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Authors: Alexis Noelle

The Beginning of Us (163 page)

BOOK: The Beginning of Us
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He looked around the room and then he took my hand and led me into the bathroom that was connected to Ryan's room. He flicked on the lights and locked the door. My heart began to race as I thought of Ryan trying to get into her room...or anyone else for that matter.

I lunged towards him and wrapped my arms around his neck as our lips met and our tongues swirled with passion. A fire always burned deep inside at just the thought of him touching me, kissing me, being inside of me. I broke our kiss as I ran my tongue along his throat and up the right side of his neck until I met the base of his ear. I sucked the end of his earlobe as he let out a groan.

His body pushed mine against the counter and he cupped my ass, pulling me tighter. His erection pressed into my mound as our mouths continued to devour each other. I reached down, grabbing a hold of the button of his jeans and slipped it through the slit. Slowly, I unzipped his jeans as his right hand cupped my breast through my dress, squeezing a little and sending need shooting down between my legs.

My breath and heart raced as I thought about how any second we could be discovered. I tugged on Brandon's pants when the zipper was fully down. He stopped my hands and yanked his pants down to his ankles. I slid my hand inside his boxers, grasping his thick cock, and began to lightly stroke it from the base to the tip and back down.

He slid me up on top of the counter and pushed my dress up to my hips. I spread my legs enough to allow him to step closer into me. Brandon stepped back out of my reach. He knelt down on his knees hooking a finger into the side of my panties and spread them to the side. 

Closing my eyes, I leaned back against the mirror as he claimed me with his mouth, sucking, swirling and stroking the pink folds. My hands ran through his hair and I moaned shamelessly as his tongue darted in and out in an expert thrusting motion. Brandon continued to make love to me with his mouth until my pussy tightened convulsively. I moaned when a mind-numbing orgasm hit me, rocking my body with wave after wave of sensation. As he rose up and kissed me again, I could taste myself on him.

He grabbed my hips and lifted me off the counter, sliding me down until my feet touched the floor. Taking a condom from his pocket, he removed his jeans and boxers in one motion and tossed them on the floor. Then he sat on the closed toilet seat and pulled me over to him.

“Always prepared, I see,” I said.

“Always, when I'm with you. I can't seem to get enough of you.”

“Me either.”

He motioned for me to come to him as I slipped my panties off and tossed them on the floor. I pushed my dress back up to my waist and straddled his hips, lowering myself onto him as he held his cock in his hand.

He closed his eyes as I used my legs to go up and down over his cock. “Fuck, Baby!” he said as he grabbed both of my ass cheeks. His hands glided up my back as I leaned into them causing my body to arch and his cock to hit the right spot. 

My legs started to burn as I continued to ride his shaft over and over. I felt myself getting close to release. I looked at his face and knew he was close, too. 

“I'm gonna come,” I whispered.

“Me, too.”

Brandon groaned as his body suddenly stilled, then he began to come. I slowly continued to ride him as my body tingled with pleasure. I sat completely up, with his cock still inside me, and rested my head on his shoulder. “I love you,” I murmured.

“I love you, too,” he said, and then kissed my left shoulder lightly. 

We stayed like that for a few more minutes. I was sure I heard a knock as I lifted myself off him. We quickly cleaned up and dressed. Exiting the bathroom, I heard another knock. I opened the door to find Ryan standing there.

did not
 just have sex in my old bed, did you?”

“Nope!” I said as I quickly exited her room towing Brandon by the hand. 

“Good, because I might have to kill you if you had.”

We all started laughing as we walked down the stairs into the foyer.


Two days later, I woke with a sinking feeling in my stomach. On my lunch break, Brandon and I were going with Christy to her doctor's appointment. I, of course, was going to support Brandon. I had no intention of speaking with Christy—I didn’t even want to look in her direction. 

My plan was to remain in the waiting room while Brandon and Christy went in to meet with the doctor. To our surprise, Christy wouldn't let Brandon in the room. She told him and the doctor's assistant that she was not comfortable with him in the room. This worked out better since I would have had a million things running through my head with them in the exam room and me waiting.

Brandon and I sat quietly in the waiting room while Christy was examined. I looked around the room,
  filled with children's books, pregnancy magazines and toys. I never imagined myself sitting in a room like this and not being pregnant. 

Brandon's hand clenched mine as his right leg bounced up and down. I could tell he was nervous and anxious. I was trying not to show how nervous I was. The receptionist and other assistants whispered behind the front desk, giving us furtive glances. I figured it wasn't every day that the girlfriend of the baby's father went to the appointments. It wasn't like I had demanded to be in the exam room or anything.

Christy finally exited into the waiting room and she and Brandon settled the appointment fee. When we stepped out into the hall she shoved the ultrasound into Brandon's chest. “Here!” she said and continued to walk down the hall. Brandon and I stopped and looked at the black and white ultrasound. 

We stared at the picture for a few minutes not saying anything. A little oblong object surrounded by a dark circle; the dark circle surrounded by lighter shading. Baby Montgomery with the date and time was on top of the picture. 

Looking at the tiny person stilled my heart. It was a piece of someone who I loved, but not a piece of us. I wanted to cry as the realization began to sink in. Was I ready to help raise someone else's child? Someone who wished I didn’t exist? 

I looked up at Brandon, his eyes were glossed over. “You made that,” I whispered. He looked up from the picture into my eyes. I could tell his heart was breaking—this was not what he wanted. I wrapped my arms around his neck as we both cried into each other's shoulders. 


Brandon dropped me off at work. I wanted to spend the rest of the afternoon consoling him, but my boss would only allow me to take a long lunch. She was working on a deadline and needed my help.

