Read The Barter System Online

Authors: Shayne McClendon

The Barter System (33 page)

BOOK: The Barter System
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She smiled.  “I have to
shower, Ricardo.  I normally wouldn’t have climbed all over you in this
condition but I swear, between the hours of dancing, then the vibration of the
bike, I don’t think I could have made it all the way in the house, much less
through a shower.” 


He lifted her off his barely
softened cock, setting her gently on her feet, getting off behind her and
discarding the condom.  “Riya, please feel free to climb all over me in any
condition.  And I mean that.”  He pulled his t-shirt off and she started
touching him all over.  The bullet wound scar was sealed, but obviously had
been quite painful. 


She asked, “Does it still
hurt, Ricardo?”  When he shook his head, she reached out to trace it, walking
behind him to examine the exit wound.  She was in front of him again and
kissing him, up on her toes to pull his head to her. 


His hands were stroking through
her hair, down her back and over her ass.  He sat on the seat of the bike for a
minute to pull off his boots and jeans. 


When Ricardo stood naked in
front of her, Riya couldn’t deny being impressed.  The smile on his face was
smug, he knew the Greek god picture he presented, his cock jutting proudly in
front of him.


He grabbed her by the ass
and lifted as her legs went around his waist.  Riya was stroking his face and
running her nails through his hair as he went inside.  Passing the kitchen, he
unlocked the sliding door, stepping onto the cool tile of the patio.  He descended
into the pool, walking down the narrow steps to the bottom. 


Both of them gasped in the
cool water.  Riya put her hands up to take the clip out of her hair, letting it
fall around her.  He dropped her back to float, watching as she smoothed back
her hair and ran the water over her body.  Her abs hardened as she raised
herself up to wrap her arms around his neck.  She was toned muscle covered in
soft tanned skin. 


Ricardo’s eyes traveled over
her, from her long dark hair and fine bones of her face to her defined
shoulders and full tight breasts.  Flat abs with definition and hips that
flared out slightly, her pelvis sloping down to a pretty bare pussy.  Arms and
legs were cut, long and sleek.  He’d seen her work them on the dance floor with
confidence, control, and power.  


“For the first time in a
very long time, I want someone specific.  Not just filling a need that gets too
bad to deny.  I wonder what it is about you, Riya.  What makes you different
from the women who throw themselves at me while I’m in uniform, or while I’m
working out at the gym?  How are you the only woman I’ve wanted with hunger
since Malina left me?”


He kissed her quickly with a
small laugh, “You need to remind me often over the next few days that I can’t
get attached to you.  I can’t keep you.  I know that now, but another evening
of dancing and you grinding your pussy against me while we’re on the Harley and
I may start to forget.”


She never stopped looking
him in the eye, but she unhooked her legs from around him and slid to her feet
in the water.  Riya kissed him then flipped back and swam laps.  She barely
made a ripple, stroking powerfully back and forth while he watched.  A smooth shape
gliding like a mermaid, her hair flowing behind her. 


He watched her swim back and
forth a few times before he started swimming with her.  They paced one


At twenty laps, she pushed
him to the steps and took his cock in her mouth.  Sucking him hard and fast
until he came pumping against her lips with his head thrown back, hands
clutched in her hair.  His shudders eased and she sat with her chin on his
stomach staring at him, floating in the water.  He would get tantalizing
glimpses of her rounded ass above the water line and it made him smile. 


Pulling her up his body, he
lifted her out of the water.  The outdoor shower was cold water and he used
basic shampoo and body wash on both of them, ringing her hair out as she leaned
with her hands folded against the wall while she rested against them.


“Riya, let me feed you. 
Come on, babe.  I keep intending to take care of you, and then you’re taking
care of me.  I don’t know how you do it.”  He took her hand and led her
inside.  She took a button-down shirt of his off a hook in the laundry room and
slipped it on.  She left it unbuttoned and followed him over to the


“Oh my god, tell me those
are tamales…homemade?  Nevermind, they are.  Mine.” 


She grabbed the dish and
actually skipped to the microwave, nipping a tiny cold piece with her finger. 
Ricardo laughed at her as she came back to see what else she could raid. 


“If that is pit pig I’m
likely to orgasm right here.”  He snorted the beer he’d opened.  “You don’t get
it.  I never leave my house anymore and since my mom died, I don’t get this at
home.  I have to go out and the best places are a drive.  I can cook, but it
makes no sense for one person.  Black beans!”  She grabbed assorted stuff out
and kissed him soundly. 


He brought her a beer and
they sat at the table chatting while they ate.  “You are a cool chick, Riya.” 


“Thanks, I do my best,” she
said, “So who cooks all this stuff for you?  And don’t even try to tell me you
made those tamales.  That has a woman’s touch.”


Ric grinned, “My mom.  She’s
crazy about feeding me.  I usually get a visit once or twice a week with food
and advice on my life.  I’m constantly reminded how I screwed up my marriage
and screwed up her chance for grandchildren.  She starts lecturing me in
Spanish, like I forgot how to speak it or something.  Then she kisses me up and
tries to clean what doesn’t need cleaning and eventually leaves.” 


He reached over and grabbed
a piece of her tamale, laughing when she growled at him.  “I had a better relationship
with my family before the divorce.”


“Okay, even you seem
convinced you messed up.  What did you do, exactly?”  Riya asked him.


