The Alien Orb (19 page)

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Authors: V Bertolaccini

Tags: #ultimate voyagers, #action thrillers, #action adventure bestsellers, #amazing paranormal entities, #deadly first contact scenarios, #deadly entities, #lost voyagers, #celestial orbs, #movie sf thrillers, #the frontiers of space and time

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We have
found something new!” Bryson continued. “And we have not seen
anything like it before. It is totally unknown and it has

existence that exists in other dimensions than the ones we’re in?”
Merton replied.

We do
not know what it is or if it ever was a life form?” Mortimer
continued. “Or what other form of life it could have been? But we
are sure one of its properties is that it exists through other

So you
have equipment that can detect outer dimensions? I never knew all
that stuff actually existed! I have not seen it proven to exist or
anything that can enter or detect there!”

Exactly! What about when you entered that vortex? We have
ways of detecting it! It is confidential, of course.”

realized their point once again and heard them silently confide
that they wished to keep their research as confidential as
possible, especially with there being the media and so many not
fully checked scientists there, and leading scientists, and they
thought of having him to agree to a verbal contract agreement of
not disclosing anything without their consent, which he agreed to
anyway to show them that he would, and wondered what they could
actually discover.

As they
considered what to say next Bryson examined nearby equipment, and
stuff that he recognized and that it was for detecting neutrinos,
and he considered what they used it for, and guessed it was another
way of detecting paranormal phenomena.

course! But will you sell it? It could make a lot of cash and they
may be able to advance the technology further along!”

Perhaps!” Mortimer answered. “But it is new and needs to be
checked out further and we may come up with other findings before
anyone else does!”

Alright! I get you now.”

I am
certain you’re thing, running about the castle, is connected to
what’s in this tunnel!”

could explain where it came from!”

Exactly! We have barely done any research on it and we have
been at this virtually since we arrived here. We have barely slept!
We have so little time!”

could contact someone to prolong the stay to carry out your work?
And you may be able to advance the technology further

we may! But it is new and it needs to be checked out further, and
we may also come up with other equipment ...”


Chapter 13


The New


Bryson had
decided to keep their new equipment as secret as he could, even
though he was not sure what they had, and what he had seen had been
little and could be easily have been exaggerated by them either to
keep the scientists all interested or cover up something else they
never wanted to reveal!

When he
arrived back at their paranormal research room the next day he was
surprised to see that the place was packed with more equipment and
even though he never knew what it was and had seen any of it
before, and he was well updated in technology. The place looked
transformed into something new, and he was surprised to see new
scientists had arrived and by what they said he was sure that the
equipment had been brought by them and belonged to them. Yet one of
the biggest surprises he got was when examined it up close and saw
how expensive and advanced it was! He could not understand how they
could put it there with such value!

He decided he
still liked being there, especially away from the other murder
scene at the other side of the castle where things had become
worse! Everywhere he had looked he had found investigators and
people searching for clues, and examining him! He had listened to
helicopters arriving all morning, and had been woken up by a loud
one landing nearby.

What staggered
him was what would happen if they found that the killer was of
supernatural origins? Would they come up with another killer that
was human to give to the public?

They had
thought of telling them to see what would happen and realized that
they would firmly believe that they were crazy, and perhaps check
them out as suspects.

The situation
was bad and could escalate, and them coming up with a fake culprit
might do little. The tension amongst Mitchell’s men for one had
increased! The people near the outskirts of where the targeted area
seemed to react far more to it being a danger. And he wondered if
most of them were hiding behind illusions that what was there would
avoid the areas they were together in and he started considering in
more detail why the others were so sure about it avoiding there!
What could stop it going there? Yet he recalled he had been sure
that it originated from the things in the wood not getting near the
castle there!

Was there some
form of rules to how it worked? Was it the same as vampires not
being able to come out in the daylight? Were they missing the fact
that these things actually existed? It was thought to be
supernatural in nature and have originated from supernatural

recalled recognizing some of the work that one of the new
scientists in the room had done, after Bryson had examined
documents that they had given him.

Their stuff
was surprising and far more surprising with them using it to work
with the psychic researchers and he even thought that they were
deliberately putting the psychic researching title on it to cover
their work and discoveries, as he had hardly even seen anyone even
check what scientists did or created in that region.

They informed
him that they were checking for virtually all known forms of energy
and matter disturbances.

imagined the presence of some mysterious entity there, existing in
the tunnel, which they could not detect or account for, and
wondered if it could be contacted through someone.

Some people
thought mass killing was going on at the castle from the way the
media was showing things there, and with them covering details of
the occurrences, which the police had done as they had not found
anything on how the death was so hideously done. To them it was
like some group were carrying it out, and that it looked as though
other deaths were to follow.

What was the
true nature of the savage and brutal killings that threatened
everyone there? What were the motives?

The quest for
the treasure by someone seemed to have gone beyond the normal and
they thought something else was occurring! Had some hidden
occurrence taken place that had led up to the events? Unseen and
unpredicted events could occur that had to be handled!

Why did the
killer or killers continue on going even after all the occurrences
and heavy police presence? Surely the person or people must be mad
to continue in the mode they had?

