Tearing Down Walls (Love Under Construction Series Book 2) (53 page)

Read Tearing Down Walls (Love Under Construction Series Book 2) Online

Authors: Deanndra Hall

Tags: #Romance, #drama, #Erotica, #erotic romance, #mystery

BOOK: Tearing Down Walls (Love Under Construction Series Book 2)
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“I did! It was nice. I love being with all of them. Molly is so nice to me, and John Henry seems like a sweet guy. And Bart and Kathy are so friendly.” Laura patted his knee. “So what did your auntie want?”

An glum look passed over Vic’s face. “She wanted to know if I’d keep an eye on her while Tony and Nikki were gone. She’s not feeling very well, and she doesn’t want them to change their plans for their trip because of her.”

“What did you tell her?”

“I told her I would, of course. And I’m a little worried.”


“Because.” Vic sighed. “Because I need to watch her, and I need to get back to work, and I’m not one hundred percent, and . . .” He stopped.

“And what?” Laura asked.

“Lots of things.” He’d remembered the call log on his burner phone and it had started to bother him. Having that many calls, especially calls of that sort, from a sub was a little worrisome. Not to mention that he was pretty sure he was imagining things, but he’d almost thought he saw Miranda at the mall the day before, watching them. But that couldn’t have been – could it?

Laura took a deep breath, let it out, and looked at Vic. “Hey . . .”

He waited. After what seemed like forever, he said, “Yes, angel?”

“Vic . . . I . . .”

He tried to just smooth it over. “I love you too, precious.” He didn’t move to take her hand or touch her in any way, just waited.

“Um, yeah. I want to take the next step. And I’ve been so afraid.”

“Of what?”

Laura stopped. “Of you getting better and sending me home.”

Vic’s heart soared. He knew it; he
she loved him, and he’d waited to hear it, really hear it, and it was right there. He couldn’t mess this up. If this fell apart, it would be a life of subs and bottoms forever, and he wanted a real relationship like Tony and Nikki’s. “I have no intention of sending you home unless you want to go. I want you with me. That’s all up to you, because as far as I’m concerned, you’re not going anywhere.”

Laura smiled. So this was what a commitment was, and he was committed to her. She
to get to the other side of this. Vic was a beautiful, strong man, and he wanted
She wanted to meet him more than halfway – she wanted to give him whatever he wanted. And she wanted to like it and be happy about it.

“Is this Vic?”

The female voice sounded familiar, but Vic wasn’t sure who she was. “Yes, can I help you?”

“Vic, it’s Evie. From the club? Steve said you needed to talk to me.”

Vic decided right then that he owed Steve a steak dinner. “Evie! Thanks so much for calling me. Yeah, I have a couple of things to talk to you about. I think you’ll be excited about at least one of them.”

“Good! Have you come up with something that might help me?” Evie sounded like she was afraid to ask for fear she wouldn’t get the answer she wanted. Vic was about to make her very happy.

“It’s a good possibility. I talked to a gentleman, a friend of the club’s owner, and he gave me instruction for something that I think just might work to help you open up. You interested?”

“Yes! Please! I’d been hoping I’d see you at the club this week. I had a bad weekend and I need to get past this once and for all. What have you found out?”

“It’s his own formula for an enhancing preparation. He says it works like magic. I’m trying to scare up all the ingredients now, but when I find them, it won’t take me any time to put it together. You game?” Vic kept his fingers crossed.

“Yes! When are you thinking?” she asked, breathless.

“Maybe the end of the week? But I have something else to ask you, and if you say no, I’ll understand.” Vic crossed his fingers.

“And what would that be?”

“I have a friend . . . well, she’s more than a friend, but she’s had a lot of bad things happen to her, things that kind of remind me of what you’ve gone through.” He took a little while to explain Laura’s background to Evie, and she asked several questions as he went along. When he finished, he said, “So I was thinking that maybe it would help her if she sat in the next time I work with you. But I don’t want you to be uncomfortable at all. So it’s completely up to you, no pressure. I’ll understand, whatever your decision.”

There was a pause, then Evie said, “Vic, if it’ll help her to sit in on my discipline session, I’m fine with it. You’ve gone to considerable lengths to help me, and I appreciate it. Most of the Doms I’ve worked with just gave up and forgot me afterward. Thanks for not being like that.”

Vic wished she could see the smile on his face every time he thought about her. “I couldn’t forget you if I wanted to. I made up my mind the night I met you that if I could, I’d find some way to help you. I hope this works. I’ll let you know as soon as everything is in place. Call you later in the week?”

“I’ll be waiting,” Evie told him as she hung up.

Vic took a deep breath and let it out in a slow hiss as he put his phone back in his pocket. That piece of the puzzle had fallen in place, and he was stopping at the drugstore on his way home to pick up the rest of the things he’d need for the concoction for Evie. If this worked, everything else might go much faster. He wanted this for Laura, but he wanted it for himself too. He’d waited too long to have some kind of normal relationship. Even though this was anything but, it didn’t have to stay that way. He’d already decided – he’d give it everything he had. He was pretty sure Laura would do the same.

Vic leaned back in his desk chair and put his boots up on the beautiful desk Nikki had chosen for him, then took out his cell phone and dialed Laura’s number.

She answered with, “Hey! How’s it going?” He thought he could actually hear the smile in her voice.

“It’s going good. I’m glad I’m back at work. I missed it. How’s it going with you?”

“I’m helping Wendy this morning. But I miss you.” He could tell she meant it. “By the way, I think I have a surprise for you tonight.”

