Teddy Bear Sir (The Sloan Brothers Book 3) (8 page)

BOOK: Teddy Bear Sir (The Sloan Brothers Book 3)
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Ayla, what the hell have you been reading?”

Pierce, yes or no.”

No and no.  Why?  What are you getting at?”

She wrapped her hands around my neck and rubbed her nose against mine.  I liked it so I did it back.

Baby, you’re not a Dom.  You’re a control freak.  Major sexy difference.”

What?  I’ve made women kneel at my feet before.  I’ve demanded certain positions and sexual favors, Ayla.  I’ve used ice and candle wax even.”

Oh my.  Ice and candle wax.  I bet you were all bossy and cute about it too.  Did you use a blindfold?”

I use my ties as a blindfold and why do I think you’re making fun of me?”

She giggled and I narrowed my gaze.  She reigned it in quickly.

Baby, I would never make fun of you.  But you have to understand that I’ve had one experience with a Dom.  He tied me up, flogged me, left me hanging from a ceiling, you name it.  If it caused pain or discomfort, it was part of the playbook.  You’ve used ice and a blindfold.  I’m getting hot just thinking about that.”

I pulled her in tighter.


Yeah.  You want control in our bedroom?  I have no problem with that.  I like it as a matter of fact.  You can tell me what to do if it pleases you Pierce, it’s part of your appeal.”

You find me appealing?”

She ran the tip of her tongue along my bottom lip and stayed close enough to make me want to take her over the kitchen table.

You, Pierce Sloan, are the hottest man I have ever laid eyes on.  The fact that you’re a teddy bear, only makes you hotter.”

I took her mouth in a searing kiss that left no doubt where my thoughts were running.  When I cupped her bottom, she moaned, fueling the need to get her upstairs.  I didn’t care if we were in my parents house.  I didn’t care if the biscuits would burn, I didn’t even care if we missed Christmas.  The woman I loved, the woman who was perpetually pissed at me, was making out with me in my parents kitchen.  This was monumental folks.  A major breakthrough.

We heard a noise and broke apart quickly.  She started to back up and I pulled her closer.  She smiled at me and grinned.

I like grizzly bear better.”

She giggled at my declaration.

You got it Griz’.”

I nodded once and released her.  Guess I told her then.  Yep.  I still had it.


The noise was my father who was thrilled with what he found when he rounded the corner.  I was releasing Ayla and we both wore guilty expressions and puffy lips, the sign of a thorough and well received kiss.  When he spied the coffee and my half eaten cinnamon roll, his love filled eyes went to Ayla.  I was as disregarded as one of those glass bluebirds on my mothers windowsill.

Good morning Ayla love.”

She was taking the biscuits out of the oven when she smiled at my father.

Good morning and Merry Christmas Grant.  Would you like a cinnamon roll and coffee while I fix breakfast?”

He blinked several times and I waved my hand in front of his face.

Earth to Dad.  I’d grab the rolls before Anton wakes up.  She only made three dozen.”

He laughed and Ayla placed two rolls and a cup of coffee in front of him.  He leaned over and kissed her on the cheek.

Ayla, marry my son before he screws this up.  Please love.  He’s shy or I’m sure he’d ask you himself.”

Ayla blushed and looked at me.  The expression on my face made her bust out laughing.  Not an elegant little giggle, but a loud, bend over at the waist, uncontrollable laugh.

I looked at my father who was inhaling half of a cinnamon roll and winking at me with a grin on his face.  I refilled my coffee cup before I played stupid again.  What is it with me anyway?  Why today?  Why here?

I just told her that I loved her.  Can we choose the ring next week?  I’d like to savor the moment a little while longer at least...”

Ayla stopped laughing.  Dad stopped chewing.  I stopped breathing.  Thank god my mother picked that moment to enter the room.  She’d save me.  The woman was a Christmas morning machine.  There was breakfast to be made.  Pies to be baked.  Gifts to unwrap.  I was ready for the distraction.

She leaned down and kissed my father, eying the cinnamon roll.

Are those chocolate chips?”

My father offered her a bite and she took it without hesitation.

They are and they’re wonderful.  Ayla made them.  She made the biscuits too."  My mother chewed her bite of cinnamon roll and her eyes closed in delight.  She rounded the breakfast bar and wrapped her arms around Ayla.

They’re wonderful!  Ayla, you have to give me your recipe.  Those are addictive.  Has Anton been at them yet?”

Ayla chuckled.

Nope.  Grab a couple and take a seat.  I’ll bring you coffee and make another pot.  Let me do breakfast Bree.  You’ll be busy enough today.  Take a moment with your spouse and let me do this.”

My mother never cries.  Well, she probably does, but she never cries in front of people.  I saw her eyes brim with tears and it hit me how much she wanted a daughter like Ayla.  She loved Dorothy, but my dad always hogged her.  She loved helping him with the cows and the bees and nobody questioned that.  None of us cared for that stuff and my father got his perfect daughter first.  Now, it was my mother’s turn.

Ayla poured her coffee and placed it next to my father’s, as she refilled his and my cup as well.  She placed six more rolls on a plate and put them in front of us.  My father pulled my mother to his side and made her sit down, her eyes were still fastened on Ayla as she took the eggs, bacon and milk from the fridge.

My dad kissed my mom’s cheek and I thought we were progressing along in cinnamon roll heaven.  Like that would ever happen on this particular Christmas morning.

Bree, our son is in love.”

Ayla continued beating eggs in a bowl, but I knew it threw her.  I saw the tremble in her hands, even if my folks had failed to notice.  I also felt my mother’s excitement.

Does she love him back?”

All eyes shifted to Ayla, who looked at me as if I could save her.  As if anyone could save her.  What did I do?  Why I put my foot in it.  Again.

