Read Teasing The Tycoon, Book 1 (Tycoon Temptation Series, #1) Online

Authors: Sophie Anthony

Tags: #erotic romance, #romance erotic, #contemporary romance, #sex, #erotica

Teasing The Tycoon, Book 1 (Tycoon Temptation Series, #1) (3 page)

BOOK: Teasing The Tycoon, Book 1 (Tycoon Temptation Series, #1)
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“I’m all right,”
Marilyn said, trying to sound convincing but knowing she was failing miserably.

“Are you going to
tell me what the problem is or do I have to drive over there to find out?”

Marilyn sighed. 
“It’s just that I met a guy the other day at the supermarket.  I thought he was
arrogant so I brushed him off.  But ever since that first meeting I just
couldn’t stop thinking about him. Then as if by fate I ran into him at my gym
and he asked me out for dinner and I accepted.”

“You had all of
this going on and you didn’t tell me?”  Vanessa demanded.  “Skip the boring
parts.  What’s he like?  What does he look like?  What’s his name?”

“Hey, hold on. 
You’re so impatient.”

“Duh.  That’s me,

“Okay, so his name
is Antonio Stone, he’s about six foot two with jet black hair, gray eyes,
rugged face, broad chest, well-muscled and abs to die for.”

Before she could go
any further she was interrupted by Vanessa.  “You’ve got my mouth watering. I
can see why you’ve been keeping him all to yourself.”

“Shut up.  You’re
so crazy,” Marilyn said. “And he’s charming, charismatic, bold and assertive.”

At that point
Vanessa jumped in again.  “I see you finally found your match.”

“What are you
talking about, crazy girl?”

“Who’s more bold
and assertive than Miss Marilyn Love?” Vanessa said with a laugh.

Marilyn decided to
continue her story.  “So I went out for dinner with him to an elegant
restaurant.  It was a beautiful evening filled with moments of intense sexual
tension that had me drinking more white wine in one night than I’ve had in
ages.  On the way home, maybe it was the wine or my being so horny from not
having sex for so long, but I went crazy on his delicious nipples.  By the time
we got home he had me on the walls.  Literally.  But in my mind I was in
heaven.  That is, until his cell phone rang and dragged me back to earth.”  She
grimaced, remembering the hard bump when she’d landed back on earth.  "It
was some girl named Kimberly.  That just killed the vibes for me.  Talk about
frustration.”  She ended on a sigh.

Vanessa clucked
into the phone.  “Listen, I know you’re all disappointed and busting your head
about who that girl is, but I hope you don’t spend too much time worrying about
an uncertainty while missing out on a damn sexy certainty.  What you know for
sure is this guy is feeling you and you’re feeling him so until this Kimberly
becomes an issue don’t waste too much time on her when you could be all up in
those biceps and triceps of your sexy Antonio.”

They burst out
laughing and Marilyn’s tension eased.

“Van, I’ve got to
get some shut eye ‘cause I have to head to Jamaica early tomorrow morning for
my business meeting.”  Marilyn was still giggling like a little girl.

“Cool.  Buzz me
before you board.  Have a safe trip.”  When Vanessa hung up Marilyn was still


ntonio threw his
car keys down on the kitchen counter, went over to the fridge and poured
himself a glass of cranberry juice then headed for the living room.

He was so damn
angry.  This woman was becoming a real pain in the ass...but as annoying as she
was, she wasn’t the one engaging his every waking thought.  It was Marilyn

There was just
something about this bold, beautiful woman that had him.

He had never felt anything
like this for a woman before.  Neither had he ever met a woman so self-assured
and confident.  Could that be the electrifying spark that was igniting a fire
deep inside his core?  Whatever it was it felt good and he was looking forward
to being set ablaze by her fiery passion.

He found himself
remembering the way she'd expertly teased and tortured his nipples on the way
home, the way her tongue explored his chest to find his navel where she'd
licked and slurped as if lapping honey from a pot.  And then, like the perfect
teaser she was, she'd slowly ran her tongue just to the gate.  Then as sweetly
as she had started she'd stopped, leaving him lusty and super-ready like an
overcharged cell phone battery.  He knew that when she'd got out of the car and
ran up the steps to open the door that she had no doubt that her electricity
had charged him enough that his sexual energy would have him up those steps in
no time.

