Read Telepathy of Hearts Online

Authors: Eve Irving

Telepathy of Hearts (18 page)

BOOK: Telepathy of Hearts
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a, what the hell
Jesus, Eleanor!
” Taking a handful of hair at the nape of her neck
's other hand gripped her waist.
“The second time this eve I am having to confine you. Will I need a rope? Godwin, twine

Godwin obliged his master
. S
he commented,
“In Wales we have mountain ponies wild as sin, Sire. You would think the stallions more impish but
is the fillies that we fear
breaking. Just keeping the buggers stabled is problem enough.

Although Eleanor screamed and kicked, her wrists were secured. Some of the men woke from their slumber and came to view the spectacle.

“Avert your eyes, dear Lady.
” Matheus was laughing.
“For it seems some of my Welsh
Cobs are not wearing their strides and are quite ungelded.

Slung once more over his shoulder, Eleanor flushed scarlet.

“Do you hear that, my Lady? They are not best pleased. The only woman they want wakening them at this ungodly hour is a whore. They say you should get a birching and they bay for the view of it.
” Giving her bottom a few swats, he was smiling with quite wicked intent.

Eleanor did not make a sound.

The only escape from this bull
—nay, beautiful beast is Goody. Yes, Goody will right well whip him out.

His laugh was loud and his gate lively
as he carried her back across the courtyard

Eleanor was swallowing. Her face and now her nates were quite aglow.
This is really it. I will be ravished as a wife. But my marriage bed will remain unblessed. Mary will cry and if I birth
—oh dear God, if I birth, it will be a hare babe, lips twisted.
'Tis a full moon. Oh no

Matheus, Matheus you must unhand me. For we cannot couple tonight.

struggling against his grip. Matheus
brought her off his shoulder, h
is grasp still strong but his eyes quite soft.
“Well, sou
nds hopeful you say not tonight
than be it
at all.

He was smirking as he spoke.
Caught off guard Eleanor looked at him blankly, but her thoughts spoke.
I like you playful, Matheus. Your face lights up when you laugh;
'tis like a beggar at the feast.

“Eleanor, Eleanor come back to me. Upon Arthur were we off to Eden, perhaps. One minute you thrash and scream like a banshee, and then you still like the lake waters.

Letting go of her wrists, his thumb under her chin, he lifted her face and brushed her lips with the smile of his.
“Eleanor, I will not release your bonds nor your bonds to me in marriage. But if you have good reason that I cannot couple with you, pray tell me.

Can you not see it? The moon, you cannot claim me tonight, for it makes hare babes. They have twisted lips and shrill instead of speak.

Putting his fingers to her mouth
Matheus took Eleanor
's voice.
“Sssshh. I don
't believe such myths. I will take my chances.

Eleanor shrieked.
“No Sire,
'tis true.

She settled quickly when she saw he was winking at her. His face was broken wide with the most endearing grin.
“Do not fear
my Lady. I will not be testing your maidenhead tonight. I usually enjoy being kept up all night by a beautiful woman. But tonight I think I have had my fill. Now let me carry you to your chambers for we ride early tomorrow.

” Eleanor held her wrists out to Matheus.

Shaking his head, he simply replied,
” Once more she was in his arms, rocking as he carried her. He seemed quite unaware that he was tickling her slender neck as his hand settled underneath her locks.

Nuzzling into him without thinking, breathing his scent in, there was a feeling of belonging and Eleanor decided she liked it.

Flexing in response, his body responded with a slow groan.

Mmmm, yes
…man, not boy; that is the sound of men.
Dear Goody, she is quite right.
Flushing again, she pulled at her lip.
Oh my, I want to kiss you. But I cannot.
Could I? Should I?
Perhaps not.

Pike shouted out in shock and pain, as the savage blow of a boot connected with the sleeping guard
's thigh. As he looked up,
's eyes went as wide as crowns. For the sight of Matheus in temper was mighty sobering regardless of how much ale had been swallowed.

Pike, pray what do I hold in my arms?

Pike replied,
“Why a maid, Sir Knight.

