The Bear Essentials (Siren Publishing: The Stormy Glenn ManLove Collection) (6 page)

BOOK: The Bear Essentials (Siren Publishing: The Stormy Glenn ManLove Collection)
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He glanced down at his mate, staring as he snaked his hand into Casey’s jeans and massaged the heated flesh tenting up his pants. It was hard, but felt like liquid silk under his fingers with the pre-cum leaking over Rob’s fingers.

Lifting his hand to his mouth, Rob sucked his fingers in, the tangy flavor rolling over his taste buds like nectar to a bee. He groaned, licking each finger clean before he pulled at the waistband of Casey’s pants, chasing the material down Casey’s body until he could toss the fabric aside.

Casey lay there on the counter, stunningly naked, exposed to Rob’s appreciative eyes. He drank the man in as he pushed Casey’s thighs apart.

He found himself wanting to rub his scent all over Casey again. The urge was strong, compelling him to lean forward until his stomach was touching Casey’s erection. He rubbed his body over Casey’s length, feeling the pre-cum trailing over his skin.

“Rob?” Casey asked.

Rob grinned as he dropped down until his head was even with Casey’s weeping cock. He licked a path down Casey’s abdomen to his cock. He nuzzled in the wiry curls before licking his way up the fully hard shaft and sucking at the engorged head to savor Casey’s pre-cum.

Casey groaned out his pleasure as Rob swallowed the erection to the root. Using his tongue, Rob laved the tender depression beneath the swollen crown and then tongue-fucked the tiny slit, licking away the salty taste of Casey’s desires.

“Please,” Casey hissed as he gripped the edge of the countertop until his knuckles turned white.

Rob placed Casey’s feet on his shoulders and then pushed his knees apart. He wished he had a camera to take a picture of what was most definitely the most erotic sight he had ever seen. His jeans became tight, quickly growing uncomfortable.

Rob splayed his fingers over Casey’s nicely rounded ass cheeks and pulled them apart before abandoning the man’s cock and lowering his head to lick at his tight puckered hole. The high keening cry that came from his mate made Rob’s bear rumble. The desire to take Casey and claim him was riding him hard and it was all Rob could do to keep his bear at bay.

He concentrated on pleasing his mate, which seemed to satisfy his bear. Making sure he left plenty of spittle behind, Rob swallowed the man’s cock again. At the same time, he pushed his finger into Casey’s ass, curving his finger up to reach that special spot.

Casey bucked, driving his cock deep. Rob sucked harder. He wanted, needed, his lover’s seed in his mouth. When Casey cried out and filled Rob’s mouth with his release, Rob swallowed
greedily, savoring the salty taste of his lover’s cream.

Rob fumbled with the buttons on his jeans, frantic. His balls burned, and at this intensity, Rob knew he wasn’t going to last long. He jumped to his feet and shoved his jeans down his thighs. Grabbing his aching shaft, Rob began pumping his hand at a frantic rate.


Rob’s eyes snapped up to Casey. He felt his balls draw up tight to his body when the man ran his hands up his stomach and chest as if to bring Rob’s attention to his beautiful skin. “Come on me. I want to smell like you.”

His mate’s simple request was all it took for Rob to find his release. Rob came with an incoherent, hoarse shout. He spurted hot jets of cum all over Casey’s naked skin, marking him in a way that every bear would understand.

His body languid, Rob collapsed down on top of Casey, holding himself off the man by his arms. He planted little kisses against Casey’s neck as he waited for his heartbeat to return to normal. He didn’t want to move but he knew he needed to.

“Come on, cub,” Rob said as he shook Casey’s shoulder. “We need to get dressed and get on the road.”

Casey groaned. “Can’t we just stay here?”

“Sorry, cub,” Rob said. “The guys are waiting for us.”

Casey groaned again as he reached for his clothes. “I don’t wanna.”


Casey’s shoulders slumped, a slight flush filling his cheeks. “I don’t know any of these people, Rob. What if…what if they don’t like me?”

