The Badge Bunnies series: Ride-Along (7 page)

BOOK: The Badge Bunnies series: Ride-Along
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“Owww!” She stamped her feet as the sting left from his hand settled deep into her skin.

Grant rubbed her ass again. “You have been spanked before, right?”

She swore she could hear the suspicion in his tone. Damn, it was hard to fool a cop. How could she explain why she'd yelped so loudly after only two smacks to the bottom? “Of c-course. It's just that you…you know…caught me off guard.”

“I think what Laci is trying to say without coming right out and saying it, is that she needs a warm-up.” Jase gave his partner a reproving look. “I'd think a guy with your experience spanking a woman would know that.”

A warm-up? Is that what she needed? How exactly did a person get warmed up for a spanking? Sit on a preheated oven?

She looked over her shoulder again to see Grant smiling at her.

“You should have told me you have a sensitive bottom. I wouldn’t have spanked you quite so hard.”

“Um…” Did having a sensitive bottom mean Grant wouldn’t be able to spank her? “I didn't want you to change your mind about spanking me.”

His mouth crooked. “I wouldn’t have changed my mind. I just would have given you a warm-up first. Now that I know, I'll be a bit more gentle.”

Gentle sounded nice. In fact, he could just keep caressing her ass like that and she'd be one happy woman.

But then his hand rose and fell again with a pop. This time, she barely felt the smack—especially when compared to the first two. It made her ass feel warm without any of the sting that came with the others.

That spank was immediately followed by another, this time to her left cheek. She took a breath, then relaxed. Still good. Pleasant even. She shifted her feet, getting comfortable as Grant methodically moved from side to side, giving her those light, warming smacks.

She rested her face against the table and focused on the feel of his hand against her skin. Now that he was doing it more gently, she could understand why a woman could like getting spanked. Her cheeks were still tingling, of course. Which surprisingly made her clit tingle, too. The more smacks Grant gave her, the more aroused she got.

Every once in a while, his hand smacked the back of her thighs, right where it met the curve of her ass cheeks. The first time he did it, she jumped—that area seemed even more sensitive than her ass. But soon, even that felt incredible. Was it her imagination, or was he spanking her harder now? The smacks certainly sounded louder.

They still didn't sting, though. Well, not much anyway. And she had to admit, the burn that accompanied each slap felt kind of nice now. That was so weird. A few minutes ago, that same sensation had made her gasp out loud and complain. Now, she wouldn’t mind if he spanked her a little harder.

“I think she’s starting to like it.” Jase’s voice was a sexy baritone. “She’s even wiggling her hips in time with the spanks.”

She was? Since when?

“I noticed that. She warmed up quick.” Grant cupped her ass, giving it a gentle squeeze. “Ready for me to spank you harder, Laci?”

She was so intent on figuring out if she was actually wiggling—she didn't know how she could be, seeing as how Grant's free hand was on her back and Jase was holding her wrists—she almost missed the question.


“Is that a yes?” he asked.

She nodded. “Yes. Spank me harder.”

By the time she realized what she’d said, it was too late to worry about blushing or taking it back. Grant's hand was already pressing a more firmly against her lower back, a sign that another, harder, smack was on the way.

Laci held her breath in anticipation, but when Grant's hand hit that perfect sweet spot right on the roundest part of her ass, she barely recognized the difference. If it wasn't for how much louder it was, she wouldn't have known he’d even smacked her harder. Where before all she’d been able to think about was the sting, now it was the heat flooding her ass that predominated her senses. It was just about the most stimulating thing she'd ever felt. Well, maybe not as stimulating as good oral sex, but pretty close.

Apparently this is what a good warm-up got you.

Grant went to work again, spanking each cheek in turn quite a bit harder than before. Without even realizing what she was doing, she went up on her tiptoes, lifting her ass in the air to meet each smack.

Jase must have been satisfied she wasn’t going to put up a fuss because he released her hands.

She lifted her head to look at him. “You can keep holding my wrists.”

It wasn't like she would have moved her hands, but his firm grip had felt nice. Arousing even. Like she was his prisoner.

