Read The Autobiography of a Flea, Book 4 Online

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The Autobiography of a Flea, Book 4 (5 page)

BOOK: The Autobiography of a Flea, Book 4
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“What I did was natural, too, sire – for one born with my appetite for members of my own sex!” she wailed nasally. “Please be merciful to an old lesbian, sire! I didn't realize what I was doing!”
“You took that which wasn't yours to have.” His tone was cold, unrelenting. “You robbed me – and those who rob me are my enemies.”
“No, sire! I worked hard aboard ship! I'm as strong as any man! Mercy, sire!”
“Your inborn hatred of the true male shall be your punishment. Since you loathe human males and consider yourself their sexual equal, I sentence you to a death by sexual intercourse with a male of a different species. Take her to the gorilla cage and wait until I join you there before beginning the entertainment her death will provide!”
They dragged her out of the room, shrieking insanely with terror and screaming insults while she struggled wildly to get free of the guards' firm hold upon her unfeminine strength. Bullpole watched her departure with a curled lip.
Having leaped to a nearby guard from the captain's body when he was being taken away, I now hurtled across the space separating the brawny guard from the mammoth Bullpole, landing deftly upon that great man so lightly that he never felt my presence.
“Notify my usual entourage to be ready to accompany me to the entertainments of both that creature and the young man,” he ordered, and the guard nodded, leaving the room instantly. A few moments later, Bullpole rose to his feet with some effort and waddled across the room, entering a suite more bizarrely and beautifully furnished than anywhere else in the castle. Here, he drank some wine, ate a few pieces of fruit and studied himself in a flawless mirror, smiling blandly at his reflection.
“Ah, well, Bullpole,” he said chuckling. “You've come a distance indeed from the days of Madrid gutters and a whoring sister's maternal care! Now there are more young innocents awaiting your attention. But first, the punishments to educate all others to the importance of carrying out orders to the letter!”
He left the suite, following a descending stairway that led to a broad balcony extending out from the main building of that wing of the palace. On one side it overlooked a small arena. On the other, it overlooked an enclosure of steel bars in which a huge gorilla sat broodingly, his tiny eyes glaring up when he saw Bullpole join the two beautiful young women awaiting him. Behind the young women robed in silken gowns that displayed the perfection of their lushly curved bodies, stood more female attendants, also exceptionally beautiful and well shaped in flimsy tunics of a simpler cloth that showed off their female forms.
Bullpole seated himself between the two beauties, turning to the brunette, whose serene features bore hardly a trace of emotion but in whose dark eyes a heated light flickered excitedly.
“Expose yourself to the beast,” Bullpole ordered. “Excite him with your talented motions.”
The brunette allowed her gown to fall to her ankles, revealing a body whose curves and fullnesses were sheer temptation. Raising her slender arms, she began dancing expertly, the low stone railing not barring the sight of her naked form from the beady eyes of the gorilla who, whimpering hoarsely, clutched the steel bars with his hairy fists.
She pranced and whirled and twisted in a poetry of nude provocation, offering her firm heavy breasts toward the staring simian, jiggling the nippled mounds at him with lewd generosity – undulating her hips and thrusting her chubby, hair-covered triangle with its partially hidden slit at him in a searing motion of surrender that quickly made the creature howl deeply with bestial lust as he shook the steel bars in frustration.
Apparently the gorilla had been conditioned to desire human females and this taunting display was working him up to a feverish pitch. He bellowed his lust angrily, never taking his tiny eyes from the naked girl as she went through a sensual dance that included every motion known to the female during sexual intercourse – and when she had finished, the beast was aflame with animal desire and raging to reach her.
“Bring in the other creature,” called Bullpole to the guards waiting below. “Let the entertainment start now.”
They dragged the now naked lesbian to the cage and hurled her into a far end of it, slamming the gate behind her and locking it securely. The gorilla, hearing the sound, turned and saw the naked woman cowering at the distant end of his prison. With a grumbled series of animal noises he dropped to a crouching run – going straight toward the helpless lesbian.
