Teacher: Act Two (A Hollywood Rock n' Romance Trilogy Book 2) (18 page)

BOOK: Teacher: Act Two (A Hollywood Rock n' Romance Trilogy Book 2)
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My phone, well, Danny's phone I still carried with me, buzzed.


Where are you, honey? Nora said you dropped Jane and left. Everything ok?


Danny. Just a text from him had me all squishy inside.


Sitting in my apartment. Came to grab some more clothes for the trip. I'm realizing I have done nothing to decorate this place in five years. I have not one tchotchke. You sure you want a decorator flunky living with you? Maybe there's a 12-step program for that?


His answer came moments later.


I'm on my way. Don't move.


So I didn't. I sat on my couch and relived five years of not much in the ten minutes it took for him to arrive.

"You ok, honey," he asked when I opened the door.

I was so happy to see him. I stepped into his arms and let him enclose me there. I held onto him and just breathed him in.

"You're scaring me, Jesse. What's wrong?"

I stepped back. "Absolutely nothing. I guess I'm just trying to break apart my wall." He stared at me, confused. I tugged on his hand, bringing him inside and over to the couch.

"When you look around my place, what does it tell you about me?" He frowned down at me so I turned his chin. "Look. What can you tell about me?"

He tried to look back at me, but my fingers prevented him from turning. He glanced around, his frown deepening. "It doesn't tell me anything other than you have some books and a couple pictures of your parents. It's clean, it's not fussy... That's about it." He put his hand on the back of my neck. "But I know you, Jesse. I don’t have to look at where you live. You are only where in this place because it’s what you had to work with. You dress how you dress because you want to be respected while respecting others. You fight to the finish when you believe in something or someone. You have a soft place in your heart for others who are trying to improve themselves. You demand excellence at the same level you apply to everything you do. You see the best in people because you always give your best. And you are loving because that's what you know moves people to grow, as you have grown."

"That's quite an observation, Mr. Black," I said quietly. He massaged my neck, making me instantly limp under his touch. "I was going to finish here and come over. Why didn't you just go home?"

His eyes searched my face, trying to confirm if I was really ok. "I was worried you were hiding."

I barked out a laugh. "No, not hiding. Not anymore. I think I have been hiding for years. I don't want to hide anymore. I want to live my life. I want to be happy with you, Jane and Nora. I want to be a great teacher. I am sick of watching my life go by. I have been happier and more fulfilled since I met you, Danny. Hiding here in this apartment, keeping a wall between us, is only letting life pass me by."

He took my face in his hands. "I've got the Range Rover downstairs. Let's just get your shit packed and out of here, honey."

I giggled and leaned in to kiss him. "You're crazy, you know that?"

"Damn right. C'mon," he said, standing up from the couch and holding his hand out to me.

"You're serious," I asked him, laughing.

"Hell yeah, I'm serious! We'll get everything we can fit between our cars and when we come back from our trip, we'll finish up. We'll get a van or something and grab Janey's shit, too. I fucking want my girls with me for good!" He yanked me up, kissed me hard and then clapped his hands together. "What do we got that we can put shit in?"

We wrapped all of my clothes and coats in sheets. My books we loaded into pillowcases, crates, garbage bags, anything we could carry them in. He wrapped my pictures in towels. My toiletries were all in a plastic drawer setup in the bathroom so Danny hoisted the whole thing down to the car. Once we filled the Range Rover, he went back in and wrapped my shoes up in one last sheet and slung them into my trunk. He looked around and said, "What else are you taking?"

An hysterical giggling fit started up, causing Danny to frown again.

"Don't make that face, baby. I'm laughing because we managed to pack up my apartment in less than thirty minutes! It seems like it is such a momentous occasion and this place is so pathetic, I'm out in a little less than half an hour."

His lips twitched into a grin. "Are you really coming home with me for good, honey? Like for real? You're really coming?"

I put my hands on his chest. "For as long as you'll have me, I'm yours."

"That's for the rest of your life, woman. I'm never fucking letting you go," he growled as he kissed me passionately. I molded my body to his. His hands grasped my waist and he pulled me so tight against him. Our mouths pressed against each other, tongues frantically connecting.