He chuckled softly as he captured her wrists again. “Yes, ma'am.”

The glint in his eyes made her blush, and she quickly ducked her head to rest her face on the tabletop. All this was so new to her. How could she have suspected she’d like for one guy to hold her wrists down while another one spanked her? Hell, if someone had told her she'd have sex with two guys at the same time, she would have called them crazy.

Grant’s hand connected with her ass again, and this time, she actually let out a little moan.

Well, the police PR rep had said she’d learn a lot today from hanging out with two cops. He'd been more right than he knew.


Chapter Six


There wasn't a square inch of her ass or upper thighs Grant missed. Her bottom felt as if it was on fire, her pussy clenching and unclenching now with every smack, and her clit tingling so much she wouldn't have been surprised if she came right then without any stimulation on that part of her anatomy at all. She probably would have, too, if her legs hadn't been spread so wide. Positioned like she was, she couldn't get any thigh-on-thigh friction going.

But God knew she tried. She wiggled back in forth in time with the spanking as if it was a new dance step. She actually thought she might be able to get herself off when Grant suddenly stopped spanking her.

The fire engulfing her ass was even more intense now that he wasn’t smacking it anymore, and she gasped at the sensation.

“Jase, you have to see this,” he said to his partner.

Jase immediately released her wrists and walked around the table to join his partner. She tried to follow him with her eyes, but after a spanking like the one she'd just had, all she could do was rest her face on the table and try to catch her breath.

“Have you ever seen an ass this beautiful?” Grant asked.

Laci might be exhausted, but she still had the energy to feel a surge of pride at the compliment. There was no way to get a clear look at her derriere without a mirror, but it had to be beet red.

A hand caressed on her ass. “Damn, her skin is so hot,” Jase murmured.

She felt another hand on her other cheek. She wasn't sure if it belonged to Jase or Grant, and she didn't care. Those strong hands felt so good on her tender skin.

“Oh God, keep doing that,” she begged.

Jase squeezed her ass. “You like that, huh?”


She was damn close to bliss.

One hand stopped caressing her butt to slip between her thighs. A moment later, she felt fingers gliding along her pussy lips. With each trip forward, they brushed her clit. With every backward motion, they dipped into her pussy.

Her body started to quake.

“Damn, Grant.” Jase’s voice sounded awestruck. “Look how wet you've made her. Did you come already, Laci?”

She could barely comprehend the English language at that point, much less explain how torturously close she was to the edge. But she stuttered out a semi-coherent, “N-no. Not…yet.”

“Well, we'll have to fix that, won't we?”

She pushed her bottom back, thinking Jase— at least she assumed it was his fingers playing with her pussy—was about to finger fuck her to climax. But the fingers pulled away and she was rewarded for her impertinence with another sharp smack on the ass.

“Stand up,” Jase ordered.

It took a little help from the two men—her legs were a bit wobbly for some reason—but she finally succeeded. Once she was on her feet, Jase spun her around and pressed her freshly spanked ass back against the edge of the table. Grabbing her hips, he lifted her up until her butt was on the table, then gently pushed her back until she was lying down. Every little movement of her ass against the smooth surface sent little electric sparks surging through her. She was going to feel that spanking for hours!

As Jase dragged a chair close and sat, she remembered the story he’d told—about licking Beth's pussy while seated comfortably at the women's kitchen table.

This was going to be awesome.

Sliding the chair closer, Jase positioned her so that her feet were resting on the armrests, then he scooted her butt more toward the edge. She sucked in a breath. Yikes, it tingled where he squeezed her ass.

Laci lifted her head to look at Jase. He had such a hungry look on his face she almost shivered. He was definitely looking forward to this. She damn well knew she was.

Beside them, Grant took a seat in one of the other chairs, then made a show of leaning back and getting comfortable.

She raised a brow. “Are you planning on watching?”

“Yup. I want to see your face as Jase makes you come.”

That was certainly a new one for her. But having Grant watch Jase lick her pussy sounded arousing as hell. She squirmed in spite of herself.

“Now Laci, I want you to grab the edge of the table,” Jase ordered. “And don't let go.”

