Read THE 18TH FLOOR Online

Authors: Margie Church

THE 18TH FLOOR (4 page)

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Her heart thumped with joy. She was looking for the same qualities in a man.

"And I do move around quite a bit so I'm careful not to get involved in relationships that may end because it's time to leave."

"Wouldn't you work things out, find a job in the same city, if you fell in love?"

He kissed her forehead. “I would, in a heartbeat, if I found the right woman."

"For the record ... I hate needy men."

His body shook her when he laughed. “I'm not too needy."

He rolled her onto her back, the beauty of his smile making her heart skip a beat.

"But I have needs.” He nibbled her lips. “Sometimes insatiable needs."

Her treacherous body was already turning to butter. “Those are needs I appreciate."

He kissed her gently. “You're really something, you know? Very exciting."

"Every woman wants to hear that. But I'm a little embarrassed about how attracted I am to you.” Her temperature crept higher, covering her skin in a rosy blush. “I can't seem to keep my hands off you.” He gave her another one of his brilliant smiles that started a pleasant throb in her chest.

"I don't mind in the least.” He kissed her cheek. “And it doesn't take rocket science to notice you're a wonderful person.” He broke into a soft chuckle.

"Pick on the aerospace engineer. Go ahead, you're a geek too."

His eyebrow raised in mock anger. “Geek? I'm the God of Geeks. I love technology and all things electronic and complex. I live to discuss data modeling systems and ways to improve their efficiencies. Maybe that's why I don't date often. I get off on my work so much, I don't need a woman to satisfy me."

Alexa broke into hysterical laughter. “Yeah, like I believe that."

He nuzzled her neck, sending shivers of delight coursing through her. “Would you like to take the boat out or spend the day right here? Either is fine with me."

"I'd really like to go for a ride, spend the day on the water.” She giggled again. “Or at least spend what's left of it."

Sebi glanced at the clock. “There's plenty of daylight left and like I said, lots of action after the sun goes down.” He winked.

The after dark activities intrigued her, but she didn't want to spoil the surprise by asking for details. “Then let's get this show on the road."

He stopped her from getting up. “One thing."


"I hope you brought your bikini or something suitably skimpy to wear."

She shrugged. “I thought you were kidding. I brought long pants and a sweater."

He looked crestfallen. “Seriously? Haven't you ever been boating?"

"Kidding! I brought my ittiest, bittiest bikini.” She laughed at his relieved expression.

"Good. Get changed while I get us underway.” Sebi leaned in for a quick kiss. After a light slap on her derriere, he left the stateroom.

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Like a proud parent, Sebi took Alexa on a grand tour of Rockford Lake. He pointed out all the big money homes and talked about their owners. He slowed through the narrows and pointed out great fishing spots. With the wind gently caressing her skin, Alexa enjoyed every second of his enthusiasm and skill as a captain. She hadn't been this relaxed in ages.

After swinging to the leeward side of an island, Sebastian dropped anchor and turned off the engines.

"I thought we'd swim for awhile. This is a favorite hangout for partying. Once one of us shows up, the rest will come."

"Kind of like seagulls on a pizza?"

He laughed. “Yeah, but friendlier. Do you want to swim? I guess I didn't even ask if you like to."

"I love swimming, and I'm ready to cool off.” She twined her fingers behind her head and reached up to stretch. “The sun is making me sleepy."

"Can't have that! Come on. Let's get our towels and go for a dip."

Sebi peeled off his clothes and handed her a towel.

"Sexy swim pants, Sebi.” She ran her fingers over the formfitting Diesel trunks that accentuated his butt and did little to conceal his manhood. The square-cut, short legs showcased his muscular thighs. “I like this suit a lot better than those bulky ones that hang to your knees and look like sweatpants."

Sebi released a hearty laugh. “Do I look like the kind of man who'd wear something like that?"

"Not exactly, but you never know."

"I'd swim naked before I wore a suit like that."

A smirk lifted the corner of her mouth. “I like the sound of that."

"Skinny dipping?"

She nodded. “Maybe when the sun goes down?"

