The Beat of Safiri Bay (21 page)

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Authors: Emmse Burger

BOOK: The Beat of Safiri Bay
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"You are to me," I say and move closer to him. I guess having the pool so close by makes me brave, I can always wash off his touch if I need to but I don’t think I want to. I sit with my arm against his and he takes my hand and kisses the top of it. "What would you like to eat next?" He asks and peeks into the basket. I know Thandi would not have anything in there that I don't like, "surprise me," I say.

"Oh I like this game Miss Rose, close your eyes and don't peek," I make myself comfortable and cross my legs. I close my eyes. "Open up," he says and I giggle nervously.

"May I smell it first?" I beg and he laughs at the way I cannot let go of controlling a situation. "Okay, but only quickly," I lick my lips and wait. "Smell this," he says and a very slight lemon scent fills my nose. I open my mouth still not sure what it is but at least I know it's edible. Very slowly, he pushes it into my mouth. It is such a weird feeling not knowing what is in my mouth. I open my eyes and chew on the tiny lemon biscuit. Mmm divine. "Your turn," I say and he closes his eyes and opens his mouth. I take a strawberry because it is my favourite and dip it in some whipped cream. "Wait, I want to smell it," he mocks me. I carefully take it to his nose but accidently touch the tip of his nose with the cream. "Lay, you are starting a very delicious and dangerous game," he says happily.

"It wasn't on purpose," I say in a high-pitched voice.

"Uh-huh," he says and I pop the berry into his mouth. He chews slowly and opens his eyes. "My turn," he says with a very mischievous look on his face. "Oh no Alex I promise it was just an accident," I beg because I can only guess what will come from this. "Accidents happen," he smiles that naughty smile and I force my eyes shut. Crap, I don't know what he will do to me; it can't be too bad it is just food after all. I close my eyes and wait for the smell. It's a sweet smell, but I can't place it I smell his skin more than anything else. My heart beats faster in my chest; I open my mouth a tiny bit and wait for the food attack. I feel his lips on mine for a split second and as quick as lighting he puts a grape into my mouth. I open my eyes and stare at him; my mouth is too full to talk. I pop the grape with my teeth, chew and swallow. "Did you just kiss me?" I ask daringly.

"What? You must be delusional," he smiles one of those ‘I don't know what you are talking about’ smiles and I wonder suddenly whether it wasn’t maybe just my imagination. A splash of water makes us both look up and Matt’s head pops up from under the water. He walks to the steps and throws his head back so his black curls are out of his face. I swallow. Then as if he owns the place he walks right over to a deck chair and lies down comfortably. Alex and I look at each other. “I have an idea,” I whisper to him. He leans in closer to hear me out. When I am done telling him my plan he laughs and nods his head. “Great idea,” he says. We pack up the basket and Put it on the table next to Matt. Alex takes his shirt and shoes and gives me a hug. “See you,” he says and walks to his car. “You too Matthew,” he says and Matt gives him a little wave from his deck chair. “Join me Lany,” he says with closed eyes soaking up the last bit of sun for the day. “Just give me a minute please.” I say and quickly run to talk to Thandi to tell her our plan. I join Matthew on the deck and lie down on the chair next to his. “Lane, I am sorry if this is upsetting you but I swear your father will have my head if I don’t do as he says.”

“I am not upset Matt, I feel sorry for you for being bullied by my dad,” and I smile at him.

“It’s no problem at all, I think I actually might like it,” he says and stretches his arms up over his head. “How is everything with Chantel?” I ask and he sits up straight. I might have spoiled the moment and I didn’t mean to be prying but he is my friend and I said I will be there for him. “It’s very messy,” he says and that look of raw pain is in his blue eyes again. “She doesn’t want to talk to me. The last I heard of her she had an appointment for next week sometime. I try not to think about it too much,” I nod and look away. It kills me to see my friend in so much pain. “Want to take a last swim before the sun sets?” he asks.

“Matt, you know how I feel about...” I have no choice. He picks me up and carries me to the water. I laugh and yell and slap him on the back but he doesn’t put me down. Then he walks into the pool still carrying me over his shoulder. As soon as he is in the pool he puts me down and laughs. “See that wasn’t so bad,” he teases. I splash him in the face and he grabs my hand. “Why did you kiss me last night?” he asks all serious.

“Whoa, you kissed me I hugged you,” I remind him of the way things happened. “But you didn’t stop me, why not?” I don’t know what to tell him. I let it happen because I felt sorry for him, because a part of me really did want him to kiss me again. “I don’t know,” I answer as honestly as I can. The Audi comes driving into the yard and Rocky gives a loud bark. “What is Alex doing here again?” Matt asks a little shocked. “Moving in,” Alex says and takes his bag out of the back.

“You know Peter won’t like this Lane,” Matt says a bit irritated.

