Read The 30 Day Sub Online

Authors: Alaska Angelini

The 30 Day Sub (4 page)

BOOK: The 30 Day Sub
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“No, Master.” She watched his feet step around her
and walk further into the room. The need to follow where he was going almost
made her turn her head, but she caught herself and remained absolutely still.

Keys dropped onto what sounded like the surface of a
table. “I really don’t feel like going out, tonight. I’ll order in, and have
them bring it up. We’re going to have quite the night ahead of us.”

Cate wasn’t sure if she should answer or not. She
quickly decided she should. “Yes, Master.”

“Stand, doll.
did well. Not once did you look at me. That’s the way it should be.” Torrance
unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it out of his pants. The defined abs that
became visible had her eyes going big and her head jerking to the floor. All
that was holy, no man should look that good. He wasn’t just a god … he was a
damn torture device. Her stomach twisted painfully with the need to explore his
body. It’d been far too long since she’d been with a man.

“Look at me.” Torrance walked forward and tossed his
shirt on the ground. “My rules when you’re here, when I take off my clothes,
you look. Not at my face, but at my body. You take in what is yours.” The
words, so possessive, made Cate instantly wet. He lifted her hand and placed
her palm between his
. Slowly, he moved her touch
down a path over his muscle. Cate pushed her fingertips against his skin. “The
touching is a no-no with almost every master. You don’t touch unless told to.
Your new master will probably want you to stare at the ground. Not me,” he

As Cate’s hand met the material of his pants, she
could see herself shaking. The deep-cut V led only to one thing, and she wanted
to see it. Taste it. What would he do if she rubbed her finger past the lining?
Would it be overstepping her bounds as a submissive? He did have her hand
touching him to begin with. Cate pushed back the fears and lifted her palm.
Slowly, she brought her fingertips to his waistband. Torrance’s breathing
deepened and she hesitated only a second before she dipped past the hidden
barrier of the material.

Hands spun her around so fast, Cate gasped. “You’re
braver than I thought. Before we get started, you remember this safe word. You
might need it.”
Torrance’s fingers wrapped in her hair,
painfully, as he led her to the sofa.
“If you can’t take anymore, all
you have to do is say,
I’m Tor’s whore
It’s that simple.” He pushed her legs against the back of the couch and bent
the top half of her body over the leather. Air hit her ass as he pulled the
dress up over her hips.

The slap sent pain coursing through her already sore
ass. With Torrance locked into her hair, Cate couldn’t move at all. Not that
she wanted to. Maybe deep down she’d wished this would happen.

“You hesitated before you did it. That only means
one thing. You debated, and you knew there was a chance you shouldn’t. Yet, you
did.” He spanked her again. Cate moaned loudly. Her hips moved on their own,
unconsciously begging for him to touch her pussy. A cry came from her mouth as
he did.

Pressure moved down her folds, rubbing the wetness
around in circles. “Tonight, you’re mine. You may have a master expecting you
in thirty days, but until he comes, you belong to me. Say it, Cate. Tell me who
owns you.”

“You do, Master.”

The sound of his belt unfastening was like music to
her ears, yet she couldn’t deny the fear pumping through her. The fact that he
could hurt her was real. She knew she shouldn’t trust this stranger for a
second, yet, for some inexplicable reason, a part of her did.

Torrance’s knee pushed her thighs further apart.
Leather from the end of the belt caressed her inner thigh. Cate dug her fingers
into the sofa. The stimulation to her ass from his hand and now from this
smooth material was pleasurably overwhelming. Especially when he started
running the end of the belt over her slit.

“I’m about to pop your clit with this belt. And
you’re going to fucking love it. And you know what? Tomorrow, when I go to the
gallery, I’m going to wear this exact one, knowing that your juices are all
over it. This moment, right now, is going to play back in my head. I’ll spend
all day envisioning that sweet little pussy of yours.”