Many people
wanted more than investigations of the deaths and what was actually
occurring there and Bryson realized that they could end their
adventure there – and even accuse them of crimes!

What if it was
proven that there was an actual alien there, what would they do?
Would they call in the military to deal with it?

The paranormal scientists decided against
going near or in the direct path of what was there, if they could
avoid it, and they stayed located at places where other scientists
and the others regularly occupied and where they could make a quick
exit from if it appeared, and Bryson had heard them discuss using
surveillance cameras and other equipment, which he was interested
in and wondered if the police would consider it?

Whatever it was it was virtually
unpredictable! And he wondered if it would turn predictable, as the
things in the wood were predictable in their appearance, and he
wondered if they were normally unpredictable? What if there were a
lot more of them and these were the only ones that made predictable
appearances? There could be a great deal of luck involved in
encountering them, if they were unpredictable!

Eventually the paranormal scientists had
consultations with the police, and the police gave them their
accounts of the evidence that they had gathered and they now had
left their minds open to what was there.

Bryson knew that all the scientists as a
group did think it was of paranormal origins, even though the
killer existed, and that he had chased him through a passage out
into the wood.

Yet someone who had been there and seen a
lot of the things there could easily have found a way to mimic what
something there might do, for the person to cover up their crimes!
Yet how would the person have removed what had been removed from
the body? He wondered if he could have found something there to do
it with? How did the tunnels in the wood get made? Where did the
technology come from?

Bryson left it there as he never had enough
information in what could have done it! He had not heard of
anything that could do it or if it was even possible!

What surprised him and a few others was how
they reacted and treated it, and that they had something at last
that they had been waiting the majority of their lives for, and
they were not going to ruin it on such an occurrence and that they
had all decided to help the police with their investigations.

The occurrences that they had
witnessed there astounded enough of them enough to believe that
they were dealing with something supernatural that might have taken
an ancient form and they consulted openly with the other scientists
on what it could be

while leaving it open to anyone to add to
and for other scientists to give their thoughts on

and they all
agreed that they thought it was new and of an entirely new

After a great deal of discussion and
surveillance of the tunnel, checking readings and observations of
it through monitors from every form of surveillance, most of them
remained set on leaving it open and claimed that it was more
advanced than anything that they had seen and perhaps would

Another discovery was announced by one
of the new scientists at locations around the tunnel, in the rooms
going around it, and that faint sounds were emerging around the
tunnel, which were being checked by various equipment around it,
and that they showed something strange, and that with the sounds
played around the scientists in the positions that they were
recorded at around the tunnel, with the volume turned up, the
sounds were appearing
around something, at the other dimensions that they were
appearing from.


Chapter 14


The Treasure


Bryson and Pendleton arrived at a castle
room, deep in the danger zone of the castle, where they had to slip
passed the police to get to, and Bryson still could not believe
that they were going to such lengths to explore there.

It was the only way to find what was there!
The police would not allow them to enter that region of the castle,
and Pendleton had told him it was where the tunnel he had entered
had been.

After consistently wandering around
the castle Pendleton

s memory had returned and he insisted that he
knew where the room where the hidden entrance to the tunnel was, on
the top floor, but they could not get there because of there being
so many police there, and they had gone to the floor and room below
it. Bryson could not ignore it! If it was the tunnel that Pendleton
had gone down there might be a chance that the treasure was buried
somewhere nearby.

Thus Pendleton had a reason for wanting the
treasure so much now! He had nothing now that he had returned as
all his possessions were gone, years before, and Bryson had
promised him a good share in it if he found it.

The room was an ordinary castle room, which
had clearly not been entered by anyone for a long time.

He could not get why they thought the
treasure had been there, and neither could Pendleton, but the
tunnel had been there at the exact location they had traced it to
and if it had not been for the supernatural vortex, like the one
Bryson had entered in the other room, Pendleton was sure that they
would have found it.

Pendleton could not believe he was back
there, with the other two treasure hunters now gone, as he had
fantasized many times on the island of it.

The wall grabbed his attention as its
thickness was the same as the room the other tunnel was in. Even
though many rooms had chimneys running through them!

If only he had taken some of the equipment
the archaeologists had to scan the wall first he could have gotten
a vague view of its interior, as well as of the floor. Yet the
scans of the other tunnel had shown little! The technology would
have to be improved!

Bryson repeatedly thumped his hand hard
against the wall, intensely listening for anything, while he slowly
moved over the bed. Then he suddenly halted and jumped back, as a
chunk of stone crumbled and shifted in behind the wallpaper.

The destruction of a historical castle gave
him slight feelings of guilt but he knew it could be easily
repaired and if they got rid of the haunting there he was positive
someone would do up the place and turn it into the expensive
historic castle that it was supposed to be, and perhaps clear the
region of wood surrounding it into gardens with lanes and a

He carefully shifted the awkward mass of
stone out, in stages, from the wall, as Pendleton stayed ready to
help him. Pendleton had little strength now, after being on the
island for so many years and though his body was not old it was
weak and he suffered from being ill a lot, especially with the
intense cold.

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