Teacher: Act Two (A Hollywood Rock n' Romance Trilogy Book 2) (2 page)

BOOK: Teacher: Act Two (A Hollywood Rock n' Romance Trilogy Book 2)
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“It’s great to meet you. I’m a big supporter of the work you’ve done with Covenant House.”

Nikki’s eyes crinkled. “Thank you. It’s an important cause to me.” Nikki had founded a program called ‘Running Wild in the Night’ for homeless youth. Since many of my students flirted with homelessness, it hit close to home for me. Nikki looked me over again with interest before he leaned in to talk to Danny privately. Danny grew serious and nodded a few times. He told Nikki to call him and they gave each other a bro hug. Nikki left to join another group and I tried to quiet my pounding heart.

“Um, Danny? Is that going to happen often?”

He looked confused. “What? People coming to talk to me?”

I raised an eyebrow at him. “Nikki Sixx is not ‘people’, Danny. He’s Nikki Sixx.” I shook myself. “But then you probably know lots of 'people' like him." I held my hand to my forehead and slumped against the back of the booth. "Whoa. I wasn’t exaggerating when I told myself that navigating your world was going to be treacherous.” I felt the need to fan myself.

He laughed at me, loudly. I pinched his side and he pulled me close to him.

“Ow! So? I know a lot of people in music. How is that treacherous?”

I rolled my eyes. “Well, it’s not for you! You probably have never geeked out over someone in your life."

He was drinking his water as I said this and had to cough to keep from choking. “Of course I’ve geeked out Holy shit! When I met Ozzy the first time I almost fell on my knees and kissed his fucking shoes. And forget about Alice Cooper. Shit, I stammered and stuttered so badly, he thought I was someone’s disabled relative and patted me on the head. He fucking patted me on the head, I’m not joking!"

He did an impression of himself with Alice Cooper and I had to hold my sides I was laughing so hard. I could totally see that.

“Ok, I guess there are varying degrees of geeking out. You geeking out is by far cooler than me, though. I once saw Beverly D’Angelo at The Griddle Cafe, right after I moved here, and I panicked. I said the first thing that came to my head: ‘I wish I had your body.’ She hurried away from me, almost at a run, and barely missed plowing into a server. I was so embarrassed. I vowed never to try to talk to a celebrity again. Until I met you. But you were different.”

He was chuckling when I said that, but then he looked at me thoughtfully. “How was I different?”

I took a sip of my water for courage. “You were different because I couldn’t let you know I was a fan. I had to pretend like you were just another student or I never would have been able to do the job. It was probably best that I didn’t know who I was meeting when I came that night, otherwise I would have been freaking out.”

“Really? I didn’t know. I couldn’t tell anything through your professional demeanor. Frankly, I thought you hated me.”

My eyes widened. “No! Was I that rude?”

He laughed and shook his head. “No, you just didn’t take any of my shit. I wasn’t used to people not backing down, especially in the headspace I was in.” He laughed. “Patricia was scared to death to take me to that meeting. She warned me before you came, ‘Now Danny, you be nice to her. If she doesn’t work out, you’re up shit creek. She’s supposed to be the best, so don’t be a prick.’ It was the first time she’d scolded me. I didn’t fucking like it one bit.”

“Of course you didn’t like it,” I snickered. “You didn’t want anyone questioning you.”

He raised an eyebrow. “That’s right. I’m the fucking boss around here.” When I rolled my eyes he pulled me close, whispering in my ear. “So not true. You could end me with one word, Jesse. I hope you don’t, but you could.”

I held his face in my hands and shook my head. “Not going to happen. I love you.” His eyes got a blissful look in them and he kissed me just as the emcee came on stage.

"Ladies and gentlemen, The Roxy is proud to present, Greek Tragedy!"

The audience screamed and cheered for Cosmo and the guys. The crowd seemed even larger than the last time I saw them. I loved listening to Cosmo sing. It seemed that he and Jinx had been working on some new harmonies. They were beginning to sound like a real professional band.

Danny clapped and then wrapped me in his arms, listening thoughtfully. Between songs he spoke close to my ear."You know, I could really do something with these guys. They're talented. If Cosmo had some coaching…He’s got some lungs. He’s raw. And Jinx plays a mean bass."

