The Beast of Bracksley Woods (17 page)

BOOK: The Beast of Bracksley Woods
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In fact, Debbie spent a further two days in hospital until the doctors were satisfied she wasn’t going to miscarry. Paul came to take her home to her little cottage in Bracksley village. When they arrived he was so attentive. He settled her in the sitting room while he went out to make the tea. He fed the kittens who were delighted to have Debbie back with them and climbed all over her purring just to make sure she got the message. She smiled at them with pleasure and gave them each a little cuddle until Paul came back with the tea.

“You will be glad to know that those two burglars have been caught and prosecuted. They are being held in custody at the moment until they go on trial. It will probably mean that you will have to stand as a witness. Kevin will have to stand witness as well and I believe with all the stuff the police have on them they will get at least five years. They actually caught them in the lane outside Greg’s farm with the takings on them. The good thing is we got the takings back. How about that for luck,” he finished punching the air as he spoke.

“Well, that is good news,” Debbie said sipping her tea contentedly.

“Debbie,” Paul began “Have you thought about my proposal. I do truly and honestly love you. Please tell me you love me and will marry me,” he said looking for all the world like a forlorn little boy.

“I have a few questions to ask you before I give you an answer. I want to be sure you are not asking me just because I am pregnant,” Debbie answered. “What about the baby? Do you mind? And what about the big dog. You started to tell me so you had better finish and tell me the rest.”

“Mind – I am delighted. We will be a little family. I want to be a dad and I don’t care if it is a little boy or girl. As for the big dog – Well, Scott belonged to my sister who died as I told you. I was deeply fond of my sister, we were very close. She was a policewoman and part of the dog unit. Scottie is a sniffer dog and Katie trained him right from a puppy. Scott caught that pond life Clive Jackson with drugs and Katie arrested him. When he went down he vowed to get even with Katie. As I told you he broke into our house one night when I was out on a case. He turned him into a vicious fighting dog Hence the title the beast of Bracksley woods. Of course, he never knew that poor Kate had died but he stole Scott anyway. I’ve got him back though. He is now just an ordinary dog who likes to play. He no longer is the beast of Bracksley woods, he is just my dear old friend Scottie.”

“He may be your long lost dear old friend Paul but I am telling you that it will be some time before I can trust him. I shall always remember what he did to poor little Trigger. As for the rest; if you solemnly truly mean that you love me and you are not just marrying me because I am pregnant, then Okay. If you are quite sure.”

“Yes Debbie. Quite sure.”

“We had better get married quite soon. We can’t have people thinking I had to get married, now can we? Mrs Harrison at the shop would be scandalised, and I am sure she wouldn’t be the only one,” Debbie said smiling at Paul. He bent and kissed her. Then he pulled her to her feet and put his arms round her hugging her and kissing her some more. At last they broke away from each other and Debbie sat down again. “Better make arrangements at the registry office. That will take three weeks. How is Kevin now?” she asked.

“He’s coming along quite nicely but it was very dicey at first. I would so like him to be best man if he is well enough by then,” Paul said seriously.

“Well that sounds a very good choice. We must ask Greg as well. There is one person I hope you won’t be asking and that is Angela,” Debbie told him firmly.

“Certainly not.” I tackled her as soon as she got back and we have already had a great falling out over what she did. She admitted everything and said she only did it because she was in love with me. She says she will be leaving the practise very soon because I have chosen someone else when she hoped to be the love of my life. Well, quite honestly, I can’t see us getting along very well after her little escapade. I’m not too worried, I’ll get another partner quick enough,” he told her.

“What about this business of selling up and clearing off to Africa to do research?” she asked “Have you forgotten about that.”

“All forgotten about. I would have gone if you had turned me down and I still wasn’t aware that you were carrying our love child. If you fancy that kind of thing though, I am sure I could still arrange it.”

“I think things are best left as they are. Come on. Let’s go up to Greg’s and tell him the good news.” With that Debbie got up and put her coat on again ready to visit the first man she had made friends with in the early days of her arrival in Bracksley. On the way to the farm she thought about all the things that had happened in such a short time. Here she was, about to get married again. She was happy and could only think of the sunny days of summer ahead of them and then the birth of her baby. They would be a little family then and Debbie looked forward to the future and the happy life that lay ahead.

The end

This eBook is published by
Grosvenor House Publishing Ltd
28-30 High Street, Guildford, Surrey, GU1 3EL.

All rights reserved
Copyright © Doreen Hayward, 2012

The right of Doreen Hayward to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by her in accordance with Section 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988

The book cover image is copyright to Inmagine Corp LLC

ISBN 978-1-78148-237-7 in electronic format

ISBN 978-1-78148-503-3 in printed format

No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.

BOOK: The Beast of Bracksley Woods
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