So thought, so
done.  Within seconds he had her locked in the most passionate, heated kiss
he’d ever unleashed on a woman.

She tasted so
fucking good and smelled like roses in a garden, turning him into a Hulk-like
beast, ripping her dress open to get to her deliciously ripened buds.  And oh,
they were delicious.  Budweiser had nothing on them.

This woman was
priceless and if he wasn’t careful he could get real caught up in all she had
to offer.  The question was, did he really want to be careful?


arilyn arrived at
the Sangster International Airport in Montego Bay, Jamaica at eleven o’clock
after a comfortable three and a half hour flight.

After going through
immigration and customs she was met by Stephen Powers, the managing director of
the Jamaica division of Bouncy Hair Products.  He greeted her warmly, took her
luggage and led her to his BMW sedan parked nearby.

It was a relaxing
fifteen minute ride before they arrived at the Sunset Beach Resort which had a
beautiful open-space lobby.  She could see a bar to her far left as she waited
to speak to the front desk personnel.

She was welcomed to
the resort by Michelle who greeted her with a bright Jamaican smile and quickly
checked her in.  Before she could turn away she saw another smiling face.  This
time it was Franklyn the porter, ready to show her to her suite.

“I`ll wait for you
in the lounge,” Mr. Powers said with a slight bow.

“Thank you.  I’ll
de down in fifteen minutes.”

He smiled.  “No
rush.  We still have forty-five minutes before it’s time for the meeting.”

It was a beautiful
room with the balcony offering a relaxing view of the sea and the mountainside,
but when she saw the king-sized four-poster bed her mind flew to Antonio.  As
quickly as it did Franklyn’s voice with its intriguing accent snapped her mind
back to Jamaica.  “Enjoy your stay,” he said pleasantly and slipped out the

As promised she was
back in the lobby in fifteen minutes and she and Stephen headed off to the
office.  As they drove she couldn’t help thinking about the positive impact
he’d had on the Jamaican subsidiary of Bouncy Hair Products.  Since taking the
reins of the company three years earlier he’d doubled sales volume.  Most
impressive was how he’d achieved it.

Stephen had
implemented several incentive programs intended to make the employees feel more
a part of the company.  His vision was, if they saw the company as their own
rather than simply a place where they worked they would do everything to make
it successful.  The strategy had worked and the numbers were there to
substantiate his vision.  His ability to motivate his employees by valuing them
more than he valued the numbers made the Jamaican branch a force to be reckoned
with.  So much so, that the head office had asked the managing directors of
the other branches around the world to implement what they now called ‘The
Powers Strategy”.

They arrived at the
office and headed straight for the conference room where she was greeted warmly
by the other managers.  After a one hour meeting that went fairly well she had
the opportunity to speak to each manager one on one for another half hour.

It was obvious that
morale was still high and she looked forward to speaking with the employees in
the various departments the following day.  She arrived back at the hotel at
two fifteen and was able to catch some of her favorite curried chicken with
white coconut rice and ripe plantains.  Delicious.

After enjoying
every bit of her meal she decided to try the chocolate flavored toto coconut
cake as she always loved tasting new foods when she visited the island.  It,
too, did not disappoint.  Her palette satisfied and her noisy stomach appeased,
she headed for her room to get changed into swimwear.  She had every intention
of catching as much of the tropical sunshine as she could while she was there.

She went up to
change and was down at the beach in no time, pulling a beach chair under a palm
tree to secure the perfect shady spot for when she got out of the crystal blue
sea.  The water felt so good on her hot body that she wished she could stay
there forever.

When she finally
came out and lay under her palm she remembered that she hadn’t checked her
phone.  Reaching into her bag she took it out and scrolled through her missed
calls.  To her pleasant surprise she saw that Antonio had tried calling her.  A
mischievous thought slipped into her mind.  “Let him sweat a little,” the
little devil said.

Marilyn got back to
her suite a few hours later where she had a refreshing bath, threw on her robe
and went out onto the balcony where she sat down to enjoy the tranquility.

It didn’t take long
before she was back in Chicago, her mind wandering back to Antonio Stone, the
man who had her confident-and-controlled self drinking wine like water and
doing things she’d never done before.  Who the hell was this man, anyway? 

