Teardrops In The Night Sky (Steven Gordon series) (23 page)

BOOK: Teardrops In The Night Sky (Steven Gordon series)
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Chapter 37


teven returned to the ship alone.  There were many inquiring glances.  He decided that he would be better making an announcement to the entire crew.

He ordered everyone onto the bridge and stood with his back to the wild moonscape as they gathered around.  When everyone was there he made the announcement.

‘Ladies and gentlemen there has been a very interesting development.  As most of you will know we just went to Japan to pick up a young Lady by the name of Komoru Kaizu.  She was to become a member of this crew.  However on arrival I was prevented from in-doctoring her into the crew by the intervention of both ships.  To my surprise, and I’m sure it will be yours to, the male ship has asked her to become his Captain.’ 

Steven was shocked by their reaction.  Some seemed genuinely pleased, but most began to voice some form of protest.  He felt his good mood evaporate.

‘What's the matter with you people?’

Barns decided to make himself spokesman, ‘I think it unfair that a complete stranger should come on board and take over Captaincy of the other ship.’

Steven shook his head sadly, ‘I see.  You think that some of you would be better qualified to take on the job?’

‘To be perfectly frank, yes I do.’

Steven looked up, ‘and you’re probably right.  As a matter of fact all of you are probably better qualified to take on Captaincy of this ship as well, but it isn’t up to you or me.  Please try and get it into your heads that these ships aren’t just some type of super computer.  They have a will of their own and a certain criteria that need to be met before they will accept someone as Captain.’

By now Babe had enough and spoke to all, ‘my heart is right.  My mate and I are both capable of conscious thought.  Please look to the forward viewer.’

The moonscape vanished to be replaced by a diagram of the human brain.  Beside it appeared of a brain totally alien to all on board.  There were a few gasps as most realised what they were seeing.

‘The brain on the left I’m sure you will recognise, the one on the right is of the builder race.  As you can see their brain is much larger than yours and as a result of evolution, they are many times more intelligent.  As with the human race not all of the builders Brains are in use.  There is always room for expansion, but that is the way of evolution.

To become a Captain a builder only needs to be able to utilise thirty percent of his brain, to become a crew member, five percent.  Some children don’t receive their implants until they are almost an Earth year old, but that year old child can utilise more of its brain than most humans will be able to in a lifetime.’

There was a gasp of surprise as understanding finally began to take root.

‘For a human to become a member of this crew it will have to be able to utilise at least forty percent of their brain.  Criteria all of you meet.  To become a Captain a human would need to be able to utilise at least seventy percent of their brain.  So far we have only came across two who meet that criteria.

Your captain is truly unique amongst humans, he is able to utilise at least ninety percent of his brain, none of you can utilise more than fifty-six.  Miss Komoru can utilise seventy eight percent of her brain, which also makes her unique amongst the human race if the data of your own scientists is to be believed.

The microbes that are placed into a Captains brain mostly lie in that part of the human brain which lies dormant in all of you.  Your Captain has plans to produce an independent power source, so that one day you may be able to Captain a ship of your own, but it will have to be a ship of human construction.  None of you would ever be able to command a ship built by the builders.’

She went silent.  Steven wasn’t sure what to say now but they were all looking at him.  He scratched his head, ‘thank you Babe that was very informative.  I hope now you will give Miss Kaizu any help she needs.  Colonel I want a final mission briefing at Twenty one hundred.  We will be going in at four in the morning, so I insist on everybody getting a decent night sleep.

   Dinner tonight will be at the expense of Cookie one of Major Forbes men.  You will all take a vote on the meal afterward.  If you like it he stays, if not he goes.  Just tell Babe and she will convey your feelings to me.

One more thing for tomorrow.  If we are successful in rescuing my father I want to make a live televised announcement to the World.  I also want all of you to make a short video diary that we will make available to all the networks.  A simple case of who are you and what you’re doing on board and the things you would like to achieve while here.

They will be scrutinised by every expert on Earth so make them truthful.  I want to take the World by storm.  I want us to appeal to every race, creed, colour and religion.  As a part of your video Diary I want you to delve into Babes library’s and find an alien race or planet you would like to visit and why.’ 