She did as she was told. “What happens if I forget?”

Grant chuckled

“One word,” Jase said. “Handcuffs.”

The word made her stomach—and her pussy—clench. “Promises, promises.”

“Careful what you ask for,” Grant told her.

Laci would have followed up with something witty, but Jase distracted her by cupping her ass and wiggling her into position. Her breath hitched as she waited for him to lick her. She was so wet, her juices were dripping. When he finally dipped his head and slowly swiped his tongue all the way from the bottom of her pussy to the very top with no preamble at all, she jerked so hard she almost bucked off the table.

“Ohhh, God!”

After the full day of foreplay she'd had, a serious swipe like that was almost her undoing. That one touch had almost pushed her right off the edge. She was so damn ready to come it wasn’t funny.

She threw back her head and offered her pussy to Jase, silently begging him for more.

But the second lick she was looking for didn't come.

Laci opened her eyes to find him gazing up at her as he licked her essence from his lips.

“You taste good, do you know that?”

She appreciated the compliment—truly she did—but now just didn't seem the time. She waited for him to pick up on the silent demand she was trying hard to convey with her eyes, but he simply sat there squeezing her ass. Which again, was nice, but not exactly what she was looking for at the moment.

“More?” she finally asked.

Jase grinned. “Of course.”

She lay back and waited for Nirvana. It didn't come.

After a moment, she lifted her head to give him a questioning look.

“You didn't say the magic word,” he informed her.

“There's a magic word?”

“Of course there's a magic word.” Grant flashed her a sexy grin. “There's always a magic word.”

She decided to try the obvious one. “Please?”

“Please what?” Jase prompted.

When her eyes almost crossed in vexation, Grant chuckled.  That was when she realized what Jase wanted her to say, and it sent a rush of arousal zipping through her.

“Please…lick me.”

There, she'd said it. And it felt oddly empowering.

“My pleasure.”

Giving her a wink, Jase bent and ran that perfect tongue of his up the inside of her thigh. She growled in frustration.

Jase looked up at her with mock consternation. “What? That wasn’t what you were looking for?”

Laci shook her head, biting her lip to keep from saying the words that were on the tip of her tongue. Something about beating him with his own nightstick.

“You’re going to have to be more specific, Laci. I'm a guy after all, and we men don't handle subtle very well, remember? You need to tell me exactly what you want.”

Oh, God. He was going to make her say it outright. From where he was sitting, Grant looked at her expectantly.

After all the stuff she’d said and done today, coming out and saying what she wanted was ridiculously tough. She could have bouts of bravery when she had to, but her nerve had a habit of abandoning her at the strangest times. This was one of those times.

She took a deep breath and steeled herself. She was too hot to stop now. Once she was over this hurdle, there was nothing that would slow her down. She'd be like a superhero. 

“Please lick my pussy.”

It came out a bit softer than she’d intended, but Jase had obviously heard her because he didn’t make her beg anymore. Bending his head, he ran his tongue over her pussy.

She jerked just as much as she had the first time. Except now, he didn't stop with one teasing swipe. He got a firm grip on her ass and kept going. He was slow, methodical and as relentless as the tides.

He teased her with every lick, lightly grazing her lips, then plunging his tongue inside before finding his way up to her clit and circling it a few laps before heading down again.

She clenched the sides of the table and held on for dear life.

How his steady rhythm kept her from exploding instantaneously she didn’t know. Maybe because he only touched her clit a third of the time. It was enough to keep pushing her higher without overloading her senses.

She closed her eyes and forced herself to take smaller breaths. If she didn’t, she’d surely pass out. Her orgasm was coming… Closer… Closer…

Then, just as she was about to tip over the edge, Jase changed tactics, moving up to lock his lips around her clit and flicking his tongue rapidly back and forth over the super-sensitive nub.

Just like that, she exploded.

It wasn't a tame orgasm that gently lifted her to a pleasant plateau of pleasure, but a crazy carnival ride that tossed her all the way to heaven, then bounced her around a few dozen times. The fact that she screamed didn't surprise her. She always made a lot of noise when she came hard. It was the fact that she couldn't stop screaming.

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