As the thought
entered her mind she remembered that at the restaurant he had mentioned that
his company owned gyms in Paris.  A crazy thought popped into her mind and she
hopped up and went back into the room to retrieve her laptop.  She would google
Antonio Stone.

But when she
glanced at the time she realized it was already seven o’clock and she had a
seven thirty reservation at the Italian restaurant.  Her search would have to

Quickly, she
dressed in an elegant cream shift with a black bow on the hip.  She slipped on
black pumps, grabbed a matching purse then headed out the door.

The ambiance of the
restaurant was relaxing. Dimly lit, the tables illuminated by candles, the
subdued light created a mood that reminded her that Antonio was missing from
this picture, but only in body as her mind had given up on the impossible task
of shaking him.

For her meal,
Marilyn started with the garden salad then she tried the Shrimp Fettuccine
Alfredo that was absolutely delicious.  After leaving the restaurant she
stopped on the terrace to enjoy some sweet reggae music being played by the
hotel’s resident band.  After rocking to the groove of several of their songs
she headed to her room, turning on her computer being the main thing on her

As she got in and
headed for her computer she felt her purse vibrating.  She opened it to
retrieve her cell phone.  To her delight it was Antonio.  With a slight chuckle
she answered.  “Hello.”

“How’re you doing,”
Antonio’s sexy baritone replied “I tried calling you earlier but only got your

“Oh, yes, I saw
your missed call.  I was in a meeting when you called.  I’m in Jamaica on a
business trip.”

“Why didn’t you me
tell you were going?”

“It just slipped
me,” she said as she skillfully tried to maneuver around his questions.

“If you say so,”
Antonio said, his tone making it obvious that he didn’t believe her.  “So, have
you been thinking about me down there?”

“Well, you have
crept into mind a few times,” she said with a rude smile on her face.

“I hope they were
pleasant thoughts.”  There was a pause, then he asked, “What do you have on?”

“Oh, just a simple
dress with a black bow on the hip.  And I’m wearing black pumps.”  She felt her
breathing quickening and her heart pounding a little faster with each question.

“What do you have
on underneath?” Antonio caressed the words as if making sure they would have
the desired effect.

“Red lace panties
with a matching bra,” she said in a breathy whisper.  Her throat had gone so
tight she was hardly breathing.  Did he know the effect he was having on her?

“I want you to
take your dress off and go lie on the bed.” His tone was dominant and she did
not hesitate to follow his instructions.  Her body and mind were in symphony
and he was conducting them expertly.

“I’m on the bed as
you commanded, in just my panties and bra,” she said in an obedient voice.

“Close your eyes
and picture me taking off your bra then slowly running a feather up and down
your body then as your nipples swell, begging for my attention. I oblige with a
gentle tongue that soothes as I lick and suck your delicious pink bud.  I’ll be
kind enough to render the same treatment to the other starving bud while
running the feather slowly up and down your thigh.”  His voice, sweet and
seductive, was sending thrills running up her spine.

“Now my tongue
goes in search of your sweet honey juices.  I greet your stiff clit with soft
licks then taking it into my mouth I suck hard till I feel your body shiver,
your hands squeezing me tight and your nails piercing my skin as you beg me to
fuck you.  As I sink deep into your hot steamy pussy your body starts to fuck
my tongue and as my tongue slams in and out, deeper and deeper, you grind
faster and faster.”

Antonio didn’t know
it but his words had her fingers sliding down to her clit where she’d begun to
stroke, igniting a fire between her legs.  As he made love to her over the
phone she pleased herself the only way she could, desperate to ease the tension
that he was building inside her. 

‘You begin to
moan,” he said softly, “and as your moans grow louder and louder your hot lava
starts to boil, ready to explode at any moment, then-“

“Ahh, oh God.  Oh,
yes.  So fucking good.” Marilyn moaned as her fingers worked harder and faster
on her clit. She was writhing on the bed.

Then as if in
answer to his call, Marilyn’s body shook in an orgasm that started at her clit
and shot through her body, leaving her panting and spent.

BOOK: Teasing The Tycoon, Book 1 (Tycoon Temptation Series, #1)
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