I turned to look at him and found him deep in thought. "I'm sure they'd appreciate any help you could give them."

They played Legs and Danny hummed the tune in my ear. "This one is still my favorite."

I laughed as he reached down to stroke my thigh, which got me squirming. After a few more songs, they ended their set. The crowd went nuts. I was so happy for them. Danny nodded thoughtfully and stood. He held out his hand for me. Guess this part of the date was over!

He led me backstage and we ran into the guys. They were drenched with sweat. I cringed as they all hugged me and shook hands with Danny.

"So do you guys have a demo yet? 'Cause if you don't, I'd love to produce one for you."

The guys just stared at him, speechless. Cosmo cleared his throat and said, "We've been saving up for studio time but it hasn't happened yet. I think we'd be pretty fucking honored to work with you, Danny."

They shook hands and Danny gave Cosmo Patricia's card. "Tell her I said to call. She'll take care of scheduling everything. "

The smiles on their faces were priceless. Danny was about to make some rock n' roll dreams come true.

He led me outside and handed his card to the valet. I threw my arms around him and he stumbled a step.

"Hey, what's this for?"

"For looking after my boys. You just really made them happy, did you know that?"

He shrugged. "They're good. Just want them to get a shot." He had no idea just how wonderful he was.

I whispered in his ear, "Take me home, baby."

His eyes flared just as the valet pulled up in the Challenger.

I had to control myself so I wouldn’t climb onto his lap on the drive home. Danny fidgeted in his seat with a slight smile on his face as he drove further down Sunset. He held my hand, stroking my wrist with his thumb. As we were nearing my complex, he glanced over at me. The heated look in his eyes had me squeezing my legs together and fidgeting in my seat, too. I still couldn’t believe we’d been given this opportunity. I knew we wouldn’t get a whole lot of time alone together in the coming months. I planned to take full advantage of tonight.

Danny pulled up to the curb and turned off the car. He squeezed my hand and rubbed his head with his other hand.

“So a sleepover, yeah?” He glanced over at me with a twinkle in his eye

“Yeah,” I answered breathlessly.

He stared out the windshield for a long moment, contemplating his next move, no doubt. He took a deep breath and I laughed. “What are you thinking about?”

He turned to face me and his expression yanked on that tether between us. “I’m thinking of all the ways I am going to please you tonight.”

I shivered and bravely ran my hand from his stomach down over his belt buckle and stroked what I found there. His head fell back against the seat and he groaned. I ran my hand back up to his chest and unbuttoned a couple more buttons on his shirt, slipping my hand inside. I felt him tremble. He was already breathing hard. When my fingernails grazed his nipple ring, he jolted in his seat and grabbed my hand.

“I’ve got to get you inside and naked,” he said with a groan.

I pulled my hand away and ran my nails through his hair, down his neck and onto his chest again. He had a light covering of hair across his pecs. I loved running my fingers through it. He was fully panting now as he reached for me. I pushed his hands away. He looked at me, questioningly, and I gave him my own ‘gimme’ smile. I felt his whole body go slack and tense up again, bringing me a sense of satisfaction.

“I haven’t been able to just touch you. I want to touch you.”

His body strained against his clothes. He was trying to just sit still for me, but it was making him crazy. He bit his lower lip and I almost lost my concentration.

My fingers made their way to the inside of his knee and I dragged them slowly up the inside of his thigh. When I found his sweet spot, he cried out and begged. “Please, Jesse. Please let me take you inside. I can’t stand this, too good.”

I smiled and raised an eyebrow at him. “Ok, but when we get inside, Girlfriend might need to boss you around a little.”

His eyes flickered and he licked his lips. “She might? Fuck, what does Girlfriend want?”

I walked my fingers up over his erection to his belt buckle, tugging on it. “First, I want to undress you, and you don’t get to touch me. I’m enjoying this way too much.”

The pained expression on his face told me it would be worth it. He nodded and jumped out of the car, practically sprinting to my side with his shirt halfway open. He opened my door and pulled me to him, but when he went to wrap his arms around me, I shook my head. He grumbled and motioned for me to walk ahead of him. I walked slowly up the stairs to my place, taking my time and turning to look down at him behind me. He was engrossed in my movements, watching my body climb ahead of him. That starved look was back. I prayed I had the strength to hold him off long enough to really get a taste of him.

