of all culpability, especially when she deserves it the most.”

How many times had she dragged her sons to “playdates” with her lover’s children? How many times had she disappeared while Scott and Tim played happily with their new “friends”? And when Tim answered his father’s simple question of
How was your day?
honestly, and the truth had come out, it had been Tim who his mother blamed. She had accused him of trying to deliberately sabotage her marriage. And even though his father had forgiven her, even though she continued to be unfaithful, even though
had been the one to destroy their family, it was
who’d suffered the consequences.

BOOK: The Best Medicine
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