She only had time to scream once before the powerfully-muscled beast had reached her, shoved her to the concrete flooring and was greedily stabbing his long penis at her crotch, forcing his hairy body between her flailing legs and succeeding in finding her hole – plunging his organ into it with a savage thrust that tore a long, piercing shriek of pain and fear from the hapless lesbian's throat.
Furiously, the gorilla raped her in steady driving thrusts that ripped and shredded her cunt into bloody rawness as the great animal vented his lust upon her comparatively frail body, grunting heatedly with each pumping spasm he made.
“Please,” murmured Bullpole, gesturing to the plump blonde on his other side. “Now, please.”
Reaching over, she took his penis out from the robe he wore – and I instantly saw why he was very aptly called Bullpole. That penis was indeed worthy of the most virile bull on earth. A huge, thick club of a penis tipped with a monstrous plum-shaped head. A penis so large and so long it seemed almost too obscenely big even connected to a man as immense as Bullpole.
Then I noticed the unusually broad mouth on the blonde. A peculiarly wide-lipped mouth that now dipped, opened and swallowed the plum-shaped tip of Bullpole's giant organ as the girl went down on it, sucking noisily.
Her jaws worked laboriously as they engulfed the thick column of rigid muscle upon which her straining mouth rode up and down in tiny movements that gave Bullpole pleasure, judging from the blissful expression that came over his stern features. His eyes narrowed as he watched the lesbian being cruelly assaulted by the insatiable beast in the cage. And all the time he was observing the rape taking place, the blonde girl performed orally upon his distended organ until, with a series of barely audible grunts, his juices gushed into her throat, and he visibly relaxed – patting her head as she lifted her greasy lips from his swollen member, still swallowing the last traces of the fulsome discharge.
“Very nice, my dear,” he murmured. “Most enjoyable!”
Now the gorilla was mauling the lesbian, whose head lolled loosely, her neck having been broken during the violence of the attack. Bullpole made a brief gesture and the guards drove the beast to a corner of the cage while others removed the body of the ill-fated lesbian.
Bullpole shifted position, turning his attention into the small arena.
“Begin the punishment,” he ordered clearly.
Guards who had been awaiting this command went into action immediately, bringing out a frightened, white faced Ignacio and tying him firmly to a large upright log, binding his arms to his sides and tearing his ragged clothing from his gleaming torso until he stood entirely nude in the blazing sunlight, squinting nervously in all directions.
Then from a gate in the wall of the arena guards brought a line of unkempt, stumbling rabble that must have been imprisoned in some dark dungeon because they blinked painfully against the brilliant light of day, crowding clumsily into one another as they were prodded and pushed to where Ignacio stood bound to the stake. Seeing his nakedness, they began making strange little noises of excitement – their degenerate faces becoming animated with excitement, lust gleaming in their eyes as they stared at his lengthy penis hanging limply down over his full testicles nestled in the matted thicket of black pubic hair. Jabbering and nudging each other, the line of obvious perverts snickered and giggled with unrestrained glee, every pair of eyes glued to the young man's genitals..
Shoved into a straggling line-up by the brutal guards, the filthy, ragged men shuffled their feet and whispered excitedly among themselves while the first in line was led to Ignacio, where he suddenly knelt, grasping Ignacio's organ in trembling hands and avidly plunged his slobbering mouth over the tip – voraciously nursing upon it.
Ignacio's expression of surprise and embarrassment quickly was replaced by one of sheer horror as – looking at the long line of perverts awaiting their turn at him – the realization that his punishment consisted of having his member abused by every man in that line reached his mind, and he sagged with the resulting emotions of dismay and humiliation.
Meanwhile, the one kneeling before him, greedily sucking upon the now erected penis, increased his mouthings until the convulsive motions of his throat told that Ignacio had climaxed and the pervert was drinking down the spasms of juice gushing into his mouth and throat.
Then the pervert was yanked to his feet, marched out of the arena – and the next drooling pervert in the line was brought to Ignacio where he, too, knelt and hungrily took the still hard penis into his mouth, gnawing and tugging at it with relish.
Ignacio groaned, closing his eyes and enduring the sensations which he knew would become total agony before the line had enjoyed their turns at the organ which already felt bruised and painful.