“Peter is not here Matt and if you stay, he stays.”

I walk to the steps to get out but he grabs my arm and pulls me close to him. “Can we play tonight?” he whispers to me. My big eyes make him laugh. “Guitar Lany, I want to show you something I’ve learnt this weekend,”

“Oh yes off course, okay, um, tonight.” I say, so relieved and shocked that I thought what I thought.


I show Alex to his room and he unpacks his things while I sit on the bed and watch. “Are you sure you are okay with this?” I ask a bit nervous. “With what? Staying over at your place? Lane it’s like staying at a hotel. Anyway, you are here, where else would I rather be?” He closes the drawer and comes to sit with me on the bed. “It’s a very nice house you have here,” he says appreciatively.

“You’ve never been inside our house. Come I’ll give you a quick tour.” I show him all the rooms, entertainment room dad’s study and where to find what in the kitchen. “So where is your room?” he asks curiously. “No one is allowed in there,” Matt says from behind me. “Off course, that’s understandable,” Alex says understandingly but Matt doesn’t leave it there. “Except off course her dad and Thandi and let me see, me.”

“That was one time,” I say angrily.

“No matter, what’s done is done,” he says with a smirk.

“Matt don’t be a jerk okay,”

“Okay sorry, I was just pulling your leg cuz,” and he walks to the kitchen. “Come,” I take Alex by the hand and pull him towards the room. “No Lane stop. The only reason you want to show me your room is because Matthew is being a jerk. That is not a good enough reason for me. I’ll wait.” He is probably right but after spending two nights in the same bed as him I thought all this would at least be a bit easier. “I need to take a shower. Give me half an hour,” I hug him this time and he smiles a little victory smile. I know what he is thinking. Matthew acting like a jerk is pushing me right into his arms. And that is exactly where I want to be.


After my shower I dress in shorts and dry my hair. I pull it up into a pony and go look for the men. The kitchen table has been laid and there are salads in the fridge. I hear voices outside and go to see who it is. Alex and Matthew are sitting around the fire drinking beer. So, we are having a braai tonight. I doubt that this was Thandi’s idea.  Alex gets up when I join them and pulls a chair closer for me. “I don’t think my dad would approve of a beer drinking guardian,”

“Can I get you one Lany?” he teases and I snort. “No seriously, what can I get you?”

“Matthew, this is my home, if I want something I can fetch it myself,”

“Just trying to be a gentleman,” he says and smiles. I get up and walk over to the little bar fridge we keep on the deck at the braai area and get myself an Appletizer. “Who’s idea was the braai?” I ask curiously although I know the answer already. “As the oldest and smartest person in the house I thought I should make the decision on what we should have for dinner. And Thandi loves having an early night so voila, je lui ai donne’ la nuit.”

“You know I don’t speak French,” I say and sip my drink.

“He just gave Thandi the night off,” Alex fills me in.

“Lany baby, I thought if you feel like it we might give Alex a little show doing what we do best together,” Why does he make me feel guilty even when he suggests we play guitar. I really need to have a talk with him. “Sure, we can do that,” I say and smile at Alex. I am very nervous about doing this in front of Alex only but I breathe in slowly. “So who is fetching the guitars? Shall I or should we?”

“You keep this up and I will swing a guitar at you do you hear me?” I say and get up to fetch the guitars. I hear Alex laugh when I leave. Just because he is being an arse I will give him the guitar he dislikes most, my Tanglewood. I take his favourite and grab two picks from the shelf. I don’t want him scratching my guitar with his nails like he does when he is not using a plectrum.

Alex seems to have taken over charge at the fire and Matthew opens himself another beer. He reaches for the Gibson but I give him the Tanglewood, “Your punishment,” I say and he doesn’t look impressed. “So what are we playing?” I ask and he sits on the edge of the table, takes a swig of beer and starts a song I know well. I sit down in a chair next to him and he smiles down at me. “Remember this one Lany?” he says and I nod. I start playing as well and soon he is singing along softly. Alex stands and watches us from the other side of the fire. It makes it very hard for me to concentrate because in the orange light of the fire his face shines with all he doesn’t say and those beautiful unreal blue eyes look at me with such love and appreciation that I go numb with all that I feel for him. I look away from him to try and regain some of my focus. Matthew will think I have lost my touch if I play like an idiot but that is not what bothers me. I want to play my best for him, for Alex.


After the braai we wash up the dishes so Thandi doesn’t have to tomorrow. They decide to watch some TV and I go take a shower again to get ready for bed. It’s late already and I put on my pj’s. Matt is alone when I get to the entertainment room. “Your boyfriend went to shower,” he says and flips the channel to some horror movie. I walk over to the TV and switch it off. “We need to talk,” I say to him and he lifts an eyebrow. “I don’t know what you are up to but I don’t like it.” He sighs and folds his arms.

