Team: Alpha (Knights of Ares) (9 page)

BOOK: Team: Alpha (Knights of Ares)
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"Aunt Penny, she's your neighbor in Sweetwater right?" he asked looking over for her nod. "I vaguely remember seeing her when we got to the house with your mom that first morning." Tapping a finger to the wheel he turned slowly up onto a hill, "Hang on poppet, this tends to be a little bumpy."


“And yes, Aunt Penny lives beside us and has for a few years now. She watches me when mom has to take the night shift at work.” She explained. “She’s a good egg. I love my Aunt Penny and she loves me. The only bad thing, her name is really Penelope. Isn’t that a weird name?”


"Not really but it is an old name," he told her as they jostled over the hill and down the other side to the track. "In Greek mythology Odysseus had a wife named Penelope who was a weaver," he explained with a grin. "Odysseus was the one who came up with the Trojan horse; which was how the Greeks tricked those of Troy into allowing Greeks into the city, which led to the fall of the great and mighty Trojans."


Honey could only laugh, “Aunt Penny can’t even put a button back on. She tried and the thread got all twisted.” The girls’ giggles grew, “It was so funny, the way that the thread bunched up and dangled. I love my Aunt Penny but she can’t do a lot of things that a girl should be able to do. Or at least what a girl should be able to do according to my teacher, Mrs. Lampkin.”


"And what exactly does your teacher Mrs. Lampkin say girls should be doing with their lives?" he asked quietly. He didn't like anyone telling another person what their lot in life was. He had nearly been pigeonholed once, but he'd broken free of it and made something more of himself.


“All girls should be able to cook, clean, sew and take care of her man.” Honey rolled her eyes. “She’s dumb for saying that too. She also says that if a man loves a man or a woman loves a woman it’s wrong, but it’s not. Love can never be wrong, can it?”


"Only for those too small minded to know the truth for what it is," Mikhail muttered. "While I agree that all girls should know the basics of cooking, cleaning and such, so should all boys as well. When they go out on their own they can take care of themselves. No man or woman should have to rely on another person unless they are injured or ill. Other than that, they should be able to do for themselves. As for love," he gave a lazy shrug, "The heart can only love who it loves, whether that is a person of the opposite gender or of the same one, it doesn't matter as long as they love and have respect for one another."


“That’s what I said.” Honey’s eyes were wide and hand on her hips. “And Mrs. Lampkin told me that I simply didn’t know what I was talking about because I was the child of a horse, and obviously her loose morsels wore off on me.” She rolled her eyes, “First my mommy is not a horse, and when I said that to Mrs. Lampkin, she said that my mommy was ‘cause she got knocked out by two men.”


Wincing at the terms she was using, even if they were wrong, he looked over to her. "No, your mother is no such thing love," he said softly. "She's a wonderful and amazing woman," he murmured rubbing a hand to his head. "When people say bad things about your mother or you; know that they are just words and hold no truth Honey."


“Oh I know that. Sometimes it hurts mommy though. She cries when her father spits at us.” She shrugged. “Like I told mommy though; it is his loss, not ours. I think we are better off without him, and without people like them in our lives. I got my mommy and Aunt Penny and I have tons of friends, so that’s all that matters, right daddy?”


"And you have me and Gareth as well poppet," he reminded her. "But yes, it is her father's loss, and rigid views in a country that he chose to come to that garners that great loss. This isn't his country, and while I fully respect his past and how he grew up, he came here. So his views and beliefs, while good to pass on to one's children to keep such things alive, shouldn't be forced on those raised in a more liberal country."


“I dunno what you just said daddy except for the fact I got you, Gareth, and mommy, so that’s all that’s important in what you said, right?” Honey then wrapped her arms around Mikhail and hugged him tight. “I love you daddy.”