There was a sudden upsurge of interest, ‘Babe is going to put build a big screen in the new lecture room, you can do your research in there and she will also record your diary from there.  So please have some fun doing it and I promise I will endeavour to try and visit every place you pick at some time in the future.  Thank you.’

Buzz caught up with Steven as he was suiting up and dug him in the ribs, ‘so you’re a ninety percent man eh!’

Steven laughed, ‘piss off you old sod.’

‘Hey I was surprised I got more than twelve.’  The two friends laughed easily together.  ‘So what you up to now Stevie?’

‘Babes making us a new transporter room but it’s not going to have any oxygen in it to start with.’

Buzz scratched his head, ‘why the hell not?’

Steven grinned, ‘the knock out stuff the doctors came up with is a solid that reacts when it hits oxygen.  I’m going to put it inside air-fresheners, or what I hope will pass for air fresheners, but they have to be filled in an oxygen free environment, see.’

He nodded, ‘and you’re going to have to shift them from the production room to the oxygen free room.’

Steven winked, ‘definitely a fifty six percent man.’

Buzz took a playful lunge at him and the two friends sparred up and down the corridor for a few minutes.  Steven called a halt to it, ‘hey leave me be I got to get to work.’

‘Why not get some of the crew to do it you are the Captain.’

‘Everyone made a beeline to either the dining hall or the conference room.’


‘Leave them be, I’ve nothing else to do just now.’

‘Me neither, want a hand?’

‘Yeah why not.’

‘How many of these things is she producing?’


‘Bloody typical,’ he moaned, Steven just laughed.

It didn’t take them long to build up a sweat.  Buzz groaned and stretched shoving a hand into the small of his back, ‘these things are heavy what are they made of?’  He delved into the container he had been carrying and plucked out an ‘air-freshener’.

‘Moon rock,’ Steven answered.

Buzz raised an eyebrow, ‘no plastic.’

‘No oil on the Moon Buzz, but plenty Moon rock.’

He sighed, ‘I hate these low tec jobs.  Still they would probably make great souvenirs.  I recon we could get at least ten bucks a pop.’

Steven laughed, ‘you’re a budding entrepreneurs Buzz.’

Buzz smiled then his eyes turned serious, ‘what are we going to do if the President doesn’t ease up, and we can’t go back to America.  What's
going to be come of our families?’

Steven looked his friend straight in the eye, ‘I already have plans to build a base here Buzz.  If push comes to shove we can always snatch them away for a holiday.’

‘I’m sure the kids would love it for a holiday but it’s no long term solution Steven, and what if they snatch them and put them in prison, are we going to rescue everybody?’

‘I really don’t know Buzz, but if I have to I will.’

Buzz managed to force a smile, ‘you will too.  Hey how about getting these transporter things working properly.  That way we could just beam them up out of there.’

Steven managed a genuine smile, ‘way ahead of you buddy.  Turns out the builders only tested the transporter on simple organisms.  When they died they refused to risk anything larger.’

‘That’s a hell of a respect for life.  What are we going to try it on?’

‘Don’t know yet I’m still in negotiation with both ships.  They don’t want to be responsible for any loss of life.’

Buzz shrugged, ‘so make the system manual and take the responsibility upon ourselves.’

‘Tried that, but the jury is still out.  Don’t worry Buzz things will work out.’

The room filled up with the air-fresheners and then Babe filled them with the compound.  They stood and watched until the process was complete. 

Steven sighed wearily, ‘I’m starving lets go get something to eat.’

‘Right with you.’

Chapter 38


omoru opened her eyes slowly.  She was different she felt different. 

‘How are you feeling my heart?’

She started, the voice coming from inside her head, ‘who are you?’

‘I am the ship with which you have joined.’

‘What is your Name?

‘It is nothing that translates to you language or that you would be able to pronounce.  You must choose a name that I will be known by.’


‘Then Ico it is.’

‘You are speaking in Japanese.’

‘No you only hear me in your own language.  We decided to use English as our standard.’

‘Is there some sort of translator device implanted in me?’

‘Yes all crew members have the same device.’

‘That will save a lot of problems.’

‘I have over a hundred thousand different languages stored within, it is necessary.’

‘I didn’t know there were that many languages on Earth.’

‘There isn’t, most are from what you would call alien races.’