“What am I doing wrong now?” he asks all innocently.

“Well for starters you can stop with being such a jerk.”

“Lany baby, what are you talking about?”

“Really Matt? You really want to play this game?”

“I am not playing anything. I am just having a bit of fun.”

“I don’t like your idea of fun. Could you cut Alex some slack, I really like him.”

“I know you like him, it
quite obvious and I am not trying to make you not like him but I like you and I think a bit of competition is a good thing.”

“Matt, we have been friends forever and I don’t want to mess that up. I don’t want anyone to ruin our friendship. It is possible for someone to have a best friend and a boyfriend.”  

“Sure Lany. I will behave. So come sit here with me,” and he pats the couch. I can never stay annoyed with him for too long. It must be the blue eyes thing they both have going on. “So what are we going to do with you?” I ask.

“Nothing for now, I am still thinking of a plan,” he picks up my legs and swings them onto his lap and starts massaging my feet. “Mmm that is nice,” I say and he laughs. I lay my head down and close my eyes. “Matt,”


“Do you think I’m doing the right thing?”

“What do you mean Lany?”

“With Alex I am so scared that I will hurt him or end up being hurt myself. I have never been in this situation and I don’t know how to navigate this.”

“I can’t tell you what to do Lany all I can say is follow your heart and if it is Alex it is pointing to, go for it. He can be good for you.”

“What do you mean ‘can be good’ for me? I have a strong feeling that he is the best thing for me.”

“Then I say trust your instincts.” I open my eyes and see Alex standing in the door in his dark blue night shorts and white t-shirt smiling at me. Oh boy, he heard.

Matthew rubs my feet and then lets it go. “My turn to shower,” he says and kisses my cheek before he goes. Alex comes to sit with me then and takes my hand in both of his. “So you are scared of hurting me, Lane, that won’t happen.”

“But Alex with my dad being so set against us I can’t see how this can work out. I can’t not do as he says while I am living in his house and I don’t have any immediate plans of going anywhere else. So you see my problem?”

“Are you saying that you are giving up on us?” his blue eyes grow bigger and he squeezes my hand. “Lay, please don’t give up yet, please let us just try this out. We’ve only known each other for two weeks I am begging you don’t let this go.”

“I promise I will not let it go yet, I need to do this for me and I want to do it for you.” He seems satisfied with that leans back into the couch and blows out his breath. “If we are going to do this,” and I wave my hand to him and back to me, “I think it is time I show you something.” I pull him up by the hand and he follows me quietly. I turn to face him, “close your eyes,” I say to him and he closes it. I lead him to my room and close the door behind us. Then I turn to him again and put my nose so close to his that it almost touches his. My heart races and blood is pumping in my ears but it is a rush and I enjoy every moment of it. “You may open them,” I whisper and he opens his eyes slowly. “Lay,” he whispers and his hand reaches up to touch the skin on my cheek. I close my eyes and he drops his hand instantly. “No,” I say and put his hand back on my face. “I want to do this.” I say while looking into his two pools of blue heat. His thumb rubs up and down the side of my face and he curls his fingers around the back of my neck. My breathing is shallow and my chest rises and falls quite obviously with every breath. I move my body closer to his so his white shirt and my white top touches and he slides his other hand around my waist. I do the same with one arm and place my other hand on his chest. I can feel his heart beating against my hand. Then I move my hand up to his neck and he closes his eyes. “Lay, I don’t want to do anything that you don’t want me to do,” he whispers against my mouth. “You won’t,” I whisper back at him and then his lips are on mine, soft and strong like the rest of him. He opens his mouth just a little and I follow his every move. The room starts spinning around me but I am safe in his arms. It feels as if my body might explode with all the blood rushing through my veins, my legs are weak and I can feel that they might give in at any minute now but I hold on. This feeling of craziness, dizziness and heat is not something I am ready to let go of yet. Alex is so gentle and my heart aches for the way he handles my body with such love and care. He stops kissing me and I open my eyes. “Lany, are you okay?” he asks and I nod. I close my eyes and he kisses me again but harder this time. I hold on to him as if my life depends on it. His arm around my waist pulls me tighter to him. And his mouth is hard against mine. I thought we had electricity before but nothing compares to this storm raging in our bodies. He picks me up in one quick move and carries me to my bed without ever stopping to kiss me. Like before he lies on top of me but I cannot feel his weight as he supports himself on his one arm. I think I must be dreaming but I hear it again and again, the door bell. He must have sensed that I am not focussed anymore and looks at me worriedly. “What is it Lane? Did I hurt you?”