“Cub, I would never take you to meet anyone that I didn’t feel was safe. These are my best friends. Not only do I think they will like you, but they will be ecstatic that I found my true mate.”

True mates were so very rare in the shifter world. The stronger the bond between true mates, the stronger the bear. For Rob to have found his so early in his life foretold a great future for the both of them.

“They’re bears, too?”

“They are. Billy Ray and Jed have been my best friends most of my life.” Rob had an odd smile on his face as he stared down at Casey. “They will adore you.” Rob winked at Casey, delighting when the man laughed. “Just not as much as I do.”

“Okay, Rob. I trust you.”

Sweeter words had never been spoken.

“Thank you, cub.” Rob pressed a small kiss to Casey’s lips before letting the man go and standing back. He hated the fact that Casey had to get dressed. If he had his way, the man would stay naked for the rest of their days.

Rob grabbed a wet rag and cleaned himself up and then tucked his dick back into his jeans. He moaned when he caught just a glimpse of rounded butt cheek as Casey pulled his pants up. That ass was perfect. Rob couldn’t wait to sink his cock into it, and maybe his teeth.

“How do you feel about biting, cub?” Rob was pretty sure he had just become a biter.

“Um…” Casey glanced over his shoulder. “I guess I’ve never really thought about it.”

Rob groaned.

“How hard are we talking here?”

Rob swept Casey’s delicious body with his eyes. “Oh, I can guarantee you that your mind will be on other things.”

Casey stumbled as he took a step forward. Rob reached out and caught him before he could hit the floor, or anything else. He lifted Casey up until they were eye to eye. “I take it you like that idea, cub?”

Casey’s face flushed but to his credit, he didn’t drop his eyes. “Maybe.”

Rob brushed a finger over Casey’s heated cheek. “I think it’s more than like.”

The red in Casey’s face deepened. “Maybe.”

Rob chuckled, totally enchanted by the small creature the Earth Mother had granted him. He leaned closer and rubbed his nose just under the edge of Casey’s jawline. “Mmm, apples and cinnamon. Perfect.”

Rob was totally impressed by the eye roll Casey gave him.

“You are so weird,” Casey said.

Rob cocked an eyebrow. “So says the man that doesn’t have his feet on the floor.”

His jaw dropped when Casey simply wiggled until he could wrap his legs around Rob’s waist, bringing their cocks together.

Casey beamed up at him. “Problem solved.”

Rob chuckled as he turned and carried Casey out of the bathroom. He started to head toward the stairs until he realized that the little interlude in the bathroom had shown him taking Casey up to his room where there was a bed, and they would be alone, was a very bad idea.

He set Casey down on the couch before squatting down in front of him. “I’m going to run upstairs and grab a shirt. I’ll be down in just a moment.”

Casey’s eyes were sober and serious in one blink. “Oh, but—”

“I promise, cub.” Rob pressed his hand to the side of Casey’s face, which had suddenly gone pale. “Remember what my mom said, Casey. You are safe in this house.”

Casey nodded, but he didn’t seem convinced.

“Five minutes, cub. Just three hundred measly seconds.”

Casey’s lips twitched at the corners. “Three hundred, huh?”

Rob grinned. “Not a second longer.”

“I’ll be counting.”

“You’re the best, cub.” Rob leaned in for another kiss before jumping to his feet and racing up the stairs. He didn’t have a single second to waste.


* * * *


Casey felt a little strange sitting in the living room all by himself after Rob went up the stairs, but he really didn’t want to go back into the kitchen. Rob’s dad scared him with his intense stares. It made Casey feel like he had done something wrong.

He hadn’t.

After sitting there for what felt like eons, Casey got up and walked over to the wall of pictures. He clasped his hands behind his back, determined not to touch a single thing…until he started noticing the cute little brown-haired boy in several of the photographs. He picked up one that caught his attention. The small boy was standing next to a younger-looking Robert, baseball mitt held tightly in his hands.

