Read The Beast's Virgin Offering (The Dark Forest of Forced Seduction) Online

Authors: Bree Bellucci

Tags: #paranormal erotica, #shapeshifter erotica, #werewolf erotica, #breeding erotica, #werewolf sex stories, #werewolf fantasy, #beast erotica

The Beast's Virgin Offering (The Dark Forest of Forced Seduction) (4 page)

BOOK: The Beast's Virgin Offering (The Dark Forest of Forced Seduction)
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He felt that it would be the latter but it
would be the latter under accompanied by great fear and
reservations. He shoved his face into her pussy and without any
preparation or warning for her he bit down hard on her swollen
labia and then licked it with care to soothe it before biting it
hard again. She screamed loudly and arched her back upwards driving
his stiff tongue deep into her. She pushed in up again, feeling the
hot, rigid flesh moving around inside a part of her bodyher vagina
deeper than anything that had ever been inside of her before.

Tears were now streaming from her eyes and
burning her cheeks as they rolled down her face and neck. She could
not stop wanting him to do more and yet at the same time she wanted
to suddenly wake up safe and sound in her bed, finding this to have
been one of those erotic dreams that she loved so much.

Looking into his eyes she only felt control;,
not love or desire, just control. She now felt became aware of her
grip still holding his body, with her nails dug deeply into his
skin. He pulled his face from between her splayed thighs and began
to push his fingers deep into her pussy, while he massaged her clit
with his thumb. She felt an urge that she didn’t recognize and with
no warning her body released a gush of hot liquid that covered his
hands. He held the wet hand up and looked at the sparkling liquid
running down his wrist.

For the first time since Cassey met Michael
he looked pleased with her. He climbed over top of her, placed his
hand over her mouth and pushed two of the fingers in her mouth,
forcing her to taste the liquid that soaked them. Cassey was
surprised at the sweetness of the nectar that her body had given up
so easily to him. It fueled the fire within her and made her need
for him stronger. She dug her nails in harder into his back, now
begging him for more. She had such a conflict within her:. Her body
begged for more, but her brain pleaded for mercy. She seemed to be
at the heights of ecstasy and in the complete and total grip of
horror at the same time.

Michael pushed her knees as wide apart as he
could and moved his body in between them. Though Cassey was still a
virgin, she could never remember seeing a man’s cock so big or so
hard before, even on the internet. She knew what was about to
happen and she could tell that this was going to be painful beyond
anything that her brain would allow her to imagine. She drew in a
deep breath, closed her eyes and tried to prepare herself for the

She felt the giant head of his cock gently
penetrate her and then without warning a thrust that sent
unspeakable pain shooting through her body with a force that made
her scream in agony that could be heard echoing throughout the
Black Forest in its entirety. The last thing she remembered, just
before she lost consciousness, was the torso of a man above her and
the face of a beast:. A giant wolf head with fangs as long as knife
blades, red eyes like gemstones, bristled hair around the neck, and
a hot, sticky, yellow saliva that dripped onto her body, each drop
burning her like boiling lavahot candle wax.


When Cassey opened her eyes she felt
extremely groggy. She blinked a few times and realized the sun was
shining in through the window and she was in her bed at the hotel.
She started to sit up and before she had her head completely off
the pillow rested it back again. Her body ached all over. She
rested for a minute and then pulled the duvet back to explore the
problem. When the covers were removed and her naked body exposed,
she gasped at the sight before her.

She had deep purple bruises covering her from
her chest to her knees. She couldn’t see very well from the angle
at which she was recliningat, but it appeared that she had puncture
wounds close to her nipples and her areolas were swollen to twice
their normal size. She slowly pushed up on her elbows and began to
twist her body to the side of the bed when she noticed that from
her vaginal mound to her knees she had stream after stream of deep
dark, dried blood stains. The sheet was also caked with dried

At this precise moment she had a flash of
every detail of the early morning encounter rush through her brain
and she knew it was no dream. She was no longer a virgin and she
didn’t know who or what had taken that from her. He seemed part man
and part beast, but that was impossible. It must be impossible!
Those things were only done happened in legends, not in the real
world that in which she lived in.…or could she say, had lived

She managed to pull herself from the bed and
went into the bathroom to clean up. She had planned on a hot shower
and then maybe even a soak in a very hot bubble bath following
that. She knew she had to eat soon but thought after cleaning up
she might just fall back into bed to nurse her weary body with
rest. These plans changed the minute she walked into the lavatory.
On the marble counter top by the sink was a small vial of liquid
with a note.

