The Bad Boy's Biggest Mistake (2 page)

BOOK: The Bad Boy's Biggest Mistake
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“Do you want this?” he asked. She knew what he was
asking. How could she tell him she’d never had sex? This was all new territory
for her. Her heart pounded as she nodded her head.

“I need a little more than that, princess. God, I
want you so fucking much. I ache to be inside you.” He slammed his lips down on
hers. Even with her on the counter he was taller than she was. His fingers sank
into her hair. She moaned, closing her eyes as he ravished her mouth. The only
way to describe the kiss was ravishing.

“Fuck, I can’t wait. I was only going to have a
coffee and leave, but I need you. I need to feel your snug cunt wrapped around

“Yes,” she said. He pushed the dress of her skirt up
her thighs. Vicki moaned as he tore at her panties. There was no controlling
him. He was like a force to be reckoned with. She didn’t want to stop him. If
she was going to lose her virginity to anyone it was going to be Tristan. He
was strong and caring. She’d seen him at the diner and during her walks through
the town square. He cared about this town.

Her panties were gone, and in the next instant his
cock was free from the confines of his jeans. Tristan was perfect. She’d seen
cocks on the television and a couple of the porn movies she’d stumbled onto on
the internet. Tristan put all other cocks to shame. He was long, thick, and the
tip was leaking pre-cum.

She licked her lips, and Tristan chuckled. “There
will be more of that later. I’ll fuck your sweet mouth soon.”

him now. It’s moving too fast.

“Fuck, you’re wet,” he said. His fingers ran through
her folds. She cried out at the slightest contact. “That’s it, baby. Feel what
I do to you.”

Two fingers pressed to her clit, stroking her. She
cried out from the pleasure.

“Please,” she said.

“Don’t worry. I’ll have you screaming for more.” His
hands disappeared, and then the tip of his cock was running over her clit.

“So damn good. I can’t wait.”

should tell him.

Before she got a chance to even
speak Tristan plunged inside her.
Vicki cried out
as pleasure and pain combined. Her grip tightened on his shoulder.

He sank to the hilt inside her. She couldn’t believe
how big he was. He shouldn’t be able to fit inside her. The walls of her pussy
felt pinched from the pain.

“Shit, you’re a virgin,” he said. She closed her
eyes. Tristan sounded angry. “Look at me.” He gripped her face in his hands.
“Look at me!”

Opening her eyes she saw the anger and the lust
shining in his eyes.

“I’m sorry.”

“I should fucking stop. I don’t do virgins, but I

“There’s no need to stop. I’m not a virgin anymore.”

Tristan slammed his lips down on hers, stopping her
from speaking. He pulled out of her body only to thrust back inside. Tristan
fucked her on the counter inside her kitchen. She held onto his arms as his
body jolted her.

His thrusts quickened, and the fire in the pit of
her stomach spiralled out of control. She felt herself getting closer to

Suddenly, his cock jerked, and Tristan growled. His
hand tightened in her hair as he came. His seed spurted inside her. She felt
each wave as it pulsed through her.

She didn’t reach her release. The pleasure in her
body ebbed away as fast as it had come. Their heavy breathing was the only
sound that could be heard.

“Fuck!” Tristan yelled the word making her jump.
Vicki became aware of the tears spilling out of her eyes. He pulled out of her
body, and Vicki winced at the pain. “Fuck!” He kept yelling the word. “Why
didn’t you tell me you were a fucking virgin? You’ve been panting after me for

The shame his words caused made her cheeks fill with
heat. She looked down at her exposed legs and pulled her skirt down.

“You didn’t give me the chance,” she said.

He rinsed out a cloth and pressed the damp cloth to
her exposed pussy. Vicki cried out.

pushed his hand away.

“This wasn’t supposed to be anything.” He looked

“I didn’t want anything from you. I invited you in
for coffee not for anything more. This just happened. I didn’t plan this.”
She’d only been expecting coffee, nothing else.

“I’m not the kind of guy you stick with.”

Tears filled her eyes. The pain inside her pussy and
in her heart consumed her. “Please, get out,” she said.

“I need to know you’re all right,” he said.

She slapped him away as he came toward her. Throwing
the towel at him,
was stained with her virgin
blood, she growled. “There, keep it as a fucking trophy, but get the fuck out
of my house.” If she thought it would work she would have threatened to get
Stefan, but she really didn’t want Tristan to be hurt. She cared about him too
much to hurt him.

Tristan stared at her for the longest time. He
turned away, placed the towel on the counter and left. She heard the sound of
her door being closed and then nothing.

Vicki gave herself over to the pain. She’d been in
love with Tristan from the moment she first met him. Why did she have to fall
in love with a man who was older than she and a man who wouldn’t care for her?



Six months after
the shooting


Tristan watched as Vicki walked out of the station
like she did every Sunday without even looking at him. She’d turned twenty-two
years old three days ago. He’d sent flowers and a present only to have them
sent back. The first time he’d been with her Vicki had been days away from
turning twenty-one. That night seemed so long ago after everything that had
happened since. The shooting at The Dugout had been a big turning point for
Vicki. It had been six months, and Vicki still refused to have anything to do
with him. Six months ago she’d been pulled into a fight with a known drug user
in Law Castle. The subsequent fight ended with her being shot and him almost
having a heart attack because of it. She didn’t speak to him even after she’d
been shot. He thought about the baby she’d lost.
His baby.
Vicki had kept the knowledge of her pregnancy from him.

Seeing the blood coming from the bullet wound had
almost undone him. He hated seeing Vicki in pain and would make sure she never
was again. The sadness in her eyes when he’d discovered she’d lost the baby
would stay with him forever. No woman should ever have to go through what she’d
gone through.

put her through worse hell than losing a baby.