“Hey, Jesse Baby, you home?” Cosmo swung the door open and found us in this most aroused condition. “Sorry, guys,” he laughed. “I saw your boxes out here and I was just making sure no one was taking off with your stuff.”

I giggled, wiping the back of my hand across my face. Danny moved to stand behind me, no doubt concealing further evidence.

“I’m moving in with Danny, Cosmo. I’ll be back next week to clean up and get the rest of my stuff.” I looked around with a frown. “Or at least I’ll be back to let the donation truck folks take the rest of this stuff away.”

Cosmo laughed and held a hand out to Danny. “Congratulations, man! I hope I don’t have to tell you that you better take good care of her.”

Danny shook his hand and smirked. “I would expect you to kick my ass if I didn’t.”

Cosmo looked to me for a hug so I let him pull me in. It was just Monday, not too bad of a scent.

“I’ll take this as your formal notice. I’m actually thinking I might let Jinx take over this lease. With those guys crashing at my place all the time, at least we’ll have an extra bed.”

I shook my head. “And I won’t have to listen to you guys anymore!” He smiled, but looked a little sad. I was kind of sad, too. “I mean, I’ll miss you guys, but I won’t miss the orgies or the puking.”

He laughed. “No, I guess you won’t. You’ve always been such a good sport. We’re going to miss you, baby.”

Danny spoke up. “You guys will just have to come over and hang out with us. But no orgies! Not in front of my daughter. And Nora won’t stand for it.”

Cosmo laughed and said, “Yeah, but I bet you miss the old days sometimes, don’t you?”

Danny put his arm around my neck and looked down at me with a smile. “Not anymore, I don’t.”

I was very glad to hear that. Cosmo thanked Danny again for the rehearsal space. He said they got all set up today and even cleaned up a few of the songs they wanted to record.

“That’s excellent. Next week we’ll get you guys in the studio. I’m thinking we’ll record, maybe four to six of your best songs to start with. We can start with our label and work our way from there. Eventually we’ll do a showcase, maybe even have you guys open for us when we do our first shows with the new album. You know, if you guys are into it.”

Cosmo was trying very hard to maintain his composure. He cleared his throat and said, “I’m sure we’d be into it, Danny. You’re giving us a tremendous gift, my friend.”

I smiled between my two favorite guys and felt pleased that in a way I’d brought these two musical geniuses together.

“Well, I’ll let you kids get back to, uh, packing.” He chuckled to himself as he walked to the door and I could tell the innuendo was running wild in his mind.

“Thanks, Cosmo. I’ll see you next week.”

He waved without glancing backwards and Danny pulled my back to his front tightly.

“I meant what I said, honey. They’re welcome to come over. They’re your friends. I know you will miss them.”

I smiled at him over my shoulder and said, “I will miss them, but not so much that I need to live next to this insanity anymore. Although, they did bring out quite a competitive streak in you not too long ago.”

Remembering the night he and I spent here had me starting to breathe hard. His eyes grew darker and I felt him pressing his length against me. He lifted my hair and ran his tongue along the back of my neck. “Care to give them a good send off?”

I turned around in his arms, giggling. “I’m not sure. Are you up for it? You’ve done a lot of heavy lifting this afternoon. I wouldn’t want you to throw out your back.”

His eyes narrowed and he scooped me up over his shoulder, carrying me to my mostly empty room. He pulled me down and kissed me enthusiastically. Our hands got busy removing each other’s clothes, and in seconds we were naked and panting before each other.

“God, I want you, but suddenly I am not in any hurry.” He backed me up to the bed and gently pushed my shoulders down. I took advantage of this perspective to take him into my mouth. His head dropped back and he gently massaged my neck while I tasted all of him. I was so involved in my activity I was able to completely shut out the shouts and screams from next door. I heard Danny gasp, felt his legs tremble, and I opened my eyes to find him staring down at me with so much love in his eyes. I let him slip free and gave him a big smile.

“Does that feel good, baby?”

He smiled and exhaled. “Yeah, but you’re too far away. Lie back, this way.” He directed me to lie on my side facing him, but then he just stood there staring hungrily at me.

“You going to join me,” I asked?

His lips quirked up on one side, but there was serious intention behind his gaze. He slid onto the bed on his side facing me, but with his head going the opposite direction. Oh.