“You were so cute.” He laughed softly as he traced Rob’s younger face through the glass with his finger. He wished he had pictures like that to share with Rob. He just didn’t. Foster parents didn’t tend to take pictures of kids they weren’t keeping.

Maybe they could get a camera and take some pictures together. Casey laughed again, sucking in his bottom lip as happiness welled up inside of him. Maybe they start making some memories of their own.

“What are you doing?”

Casey squeaked as he jumped and jerked around. Fear as black as midnight swamped him when he found himself facing off what could possibly be the biggest man he had ever seen. He was even bigger than Rob, and Rob was huge.

The dark menacing glare on the man’s chiseled features made Casey take a hesitant step back. This man could end him so easily. The power emanating from him filled the room until it threatened to cut off the air to Casey’s lungs.

“I asked you a question,” the man snapped out. “What are you doing?”


The man’s eyes narrowed. “Who the hell are you?”

“N–no one.”

Casey took a hasty step back when the massive man advanced on him. He could see the beatdown coming and he wondered if he would survive it. The guy’s hands were the size of salad plates. He could easily kill Casey with one punch.

Oh man, this was so going to hurt.

Chapter Six


Rob tied the strings on his shorts as he hurried down the stairs. His bear was screaming at him to get back to Casey, that they had been away far too long, even if it had only been a few minutes. Still, there was a lightness to his steps as he skipped down the stairs.

He had a mate.

Rob couldn’t wait to introduce Casey to Billy Ray, Jed, and Dwayne. The three men had been his best buds for more years than he could remember. They were as thick as thieves, his mother liked to say. They had started playing together on the playground and gone through the discovery of girls, and then boys. They had watched each other’s backs, borrowed homework, and backed each other when they got in trouble. They were best friends.

And Rob knew they were going to adore Casey.

Rob hopped down the last couple of steps, his eagerness to get to Casey making him a little less careful than he knew he should be. His mother would have his head if she saw him coming down the steps that fast.

“Oh, hey, Harvey.” Rob grinned when he spotted his older brother heading down the hallway toward the back of the house. The man was home on leave from the service. There were only a couple of years between them so they were pretty close. Harvey was another person Rob couldn’t wait to introduce Casey to. “There’s someone I want you to meet. He’s—”

“Honey-blond hair? Stands about this tall?” Harvey held his hand up chest high. “Sad soulful eyes that make you want to go out and kill something for him?”

“Yeah.” Rob paused at the bottom of the steps. He glanced toward the living room, a kernel of fear ignited in his gut when he failed to spot his mate. “Casey was—”

Harvey winced, looking guilty as hell. “I think I scared him.” His face took on an ashen tint as he pointed down the hallway. “He went that way.”

“Shit!” Rob hopped down the last step and started down the hallway, searching every inch for his mate. “What’d you do to him?”

“I just asked him who he was and what he was doing.”

Rob threw a glare over his shoulder. “And?”

Harvey’s shoulders slumped as he shoved a hand over his close shaven head. “And I may have been a little more aggressive in my asking than I should have been.”

Rob growled as he clenched his fists so he wouldn’t punch his brother. “So help me, if you weren’t my brother…”

“He’s human, Rob.” Harvey waved his hand back toward the living room. “He was standing there all alone. I had no idea where you were, where Mom and Dad were. There was just this human I didn’t know standing in my living room.”

Rob narrowed his eyes. “Do you have a problem with humans?”

Harvey blinked at him as if he hadn’t even considered that Rob would think that. “No. I have a problem with strangers in my house.”

“Mom and Dad’s house,” Rob reminded Harvey as he picked up his steps. When he reached the far end of the hallway, he turned the corner into the kitchen. “Mom, did Casey come in here?”

“No, son.”

“Damn it.”

“Language, Rob.”

“Yes, Mother.”

“Now.” Maggie dried her hands on her hand towel. “What seems to be the problem?”

“Harvey scared Casey and he took off and now I can’t find him.” Rob got a sick feeling in the pit of his stomach. “You don’t think he left, do you?”

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