I took my time unlocking the door, even dropping the keys a couple of times for effect.

“Oops! Gosh, I really have slippery fingers tonight.” I bent at the waist to pick them up and Danny groaned loudly. His hands grasped my hips tightly. I stood upright and turned on him. “Hands off. Not until I say.”

This was so much fun. He was barely hanging on as I opened the door and we stepped inside. I turned to find him staring hungrily at me. I placed my hand on his chest and pushed him backwards into my room, dropping my purse and kicking off my shoes in the process.

“Now you stand still and don’t move unless I tell you to.”

“Honey, I can’t take much more of this. I’ve got to touch you.”

I tapped a finger against his chest and said, “You’ll take it and you’ll like it. I told you, I want to touch you and I don’t want to be distracted.”

He looked so frustrated. It was adorable.

I lazily circled him, admiring the view, and stopped in front of him. I slid my hands up his chest and back down, pulling his shirt out of his pants. I unbuttoned the rest of his shirt leisurely. He sucked in his breath when I ran my hands underneath the sides of his shirt. I felt goosebumps rise on his skin. I slid the sides off his shoulders and let his shirt fall to the floor. He was trying so hard to stand still for me, I thought I would reward him with a kiss. When he started to put his hands on me, I sucked his bottom lip in and bit down.

“None of that,” I said. “I’m touching. Be still, Danny. Just let me touch you. Call this an exercise of concentration and focus.”

He smirked and said, “I love it when you touch me, but this shit is killing me.”

“I’m not killing you. I’m loving you.”

He closed his eyes and I felt him relax. A little. Until my hands reached for his belt buckle. He shuddered as I made slow work of unfastening his pants. I slid them down his thighs deliberately, stopping to unlace his boots and pull them off one at a time. He was standing before me in his boxers and I was completely dressed. I contemplated my next move.

“You stopped. Does that mean I can touch?”

I shook my head. “I’m just trying to decide whether I want to stay dressed while I touch you, or whether it would be better naked. I think naked,” I said with a smile and he moaned.

“I didn’t think you were into torture, honey.”

I looked at him worriedly. “I’m not. Is this bothering you? I’ll stop.”

He shook his head, chuckling. “No, don’t stop! I’m sorry. I’ll let you enjoy yourself. As long as I get to return the favor.”

I smiled widely and whispered in his ear, “I don’t know what I’m doing here. I just want to enjoy you, is that ok?”

His hands reached up to cup my face and he grazed my lips with his. “I love it that you want to touch me. Please don’t stop. I’ll behave for you... As much as I can.”

I stepped back from him and unfastened my sundress at the neck, letting it slip down to the floor. I wasn’t wearing a bra, one of the benefits of being rather small-breasted, so that left me in just my panties. Danny swallowed hard and his lips curled into a satisfied grin. I stepped close to him again and ran my hands along his stomach. I slid my fingers under the waistband of his boxer briefs and he squirmed.

“That tickles,” he said and I smiled up at him.

I worked his boxers down his legs haltingly and tugged them off his feet.

When I looked up at Danny his eyelids were heavy and his lips pursed out. I was seriously enjoying the view. I knelt before him and ran my fingernails over the backs of his thighs, causing him to sway. His legs were covered with coarse, blonde hairs that tickled my cheeks when I kissed him there. His quadriceps flexed and strained under my hands as he tried to stay still for me. I knew he couldn’t remain still much longer, but I had to have a taste.

Danny’s hands flew to my hair as I took him into my mouth. He gasped and whimpered, trying not to lose concentration. His head fell back and he panted hard.

“Jesse,” he cried over and over, his hands, taking down and stroking my hair and my neck, as I moved slowly against him. My breasts brushed against his legs. His hairs caressed my skin.

I felt him start to shake and tense. He moaned and cursed loudly. I couldn’t stop, didn’t want to stop. I wanted to watch him completely give himself over to me, so when he started to pull back, I wrapped my arms around his legs and held him in place. He begged and pleaded, but I held on until I felt him give up trying to hold back. His hips moved a little quicker and when I ran my tongue over his ridge that was it.

“Oh my fucking...Holy Hell! Jesse!”

It was a long few moments before he stopped shuddering. I savored him as long as I could. I leaned back and smiled up at him. He was panting like he just ran a marathon.

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