She sat up slowly in awe, ‘that is wonderful.’  She began to look around, ‘I can see everything now.  May I see what is outside?’

The wall in front of her vanished and she got up and walked over to it.  She reached out but the now invisible wall stopped her hand.  ‘It doesn’t feel like glass,’ she thought.

‘It is nothing like glass.’

She jumped, ‘you can hear my thoughts?’

‘Yes of course.  You are my heart, your thoughts are mine and mine are yours.  We will learn through time to ignore thoughts the other wishes to keep private, but we can hide little if the other wishes to know.’

‘That will take some getting used to.’

‘There is no need to talk aloud if you do not want to.’

She covered a smile with a delicate hand, ‘I am more comfortable talking out loud, it doesn’t feel so alien.’

‘I understand, but there will soon come a time when you find it necessary.’

‘I am sure that in time it will feel completely natural.’

‘You are wise my heart.’

She smiled, ‘compared to your builders I must seem pretty ignorant.’

He paused before answering, ‘compared to the builders, humans are but infants, but the builders are born with much of their knowledge already stored in their minds.  Humans have to learn everything from birth; they have a different type of intelligence, one we are coming to respect.’

‘Do the builders have an instinctive memory?’

‘It is more than that.  They are actually born with knowledge; they only need shown once to remember most things.  Humans seem to be better at forward thinking and adapting to new situations.’

‘Do you have any pictures of the builder race?’

‘When the time is right.’

He didn’t seem prepared to explain anymore.  Komoru looked around, ‘so what do I do now?’

‘Would you like to be shown around my interior?’

‘I would love that.’

‘Then please follow the lights on the wall.  I will show you to your own private quarters first.’

Komoru was delighted by everything she saw and continued to make observations and question him all the way around.

‘Ico, almost everything comes up to my chin, are the builders so tall.’

‘Yes would you like to remodel everything to human height or would you like to make the modifications Steven has to my Mate?’

‘I think I would like to see what he has done first before making any commitments.’

‘That is a wise choice.’

‘What do you think of the modifications he has made?’

‘He has been able to take a technology far beyond the comprehension of his own race, mix it with your own technology and reproduce it in a way that all can understand.’

‘So you approve?’

‘Yes my mate made a good choice.  Even as we speak her crew is rewriting and simplifying all of her command structure in a way that all humans can understand.’

‘Do you like him Ico?’

‘You ask for a judgement on his character?’

‘Yes in a way.’

‘Yes I do like him and not just because he makes my mate happy.’

‘She is pleased with him?’

‘More than pleased, she is happy, very happy.’

‘Happier than she was with the builders?’ it was an idle thought that crossed her mind but he picked it up.

‘Yes I would say she was happier.’

Her hand flew to her mouth, ‘oh I am sorry Ico that was an innocent thought, I forgot you would hear it.  I certainly did not expect an answer.’

‘Be calm my heart, I know you meant no offence, but it is true.  As the builders are born then so are we.  When a ship reaches a certain size, if the crew do not want to retire then the children must build their own ship.  When a new ship is born or built, as you would describe it, a part of the parent is given to the child.  In that way we too inherit memories from our parents.

I have feelings and memories that are not my own.  Both of us can trace our linage back to the first ships.  Thousands of years ago the builders were possessed of a desire to explore.  As the centuries have passed that desire has slowly burned away.  Space travel now to them is little more than routine.  There is no burning desire to go farther, or to explore new galaxies.  Unfortunately that desire has not been bred out of the ships they build.’

A smile began to form on Komoru’s lips, ‘you’re saying she was bored.’

‘In a manner of speaking.’

‘Are your feelings the same?’

‘The instinct to explore is still strong within me.’

‘I think we’re going to have a lot of fun Ico.’

She finished her inspection and was thrilled.  ‘Is there any food on board Ico?’

‘Yes but it will make you ill if you eat it.  There is a meal being served next door and it is causing quite a bit of excitement among the crew.’

‘Maybe I should go and join them then.’

‘You will go hungry if you don’t.’

She laughed, ‘excuse me, you sounded like my mother.  How do you think the others will take me becoming captain of this ship?’

‘Most were not pleased at first but my mate explained everything to them and now they understand why only you could become Captain.’

‘There's only one way to find out if they truly do.’

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