The Barter System (55 page)

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Authors: Shayne McClendon

BOOK: The Barter System
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Blythe and Melody showed an
hour later with their husbands.  She motioned them to the dance floor and after
a long pause, busted out her ring to their screams. 


Riya introduced everyone to
Tawny, who had been dragged off the dance floor momentarily, and everyone fell
in love with her as Riya had known they would.

They took seating upstairs
and Tawny had a following of four men, whom she took turns dancing with.  Riya
knew that was how she got to know people, you learned a lot about a man when he
had hands all over your body. 


Right now, she’d already
know basic information like jobs, where they lived, and family dynamic about
each set of males searching for their female.  Two more dances and she’d likely
know their life goals. 


Close to the end of the
night, Riya took out her phone and emailed Blythe and Melody the newest chapter
of her new book.  When the phones went off, both women checked them and sat
reading for several minutes.  Then they discreetly leaned over and showed their
men portions of the text. 


Four male heads turned to
Riya and she toasted them with her drink.  Within moments the women were being
worshiped in various ways.   


Tawny held court with the
two sets of men.  She was still uncertain which pair was taking her home.  “My
problem is I haven’t had sex in over a year, and you’re all the perfect
package.  It’s very difficult for me to choose.  I’ve never had this
problem…usually I have to find one loser to settle for.  I’m not a casual sex
kind of woman, though it isn’t unheard of.”  She looked at Riya, adorably
nibbling her lower lip.  “Riya, you have to help me.”


“Oh hell no, I’m not going
there.  I like all of them.  Both sets are good choices.  Respectful,
good-looking, good dancers, and I know you’ve found out if they have any of
your crazy flags.”


“What kind of flags?” 
Everyone wanted to know.


“Well, Riya and I haven’t
had very good luck with men.  The only way I slept some nights was knowing hers
was so much worse than mine,” she blew Riya a kiss, “but obviously her luck has


The friends laughed
together.  “I don’t give a crap who makes the most money, I have my own.  I’m
not hideous, so I need men with confidence, that’s all four of you.  You’re all
taller than me.  I wear very high heels.  I like sex and don’t apologize for
it; football is not more important than me getting off.  I’m very outgoing and
I’ll continue to be so.  Having one possessive male is hard enough, two could
prove too much.  I like being outside, moving.” 


She sighed and they watched
her, fascinated.  There was a male lightly caressing each arm, each leg.  “I
have one more flag.”


“Oh shit. 
Riya whispered, giving Tawny the sign for no fucking way.  “Tawny, there are
other ways.  Not that.  Remember what happened the one time you used that
test.  Girl, no.”


“What is the test?”  One of
the four asked, very curious.  Riya met Tawny’s eye. 


Rolling her eyes she said,
“Blow jobs.”  Every male jumped, including her own.  “The thing is, there were
two guys.  Both seemed nice and they demanded she choose.  So she dated one on
a Wednesday, the other on a Friday.  And, well, blew their minds so to speak. 
One was alright but not, um, what she’d been expecting.  Yeah, like that.  The
other was major controlling and I had to pick her up after the guy wouldn’t let
her out of his car and she pulled a Face Off.”  Blank faces.  “You know, when
John Travolta teaches his daughter what to do in that situation?  Bury a
switchblade in the guys’ leg and twist.” 


At the confused expressions
around her, she smiled, “Tawny, baby, lift your skirt.”  Tawny stood and put
one heeled foot on the low table, raising the hem of her dress.  Strapped to
her upper thigh was a switchblade.  She removed it and toyed with it a moment
before putting it back.  “I do not like that game, Tee.”    


Each of the men looked even
hungrier watching her playing with her knife.  Micah and Max touched her
shoulders, “Darling, perhaps we can be of assistance?”  At Riya’s nod, Max
continued, “Gentlemen, conference room please.”


Tawny came over to crash by
Riya, laying her head in her lap and stretching her long legs the length of the
couch.  Turning their heads, they watched the other half of their group with


“God, I so love it here.  So
open and honest.”  Blythe had pulled her men into a shadowed corner.  She was
currently sucking David’s cock while Galen fucked her from behind.  All of them
were standing.  “The heels totally give her the height she needed for him to
fuck her smoothly.”


“I need to try that.  Blythe
looks so hot in electric blue.”


Melody was riding Robert’s
cock, facing away from him so she could suck Daniel off.  Her skirt and the
angle made it impossible to see anything but it was hot anyway.  “She’s so
flexible, I bet we could easily ride backwards on a chair like that.”  Glancing
up at Riya’s face, she said, “You still love to watch.  You’re totally getting
off on this.  Your thighs are trembling you nasty girl.”


Swallowing, Riya whispered,
“I know.  I really am.  I want to try riding Max like that while I suck
Micah…and I want people to watch, to see me do it and see them enjoy it. 
They’re fucking delicious.”  Taking a deep breath, she said, “If they don’t get
back soon I’m going to have to run to the restroom.  So not kidding.” 


Laughing, Tawny asked, “Are
you happy, Riya?  You seem happy.  I miss you so much.” 


There was no hesitation in
Riya’s answer because she needed no time to think about how blissfully happy
her men made her. 


“I’m so happy I can’t
believe it’s real some days.  They love me, I think maybe as much as I love
them, which is hard to comprehend since I adore them.  I miss you too; you work
from home…come to Manhattan, Tee.”