The first night he’d taken her virginity hadn’t been
the last night he spent with her. Vicki was like an addiction to him. One taste
was never enough for him. He’d taken her again and again until he’d finally
pushed her away. The memory of admitting he was married still plagued him. He
shook it off.

Getting up from his desk Tristan caught up with her as
she was leaving.

“You’re not even going to come and say hi to me?” he
asked. She stopped and turned toward him. The sadness on her face never
disappeared. He couldn’t recall a time when she’d smiled since losing the baby.
Tristan constantly kept an eye on her. He knew he shouldn’t and that he should
give her space, but he couldn’t stop himself. Vicki meant everything to

“Hi,” she said.

That one word made him angry.

“Is this how it’s going to be between us?” He
reached out to touch her. Vicki flinched away from his touch. “There was a time
you wanted my touch.”

“Those days are gone. I’ve got nothing else to say,
Tristan.” She folded her arms underneath her breasts. He noticed how much
weight she’d lost in the last six months. When they’d been together Tristan had
watched her curves fill out. She looked like skin and bone now. When was the
last time she had eaten?

“It’s Sunday, and I’ve got work to do,” she said.

“Working for Stefan Jackson is not a job.” Anger and
jealousy consumed him. She’d quit working at The Dugout days after she’d been
shot and had immediately gone and worked for Stefan, who was one of the Law
Castle Bad Boys.

Stefan wasn’t the head or a leader, but he was there
amongst the ranks. He organised the parties and the events that brought
tourists to their small town.

“I get paid, and right now that’s all I care about.”

Vicki turned on her heel and walked away. He watched
her walk away like he’d watched every Sunday morning when she gave baked goods
to their receptionist. Going back inside, he saw Marla on the front desk. The middle-aged
woman always had a smile on her face, and he’d hired her a few months back.

The woman had a lot of history, and he’d offered her
a safe place to live as long as she kept a low profile.

“Every time I see that girl I swear she’s thinner,”
Marla said.

“I’ll be in my office. Let me know if anything else
happens.” He didn’t wait for an answer. Walking back to his office, he closed
the door and sat behind his large desk.

Tristan loved his large desk. The desk is what
separated him from the others. It was like his throne in the small town. He
despised violence, and this was his control over it.

Opening the drawer he took out his wedding band. He
never wore the thing because in his head and heart he was no longer married. Kate
Carmichael was his wife and the woman who’d introduced him to the world of
. He’d become a master for her, but what she wanted
from him, he could not give her. There was only so much he enjoyed about
dominating women, but Kate needed more. His wife always needed more.

They’d separated on good terms as neither wanted the
trouble or expense of a divorce. The expense didn’t bother him. He came from a
wealthy family, which gave him the freedom to be the Sheriff in Law Castle. Tristan
hadn’t seen another woman in his life or in his future, but then Vicki seemed
to explode out of nowhere. He picked up the ring with Kate’s name inscribed on
the inside of the gold. Grabbing his wallet from his back pocket, he pulled out
her folded picture. The edges were ripped, and the picture overall had seen
better days.

Kate was blonde, thin, and everything women seemed
to be fighting to be. Her breasts were small, but her skin had been silky soft.
He recalled the way her ass would turn red at the swipe of his hand.

There was no arousal in the memory. His feelings for
Kate no longer affected him. Kate may be his wife, but now she was more like a
friend than anything else.

Placing the ring back in the drawer and folding her
picture up, Tristan hung his head. Behind the picture of his wife was another
picture. A picture the doctors had given him on the scan of Vicki’s abdomen.
She hadn’t been able to afford the picture of the ultrasound, but a picture had
been on file.

Staring down at the small blob on the photo, grief
unlike anything he’d ever known clawed at him. This picture could have changed
everything for him. Having children wasn’t something he thought about. Tristan
had long given up the hope of ever fathering a child. The one woman who’d
almost given him one now hated his guts.

He didn’t have a clue how to tell her otherwise.


Vicki kept walking without looking back. She wanted
to look back, but she fought the urge. Tristan had pushed her away before, and
he broke her heart. She wasn’t going to allow herself to be broken again. The
first man she’d given her heart to was the only man to ever break her heart.

There was nothing for her to smile about anymore. No
baby, no lover, or guy to call her own. She was all alone in Law Castle. Not
for long. She intended to leave Law Castle and go to the city. Her parents were
already looking for apartments for her.

She nodded at a few of the locals then made her way
toward Stefan Jackson’s home. The house was large, one of the largest in Law
Castle. His home needed to be large as he held a lot of parties, and several of
the Law Castle Bad Boys stayed over at night. She was like his housekeeper-cum-cleaner
and assistant.

Opening the gate she bolted either end into the
ground. If anyone turned up they could drive or walk straight to the front
door. Stefan liked his home open. He loved Law Castle and his gang of sorts.

Stefan was talking with his sister, Chloe, as she
made her way inside the house. They stopped talking to look at her.

“Hi, Vicki,” Chloe said. The pity in the other
woman’s voice saddened her. She didn’t want pity or any other kind of emotion. No
amount of pity would bring her baby back.

“Morning,” Vicki said. She placed her bag next to
the coat hanging on the wall. Stefan promised nothing would happen to her stuff
when she was with him.

“I’ll talk to you tomorrow,” Stefan said, dismissing
his sister.

Noah and Drew walked down the stairs with Cheryl.
The three were in a relationship together. Both men doted on Cheryl, and in Law
Castle they accepted the relationship. What happened in Law Castle stayed in
Law Castle,
No one judged the other, and
apart from the shoot-out last year everything was always peaceful and calm. For
the most part Vicki couldn’t complain. She loved Law Castle, and leaving the
town would hurt, but she needed to protect her heart.

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