Hugging her to his side Mikhail let out a breath, "We're here," he said quietly to her. "And it looks like the boys are relaxing instead of working." Bringing the truck to a stop he shook his head, "Good thing its lunch time or I'd have to get mean with them. Why don't you go and let them know we brought food and drinks," he suggested as he got out and turned to help her down.


Honey got out of the truck, put her fingers in her mouth and whistled, loudly. “We got food and drinks if you lazy bumps on logs wanna eat!” She shouted proudly and looked to Mikhail with a big grin, “Did I do it right daddy?”


Chuckling he nodded, "You did good poppet." Lifting her up in his arms he kissed her cheek, "You can hand out everything to the lads." Swinging her into the back next to Gareth he looked over, "Move it," he yelled, "We've got work to get done."


“Yeah!” Honey hollered right back and giggled. “I think that I’m going to enjoy this a lot. I get to tell a bunch of big guys what to do.” She opened the cooler and began to pass out drinks and food. “Oh we didn’t bring any dessert. I don’t like that.” She said with a frown.


"We brought the little oranges," Gareth reminded her softly. "and your cookie things too. Most of us don't like sweets like you do darling so it's not a big deal. Plus, with working in the hot sun, not eating sweets with sugars is a good thing. Keeps us moving instead of sleeping."


“Oh, okay. As long as you are sure that it’s okay.” Honey grinned at Gareth and added, “Thank you for making it better daddy. See, you already know just what needs to be done. You are the best daddy in the world, you and daddy Mikhail both.”


"We're trying sweetheart," he murmured brushing her hair back. "But we're bound to mess up from time to time. We're not perfect." Sitting back on the edge of the truck bed, he watched her passing the food and drinks out to the men who found a patch of shade to sit in to eat.


“I know daddy, but just remember that when I get older okay? I’m not going to be perfect daddy. I’m going to make mistakes to.” Taking a seat beside him she leaned into Gareth and added, “Especially when I’m older and I wanna date boys.” She wrinkled her nose. “A lot older.” Looking up she shaded her eyes and added, “But now you and daddy Mikhail have to make up to mommy the mistake of leaving her. She needs to know she’s loved you know.”


"We know sweetpea," he said wrapping an arm around her. "She is loved, very much and we never meant to hurt her. We were on leave from the military and only given forty-eight hours. We never expected to meet her. Never expected to do anything in that time but sleep and maybe sleep some more. She was a surprise to us both and a most pleasant one at that. We know we have much to make up for but we never once meant to hurt her."


“She wants to forgive you. She needs to. She’s never been able to be mad at me for very long, and she said it was ‘cause I got your eyes, so I know she won’t be able to be mad at you long. And she still loves you both. I know she does. She’s got another diary she keeps, but I didn’t think that I should bring that one. Only the one that gave you the past about me daddy instead of her feelings that she still has for you and daddy Mikhail.”


"Probably best. She was pretty pissed that Mik had that one," Gareth chuckled softly. "I can't imagine what she would have been like had we had the juicy version." Pressing a kiss to her forehead he grabbed a hat and dropped it onto her head, "Go and make sure the guys all have another bottle of water and remind them they have ten minutes before they have to get back to work."


Honey nodded, “What are you going to put out here daddy?” She asked again, giving the men another couple of minutes rest in her own little way. “I think that we need a pool. It’s really hot here in Texas, and a pool would be really nice. Bobby Michaels has a pool but he says that girls aren’t allowed and it’s such a long drive to the water park that I don’t get to go too much. So what do you think daddy? A pool?”


"No idea but it's too far from the house to be a pool so you'll have to ask Mikhail what the plans are. I know right now we're clearing out all the old and dead trees so they can't hurt us if there is ever a fire. Beyond that, talk to Mik," Gareth told her with a grin.


“I will.” Honey said with a sage nod. “I think that I might be able to talk daddy Mikhail into putting in a pool if I promise to help keep it clean and stuff. Maybe we could do salt water like they do at the water park. It’s supposed to be better for the environment and it doesn’t stink like crazy either.”


