Read The Bear's Mate Online

Authors: Vanessa Devereaux

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Paranormal, #Romantic Erotica

The Bear's Mate (4 page)

BOOK: The Bear's Mate
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there was silence. She’d gone, but his erection hadn’t. In fact, just hearing
her voice had taken it up a notch or two.

couldn’t stay in here much longer. She’d get suspicious. There was only one way
to get this over and done with.

took two strides over to the stall, opened the door and went inside. He pulled
open his zipper and let his hand slid inside the slit in his underwear. He
grabbed his engorged cock and wrapped his fingers tightly around it and went to
work. The job would be finished a lot sooner if he
actually think about the doctor now.

Delaney was lying on a bed with her legs spread wide for him. He ran his hands
up each thigh before sliding his cock deep inside her. She was tight, wet warm,
and oh yes, very welcoming. Their want and need was mutual. Aiden pressed his
hips forward, imitating thrusting into her as his hand worked faster. His teeth
grazed his lower lip. He wasn’t quite prepared for the sudden burst of pleasure
zinging through his cock and he bit himself, tasting blood.

threw his head back and let out a cry of release as he ejaculated into his hand.
He tried to get his breath back to a normal pace and then sat on the toilet

had been good. Hell, it had never been that good even with a woman. He knew
Thinking about Dr.

would it be like to make love to her for real?

never had sex with a non-shifter before. And if he was perfectly honest he’d
always wondered what it would be like. He stood, walked out of the stall and
over to the sink. While he was washing his hands, he glanced in the mirror. At
least that had taken care of his eyes. Now they were back to being baby blue,
and he could face the doctor again.


sensed someone watching her as she wrote up her notes about Christopher. It was
Aiden standing in the doorway of her office. He continued to look at her but
didn’t say anything. She hadn’t noticed the stubble on his face when she’d
first seen him or even in the examination room when he’d stood next to his
Hair couldn’t grow that fast.
She shook her head and rubbed her eyes. The dark shadow around his jaw line was
a wonderful contrast to his light blue eyes and made him even more appealing.

stepped inside the office.

hope my brother’s nap isn’t keeping you from going home.”

I’ve worked late every day for the last week, so I’m getting used to it.”

your husband doesn’t mind?”

don’t have one.”

maybe your boyfriend gets upset.”

he asking just to make conversation or was he interested in her relationship

have one of those either.”

he was the first to bring up the topic of significant others, so now it was her

“How about you?
I would think wildlife management has some
irregular hours too. Your wife or girlfriend get upset that you don’t keep
normal office hours?”

looked at her without answering.

“I couldn’t help but notice your badge when we
first met,” she added.

nodded. “Like you, I don’t have a spouse and no, I don’t have girlfriend either.”

that had gotten the prelims out the way.

you want to wait in here for your brother? The chairs in the waiting room
aren’t very comfortable.”

“Sure, why not.”

pulled up a chair and sat opposite her desk.

was only a few feet away now, so she couldn’t help notice that his lower lip
had some blood on it.

happened to your mouth?”

ran his finger over his lip. “I bit myself while I was in the restroom. Not
sure how it happened. I guess I was deep in thought.”

let me take a look at it.” She stood.

I’m fine, really.”

wasn’t taking no for an answer. She walked around the desk and kneeled in front
of him. The blood had the same texture and hue as his brother. This was
beginning to get interesting. What were the odds of both of them having the
same disease unless it was something genetic?

searched in her lab pocket for a tissue. She reached up and dabbed his lip. She
slyly looked down and noticed even on the paper the blood had a bluish hue to

all cleaned up. You bite yourself often?”

wasn’t that interested if he did or not, but hoped the question would throw him
off, and he wouldn’t see her sneak the tissue into her pocket instead of the
garbage can.
Everything about him and
Christopher fascinated her. If she didn’t wait too long to get it tested, she
might be able to run the blood from his lip as well as his brother’s and
compare notes.

first time it’s happened.”

nodded and stood. Nope, he hadn’t seen a thing.

you think Christopher’s going to be all right?” he asked.

should be. Oh, and let me give you the antibiotics for him. Make sure he takes
the whole course of these, no stopping halfway through.”

reached over to her desk and picked up the bottle which she handed to Aiden.
Their fingers grazed one another. She looked at him, him at her. Almost as if
electricity was traveling between them. Was this what they called sexual
chemistry or what? She’d never experienced this sort of charged energy with a
man ever before.

know this is selfish. We’re keeping you here when you could be at home. I’ll go
wake Christopher and head out. He can sleep when he gets to his place.” He
stood, looking as uncomfortable as she felt right now. He’d sensed something
happening between the two of them, she was sure of it.

should have been the good doctor and put up a protest about his suggestion of
taking his brother home, but in all honesty was she was dead to her feet and
just wanted to go see her dad. After that she’d head home for a nice soak in
the tub, and then crawl into bed.

my cell phone number.” She scribbled it down on a sheet of paper and handed it
to him. “Don’t hesitate to call me if he doesn’t feel well, runs a fever, or
gets red streaks near either of the wounds.”

for taking such good care of him.”

need to thank me because it’s my job.”

looked up him. Holy shit, he was gorgeous. Kiss me.

didn’t know why that request had popped into her mind. Yes, she did, but she
didn’t expect him to actually do it. What was he a mind reader?

slight hint of the metallic taste of blood remained on his lip as she opened
her mouth to him. His tongue played with hers for a few seconds before he ran
it over her lower lip.

long had it been since a man had kissed her like this?