Cate jerked the moment the end made contact. She
hadn’t thought that the few inches would have made that much of a sting. After
all, it wasn’t like he had much room underneath there to work with, but the
power that came from behind the thin belt nearly had her screaming with
pleasure and pain. Still, she was nowhere near ready to say she was Tor’s
whore. Hell, no.

“Fuck, yeah. We’re going to thicken that skin of
yours up good.” His hand gripped her ass. The belt hit the floor, and he was
suddenly breaching her opening with his finger. “Shit, you’re tight, doll.”
Another joined inside her and Cate moaned as
he stretched her wider. “You’re going to feel so good around my cock when the
time comes. Not tonight, but soon.
Very, very soon.”
The thrust picked up speed and Cate was pulled up, against his chest. His arm
went around her throat. “You’re about to cum for me.” His fingers left her, and
she held onto his arm as he pulled her into the kitchen.

Buttons from the front of her dress hit the floor,
spinning around wildly. As Cate watched one roll under the table, she couldn’t
believe what was happening. This was a scene out of one of her wildest dreams,
yet it was happening for real.

Torrance’s hand cupped her breast. “Perfect,” he
whispered against her ear. The moment his arm left her throat and he was gone
from her back, the emptiness that washed through her was nearly crippling. The
contrast of being consumed, and then suddenly alone was something she didn’t
like one bit.

“Take off your clothes and climb on the table. I
want your legs spread wide. Be ready by the time I get back.”

Cate closed her eyes and let the dress fall to the
floor. The picture of Tor’s perfect body in her mind suddenly reminded her how imperfect
hers was. She felt mortified at what she was about to do. What if he was turned
off by her weight?
The curves of her stomach, or the
thickness of her thighs?
It was one thing to see them with her skirt
over her hips, but to be completely exposed, right under a damn chandelier, at
that. Son of a bitch! Cate unhooked her bra and slipped off her shoes. She
climbed onto the high table. The marble was cold against her skin. She closed
her eyes, again, praying she could be a size six or eight, instead of her
actual size. Hell, she’d gladly take a ten right about now.

“Good girl. I’ve changed my mind. Get on your
stomach and bend your legs toward your head.”

Cate’s eyes got big at what she saw. There was a
machine. It reminded her of an electric screwdriver, just bigger. The rod-looking
thing had a dildo on the end of it. What looked like a harness with four cuffs
dangled from his hand. Her eyes rose and met his. When she caught his gaze, it
held nothing but heat. The fears about her body vanished in that second. There
was no judgment. No disgust. If anything, it was the complete opposite.

“Stomach, Cate. Don’t make me tell you again.”

Slowly, she rolled over and bent her knees. Torrance
began fastening the cuffs on her wrists. As he pulled the straps toward her
legs, the harness came to rest against her chest, just below her neck. Leather
fitted around her ankles and she listened as the buckles slid into place.
Torrance reached into his pocket and smiled. He pulled the ball gag out and
leaned his arms against the table, coming face to face with her.

Cate could feel his eyes practically caressing her.
She stared down at the table, waiting.

“Open wide, doll. We wouldn’t want to disturb the

Hesitantly, she separated her lips. She could see Torrance
getting closer, out of the corner of her eye, and she moaned as he ran his
tongue against the crease of her mouth. The ball was suddenly next to her mouth
and she opened wide.

“Good girl.” His hand pulled her hair to the side
and he fastened the gag.
“Such a good girl.
You are
going to make your master so happy. I envy the bastard.” Torrance ran his hands
down her back.
“So beautiful.
The sound of the chair scraped against the
wooden floor. “Let’s see how sweet you really are.” Fingers gripped where her
leg and hip connected and he pulled her farther down the table. She could feel
the edge just at her knee.

Torrance separated her legs wide and Cate groaned at
the pull of her muscles. Against the ball gag, the sound was muffled.
The vibration of the sound felt weird against
her tongue. She swallowed and tried breathing through her nose. The wetness of
Tor’s tongue sliding against her slit caused her arms to jerk at the
sensitivity. With the restraints, she couldn’t move them very far.