Bullpole smiled grimly, glancing down to the chief guard below. “When he becomes unconscious,” he said quietly, “end the punishment.”
The chief guard nodded his understanding.
Rising, Bullpole strode cumbersomely from the balcony, returning to his private suite where he was met by a delegation of employees who briefly reported to him on the various states of his many business enterprises while he listened in silence, frowning now and then or nodding approval, and when they had departed – he wearily sprawled upon an immense bed to fall into a deep sleep.
Taking advantage of his unconsciousness to partake of a much needed meal, I found his blood to be particularly rich and nourishing with a distinctively winey flavor. Then I, too, relapsed into that lightly comatose state which serves as sleep for my kind, my hunger abated.
Even a Flea must rest occasionally.


Hours later, Bullpole arose and after refreshing himself to awakeness with a tepid bath – during which nubile female attendants lathered him with perfumed soaps, rinsing his bulk off again amid much chattering and giggling while he sat smiling calmly – went into the huge room and lowered himself upon the pile of cushions.
An ebony maiden brought him a platter upon which a feast of meats and breads and fruits had been piled in abundance, and soon he was joined by a lean, wiry man his own age who seemed to be associated with Bullpole, and I received the distinct impression that their association was definitely more social than business since Bullpole's attitude toward the slighter, devilish-looking fellow was amiable and the way one treats an equal.
“You have a magnificent place here,” commented the guest, glancing slyly at his host as he plied himself with food. “A truly superlative way of life indeed, old friend.”
“Ah,” chuckled Bullpole munching a leg of mutton with relish, the grease dripping from his chin as his strong teeth tore the tender meat. “I must be careful now! When Zorba Aphranes is liberal with compliments, it means that the shrewd Greek is after something! What caught your eye, friend?”
“Well, now that you've graciously mentioned it, I have gotten rather fond of that delightful little Egyptian wench you thoughtfully provided.” Zorba gulped down a large goblet of pale wine, smacking his lips afterward. “She's the most skillfully sensual creature I've ever possessed. I warn you, friend, that I may pilfer her when I leave!”
“No need. She's yours.”
“Thank you, Bullpole. That's most generous of you. Perhaps I can return the favor with an equally desirable creature when you visit my retreat in Athens, which I trust will be soon.”
“Of course.” Bullpole snapped his fingers and an attendant swiftly brought a bowl of warm water in which he rinsed his mouth and fingers, drying them fastidiously with a snowy towel. “I look forward to visiting you in Athens – to see how you conduct your affairs of trade and how you manage you little palace of pleasures. Meanwhile, I must attend to my own enterprises. Which is mainly why I've been such a poor host and have unintentionally ignored you these past three weeks.””
“Understandable,” murmured the Greek.
“Well, I hope the sundry modest pleasures that have been provided for you are keeping you relaxed and entertained.”
“They are, indeed.”
“Would it amuse you to observe how I'm solving a rather personal problem?” Bullpole glanced at the other man, smiling thinly. “I have no wish to bore or embarrass you, but you might find my methods a trifle interesting.”
The Greek nodded, his mouth full of food.
“I've had a particularly vexing problem since my early youth,” Bullpole explained, calmly taking his mammoth penis out of his robe. It stood erect, throbbing slightly. “As you can see, I'm not being boastful when I say that my organ is of an unusual length and circumference.”
“True. A remarkable member indeed!”
Bullpole sighed. “Yes, but its very size is my problem. Years ago, I discovered that the average woman cannot comfortably accommodate an organ as large as mine, and indeed is often physically damaged by its insertion into her vagina – not to mention the psychological effects of having such a bulky truncheon introduced into her sensitive parts. This left me with a hellish choice – or so I thought. Suffer a life of insidious, unthinkable celibacy or suffer females to risk the agony of my outsized prick. Since I'm neither saint nor fiend, the choice almost drove me mad.”
“No wonder! Such a choice would drive most men out of their minds. Having that large a member is a problem entirely unknown to me, old friend.” The Greek clucked sympathetically. “I never realized you bore such a grievous problem!”
BOOK: The Autobiography of a Flea, Book 4
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