Read Ten Year Crush Online

Authors: Toshia Slade

Ten Year Crush (6 page)

BOOK: Ten Year Crush
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“It’s okay. I got carried away too.”

The ride back to my house is filled with us laughing and joking about being busted making out.

Walking up to my door, I pull my keys out. Brandon turns me around to face him, rubbing his hands up and down my arms. “I really did have a good time. I want to see you again.”

“I had fun too.” My chest aches and I fight the urge to rub it. He isn’t Cam, but at least Brandon wants to be with me. Spend time with me. My heart races. Is he going to kiss me again? It’s been so long since I’ve been with someone I completely lost myself earlier. “We can get together later this week. Just call or text me.”

“I will.” He raises his hand and tucks some hair behind my ear, and then slides his hands into my hair, gently cupping the back of my head to pull me into a kiss. He just presses his lips softly to mine a few times and leaves them there for a second or two. 

Not wanting to go inside alone, only to think about
, has me pushing for more, tilting my head to the side, and licking at his lips. The heat from earlier comes back, flooding my blood. I grab fistfuls of his shirt and pull him closer. A whimper escapes my mouth when he grabs my ass and squeezes with his other hand. Diving deep in my mouth with his tongue, worshiping and exploring, pulling me in even closer, I can feel him growing harder against my stomach. Pushing me even further over the edge. “Inside. Now,” comes out on a moan.

I’m fumbling with the keys trying to get the door unlocked and Brandon is running his lips and tongue up my neck, biting and sucking. My head falls back, “feels sooo good.”

Door. Unlock now!

Pulling myself from Brandon, hoping it will help, I finally get the door unlocked.

As soon as I swing it open, he’s on me. Grabbing my hips and pulling my back to his front. He kicks the door closed with his foot and his lips are back on me. Rubbing his hands up my sides, he cups my breasts in both hands, squeezing, dragging out a sound I’ve never heard before. It’s a mix between a moan and a purr. “Fuck, Gabby. So fucking hot.” He pinches my nipples through the fabric of my shirt and bra.

“Don’t stop.” I grab a handful of his hair and hold his mouth to my neck.

“Not a chance, babe.” He spins me around and backs me up to the door, pressing my back into the cool metal. Through the thin fabric of my shirt, it feels so good against my heated body. “This needs to come off.” Ripping my shirt off over my head, Brandon sucks in an audible breath. “Oh, fuck. Did you wear this for me?” he asks, running his forefinger over the lacy edge of my bra.

I nod, unable to form words. The mixture of the lust blazing in his eyes and the feel of his hands on me has me in sensory overload.

“I bet your panties match, don’t they?” He licks his lips like he’s starved.

“Yes,” I moan. My head falls back at the feel of his finger traveling down my body, between my breasts, down my stomach, around my belly button, over one hip, and then the other.

“These gotta go too,” he says, tugging on the button of my jeans. Within a matter of seconds my shoes are off and my jeans are removed and slung over his shoulder, landing somewhere on the floor. “It just keeps getting better. You’re seriously hot.” Running kisses up my thigh, he ends by pressing a kiss to my hot wet center, breathing in deep.

I bury my hands in his hair and pull, trying to pull him up to my lips. I don’t have the patience to wait anymore. “More. I need you in me.” Moving my hands to the back of his shirt, I bunch it up and pull. He gets my hint and helps me pull his shirt off.

He runs his hands up the backs of my legs as he stands, stopping with both hands planted on my ass. I grab his head and pull him in for a kiss, not wanting to be away from his lips for another second. Both biting and licking at each other’s mouth, I fumble with his belt buckle and button on his jeans.

“Condom. Wallet. Back right pocket.”

Reaching behind him, grabbing his wallet, I hand it over while I drop his pants. Admiring his washboard abs, I run my finger down his stomach. Sliding my hand down the front of his boxers, I wrap my hand around his silky, steel arousal.

Brandon drops his wallet on a groan, and then he’s ripping the condom package open. I pull down his boxers just far enough to release his cock. Slipping the condom on, he says, “This is going to be fast. I can’t wait another minute to be buried deep inside you.”