“Oh yes.” His tongue pushed through her folds and
into her entrance.
“So fucking sweet, and all mine.”
finger slid into her pussy and he continued to flick his tongue all around her
opening. Cate moved against the sensations, feeling the release she was so
close to last time roar back to life like a tsunami. Wave after wave, she could
feel herself building up and tightening against his increased thrusts.

Another finger joined the other and just as she was
on the verge, he
“Not yet, doll. Be patient.” Tor’s fingers paused inside of her and she let her
head drop to the table. The coolness felt good against her flushed skin. She
whimpered while she clenched her insides against his finger. She wanted more.
Needed more.
If he didn’t hurry up and do something she was
going to scream.
At least she’d try as best
as she could with the gag in her way.

Frustrated, Cate tried to rock back and forth.
Anything to change the pressure she was molded around. Teeth sunk into her ass,
hard. Her legs jerked against the restraints and suddenly Torrance’s fingers
were pounding into her. “You want to cum? I’ll fucking make you cum. You just
remember the wait to cum again is going to be agonizing.
I control you, Cate. Me. These orgasms you’ll have belong to me. Remember that.
I can make them come on command, or I can drag them out for hours. The choice
is yours. Obey, and you shall receive. Defy me, like you just did, and you will
pay a price.”

Tightening clutched at her stomach. Cate tried to
see against the blurriness, but nothing was coming in straight from the tears
in her eyes.
Fuck, that
bite had hurt like hell.
Pressure pushed against a sensitive spot toward the front of her stomach and
she felt her body respond in a weird way. Over and over, Torrance rubbed
against it, and it wasn’t long before she constantly started trying to squirm.

“You’re going to squirt so fucking good, Cate. Are
you ready? I am.”

The built up tension peaked and Cate screamed as
spasms shook her, hard. Wave after wave of release shot from her body and just
when she thought it would stop, it continued. The energy from her was sucked
right out with each one. She felt her legs fall back against the straps. The
harness tightened around her chest and she didn’t care. She was sure she
couldn’t have moved if she wanted to.

Tor gripped
her ankle as the weight of her legs proved too much as he undid the cuffs. She
let them drop and dangle from the table. After he undid her hands and the ball
gag, Cate rolled over and faced him. Her eyes lifted and she could feel the
tears return, but she held them in. “I’m not a very good submissive, am I?”

Torrance cupped her cheeks. “Today’s your first day.
You did great. It’s just going to take time. Now you have to face your
punishment. If you’re a good girl for a few days, we’ll see how things go. Now,
head back to the room and take a shower. I’ll order us some food. Then we can
cuddle in bed and you can read me some of our book.”

Cate smiled, and looked down as she followed his
orders. Torrance followed with her bags and he placed them on the floor. He was
gone before she could tell him thank you. She grabbed some clothes and headed
for the shower. The bathroom was huge, and she couldn’t believe the size when
she went in. The marble was the same dark color as the table. There were
multiple showerheads and she didn’t even know how to turn it on. Torrance was
suddenly behind her. He laughed, and the sound of it made her mouth twist.

“It looks intimidating, but it’s really not … here.”
He led her forward and hit a button on the screen against the wall. “It turns
off the same way.”

“Thank you.

He gave her a tender smile and shut the door behind
him. Cate walked forward and looked at the surrounding mirrors. She turned
around and took in the bruise coming up on her ass from his bite. “Yes,” she
whispered. Battle scars. Well, it technically wasn’t going to scar, but she
felt proud as she looked at it. Her master had done that, and although it’d
hurt, he’d plenty made up for it with the way he made her cum. Holy shit. She
could easily say that was the best orgasm she’d ever had in her life. If that’s
what it even was. She didn’t know much about squirting, but she could
definitely get used to it.

BOOK: The 30 Day Sub
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