The Bad Boy's Biggest Mistake (12 page)

BOOK: The Bad Boy's Biggest Mistake
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“You’re here for more than one favour.”

“You’re the only person I know to fit the bill.”

Stefan took a seat. “I’m all ears.”

Tristan sat down, accepted the cup of coffee and
pulled a picture of Kate out of his pocket. He’d removed her photo from his

“I’m heading out of town for some time. It could be a
couple of weeks, maybe longer before I return. I’m getting divorced and
settling my affairs while I’m in the city. Law Castle is my future, and I’m
going to make sure of that while I’m gone.”

“Does Vicki know about this?” Stefan asked, glancing
at the photo.

“Yes. Vicki and I have a lot of history. She knows a
lot more, and if you’ve got any questions go to her. Kate is making it hard to
divorce her. I need to be present throughout the whole of these proceedings to
make sure she doesn’t ruin me.”

“The little blonde has a chance of ruining you?”

He let out a sigh. Tristan didn’t have time for
Stefan’s joke. “I’ve been made aware of her needs. She wants my money, and the
reason she doesn’t want a divorce is because she’ll no longer be entitled to my

Stefan sat back staring at him. The assessment from
the other man didn’t go unnoticed by him.

“I’ve promised Vicki I wouldn’t touch her again
until I can give her more than a quick fuck.” Tristan tore the photograph of
Kate up. “If I could change what I’ve done to Vicki then I would. I can’t
change what I’ve already done, but I can change everything else.”

“Okay, why do you need me?” Stefan asked.

“You’re not going to question me anymore?”

“You’ve got feelings for Vicki. Any idiot can see
it. I want to know why you need me to bring about your little plan. We’re not
exactly best friends.”

“The town trusts you. I may not like you, but I
trust you to keep the people safe. You love the town as much as I do. I want
you to step in as Sheriff while I’m gone.”

Stefan laughed.

“That’s not all. While I’m gone I want you to make
sure Vicki eats and
care of herself. This is
important to me.”

The laughter stopped. “You’re being serious. You
mean every word you say.”

“I’ve never been known for anything other the
truth.” Tristan glanced down at the torn up photo.

“How do I know you’re not looking for a chance to
leave Vicki?” he asked.

Tristan leaned forward.
I’m going to give you this.
When I come back I want that back.” He
handed Stefan a diamond encrusted wedding band. “I intend to claim Vicki as my
own. She’s not going to be hurt because the woman I married thirsts for my
money. The town accept you, and I’ve already prepared a news bulletin to go

Stefan shook his head. “I can’t believe I’m
considering this.”

“Marla is at the station every day apart from
Sunday. If you want a chance with her now is your time.”

“Fuck. Fine, I’ll do it. Consider me covering your
ass while you’re gone.” Stefan made to pass the ring back.

“No. I don’t want the ring back. I want you to keep
it as a sign of my good faith. I’m coming back to Law Castle, and when I do a
wedding is being planned.”

Tristan stood, shook Stefan’s hand, and let himself

Marla wouldn’t like the thought of the other man
being in the station, but she’d soon grow accustomed to Stefan.

Instead of going to Vicki’s house, Tristan went
home. He spent most of the evening packing. His home was paid for. He wished he
didn’t have to leave Law Castle. The small town was the place he’d called home,
but Vicki was his future. He needed to stop running away out of fear of what
his ex-wife would do or say.

After a restful night’s sleep, Tristan made his way
to the station to alert Marla to the changes in staff. He didn’t think Stefan
walking into the station to take his place would have gone down
all that

Cameron waited for him in the car. “Are you ready
for this?”

“I want Kate out of my life. I’ve got a woman I owe
my future to.” Buckling up his seatbelt Tristan took one last glance of the
town before driving away. When he got back to Law Castle, Vicki Burke was going
to be his wife.


month later

Vicki stared out of Stefan’s window. She still
worked for him inside his home, but her heart was no longer in it. Her thoughts
were always steered toward the one man she’d given her heart and body to. The
same man she hadn’t seen in over a month. The fair, which brought her parents
to town, was a success. Several businesses felt the boom from the event. She
spent the weekend convincing her father she didn’t need to leave Law Castle.
Stefan took over the conversation convincing her parents she should stay in

Tristan wasn’t a stranger to her. He didn’t leave
town and disappear. Instead, he kept in touch via phone. She loved his calls.
Hearing his voice gave her a buzz that no alcohol could replace. They could
spend hours on the phone talking and laughing. He’d even paid for them both to
watch a movie together over the phone.

They never discussed his divorce. There were times
he sounded more stressed than others. She was afraid to ask him questions in
case he told her something she didn’t wish to hear. What she did know was when
he went back to the city he hadn’t filed for divorce straight away. Stefan
informed her that Tristan was looking in more detail to try to get Kate off his
back. The information was taking a lot longer to dig up than he liked.

Vicki wished it was easier for Tristan. She’s heard
several divorces could happen within days and weeks providing both parties
wanted the divorce. Tristan was treading carefully because of her reputation.
He clearly didn’t want to drag her into his battle with his ex.

Zoe and Stefan were like her rocks. They talked to
her all the time about what could be happening and how much Tristan really
cared about her.

No matter what happened, Vicki still panicked. Kate
might really love him, and then she’d be screwed.