“No, did you hear that? It’s the door bell.” He moves off me then and I sit up to listen. My head is still dizzy from our kissing and he holds me up while I regain my composure. The bell rings again and I get up slowly. “Who would be coming to your house at this time of the night?” he asks just as confused as I am. “I don’t know, I better check it out,”

“Wait I’m coming with you.” He says and takes my hand. We very seldom use the front door and when we get there Matt is already there with a towel wrapped around his otherwise naked body. And there with him stands the man who had suffered a heart attack not even a week ago. Alex moves to go stand next to Matthew. “How can we help you?” he asks the man.

“Halo, I am Fredrick Hall, I am here to talk to Matthew Mallard.”

“That will be me,” Matthew says and holds out his hand for the man. “Please come in,” he says and shows him to the sitting room. “I just need to get dressed quickly,” he says and disappears.

“I am really sorry to bother you at such a late hour but it is the only time I feel safe to do so.” Alex and I both sit down in my one of my dad’s most prized leather sofas and watch the man he saved do the same. “I am also here to thank you Doctor for saving my life. I wouldn’t be sitting here if it wasn’t for you. I don’t know how one says thank you for something like that.” Alex nods his head,

“I was just doing my job and I am glad that you are okay now.” Matthew joins us then wearing only shorts. Alex and I get up to leave. “If you don’t mind, stay please,” he says and we sit back down again.

“Matthew, I have news for you of Chantel,” Matt and I look at each other then and he sits up straight. “This should be interesting,” he says. “I believe that she has already informed you that she is pregnant with your child,” Fredrick says casually.

“Wait a minute, what do you know about all this and why are you here?” Matthew says a bit confused.

“Matthew, Were did you meet her?” Frederick asks. By now we are all on the edge of our seats. Why won’t he just get to the point? “I’m sorry but I don’t see how this is relevant to our conversation.” Matt says a bit irritated. “Fine then I will tell you. You met at a party. You were the musician and she showed an interest in your music. From there everything started.” Matthew’s shoulders tense up a bit but Frederick doesn’t stop. “Tell me, how often did you see her while you were together?” Matthew says nothing, just stares at him. “Every two weeks for a weekend? She would never stay for longer and you’ve never been to her house.”

“You’re wrong; I have been to her house.”

“Have you? The little flat on the second floor overlooking the mall. The one that belongs to her friend Anna.” He seemed to have hit a nerve and Matthew sighs. “Okay, so just tell me what I need to know,” and he crosses his legs as if he doesn’t really care.

“Chantel is not pregnant.”

“What?” Matt and I say together.

“But how do you know?” he says very confused.

“She does this, it is her trick. She makes you fall in love with her. But she never spends a lot of time with you. Then when you dump her she says she is pregnant and she will get an abortion. After the ‘abortion’ she suddenly suffers a terrible depression and holds you responsible for paying all the ‘medical’ bills while she secretly pockets all the money for herself.” My mouth hangs open at the thought of it.

“But you were together for two years,” I say to Matt. Fredrick whistles and shakes his head. “You must have really liked her, no one stays for longer than a few months,” he says.

“Why has she never been caught out? What keeps me from going to her right now and...”

“Her husband,” Fredrick says and I suck in an audible breath. “She is married.” Matthew puts his head in his hands and I instinctively go to sit with him. “Thank you for that information,” Alex says. “I’ll show you out,” and Frederick and Alex gets up to leave. I put my arm around Matthew and hold him tightly. “Matt, I am so sorry,” I say but he doesn’t look up. “I loved her Lany. I wanted to marry her and when I heard she was pregnant with my child I thought this is it. She would agree to it and we could live together like a happy family. How could she do this to me? How could she?” He sits up and I hold on to him as if he is a little boy. He lays his head on my lap and tears run down his beautiful face. Alex comes in, nods at me when he sees what state Matt is in and leaves the room. I let him cry it out. It takes half an hour for him to get rid of all his tears and then he sits up and looks at me. “I should have listened to you Lany; you told me she was no good. Now look at me,” he says with his red eyes.

“You look just as hot as ever Matt,” I say and bat my eyelids playfully. He laughs and messes up my hair. “You listened to your heart Matt and sometimes it tells you things that you don’t want to hear but in the end you did break it off with her, so you also knew.”

“Yes I guess I did,” he says and wipes his eyes with his hand. He suddenly grabs my face with both his hands and looks at my lips. “Matt what are you doing?” I ask bewildered by his sudden attack.

“Look at you Lany,” he says softly and rubs my lips with his thumb. “Does he not know to be gentle with you?” he says more to himself than to me. “What is it?” I ask and he grabs me by my arm and pulls me all the way to his bathroom. “Look,” he says and pushes me so I face myself in the mirror. My lips are swollen and my cheeks are red from where his beard rubbed my sensitive skin. The skin on my chin is broken and it looks as if the blood is ready to ooze out at any minute. “Fucking Alex, I swear if I get my hands on him now,”

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