A man had never
kissed her quite like this.

stomach did flips, and her pussy pulsed. She couldn’t help her next move. She
wrapped her arms around him, hoping he didn’t think she was going too far, but
when he pulled away quickly, she had her answer.

sorry,” she said, running her hand through her hair. Shit, how embarrassing was
this? Whatever made her do a thing like that?

me who should be sorry. I’m the one who kissed you.”

it, she was hoping that kiss would be leading to something like being asked out
on a date.

go wake my
and we’ll be out of your way.”

sure you bring him back in about ten days so I can remove those sutures, okay?”

nodded and was gone. She was too embarrassed to leave her office to see them
out. Charlotte turned and walked to her desk. She pulled open her desk drawer
knowing she had a plastic baggie in there. It would be perfect for safekeeping
the bloodied tissue. She pulled it out, opened it, and then reached into her
lab pocket.

tissue was gone.

immediately looked on the floor, got down on her hands and knees to peek under
her desk thinking she might have dropped the tissue, but it was nowhere to be

down on all fours she looked toward the door and then put her fingers on her
lips. That really had been wishful thinking about him kissing her like that.
He’d obviously done it for one reason…to pick her pocket.


Chapter Three


hadn’t managed to wake Christopher—who had been actually snoring like crazy on
the clinic couch. Aiden wrapped his arm around his shoulder as they headed to
the car. Not an easy task now that the rain was pelting down. He slid him into
the passenger seat, shut the door, and then ran around to the driver’s side and
got in.

was having a nice dream until you woke me,” said Christopher yawning.

I can imagine what it was about.”

“Definitely not a ménage a trios.”

least he’d learned his lesson even if it had cost him some pain and sutures.

what did you do while I was sleeping?” He yawned again.

visited with the doctor and had to use my charm and kiss her to get this back.”
He lifted out the tissue from his jacket pocket and tossed it onto the
dashboard. “The fact that she wanted to keep it tells me she might suspect

sorry. This is
all my
fault. You always warned us
about staying out of trouble, but sometimes I just can’t.”

not the only one. A couple of the women in our group are trouble too.”

are we going to do about the blood she took from me?”

worry. She was heading out of the clinic once we left. After I’ve dropped you off,
I’m going back there to get the vial. Hopefully, she’ll think she’s just
misplaced it.”


peeked around the door of her father’s room. The TV was blaring, but instead of
watching it, he was reading one of his fishing magazines. Good thing she’d
brought along two more to replenish the stack.

knocked on the side of the door and then walked in. He looked up and smiled.

are you feeling today?” She leaned over and kissed him.

“A little bit better than yesterday.”

to hear that. I brought you some more magazines,” she said sitting on the bed.

dad turned down the volume in the TV. “So how was your day?”

And I’m sorry I’m late, but I had a last minute emergency with a guy who’d been

wasn’t going to mention the bitten penis to her dad.

sounds nasty.”

yawned. “I’m sorry. It’s not your company I find boring, but it’s been a long

tapped the back of her hand. “You know
don’t have to come by here every day to see me. I’ll be perfectly okay if you
miss a day.”

know, but that’s why I came back so you’d have someone to visit you, someone to
look after you when you get home. Someone to remind you how silly it is to try
and get up on the roof…”
“At my age.”

smiled. Mr. DIY he’d always been, but he was too stubborn to admit when you got
to be sixty you couldn’t do the things you could twenty years ago.

are your legs feeling?”

they’re both broken.” He laughed. He’d always been able to see the funny side
of things.

be up and dancing again before you

doctor said my days of doing the tango might be over.”

both burst out laughing at the same time.

run along honey. I’ll watch the TV, read my fishing books, and dream about
getting out in the boat again.”

“Okay, but just because I’m tired.
Maybe I’ll
bring one of the board games from home, and we can sit and play.”

you’ve got better things to do than sit in a rehab center with an old fart.”

when did you become an old fart?”

I went up on the roof and fell off. I want you to find yourself a charming
local Montana man, settle down and give me a load of grandkids I can babysit at
least once a week.”

“Only if he’s as wonderful as my old
fart of a dad.”

leaned over and kissed his cheek.

going home for a nice soak in the tub, and then I’m going to have an early

BOOK: The Bear's Mate
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