Chuckling Gareth shrugged, "You can try darling but remember daddy Mik is very stubborn and stuck in his ways. You may have to make many promises before he lets you talk him into putting in a pool," he told her.


“Oh don’t worry daddy Gareth.” Honey patted his arm lovingly. “I hope I can do it. If not,” She shrugged, “I will ask mommy to buy me an inflatable pool to put in out here. I would at our house but it’s not big enough, and then other people that I don’t really like would want to come; and that would just be plain ole icky, don’t you think?”


"I'm sure it would be, but mention that to daddy Mik," he whispered to her. "Mention that if you had one at your mom's house all the neighborhood boys would be in it; whereas out here, no neighboring boys," he smiled. "I'll bet he puts one in pretty quick; maybe not to use this year, but definitely by next year."


“Why?” Honey grinned at Victor and winked. She was giving the men an extra long break and knew it. “Why would daddy Mikhail put one in.... ooohh.” Her eyes went wide. “I get it now.” She wrinkled her nose, “But I don’t like boys, not yet anyway. I love you and my other daddy and my uncles but boys, not so much. They are all icky and grody and stuff, and they have weird smells and are gross. But if it will get us a pool, I will make sure that daddy Mik knows that part.”


"Trust me sweet, it will get you a pool so fast your little red head will spin," Gareth assured her with a chuckle. "Go and bug him about it now before he gets the guys working. He's checked his watch again and he's kind of a tyrant about this," he murmured. Helping her down from the bed of the truck he urged her on, "Keep him distracted for a couple more minutes and let them relax."


“I’m trying.” Honey said and then skipped off to where Mikhail was standing. Slipping her little hand into his she smiled. “Hi daddy Mikhail. I would like a pool. Can we get a pool please? I was thinking of having mommy put one at our house, but then all the boys would want to come over and there are an awful lot of them. They like seeing my mommy in her bathing suit and me too.” She said with an eye roll. “But if we had one here then mommy would have to spend more time here, and we would be able to keep boys away and stuff, right?”


Frowning at her words he shot a look to the truck and sighed, "You've been discussing this with Gareth haven't you?" he asked. Crouching down so he was able to look in her eyes he tipped his head. "Do you really want a pool just to give you a reason to be here, and not have the boys look at you at your mom's place? Or are you just looking for a reason to have a pool?"


“I want a pool because this is gonna be my home Daddy. I want this to be my forever home when you and daddy Gareth are able to make it up to my mommy and get her to marry you. I wanna live here forever, and I want a pool at my forever house. I deserve one, don’t I daddy?”


"You realize this is emotional blackmail right?" he asked her but sighed. "Alright, I'll look into putting one in," he muttered at the big eyed look he got full of innocence. "Does your mother know you are pulling out all the stops on this visit with us?" Not that he blamed the kid. He wanted Honey and Daisy to move into the too large house with them; to become their family and be with them for all of the rest of their days. He needed to know they were both safe, and the farmhouse was going to be the safest place on the planet soon enough.


“Nope. She doesn’t know but I’m gonna do it to her too. I want a family daddy, and I will do whatever I have to in order to get that family. I want my mommy being happy again, and I want to see my daddies more than the weekends. I want every day. So if this is what I have to do.” She shrugged, “Then I’m doing it daddy.”


Sighing, he looked at her little hand in his and nodded, "I hear you kid," he murmured. "I've missed your mom a lot all these years. I probably shouldn't admit this but I was planning on looking her up as soon as I could. I just got out of the service. Free and clear; but I was planning to go looking for her pretty quick and then you showed up on my doorstep."


Honey shrugged, “I have a way of sneaking in unexpected like.” She looked up adoringly at her father once more and said, “I’m glad you said that daddy, but I think mom needs to hear it too. She still loves you but you have to remind her of that fact. Mom needs you, and you really need her.”

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