Ayla, do you remember when I tried to have that conversation with you in the car?  Something about rules?”

She narrowed her eyes at me and then grew six inches as she inserted the steel rod into her backbone.  Shit.  Double and triple shit.  I became very interested in my cinnamon roll, her voice sealing my fate.

Yes Bree.  I do.”

My mother actually squealed.  Of course my father fed into it.

They’re picking out a ring next week.”

All eyes went to me as I began banging my head against the counter.  My mother began patting me on the back as if I were having a seizure and needed comforting.

Was it supposed to be a surprise Pierce?  We’ll keep it between the four of us.  No one else has to know until you’re ready to announce it.  When’s the wedding?”

Her bright and shining eyes went to Ayla.

Please tell me you’re not one for long engagements Ayla.  Spring is just around the corner and the wildflowers are beautiful here in the Spring.  Of course it’s your wedding and you don’t have to have it here... we’ll understand...”

The disappointment of her potentially rejected offer was evident in her voice and Ayla, being Ayla, would walk on broken glass barefooted before she’d disappoint my mother.  One more reason to love her and yet, I wanted to wring her neck.

Ayla rounded the bar and took my mother into her arms, hugging her fiercely.

Of course the wedding will be here.  Where else would it be?  Deacon and Dorothy’s was so beautiful and the only family I have is Austin and Chase.  I’m sure it will be a perfect setting.”

I looked at her with a neutral expression.  I had to.  If I’d given in to the horror I was feeling, I’d have had to find ground soft enough to bury her in and it was winter in Connecticut.

My mother was back to squealing and my father stood to resume thumping me on the back while I continued to attempt to knock myself unconscious on the countertop.  This had to be a dream.  I’d wake up like that guy in that movie and start this day all over again.  How did I go from a reckless, yet sincere confession of love, to a Spring wedding?  I didn’t remember the proposal.  In my defense, I was on a caffeine and chocolate buzz so I guess it could have slipped out.  But I think I would have remembered proposing to someone.  It’s one of those moments a man isn’t likely to forget.

I stopped my self abuse long enough to glance at Ayla who was still firmly in my mother’s embrace.  She looked just as helpless as I felt.  I understood completely.  She got sucked in and dragged me with her.  How could we disappoint them now?

My mind concocted an ingenious plot.  A ring was nothing.  I’d buy the ring.  We’d stay engaged for awhile and then call it off.  People break engagements all the time, right?  I mean, just because you’re engaged, it doesn’t mean you’re actually getting married...right?


I looked at Ayla again and her eyes were closed.  It gave me time to study her closely.  Every indication of stress had evaporated.  My girl was at peace.  She wanted this.  She might not admit it, but my runaway bride wasn’t running from this one.  She loved me and she wanted this.  This fairy tale, this family, this wedding.  Admitting that I loved her was one thing, but a wedding?  I needed to think about this and tread carefully while I did.  I had just turned twenty-six.  Was I too young?  I didn’t know.  I didn’t know anything at the moment and it rattled me.  All control had been wrenched from my life and I was beginning to panic.

When I looked at Ayla again, she was watching me.  She saw it and it broke her.  I watched it happen.  And that, my friends, broke me.

Ayla”, I whispered, and she shook her head “No”.  I didn’t know if it meant not now, or not ever, but I’d hurt her worse than I’d ever hurt her before.

This would never do.  I was not going back to hell and that’s what it would be if she shut me out again.  I knew it.  I felt it in my bones and I made a conscious decision.


My mother still had her when Deacon, Dorothy and Anton came sauntering in.  Anton’s nose went into the air and he grinned.

Do I smell cinnamon rolls?”

Dorothy and Deacon zeroed in on Ayla and my mother hugging.  Deacon cocked his head and I saw my chance.  Stupid or not, I was taking it.  He looked at my dad and then his eyes went to me.

What’s going on?  What did we miss?”

I cleared my throat and stood.  Then I took Ayla away from my mother and wrapped my arms around her.  She stiffened in my embrace, but I wasn’t letting her go.  No way.

Ayla and I are getting married in the Spring.  I’m thinking early June.”

Her face shot up to mine in shock.

Pierce, what are you doing?”

You don’t like June?”

June is fine.  You know what I’m asking.”

Our voices were low and everyone else was hollering and hugging in their excitement.  This might very well be our only opportunity to come to terms and I wasn’t wasting a moment of it.

I love you.  Do you love me?”

She slipped her arms around my waist.

You know I do.  More than anything.”

I exhaled and kissed the top of her head.

Then I’m exerting that control you’ve given me.  We’re getting married in June.  Here.  On the farm.  Okay?”

She buried her face against my chest and I thought I felt tears.  Women are strange, so I had to ask something I never thought I’d ever ask.

Are those happy tears?”

She nodded quickly and I kissed her forehead.

Good.  Strangely enough, I’m happy too.”

She started laughing as Anton yanked her away from me.  He wrapped his arms around her and lifted her off the ground in a hug.  I’d never seen him this happy before.

I’m so happy Ayla!  These are the best fucking cinnamon rolls I’ve ever had!”

She threw her head back and I saw that look again.  The no-stress-I’m-deliriously-happy look.  I didn’t know if it was from my unconventional proposal (this one I’d remember for sure), or from Anton’s chipmunk cheeked announcement (he’d stuffed two cinnamon rolls in and was reaching for a third).  It didn’t matter.  It didn’t matter in the least.  My woman was happy, she loved me, and I was now the number one son in my parents eyes.  That would probably hold until Deke and Dor’s baby was born.  My life was complete.

BOOK: Teddy Bear Sir (The Sloan Brothers Book 3)
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