“Yes, my dear wife is still a maid in spite of your protection. I hold the person dearest to me because you

Beaming, Eleanor stopped listening.
I am his dearest

Matheus was unvoiced. His words dried completely as Eleanor kissed him. Giggling, she mused,
“You should see yourself you look quite shocked.

“Get lost
” Matheus bellowed. Turning to look at the woman he held so tenderly in his arms
he said,
“Dear God
in his
for I do
get you
…at all. You scold me and then you kiss me.

Looking back, enormous doe hazel eyes searched his, saying,
“I can take it back.

” Matheus said loudly, his voice urgent and forceful.
Eleanor, always kiss me please

Goody was awoken by the commotion. She was not best pleased, scolding Matheus and cooing at Eleanor.
“You are a beast, Master. You bind my babe as if she was
street whore. How dare you touch or treat her so and why do you have her? Wife she is
but blessed she a
t and you have no business with her
'til the priest has blessed
your union

There was no point in Matheus defending himself. Goody would have none of it. Once behind her nurse, Eleanor smirked quite wickedly.
Putting her tongue out at him as Goody told him what a gentle, kind, well-
behaved creature her babe was.

Laughing he said,
“You are not awful fond of me are you, Goody?

” Eleanor interrupted as Goody kept her gaze firmly on his.

Matheus raised his brow and mouthed,

After a great deal of negotiation, it was agreed that Eleanor could sleep unbound in bed with Goody. And he would sleep on the floor next to his hound. Gone was the playful light side of Matheus. Taking her face in his palms he made no secret of his intentions.
“Run again tonight and I will go and get Mother Bear
's birch and I will use it.
” Softening his words with a kiss, he left her to rest.

The sound of a wild boar rutting invaded her dreams as Goody snored. Eleanor could not sleep. Her belly was full of butterflies and the muscles in her groin tightened.

It is true.
I never felt this odd sensation when I thought of Edmund.
Poor Edmund, I have recently neglected his memory so badly.

Quietly stepping out of the bed she called Mace. He left his master. This was rare for the hound who trusted few and liked others even less. But she had a way with creatures and Eleanor and the hound were soon asleep by the fire.

Patting the hound, he said,
“Good boy, guard her.
” Matheus covered Eleanor with a blanket. Sweeping the lose curl from her face, he le
nt forward, kissing her forehead as he did so

Chapter 8

he horses shook their heads and rattled their bits. The smithy had shod them with snow studs and they clattered as they pawed the ground. Not knowing they rode for home, they were always ready for battle, and their agitation showed. Dawn had just broken. The castle was bathed in a warm winter glow. The turrets looked as if they had been rendered by Midas.

“She is much quietened this fine morn, Sire,
” Godwin commented

Matheus looked pensive as he replied
“Yes, I think she looks to the walls that have been her gaol and realises now this was her home. I don
't know quite how I would feel if I w
made to leave mine.

Adjusting his stirrups Godwin replied,
“Let us hope the Yorkists never oust you.

“Best to pray than hope, Godwin, surely.

Godwin winked. Laughing a little, he said,

ou forget, Sire. I am a godless
Celt. I will take my chances standing in the woods, talking to the pagan goddess and the man of green whilst you kneel in church.

Patting his man at arms on the back, Matheus went to mount. Turning back, he reminded Godwin,
“I will let her ride Arthur. He is a bit slow so watch we do not get left isolated. Sline is still missing, and I fear his intentions. I will rope him to Simon.
” Raising a brow in humour he continued,
“Just in case she decides she needs

's grin as he replied was most lewd.
“Best you give her a little of a Knight
's heaven with your lance then, Sire, for she won
't be searching so for Eden then
…well not for that serpent Sline that slithered so from it.

Shaking his head and laughing, Matheus took Simon
's reins and pushed him on to join Eleanor. Mace was beside Arthur, wagging his tail as his Master approached. He had always been a hound that chose his company, but just as his Master had been bewitched by Eleanor, so was his hound.

BOOK: Telepathy of Hearts
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