“Put this elixir into your bath water and
soak in it until the water is cool. Come to the forest after
midnight and return the vial to me.


Once again Cassey found that things events
beyond her control or understanding seemed to be taking overrobbing
her of the ability to make rational choices or to reason withsummon
her own sense of right and wrong, reality and fantasy. She turned
the water on and watched it fill the tub. Tthen, as if in a trance,
she poured the contents of the vial into the water and carefully
slipped into the tub immersing her body in the specially prepared
bath. She closed her eyes and relaxed as best she could and let her
body soak.

She rested there until the water felt cool.
She began to pull herself to her feet when she noticed that her
strength had returned and she felt vibrant again, if not more so
than she had before. She was overwhelmed with awe when she noticed
that every bruise and puncture to her battered body that had been
evident before the bath was all gone. She felt no pain or aching.
It was just like magic. Once again Cassey knew without a doubt that
she had entered into a realm of something experience that was
beyond her explanation or understanding, inhabited by forces
greater than she washer. and Sshe wasn’t sure there was a way out
and if there was one she didn’t know if she wanted out.

Cassey dressed and put the vial in her pocket
and then headed out of the hotel to find food. She was famished. As
she left the hotel she decided to find the closest café and eat
everything they had in the kitchen. When she rounded the corner of
the hotel and expected to see the pathway to the forest, on which
she had found herself on in the wee hours of this same day, she
stopped short and blinked hard. There was no path, no welcoming
trail. It was like as though someone had painted it there earlier
and then came along behind themselves and erased obliterated it
with a giant eraser.

She turned in every direction to be sure she
was in the right place. She was; there was no doubt she was in the
right place but there definitely was no path. She wondered what she
would should do now;, her instructions were clear: that she should
return to the path after midnight tonight. How could she if there
was no path to return to?. She would deal with that later; right
now she needed to eat.

After Cassey finished her afternoon lunch and
early dinner at the café she wandered around the village and
drifted in and out of shops drinking in all of the intrigue of
being in a new place. A place so far from home and so different
from her normal surroundings. She had a few conversations along the
way trying to communicate with people who spoke some English and
understood novice German.

Usually those conversations ended with a nod
and a smile. As it began to get dark, Cassey again felt the jet lag
latch leech onto out her energy and she returned to the hotel for a
nap. She wanted to wake in the night and follow the instructions
she had been given. It was a mystery to her now, but she wanted
once again to retrace her steps and see if the path would still be
missing. She might not find Michael again but she would at least
have followed his instructions and for some reasons she certainly
didn’t understand comprehend, that seemed to be very important to

When the alarm rang, Cassey’s eyes blinked
open and she was instantly wide awake. She quickly dressed quickly,
and putdonned her running shoes on, made sure the vial was in her
pocket, left her room and locked the door behind her. She hurried
to the lift and pushed the lobby button. When the lift landed athad
descended to the lobby she walked out of the cage, quickly looked
around and then made her way out of the front entrance. Her pace
was so fast that she was just a little winded when she turned the
corner at the end of the hotel building. To her amazement and her
relief there was the entrance to the forest with the path right in
front of her, just as it had been the night before. She glanced at
her watch and it was 12:05 AM. She was right on schedule.

Unlike the previous day, when Cassie entered
the forest she did not feel the need to be cautious on a new trail.
She began her run with a confidence that surprised even her. She
felt the cool damp air of the forest fill her lungs and it seemed
to invigorate her, sending her faster and deeper into the heavily
wooded territory that had become strangely familiar.