“I went on out on loan to
the DEA, a heavily armed sweep.  Another dangerous assignment after I told her
I wouldn’t take such risks anymore.  That was the beginning of the end.  When I
went undercover a few weeks later, that was it.  Said she wasn’t going to
wonder if I was alive or dead every night.” 


He sat back and sipped his
beer, “The thing is, after she was gone, I realized what the fuck she was
talking about.  A month later, I got shot.  She sent a card with my mom but
never came to see me.  I heard she’s with some new guy.  I’m supposed to take
you over to my folks this week.”  He paused and wiggled his eyebrows at her,
“They’re putting a pig in the ground.”


“Oh, hell yes.  I’m so
there.  Who do they think I am, anyway?” 


“Someone I met at a hotel
during an investigation.  That it was like a year ago, and you came here on
business so we hooked up.  I couldn’t think of anything better.”  His beer and
food was gone.  He still looked hungry so she pushed what she had left over to
him.  “Oh sure, I’m going to take sustenance from you.  I haven’t fed you all
day.”  He ducked back in the kitchen and pulled out a bowl of potato salad and
some leftover fried chicken. 


She started cleaning up all
their empty dishes.  Riya had eaten a little of everything.  Ric had eaten a
lot of everything.  They talked easily while she washed dishes and wiped down
counters.  He put the single piece of chicken back in the fridge and stepped
behind her. 


All the thoughts in her head
went silent when he wrapped one arm under her breasts, the other hand slipping
down to caress her clit.  She turned off the water and leaned back.  He walked
her in front of him through the house to his bedroom and turned her around at
the bed.  She shrugged her shoulders and his shirt dropped to the floor.  His
eyes went over her and he smiled. 


The carpet was soft under
his knees as Ricardo knelt in front of her.  Lifting one leg over his shoulder,
he put his mouth on her and Riya sighed in pleasure, gripping hands into his
shoulder and hair. 


He worked his mouth and
tongue over her clit like he danced, slow and sensual, fast and precise.  She
was grinding into him.  Working herself against him.  His hand on her thigh
massaged and stroked. 


When the other hand slipped
up her other leg, she didn’t know if she’d be able to keep her weight on it. 
Ric’s hand went over her ass from between her legs and came back, stroking her
fluids forward and rubbing them on her clit, then he bent to lick it off and
two fingers were fucking inside her. 


She was coming, her short
nails biting into his scalp.  “Yes, Ric, just like that.  I’m coming, baby.” 
Before the tremors had stopped, he had her on her back on the bed, his sheathed
cock inside her.


Ric’s hand behind one knee
kept her open as he stroked her hard and deep.  When his lips closed over her
nipple, she arched up, digging her heels into the bed trying to get closer. 
Her hands were all over his chest and back. 


Sensitized from his mouth,
the friction of him grinding against her clit while he stroked smoothly into
her, caused another orgasm to crash through her body fast and hard.  He never
let go of her nipple as she bucked beneath him. 


When her heart rate started
returning to normal, she pushed him hard to his back and started riding him,
circling her hips one direction on the up, another on the down.  His fingers
were digging into her hips, sliding up to play with her tits.  Her head was
back, her hair brushing across his thighs. 


As the climax hit her, she
fell forward on her hands and kissed him while she worked his cock hard and
fast.  She felt him tighten inside her then the heat of his come was filling
the condom.  He shouted her name then gripped her to his chest and held her


It seemed a long time later
when he started rubbing her back and ass.  Riya sat up to look at him and he
pushed her hair away from her face.  “I haven’t had a worthy opponent on the
dance floor or in bed for a very long time, Riya.  I am so fucking glad you
came.  On both counts.”  And he smiled his beautiful dimpled smile at her. 


She stretched and lifted
from him, going to her knees beside him.  He put his hands behind his head and
watched her.  She reached over and removed the used condom, dropping in the
trash can and grabbing Kleenex. 


Leaning over, she cleaned
his come away from his cock and laughed when he gasped, “Riya, what the fuck
are you
?  Women never do that shit.”


Winking at him, she said,
“I’m very happy I came too, Ricardo.  Seeing you for the first time in person,
I was very impressed.  But when I experienced you dancing, oh hell, I knew I
was going to enjoy my time with you.  And don’t worry, you won’t get attached
to me.  You need to get your ex-wife back.  We’ll see what we can do to make
that happen.  In the meantime, I need another round of hard core fucking,







Much later, they crashed. 
When Riya opened her eyes, the sun was coming up and she realized she wanted to
go running.  Ricardo had his hand over one breast while she slept.  Grinding
back into him earned a response that made her smile. 


She increased her efforts
and he took only long enough to slip a condom on before taking her in that position,
his hand working over her clit. 


Afterward, she told him she
wanted to run and Ricardo was all for it.  When he saw her in form-fitting
running shorts, a sport bra and sneakers he whistled.  She laughed and pulled
her hair into a pony tail.  He was equally impressive in men’s running shorts
and sneakers. 


They headed out, running
through his pretty neighborhood and around a massive park.  She estimated it to
be about six miles and was surprised to learn it was actually eight miles.  The
minute they entered the house, she stripped naked and went to swim fifty laps
with him beside her. 


Afterward, he fucked her on
one of the lounge chairs with the sun shining brightly over them.  Had anyone
seen the two of them, tan and naked, tangled together on the chair, they would
have called it art.  They relaxed afterward, soaking up the sun and talking. 

BOOK: The Barter System
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