“Yes. Yes, I can’t wait either.”

Cupping my ass in both hands, he picks me up and I wrap my legs around him. A stab of pain hits my chest and Cam’s words slam into me.
“Your short legs and how damn hot they'd look wrapped around me.”
I whimper and shake my head.
Don’t go there, Gabby. Time to move on. Remember, that’s why Brandon’s here. Moving on!

Brandon’s words draw me out of my thoughts. “Hold on tight.” He leans me back against the door, holding me up on his thighs and one arm under my bottom. He reaches between our bodies, moving my panties to the side, and slams into me.

“Ahhh,” I cry out, throwing my arms over his shoulders, and grabbing his hair.

“Sorry, did I hurt you?” He starts to pull out and I squeeze my legs tighter.

“No, feels good. Don’t stop. Fuck me hard, Brandon. Make it hurt so good.”
Make me forget.
That was all the encouragement he needed. He sets a pounding rhythm that has me throwing my head back and closing my eyes, wrapped up in the feeling of how full I feel, the sound of our flesh smacking together.

Pinning me against the door he releases one hand and runs it up my back, unhooking the clasp on my bra. He pulls it away from my body, tossing it to the floor. His mouth is on my neck, biting, sucking, licking, and kissing. His fingers on his free hand are doing delicious things to my nipples, pinching, caressing, and flicking them. I start to feel my release building, and my moans are getting more and more high-pitched.

Releasing my nipple and my ass, he slides his arms between our bodies, hooking my knees over his forearms, and placing his hands on my back for support. He takes a step back to allow more room and leans me into the door. He starts a punishing beat, harder and faster. The new angle gives him room to go deeper and causing him to hit new spots.

“Oh, fuck. Don’t stop. Yes, harder. I’m sooo close.”

“Me too. So fuckin’ tight.” With me leaning back more on the door, Brandon can lean in to me. He hungrily takes first one nipple, then the other into his mouth, back and forth between the two. Licking, sucking, and scraping his teeth over them. Releasing one on a loud pop, Brandon lifts his head and his eyes almost look like they’re glowing from the hunger. “Play with yourself, Gabby. Want you with me. I want that sweet pussy milking me.”

Hearing those crude words coming out of his mouth stretches my strings even tighter. Releasing my death grip in his hair, he takes a small step back, allowing me to lean back on the door more. I slide my hand down to my over-heated, over-sensitive center. I rub my fingers in circles, first slow then fast. I give just enough pressure to feel it, and then add a little more. My head slams back into the door and I groan. Brandon lets out a groan. “That’s so fuckin’ hot, Gabby. Make yourself come on my dick.”

I work my clit faster, harder. I pinch my eyes shut, dark hair, blue eyes, and a sexy smirk displaying a dimple pops into my mind. The orgasm blasts through me, taking over my body. “Yes!” I scream out. Guilt chases the afterglow of my orgasm away. I just need a little more time, every girl fantasies about being with another man at some point. Right? Not one that you’ve been in love with for a decade.

Brandon’s thrusts become jerky and his body tenses. He lets out a loud grunt then locks his body in tight to mine. He rests his head on my chest, both of us panting, trying to catch our breath.

Opening my eyes, I see the mess we made from the soft glow of the lamp I left on. My clothes are thrown everywhere. I let out a giggle and Brandon pulls his head up. I have to laugh or I may break down and do something stupid.

“It hurts a man when a girl laughs after he’s just fucked her.” He pulls me forward and slowly pulls himself out, and then sets me back on my feet. Still holding my waist to make sure I have my balance and can stand, “You okay?”

“Never been better. And, I wasn’t laughing at you. I was just looking at the mess. And, laughing, because once again, I lost control of myself with you.”

“Is that a bad thing?” He has a satisfied smile on his face.

Well yeah, when you have sex with one person to forget another, only to have thoughts of the one you are trying to forget moments before you come.
“At least we weren’t in public this time.” I bend down to pick up my bra and Brandon groans from behind me. I look over my shoulder to see him staring at my ass.