The faster she ran the more she felt consumed
by an intense physical need to find Michael. She did not feel or
think of anything emotional when she thought of him. She just knew
that her body needed his body close to her…yes, very close. To
enable her lungs to draw breath, her heart to beat, and her loins
to gather pleasure in a way that would sustain her being, her very

She lost all track of how deeply she had run
into the woods. When the needs became stronger within her body, she
began to shed clothing as she ran. She would make brief stops, long
enough to pull the sweatpants and sweatshirt from her body, then
her panties, bra, and her socks and shoes. With each stop she felt
even more compelled to run harder and faster. Soon she was running
on her bare feet with twigs and pebbles stabbing into her soles.
Paradoxically, even the fierce pain of the torture to her feet only
made her desire to find Michael and feel him on her and in her that
much stronger.

She began to call for him, quietly at first.
Almost a whisper.

"Michael, where are you?" She would squeeze
out of her winded lungs.

Then with more determination and will she
yelled loudly for him.

Finally, Cassie stopped in the middle of the
path, bent forward to rest her hands on her knees for a moment,
gathered her strength, pulled in all the breath she could squeeze
into her lungs and raised her head to face the treetops. With a
volume that seemed superhuman she screamed a deafening plea at the

She waited in the silence for a sign but
nothing came. She slowly turned to walk out of the forest, feeling
defeated, when she sensed something approaching her from behind.
Before she could spin around to see if it was him she felt a shove
and found herself landing on all fours on the forest floor with a

Cassie was trying to regain her balance and
turn around when she felt two enormous hands grab her waist and
what felt like a knee being shoved between her thighs, driving her
legs across the rough terrain of the forest floor, and spreading
her legs unnaturally far apart. With no warning, the entity that
had her pinned in this position rammed his huge, hard male
appendage into her vaginal slit and began to fuck her viciously.
She felt the hot waxy drips of its saliva on her buttocks and could
hear the animal-like groans that seemed to fill the forest air. In
unconscious reaction, she began to push her ass back into the
penetrating thrusts. She suddenly knew that she had found him.
Michael was with her and all she wanted was more of him.

As her ass pushed back into his body she was
aware of his enormous testicles swinging and slapping into her clit
each time he thrust his cock deeper into her body. It seemed to
Cassey that she should be feeling pain, a great deal of pain, but
there was none…there was only the most sublime sense of

Her thoughts shifted to his face and she
longed desperately to look into his eyes, but he was riding her
like a well-trained pony and she had no strength to try to turn and
look him in the face. She lowered her head submissively, raised her
rump high, and pushed into his thrusts allowing his cock to ram
deeply over and over into her slick, wet, inviting cunt. When he
finally reached the height of his attack on her swollen and tender
internal flesh, he rammed his cock so deep in her that she lost her
balance and fell to her elbows, flinching as he emitted a blood
curdling howl that shook the branches of the trees and brought
boulders down from the mountainside.

With that howl Cassie felt something deep
inside of her awaken, reaching up out of her innermost being even
more than it had during her previous meeting with Michael. She felt
him pull his huge cock from her stretched vaginal flesh and waited
for him to say or do something to instruct her what he wanted from
her next. There was nothing. Just as quickly as Michael had come to
her in the forest on this night and taken her for the second time,
he had now vanished once again. She felt strangely at peace with
this and collapsed onto the ground in a heap for some time to
regain her strength before the long silent journey out of the
primeval wilderness that had become so familiar to her.


When Cassey awoke the next morning she
searched the room for a note or a sign that Michael had come to her
in the night but she couldn't find any evidence of this. She was
left feeling sad and empty. No instructions for a future visit; no
mysterious note saying something provocative about the previous
night; nothing. Then it crossed her mind that while running she had
shed her jacket, forgetting all about the vial she was to return to

BOOK: The Beast's Virgin Offering (The Dark Forest of Forced Seduction)
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