"We won't need to wait that long. Trust me.” Taking her hand, he helped her onto the swim platform. “Ready?"

She nodded. Holding hands, they jumped into the lake. The water grew cooler as they sank deeper and she swam back to the surface before touching bottom. After breaking the water's surface again, she floated onto her back.

He treaded water next to her.

"This feels so good. The lake is perfect. The day is perfect.” She swished the water with her hands to keep afloat.

"It's a little cold in the lower depths, but the first few feet are like bathwater. Come on, let's swim to the island. I have something to show you."

Sebi helped her scramble over the rocky shoreline and onto solid ground. “This used to be my favorite haunt when I was younger. I'd take my father's fishing boat and come over here for the weekend.” He led her to a flatter area, shaded on one side by trees, and exposed to the eastern side of the lake on the other. A campfire ring still contained ash and charred wood.

"I'd pitch my tent here. The pine trees would keep the heat off my tent and protect me from the wind.” He pointed toward the far eastern shoreline. “I watched the sun come up over there a lot of summer mornings."

"You don't strike me as the camping type."

"I enjoy it every now and then. My bed is a lot more comfortable, but it's good to put everything out of your mind and relax."

The sound of boat motors caught their attention. Sebi craned his neck. “Looks like the party is arriving."

"So ... how does this party thing work? Everyone comes onto the island? Hangs out one boat or another?"

"We'll anchor near each other but no one usually comes aboard. Later you'll see why."

Anxiety pricked her. “Wait. Tell me now. You've mentioned this a couple times and now I want to know what to expect. It's only fair."

He held both her hands and looked into her eyes. “Lots of times, after we have a few drinks and the sun sets, the suits come off. People get really friendly with each other."

Panic struck her. “Like they'd come over and get friendly with us ... me?"

He shook his head. “No. But lots of times people will start making love on their boats. Watching some of them is pretty damn hot. It's completely up to you. If you are uncomfortable with the idea, we'll leave now. There're plenty of places we can swim and spend the evening.” He cupped her cheek. “Alone."

Making love while others watched was a secret fantasy of hers. Faced with the opportunity to make it a reality, Alexa wondered if she'd have the courage. “You promise we can leave if things get out of hand?"

"You have my word. I'd never want to upset you or make you feel like I don't respect you.” He searched her eyes with his. “What? I sense there's something you want to say."

She didn't want to tell him about her fantasy.
A girl has to have a few secrets.
“I'll race you back to Deepest Pleasure."

His familiarity with the shoreline made it impossible for Alexa to win the race. She slipped and picked her way over the rocks, ouching and wincing when her tender feet landed on the wrong spots.

Sebi returned to help her get safely in the water and then swam toward the boat.

Alexa tried keeping up, but was no match for his strength and experience as a swimmer.

He treaded in the depths until she reached him. He wore a hungry expression as he pulled her against him, encircling her waist with one arm while treading water with the other. Water splashed around them while they sought to stay afloat while their mouths remained joined in a lusty kiss.

The cool water provided a sharp contrast to her warm body. Goose flesh pebbled her skin. His erection brushed against her hip. Even in the cold water, the heat built in the cleft between her thighs. God, how he turned her on.

"Let's get back to the boat.” She was almost out of breath.

He swam off ahead of her and waited at the platform.

When she was within arm's reach, he grabbed her, drawing her to his body once more. He kissed her open mouthed and hungry, like she was the most delicious thing he'd ever tasted.

She enjoyed the way their tongues played together, sometimes in his mouth, sometimes hers, sometimes in the space between. She nibbled his lips, teasing him back into another deep kiss, and swallowed his throaty moan.

His fingers worked the tie of her bikini top and seconds later it floated free.

A new sensation of cold rushed over her breasts. Her nipples rose, becoming daggers. She bit her lip, wondering to do next. The other boats weren't directly in her view. A naughty thought snuck into her mind.

"Just a minute.” She ducked below the water's surface, slipped out of her bikini bottoms, and came up grinning.

His eyes, dark pools of curiosity, watched her move to the ladder.

She emerged naked.

His lips rose in a lazy smile.