I kissed Brandon lightly as I exited his car. We were quiet on the drive over and didn't say anything as I got out of the car. There were no words. We both knew we didn't want this. There was nothing he could do about it and I wasn't ready to leave him over it. 

I stepped into the bathroom before heading to my desk to freshen up my make-up. I didn't want all my co-workers asking me what was wrong. They didn't know my situation, only that I was happy and dating someone new. When I finally made it to my desk, I placed my cell phone down on my desk just as Brandon texted me:

I love you!

Fighting back tears again, I texted back: 

I love you too!




The next couple of nights, Brandon and I stayed at his place. On Wednesday, he went to poker night but didn't stay long. He was still shaken up by the ultrasound. I knew once he held the baby in his arms, he would fall in love. I bought a picture frame for the ultrasound picture and placed it on the desk in his home office. I also put a framed picture of myself on his desk so he would remember I was always here for him.

I was cooking dinner when Brandon's phone rang. His face lit up, something I hadn't seen since Saturday night at Ryan's engagement party. “Hi Mom,” he said as he answered his phone.

“I'm doing good, how are you and Dad?...You are?...When?...This Sunday?...Yes, of course, I can't wait to see you... I have someone I want you to meet...Yeah, it is really serious...Her name is Spencer...Yes, she is a girl...Mom, I will tell you all about her when I pick you and Dad up from the airport...Okay, I love you too, tell Dad hello...Okay, bye.”

When Brandon was talking to his mom about me, he would look over in my direction and smile. I missed that smile. “So my parents are coming this Sunday and staying the night. They are flying to Hawaii on Monday morning,” he said from the couch in the living room.

“That's awesome! When was the last time you saw them?”


“Wow, it has been a long time.”

“Yeah, they are really busy. My dad is trying to retire though.” 

Brandon's dad was in real estate. He was very successful in the Houston area, but the last few years had been tough with the economy. From what Brandon mentioned before, they were still well off financially like he was. 

“I can't wait to meet them,” I said. 

Meeting the parents was a huge step. I started to get nervous. What was I going to wear? What if they didn't like me? Great, now I was nervous and stressing myself out.  

“Spence...they...they don't know about the baby.” Sorrow returned to his face. 

I turned off the burner on the stove and walked over to where Brandon was sitting on the couch. I knelt down in front of him, grabbing his hands in mine and looked up into his eyes. “They will love this baby just like I will because it is a part of you. They are going to be so happy to be grandparents and like all grandparents, they will spoil your baby.” 

Brandon had mentioned to me before that he had a younger brother who didn't have kids either, nor was he married. Since Brandon was thirty, I figured his parents would be happy to finally be grandparents.

“I hope so. They raised me to get married first and then have kids.”

“Babe...this is not your fault. You didn't do anything wrong. Once they know what Christy did, they won't be upset. I don't know them but I believe they will accept this baby because it is your baby.”

“I hope so.”

“I know so.”


When Brandon's mom called him, I realized I hadn't spoken to my own parents since my birthday and then only briefly. The last call prior to my birthday had been when I told them that Trav
 and I had broken up. I usually talked to my mom at least once a week, so I wondered why she hadn’t called me.

I called my mom and everything was fine. She said that she was just giving me time to mend my broken heart. I told her all about Brandon and that my heart was completely mended. I didn't mention the baby. I wanted them to meet Brandon and fall in love with him first before I mentioned the kicker about our relationship.

My mom was happy for me although a little worried that I was moving too quickly into a new relationship. She said she couldn't wait to meet Brandon. She and my dad were not able to come to Ryan's engagement party because of financial reasons, so they decided they would just come to the wedding in May. I told them I would be flying down for Thanksgiving and might bring Brandon. I didn't know if he was going to Texas for the holidays or not, but I needed to see my family.


On Sunday, Brandon went to the airport to pick up his parents. Brandon asked me to wait for them at his place so they could catch up a little. I dressed in jeans and a light grey sleeveless blouse that had ruffles down the front, a turquoise cardigan and light grey calf high boots. Brandon assured me I looked adorable and his parents would love me before he left.

When Brandon left, he was all smiles—finally. I nervously walked around the condo, tidying things that really didn't need tidying. I heard Brandon and his parents walk in as I was in the kitchen getting a glass of water. I turned around from the fridge when they walked into the living space.

“Mom, Dad, this is Spencer,” Brandon said as I walked over to them, meeting them half way. Brandon wrapped his arm around my shoulders. 

“Spencer, these are my parents, Robert and Aimee.” 

“It is so lovely to meet you!” his mom said. I went to shake her hand but she pulled me in for a hug.

Brandon’s mom was my height, curly light brown hair with bangs, a few freckles kissed her cheeks and she looked young for her age.

“You too,” I said. I turned to Brandon's dad to shake his hand. 

He shook mine in return and gave me a smile. I now knew where Brandon got his smile. “Yes, it is so good to meet you,” he said.

Brandon looked almost like his dad. They had the same smile, same eyes and similar builds. His dad was a little shorter than he was, but you could tell they were father and son.

After our meet and greet, Brandon took their bags up to the second bedroom. I spoke with his parents about how Brandon and I met...leaving the dancing part out. His dad was impressed that I knew how to play poker. 

When Brandon returned from putting their bags in the room, his dad mentioned to him that we should have a poker game tonight. Brandon was excited with the idea. His face lit up. He texted Jason and a few other friends I hadn’t met yet who he played with on Wednesdays. 

BOOK: The Beginning of Us
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