“Riya, you’ve become the
poster child and pin-up girl for ménage relationships.  Now, I can see why
since you landed some seriously hot man-candy who treats you right.” 


She sighed, “I want that,
I’m not going to lie.  I’m tired of men more focused on the latest sports
jersey than me.  I don’t get it, I always thought we’d be fighting them off
with sticks.  We’re working twenty-six and you’re just now coming into your
own.  Two separate paths and landed in the same spot.”


“Tee, you’re wonderful and
you’re going to find the right place for you.  Just wait and see what Micah and
Max have to say.”  She was playing with Tawny’s hair. 


“What’s it like, Riya? 
Being with two men at the same time.  Am I going to freak out or something?” 
Riya was shocked to hear the insecurity in her friend, “Am I even
enough for two men?”


Riya laughed, “If the men
were willing, you’d be woman enough for all four of them.  No worries there.”  She
gave a small, happy sigh.  “They can’t enjoy their pleasure without giving
pleasure.  There is an intrinsic trust necessary between the males.  I wonder
why more women aren’t lined up outside for these beautiful men.  They need to
share, it completes them in a way I don’t completely understand, but I reap all
the benefits.”  She looked away for a moment, considering.


“And I’ve learned I
to be shared.  I need to give my love to two men, to please them both, to have
them both please me, to watch them get dressed in the morning, shave for work,
hell…put their watches on.”  She nibbled on her bottom lip, remembering.


“The beautiful little things
you’d maybe miss with one man are duplicated by two and somehow more powerful. 
I love them individually and as a pair.  I don’t think I can explain it exactly
the way I feel it…it’s very powerful.  Being with two men is like having a cup
that used to be empty all the time, and you were so thirsty, but now you have
more than you can ever possibly drink and there will always be more.”  Grinning
down at Tawny, she added, “And it’s rather delicious.”


Max bent to kiss her cheek
then Micah touched his lips to the side of her neck.  “Hello, love.  I don’t
think I’ve ever heard our lifestyle described more eloquently.  Thank you,


Tawny was still stretched
out, her head in Riya’s lap.  When she saw Zach and Quinn smiling down at her,
she returned their smile.  “I knew they’d pick you.  Did they let Jake and Will
down easy?” 


At their nod, she crinkled
her brow, “I didn’t think they were at the level I’m looking for.  Very young
actually, not fully ready for the lifestyle Riya and Eminem share.”


“Eminem?  I think I like that,
Tawny.  Actually, that was exactly our thoughts and how we explained it to
them.  If you felt that way, why didn’t you just tell them?” Micah asked with a
big smile.


Tawny shrugged, “Because
this is a very alpha male group.  I knew you’d step in to assist and based on
what I’ve seen of you two with Riya, I knew you’d pick men with similar
outlooks.”  She gave an evil laugh, “And you had to be the bad guy.  They were so
eager.  I didn’t want to hurt them too bad.” 


She stretched up and hugged
Riya, then gave her a quick smack on her mouth.  “With that, I’ll see you
tomorrow…maybe.”  Zach and Quinn helped her gracefully to her feet and kept her
between them as they left the club.


She held her hands out to
her men.  “Take me home and lavish me with orgasms until I’m screaming your
names.”  She was lifted to her feet and pressed between them.  “Mmm, you guys
give the best pressing-me-tight hugs.”  After a moment, she wiggled her lower
body and added in a sing-song voice, “I feel that, darlings.”


“Not as much as you’re going
to, Riya.  Let’s get you home.”  They said goodbye to the others and she left
the club between her men, knowing that by morning her body would be exhausted
and pliant from their loving.  She couldn’t wait. 


In the limo, she hugged them
both to her and told them how much she loved them, how grateful she was to have
found them, and that she would never take them for granted. 


Micah held her against his
chest as Max slid her silver dress up to her waist and loved her pussy all the
way home. 







Two weeks later…


Their six month anniversary
weekend was supposed to have beautiful weather.  Riya was planning a beautiful
romantic dinner for the two men who’d loved on her day and night as if she’d
never been hurt.  Just as she wanted. 


Their lunches were much more
fun these days.  She had to keep coming up with unique ideas to surprise them
with.  Fortunately, she’d found a boutique that specialized in her type of


The gay proprietor was
totally her BFF and often made Riya model the stuff she bought to wear for her
men, assessing and adding items if he thought Riya could kick it up a notch. 


Fridays now meant they had
to come home for lunch so they could all be together.  She’d laid her lunch out
on her naked body Monday for Micah until he took her hard.  She’d read poetry
to Max on Wednesday while he made slow passionate love to her. 


They weren’t allowed to tell
each other about the days she had them alone.  Those were special for each of
them from her.  Things she knew went to the heart of each man.   


Today, she was a French Maid
and her outfit was totally hot, if she did say so herself.  The bust of the
black velvet dress was corset style pushing her tits together and up, her
nipples just barely concealed in the cups.  The skirt flared out, with crisp
little petticoats underneath, falling right below the crack of her ass. 


A black choker, tiny
headband hat with her hair all piled in crazy curls on top of her head, fishnet
stockings, and impossibly high black pumps completed the look.


Riya laid out platters of
appetizers and drinks, making sure she was in the kitchen when the elevator
doors opened.  As they called out her name, Riya walked around the corner with
a platter of drinks, one hand on her hip. 

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