“Yeah? I’m looking forward to whatever it is! And let’s cook, okay? I’ll go by and pick up some stuff.”

“Okay. Sounds good. See you at . . .” Laura wanted to say it: “. . . home.”

“Yeah. See you at home, sweetie.” Vic hit END and stared at the ceiling.
I have somebody to go home to,
he thought. This felt right. It felt good. And he didn’t want it to end. He’d talk to her about Evie, and he hoped she’d go along with his idea. It might be their best chance – maybe even their only chance.

aura slid into the bed and snuggled up against Vic. She’d been thinking – could she do it? His arm wound around her and pulled her close, and his other hand stroked her hair. She felt so safe and comfortable with him. He hadn’t pushed her at all, just loved her and taken what little she could give him in return. “Vic?”

“Hmmmm, baby?”

I’ve got to do this,
Laura thought. “Can I do something for you?”

“What’s that, baby?” He trailed a finger up and down her arm.

“Please don’t laugh at me.”

Vic stopped, opened his eyes, and looked down at her. “I would never do that. What’s going on?”

“Will you take off your briefs?” When he looked at her, she was looking straight at him, not blinking, just waiting to hear his answer.

“What’s this about?”

“Please, just do it before I lose my nerve.”

“Angel, you don’t have to tell me twice.” He took his arm from around her and, with a flourish, drew his boxer briefs off in one smooth, liquid motion.

Laura gasped. She hadn’t seen many naked men, but of the few she had seen, they were no comparison to Vic. Now she knew what Nikki meant when she said Laura would be very, very happy – or maybe very afraid. His cock was
, not to mention that his trim job was perfection – and Laura was very, very worried. Maybe she’d bitten off more than she could chew. Literally. She tried to figure out where she belonged. Kneeling beside him? Between his legs? How was this supposed to work?

“Sweetie, you tell me what it is you’re trying to do, and I’ll help you. But you’ll have to tell me.” Vic wasn’t laughing at all, and that gave Laura a little more courage.

“I want to try to . . . you know,” she said, pointing to her mouth and then at his cock.

“Say the words. You need to learn to say them. Take your pick: fellatio; blow job; head; suck me off. Call it what you want, but say the words. It’s a real turn-on for me, and some day it’ll be a turn-on for you too.”

“I want to go down on you.” Laura’s eyes teared and her mouth watered.

“That’s more like it. You just nestle down between my legs and get comfortable. Do as much or as little as you want. You’ll do great, and I’ll enjoy it regardless.” Vic was trying to convince himself as much as he was her. The fact that she’d never done it before made him so nervous he felt like he was headed into a war zone with a butter knife, but he had to help her be confident, even if it wasn’t the smartest thing he’d ever done.

Laura scooted down the bed and rolled over his leg into the space between his thighs, then reached up and wrapped a trembling hand around his shaft. It wasn’t at all like she’d expected. It felt . . . good, warm and strong and hard. When she slipped her hand up to the head and ran her palm over it, it felt like the softest suede. Circling her palm around the top, something she hadn’t expected happened – Vic moaned. That one moan lit a fire in Laura, and she felt everything between her legs start to steam which, for the first time, didn’t alarm her. She was determined to hear him make that sound again, over and over, and she did the next thing that came to her mind; she opened her mouth, angled it over his cock, and took it right straight into her mouth.

Vic cried out, his hips rose toward her face, and the head of his cock pressed deep into her mouth. At first she was surprised and a little afraid, but she remembered what the girls had said to her, and she backed up toward the head, her tongue trailing upward and around the rim. He let loose a loud groan and dropped his hips, but when she moved her mouth back down his shaft, his hips came up again and pressed toward her. It took her about five seconds to get the timing down, and away she went.

Initial surprise turned to total bliss, and Vic let himself drop into the feeling, wondering how Laura ever decided to do it and how far she would go with it. He was hoping it was all the way, because it was incredible, not just how it felt, but that it was her doing it. And sweet lord, he fought that urge – he ached to plunge his hands into her hair, catch his fingers up in it, and pull her mouth all the way down onto his cock, sending the head down deep into her throat. He knew that would terrify her, and he couldn’t do it, but he wanted to – god, he wanted to. There had been some beautiful girls he’d pounded into at the club, but he hadn’t been nearly as turned on by any of them as he was by the sight of his rock-hardness disappearing between those beautiful pink lips. She had another pair of lips he’d love to find his way into, but he tried to forget about that and just enjoy the sensations, tried to stay in the moment and feel the power of her desire as she sucked him with abandon.

And he was working hard to hold back. To his delight, the longer he held off, the more bold she got, and the more bold she got, the better it felt. And then Laura decided to do it; she remembered what Nikki and the girls had told her about how to breathe, how to open her throat, and she decided to just go for broke. Dropping the floor of her throat and taking a big breath, Laura forced her mouth farther down onto Vic’s cock and felt herself fight a gag as the head slid past that point toward the soft back of her throat. But she couldn’t do it, and she was disappointed. The girls had said it would take practice.
Maybe I’ll get better at it,
she thought.

It didn’t matter to Vic. That was it for him. He couldn’t fight it anymore. He murmured with a hoarse whisper, “Baby, oh god, if you do that one more time I
to stroke into you. I can’t stand it. Please. Sweet lord,” he moaned, but that made her even more determined, and she took it down one more time. When she did, he put a hand on either side of her head and, with a gentle pressure, slipped his cockhead into her throat, and the groan she let lose around his shaft drove him mad. Trying hard to keep his wits about him, he slid through her lips at the steadiest rhythm he could manage, and he knew that all his efforts to keep going were about over.

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