Tempting Trouble (Highway Reapers Motorcycle Club Book 1) (4 page)

BOOK: Tempting Trouble (Highway Reapers Motorcycle Club Book 1)
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“Ella, you’re killing me. Suck me into your mouth or are you planning to punish me for not sliding into your hot pussy when you wanted me to?” He was clinching his hands in the spread that covered the bed, and she could almost feel the power just filling her up. This is what she loved. Having a man who was powerful turning his power over to her and letting her have her way for a while. She wasn’t a lay there and take it type of girl, but sometimes she liked to play that part too.


She moaned around the shaft of his cock unwilling to put the head in her mouth until… until… Well she didn’t know what she was waiting for, but it wasn’t going to be right at this very second. When he grabbed his cock and directed it towards her lips her breath hitched because that was exactly what she’d been waiting for. She opened her mouth slowly and watched his face as he guided his cock into her mouth. She stopped him as she closed her lips over the bulbous head and sucked for a few beats until she could feel the throbbing of his cock in her mouth and see the desire increase in Sonny’s eyes.


Then she moved his hand, went to work, and tried to make the man call out with the need for more. She used her hands to stroke up and down his shaft while she took as much into her mouth as she could. He wasn’t the largest man she’d ever been with, but he had a substantial cock that was much more than a mouthful. She was working on getting her co-ordination together when she was picked up by the arms and lifted away from the toy she was having so much fun with.


“Hey?” She frowned at him because he’d stopped her when it was just getting good.


“You are so very good at that, baby, and although I wanted to fuck into your mouth like you wanted. I have a need to taste your wet pussy.”


She couldn’t really complain about that but she liked finishing what she started and he hadn’t called out yet, but it looked as if he was really close. It would have been easier to go on complaining in her mind if he hadn’t removed her panties and brought her legs up and out so she was exposed. He waited so long she looked down to see what he found so interesting. Was he going to do the things he said or not?


One peek showed that he was just staring at her with a look of fascination.


“Is there something wrong?” she asked just to get an answer of what was so interesting about her lady parts. Maybe she should be concerned.


“Nothing is wrong, but you have the prettiest pussy I think I’ve ever seen.”


She wanted to laugh at the note of appreciation in his voice, but she was a little touched at his words although she probably shouldn’t be. Placing her hand on the top of his head, she encouraged him to look less and eat more as she lowered him to taste her. He moaned ‘mmmmm’ when he finally opened over her and licked her from her opening to her clit, and she didn’t know who made the most noise. She’d missed this, but she wanted more. Holding his head still, she rocked up on his face hoping he’d get the message that she still didn’t want to sit around and wait.


“Even with round two, you’re still impatient,” he said as he lifted his head.


She didn’t answer because if he didn’t know he’d figure it out as she rubbed herself all over his face. He lifted his hand and opened up the lips that exposed the very bundle of nerves she was hoping he’d find. Would he continue to go slow? Would he blow instead of suck like she wanted? It would be so much easier if she was a lay back kind of girl, but she just wasn’t. She was an in your face, give me what I want kind of girl, and she wasn’t going to apologize for it.


Sonny was watching her, and she wondered what he’d do next. This man was good at changing it up on her. She appreciated how much he tried to study her likes and dislikes because she knew if anyone needed an attached manual to figure out how to make her come, it would be anyone who had to put up with her.


He pulled her clit into his mouth and drew on it long and hard. The hands that she’d placed in his hair were now grabbing at the strands as she tried to get him to give her more, harder, faster… just damned more.


Just like when she had his cock in her mouth and having a great time, he had jerked her out of her body’s good time again by pulling away from her well pussy that wanted to be filled. Luckily before she could put up a fuss, she heard the tell-tale rip of the condom wrapper, and he was back in her arms in second.


“Your taste has me wanting to be deep in your pussy, and I just couldn’t wait. You want to tell me you’re ready or should I take from how wet you are for me that you are ready to go?” The words that were coming out of his mouth were calm, but she could hear the way his voice hitched and she knew she sounded the exact same way.


“If you couldn’t wait to get balls deep in my pussy, then by all means don’t wait.” She loved talking dirty, and by the grunt of satisfaction, it seemed like he liked that too.


He placed the tip of his cock at her entrance and looked at her as if he was knocking on a door. She nudged him by pushing up towards him so he’d know she was ready. He slid in just a little, and she could see how much it was costing him to go so slow. She hoped he wasn’t going slow on her account, but figured that he may need a bit of assistance.


Grabbing his ass, she tried to direct the top from the bottom position as she tried to guide him into her deeply and firmly. He got the message and chuckled, “You’re a little bossy.”


“I’ve not said a word. Any bossiness is coming from you. You are the one who likes to be the director of this program. I’m just a booster making sure that things that are supposed to happen… happen.


He nuzzled down her neck moving down lower as he pumped into her body filling her with warmth and making her feel complete. She’d had plenty of orgasms in her life and most were fun, but this one seemed like it was going to be deeper than usual. She wondered if she’d be able to hold out until he was done with this exquisite torment that she wanted to last forever.


When he finally got to her breasts, she was almost overjoyed. She didn’t know what was going on with her, but her whole body felt super sensitive even more so than usual. He pulled one of her hard nipples into his mouth, and she cried out.