“Damn. Next time we’re doing it like that. That ass is too sexy.” He smirks.

“Who said there’ll be a next time?” I quirk my right brow and walk to the couch to get my shirt and put it back on.

“I did. Now that I’ve had a taste of that pussy, I can’t get enough.”

A shiver runs through me. That dirty mouth does things to me that not even my dirty books do. “We’ll see.” I shoot him a playful grin.

“You better stop teasing me, babe.”
There he goes again with that “babe”. Love it!
“Bathroom? Need to take care of this.” He’s already pulled his boxers and pants back up, and has the condom in his hand.

I feel a flush take over my body.
Oh my god. I just had sex with a guy on the first date.

“Oh, come on; don’t get shy on me now. I know how dirty that mouth can get.” He has a devilish gleam in his eyes.

“Bathroom is on the right, right before you hit the kitchen.”

While Brandon’s in the bathroom, I gather the rest of my clothes and get dressed. I move my shoes from in front of the door, pick up Brandon’s shirt, and hang it over the back of the couch.

Brandon comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist, placing a kiss on my shoulder, right where it meets my neck. “I’ve got class early in the morning, so I need to get home, do some homework for tomorrow, and then hit the bed.”

“Yeah, me too. I’ve got work tomorrow too.”

“Alright, well, if you need anything just call or text me. We’ll figure out something for later this week.” He spins me in his arms and plants a kiss on my lips, not soft, but not too hard either. He releases me and grabs his shirt, throwing it on as he walks to the door.

I follow him to the door so I can lock up, just now noticing that Tiff’s car is home.
Oh, shit!

“Night babe, I’ll see you later.”

“Good night, Brandon. See ya.”

Closing and locking the door, I lean back against it. I know I’m going to get the Tiff-interrogation when I go upstairs. That was the hottest sex I’ve ever had.
Would sex with Cam be that good or even better?

Chapter Four



Sitting in the parking lot, staring at Gabby’s apartment, all of the lights are out.
She must be working, but I don’t remember her ever working this late. But why is her car here?

I just wanna know that we’re okay and nothing is ruined. I’ve called and sent texts, only to get nothing back.
You hurt her, dick.

A black Camaro pulls up and parks right in front of Gabby’s apartment. My eyebrows pinch together.
What the

. Oh, fuck no. Is that? Yup. That’s surfer douche from Friday. Dammit.

I watch him as he walks to the passenger side and opens the door, sticking his hand in. I hold my breath waiting to see who steps out, even though I know who it’s going to be. My chest tightens and I feel like I’ve been hit in the balls.

I rub at my chest as I watch asshat tuck hair behind Gabby’s ear. I grip my steering wheel to keep my ass planted. The motherfucker has his lips on her. And she’s pulling
closer. He’s grabbing her ass! Anger seeps through my pores and my heart pounds behind my ribs.

“MOTHERFUCKER!” Punching the dash, the pain is nothing like the hole where my heart used to be.

I turn my head and squeeze my eyes shut.
This is what you wanted remember? You only wanted to be friends. Can’t do a relationship. Wasn’t worth the risk.

Turning back to start my truck, I look up and see that asshole’s car is still there and they’re nowhere in sight.

Grabbing the handle, ready to bolt to the front door and bust it down, Josh’s words come back to me.
“She’s going to find someone eventually and you’re going to have to sit back and keep your damn mouth shut.”

“Fucking piece of shit, mother-fucking, asshole!” I knew it would happen eventually, but not this soon.

Gotta get out of here, NOW!

Slamming my truck in gear, I peel out of the parking lot, heading to a night of drinking my stupidity and anger away. I need to throw myself into oblivion so I can get the image of Gabby’s sweet lips on that douchebag and her pulling him closer out of my head.

Heading to the closest bar, Avenge Sevenfold’s “So Far Away” starts playing and the lyrics couldn’t be more right.
How do I live without Gabby in my life in one way or another? Can I sit back and watch some douche kiss and hold her?

BOOK: Ten Year Crush
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