He slid one arm under my hips and the other wrapped around the top. He pulled me forward and nudged my thighs apart so he could rest his head on the inside of the bottom one. He gently probed me with his tongue, angling himself for the best access. I felt more than heard his moans against me and before I lost all focus, I leaned forward and continued my own exploration. We moved together like this, moaning, sucking, licking and tasting until we were both near our peak. We fit together so perfectly like this. Danny started to pull back, but I held on tight, causing him to whimper and cry out. The vibrations coming from him brought forth the mother of all orgasms. Somehow I held onto him and the sounds coming from me must have had a similar effect on him, because I heard/felt him escalating, his cries getting louder and louder until he screamed my name and his seed erupted in my mouth. The taste was so Danny. I never wanted these sensations to end.

I could hear him moaning my name as he fell back, his body still shaking. “Honey, that was fucking amazing. I absolutely cannot hold back when you have your mouth on me like that. I can’t explain it. Every part of you is like the perfect match to me.”

I laughed, turning myself around so I could rest my head on his stomach “I’d have to agree. You have such talented organs.”

He laughed out loud, my head bouncing from the force. I leaned forward and tugged on his nipple piercing with my teeth, bringing his focus back to me.

His hand gently brushed my hair back from my face and he smiled a lazy smile, his lips still glossy from me. I don’t think I’d ever seen him sexier. Just then we heard buzzing coming from the floor. I moved so he could stand up. He fished his phone out of his pants and chuckled.

“Nora and Jane got tired of waiting for us. They are going out for sushi. I’ll just text her that we’ll meet them back at the house in a bit.” He tapped out a text, dropped his phone back on the pile of clothes, and he crawled back onto the bed next to me.

“That gives us more time to play,” he said in a gravelly voice, his eyebrows wiggling at me.

“Whatever shall we do,” I asked, a little too innocently.

He ran his fingertip down my thigh. “I’ve been wondering,” he said quietly.

I waited for him to continue, his finger still tracing along my thigh. “You’ve been wondering?”

He glanced up at me and then dragged his finger up over my hip bone and back down towards the juncture of my thighs until I squirmed.

“I’ve been wondering just how flexible you are,” he said, his eyes catching mine.

It was my turn to smirk. “I’ve still got some blessings of being a dancer . Care to take them for a test run?”

His eager smile told me he’d been thinking of this for some time. He was already almost at full staff once again. His caresses got greedier. He knelt between my thighs and lifted my left ankle.

“Which side is more dominant for you,” he asked in wonder. He continued lifting my straightened leg past my hip slowly, pausing for a moment.

“I think my right might be a tad more limber, but feel free to keep going, test them both.”

He looked unsure as he pressed my left leg back further, his eyes going wide as my shin touched my shoulder. He glanced down at my body splayed out for him and he groaned.

“Fuck, that is hot!” He let go of that leg and repeated with the other. “I’m not hurting you, am I?”

I giggled. “Not at all. It feels good. I guess you’ve never watched me stretch in the mornings?”

He shook his head, looking confused. “You mean you stretch like this every morning?” I nodded. “In my room? You’ve done this in my house?” I nodded, giggling. He slapped his forehead and ran his hand down his face. “I’m going to come just watching this,” he murmured, his free hand stroking himself. I brought both legs up in front of him and he gently pulled them apart, pushing my legs all the way flat to the mattress. “Jesus, Jesse. This is fucking beautiful. I want to be inside you while you’re spread out like this.” He rubbed against me, but I put a hand out to stop him.

“I’ve got a better idea. Go stand with your back to the wall.”

He froze for a second and then leaped off the bed and stood where I directed him. I sauntered over to him, a hint of a sashay to my walk. I stopped in front of him and turned my back to him. I bent at the hips with my legs slightly spread, flattening my palms on the floor in front of me. I heard him groan, so I looked back at him over my shoulder. I turned to face him, placed my hands on his chest, and then lifted my leg in a full extension to the side, then turned my hip to rest my heel on his shoulder. He was breathing heavy, straining to stay still.

BOOK: Teacher: Act Two (A Hollywood Rock n' Romance Trilogy Book 2)
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