“Mmmm, you like that baby? Good. I like your nipples. I feel like I could stay here licking and sucking on you for a good while.”


As much as she hoped it was true, she also hoped that it wasn’t possible. She wanted him to get to the good part even though she wasn’t sure how he did his good part. He liked slow or so it seemed. Even now that the two had been going at it, he didn’t seem to be willing to hurry his pace.


“Yes, go faster Sonny,” she said, knowing it sounded like a wounded little puppy. It was almost too much for her to take. She started the struggle and could tell that he didn’t know what exactly was happening. He allowed her to flip him, and he just watched what she was doing.


“You took too long, so now I get to fuck you.” She smiled down at him because the tone of her voice sounded so domineering.


It was hard to miss the delight in his eyes, but she was able to set up her own pace as she guided herself up and down on his hard cock. She wanted to go as slow as he had been going to let him see how hard it was to take, but with his thickness spreading her open as she rode up and down on his stick, she wasn’t able to keep it slow. She wanted it all, and she wanted it right now. He put his hands on her hips to help her with her cadence, and he would never know how much she appreciated it, because for all her bravado, she could be somewhat clumsy at times, and she would have hated to fall off her horse and ruin it for the both of them.


“You like to be in control I see.”


She didn’t answer but continued to bounce up and down on his shaft. He surprised her by moving his hands up her torso and lightly playing with her nipples. She felt like a live wire, and everywhere he touched seemed to spark.


“But I like to be in control too.” His tone was as calm as always but she’d heard some steel in there as well. Not really concentrating on that, she just knew that if she could get both of them off she’d consider this a job well done, but she couldn’t seem to round the corner on her arousal.


He flipped her, and she found herself on her back once again, but this time he was over her and looked like an animal. Damn she loved it when a man was so close to orgasm that all the manners, charm, and niceties went out the door. This man was rutting and fucking her hard and strong, and she could feel her body tightening as it prepared to release in convulsions. Tighter and tighter she got with every thrust and every shaky breath until she didn’t think she could go any higher, or feel any tighter. When Sonny groaned out his completion and she could feel the flexing of his cock in her, the world around her splintered, and the body that had been wound up tight released itself in a series of contractions. The waves of pleasure moved throughout her body leaving her relaxed and somehow vulnerable. She closed her eyes to hide the feelings and softness that would be on her face, but when he didn’t move from being on top of her, she was curious of what he was doing.


She opened her eyes to see Sonny looking down at her with a slightly worried look on his face.


“Are you alright?”


Ella almost wanted to ask why he was asking her that but wasn’t sure she wanted to know the answer.


“Of course. What about you?”


“I’m as right as rain.” He gently withdrew from her, and she could tell that it had been awhile since she’d been ridden since her pussy was just a little sore from being out of practice. She watched him walk away and lay in bed thinking about how good she felt at this very moment. When he returned with a couple of wash cloths to clean themselves with, she wondered what happened from here. Did she just get up and leave or did she offer to make breakfast?


“Wow, you are a loud thinker,” Sonny whispered, and she had to smile at that one. She had been thinking rather hard, and it must have shown on her face.


“Contrary to how it appears, I don’t do this often, so I’m not sure what comes next.” She wanted to be honest without sounding like she was naïve. She’d had a few one night stands before but none recently, and the experience she’d just shared with him made her feel like she didn’t want this to end just yet.


“Whatever you feel like doing is fine with me. It’s a little late so we could order a pizza and go for round two or watch television and then go for round two.” He finished cleaning up, put on some shorts, and offered her a tee shirt.


“I’m guessing you’re not done with me?” she said feeling lighter than she had while she was trying to figure out the next step. Taking the shirt he’d given her, she’d put it on and wondered about this man who had clean laundry folded in his drawer. She sat back on the bed and waited for him to finish what he was doing.


“Not by a long shot.”


Ella had a job to do, but decided she could take a few hours to spend with the most interesting and exciting man she’d met in forever, but it wasn’t far from her mind that she had less 48 hours to make a phone call to tell Bruce the whereabouts of Tyson Adler. The time was ticking and she was wasting it, but tomorrow was as good as any to get started. Whoever was the owner of that name had a whole heap of trouble getting ready to fall on their head, and she was just thankful that for once she wasn’t involved with the trouble.


Sonny laid next to her on the bed and pulled her into his arms, and they lay looking at each other.


“So what’s it going to be?” he asked and she thought hard to remember the question. “Before round two will it be pizza or television… or a mixture of both.”


“I think I’ll go with the third option, Sonny, and have both.” That this big bear of a man was playful as she was just knocked her socks off, but now it looked like he was thinking of something heavy to tell her. “What just crossed your mind a few minutes ago? Are you hoping I don’t want pineapple on my pizza?”


He smiled at her, and it was stunning. This man could probably get whatever he wanted from whomever he wanted if he sprinkled the request with that smile.


“Before we go any further, I want to say something. I’ve done some things I’m not proud of, and one of them was to tell you my name was Sonny. My grandfather used to call me that but not many other people.” The big bear of a man looked sheepish, and she found herself more charmed than she should have been with a guy telling her that he’d lied to her.


BOOK: Tempting Trouble (Highway Reapers Motorcycle Club Book 1)
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