Her constant obsessing had her friends worried.
Stefan, to cure her of her worry, organised another event in Law Castle and put
her in charge. It was the annual Law Castle Bad Boys’ picnic. The event was
legendary in the small town. Cheryl, Chloe, and Zoe helped her organise the
event. Connor was baking, and she arranged for everyone to make a dish of their
choice to bring to the event.

Vicki was sat down painting her nails when her
telephone rang. Her parents were always trying to convince her to move to the
city. She stayed firm with them. She wasn’t leaving Law Castle until she saw
Tristan again.

“Hello,” she said.

“It’s so good to hear your voice,” Tristan said.

She smiled. His voice was smoking hot. “We talked a
couple of days ago.” His calls had stopped happening every day.

“I know. I wanted to hear your voice. I miss you. I
wish I was there with you. I’m not only handling my divorce, baby, I’m handling
everything. When I get back home I’ll be a free man. The business my father
still has decisions in will be finished. I want out of it all. I’ve got more
than enough money for several generations of Carmichaels.”

“We’re going to have babies?” Vicki asked.

“Lots of them.
thought of having a family with you is the only thing keeping me sane at the
moment. Spending time with Cameron is fucking irritating. The guy doesn’t know
when to shut up.”

A glow spread throughout her body at his words.
Tristan wanted to be here with her instead of her going to him. This was their

“You’ll be home soon,” she said. When she saw him
next Vicki wasn’t taking no for an answer. She needed him. Her body was on fire
for the feel of him against her.

“I will, and all this will be behind us.”

Vicki silently prayed for his divorce to be behind
them. She didn’t like the thought of touching him without him being free of
that woman.

“What are you doing?” he asked.

“I’m painting my nails. I need to do something to
get my mind off this horrid picnic event. If I hear one more word about this
blasted event I’m going to crack,” Vicki said.

“What are you wearing?”

“Why, Tristan, are you trying to flirt with me?”

miss you. I can’t wait to get you in my arms and feel you against me. This has
been a nightmare. So, what are you wearing?”

“I’m wearing a robe. My hair is tied in a messy

“Anything else?”

“Not a stitch of clothing.”

Silence met her answer. She heard his breathing down
the line and nibbled on her lip.

“Open the robe for me.”

Putting the glass pot of nail varnish on the
counter, Vicki opened her robe.

“Is it open?”


“Describe yourself to me, Vicki. Don’t leave
anything out.” She heard him move around. The unmistakable sound of a zipper
could be heard down the line.

She lay back on the sofa, resting her head on the
pillow. “I’m naked. My body has filled out since the last time I saw you.”

“Good. I gave Stefan strict instructions to make
sure you ate properly.”

“My legs are smooth, and I’ve trimmed my pussy. My
clit is swollen, and my lips are puffy and glistening,” she said.

Tristan groaned down the phone. Vicki liked the
power she had over him.

“Tristan,” she said.

“Yeah, baby.”

“I’m touching my breasts. My nipples are rock hard
and begging for your lips.”

He growled. The sound went straight to her core. She
cried out pressing her legs together.

“I wish you were here, Tristan. I want you so damn

“Tell me how you want me, baby.”

“I want you inside me. I want to suck your cock and
watch as you fuck my pussy,” she said. Her nights were filled with reading
erotic romance novels. None of them did the job the way Tristan could. She
needed him inside her. His absence was just another excuse for her to hate

“Open your legs for me, Vicki. Do everything I say.
Is that understood?” he asked. His voice was hard. Her eyes opened as she
imagined his commanding presence stood in her living room.

“Yes, Sir,” she said.

“Good girl.” There was silence, some movement, and
then he came back over the line. “Place your hand over your sweet pussy.”

Vicki did as she was told.

“Spread those plump, wet lips for me.”

She gasped at the smallest of feelings.

“I bet you’re so sensitive. My tongue and fingers
would be too much for you.” She couldn’t argue with him. “We’ll have to get you
used to the feel of touching yourself before I get hold of you,” he said.

“I look forward to it.”

“I bet you do, sweetheart. Take two fingers and
press them to your clit. I want you to stroke yourself, feeling your wetness.”

“I’m doing it,” she said, gasping for breath.

“Good. I’m going to tell you what I’m going to do to
you when I get my hands on you.” She continued to stroke herself while
listening to what Tristan had to say. “I’m going to take you upstairs to your
bedroom and strip every item of clothing from your body. When we’re both naked
I’m going to take you to the bed.”

Vicki pictured them both together.
His hand touching her body, caressing her all over her body.
They’d never been naked together. She looked forward to them being together.

“Then I’m going to press you to the bed. The first
time I get my mouth on you I won’t be able to keep you still so I’m going to
tie you to the bed. When your hands are tied I’m going to tie your feet but
just enough so I can move you to where I want you.”

Her clit was swelling with every passing second. Her
cream was dripping out of her pussy. Vicki pressed her fingers to her cream and
coated her clit with more lubrication.

“I’m going to lick your cunt until you come all over
my face.” She’d missed some of his description. “When I’ve brought you to
climax only then will I fuck you.”

She cried out as her orgasm shot through her body.
Holding the phone to her ear she bowed her back as her release took her
completely by surprise. She rode her climax until she was panting for breath.

“It’s okay, baby. I’m here.”

“I love you, Tristan. I really love you.”

“I know, Vicki. I’ll be with you soon. I promise.”

After they said their goodbyes, Vicki allowed
herself to cry. Her release was amazing, but it wasn’t enough. How much longer
could she take without him in her life?



Two months later

BOOK: The Bad Boy's Biggest Mistake
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