She sat on the rung lowest to the water and gripped the rails with both hands. Smiling like a seductress, Alexa thrust her pelvis forward. Her pussy waited a few inches from his face.

Sebi needed no verbal instruction. “Feeling bold after all?"

"Do you mind?"

"Not at all.” Hoisting himself out of the water, Sebi fastened his lips on her clit. The coolness of his flesh sent shivers through her. She inched forward, giving him better access. Well, actually, she wanted to feel more of his mouth on her. She really wanted to press his head tighter, too, but then she'd fall in the water and
wasn't the mood she was in at all.

"Oh, that feels good.” She stretched out the last word like a rubber band.

His lips popped off her slick skin. “I can't do this too much longer. My arms are going to give out."

She couldn't resist a half-serious tease. “Then stop talking and keep eating."

His eyes gleamed with mirth when he went back to his late afternoon snack.

A boat approached. Alexa's gaze darted in its direction. The erotic nature of what they were doing increased ten-fold. “Another boat is coming. Hurry, babe."

He flicked her erect nub, coaxing it between his lips and then suckling it. A tremor ran through his biceps, illustrating the strain his body was under to eat her in this position.

The boat came nearer, its engines slowing.

Oh, god, they must be coming to join the party.
“Use my thighs to support yourself. I'm so close."

"And so is that boat. Do you have any idea how hot you look with my face buried in your pussy right out here for them to see?"

She whimpered from the sensation of his hot mouth against her and the angst of the boat idling only fifty feet away. A sudden urge to dive into the lake ripped through her. She and Sebastian were clearly in view. Shoring up her courage, Alexa kicked modesty to the curb.
After all, Sebi said this happens out here all the time.
Biting her lip, she let her head rest against the railing behind her. She closed her eyes, focusing only on what he was doing to her, how good it felt—and the show the newcomers were getting.

Waves lapped against their boat, rocking them. Soft whistles of approval and applause came from aboard the newly-arrived vessel.

The word
flickered through her brain, making her smile for a second, but she stayed focused on the delicious sensations Sebi was creating. It was physically exhausting for him to hold himself up this way, and she had no idea how much longer he could endure the strain.

His muscles quivered more with each passing second.

She wished she could touch him without falling into the lake.

"That's it, that's it. I'm there. Come on."

Sebi released her tender flesh and spanked her clit.

Pleasure whip-corded through her body. Her hips bucked spontaneously as her orgasm claimed her.

Sebastian slid into the water, and floated on his back, his erection standing at full mast.

More applause and cat-calls came from the neighboring boat. Alexa couldn't have cared less. Her body rippled with sexual release, not one hundred-percent satisfied, but content for the time being.

When her heart rate returned to normal levels, she opened her eyes to find Sebi watching her intently.

"What's so funny?” he asked.

"I can't believe I did that.” She dropped into the water and swam to him. “I feel like such a hussy.” Even the cold water didn't erase the embarrassing heat in her face.

"I thought it was fantastic and now that you've popped your cherry, the rest of the night is going to be a breeze."

Just because she'd put on a show for one boat, didn't mean Alexa was ready to become tonight's party girl.

"Would you hand me a towel?” A slight breeze made her shiver when she climbed aboard.

Without hesitation, he not only handed her a towel, but wrapped her inside it. She loved being surrounded in the warm, plush cotton and the strength of his embrace.

"Warm enough?” He nuzzled her neck.

She nodded.

"Are you hungry?"

"I am. All this swimming and fresh air has worked up my appetite."

He turned her in his arms. “I left something for you to wear in the guest stateroom. Why don't you get dressed and meet me in the salon afterward? I'll organize dinner for us."

Her curiosity peaked. “You bought me a present?"

"I did, and I hope you like it. If you don't, I won't be offended in the least. We're still getting to know each other, but I took the liberty anyway."

She kissed him, a tender show of thanks. “I'm sure I'll love it."

"I'll be waiting."

Alexa went below deck to find her treasures. She loved presents—giving and receiving them. It'd been ages since a man had given her a thoughtful gift and she was anxious to see what Sebi had chosen for her.

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