Read Taught to Kneel Online

Authors: Natasha Knight

Taught to Kneel (6 page)

BOOK: Taught to Kneel
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He thrust all the way inside her then, and laid his torso on hers, settling deep for a moment, looking into her eyes.

“You are so tight,” he said, and began pumping in and out hard and fast.

“It feels so… good,” she managed, orgasm making the muscles of her anus close around his cock as her pussy throbbed and she came. But before it was even over, a second one began, with her body so sensitive, so tender, that she thought she would pass out from it.


At that, he thrust home once more, making a low, deep animal sound from somewhere deep inside him when he came, his cock buried deep inside her ass, her muscles quaking around it.


Chapter Six



“I want to show you one of my favorite Italian villages,” Julian said.

Gabrielle rolled down the window once they left the dusty drive of the B&B. The roads were narrow with many twists and turns but Julian managed them expertly.

“Do you want the AC on?” he asked.

“No, I like this,” she said, leaning her head toward the open window. “Unless you want it.”

“No, it's fine for me.”

“Tell me something about your life, Julian. We don't really know anything… normal about each other.”

“Normal?” he asked, glancing at her. “Well, I'm the Director of Marketing for a small conglomerate of French banks. I've been there for about six years now, the last two in Paris. I was born in a village outside of Cannes called Biot. Do you know it?”

She shook her head. “Cannes I know, but my geography's never been the best.”

“Well, it's not on the typical tourist path. My mother still lives in the same house I grew up in. I have two brothers, both happily married and still living very near my mother. I told you my daughter spends every other weekend with me in my apartment in Paris.”

“What's she like? Your daughter?”

“Sweet, quiet, a little too sad sometimes. I don’t know if that's a byproduct of the divorce or if it's just her nature. She's all right though. I don't really worry about her, but of course as a parent, you want your children to be happy at all times which is completely unrealistic.”

“What about girlfriends since the divorce?”

“A few here and there, nothing serious. You?”

She shook her head. “Once my affair ended, I kind of retreated. It was just too much and I have this flaw… I trust much too quickly and don’t have a very thick skin.”

“I don’t think trusting someone is a flaw, Gabrielle.”

They turned off the main road and ascended an even steeper hill.

“Where are we going?”

He smiled, paying attention to the traffic and crossing onto a residential street. “This town is called Pienza. The pope has a summer home here, believe it or not.”

“The pope?”

He nodded. “You'll have the best view of Tuscany. It's a small treasure. And,” he said as he parked the car, “my daughter's favorite Italian restaurant is here: La Buca Delle Fate. I promised to bring some pasta back for her. I hope you're hungry.”

“For pasta, always.”

They climbed out of the car and walked into the village. Julian guided her with a hand at her back. When they were through the main gates of the town, he took her hand in his and they strolled through shops and ancient churches before walking into what looked to be a dead end alley.

“Here,” he said. “Close your eyes.”

She giggled as she closed her eyes, allowing him to hold her while leading her blind through the alley.

“Julian, where are we going?”

“Here,” he said, stopping. “Open your eyes.”

She did. “Oh my God.” The panoramic view of the countryside was almost too beautiful. She took it all in slowly: the rolling hills, the bright blue sky, the tops of ancient villages below. It was as if the world opened up right here, right before her eyes. “Julian,” she felt her eyes water. “It's too beautiful.”

She turned to find him studying her, his black eyes shiny and moist.

“It almost hurts,” he said.

He took her in his arms and kissed her but this kiss wasn't an erotic kiss; there wasn't anything sexual about it. She moaned into his mouth, allowing herself to melt against his chest. He held her for a moment after the kiss ended and she could have cursed herself when her stomach growled.

He smiled and turned her back toward the alley by the hand. “You're hungry. Let's eat.”

They didn't speak on the five minute walk to the restaurant but when they walked inside, he asked for a table in perfect Italian. It was the first time she'd heard him speak in another language. It made her knees go weak and she realized in that moment that she was going to miss him terribly when the weekend ended.

A sudden chill made her shudder and he turned to her.

“What is it? Are you cold?” he asked.

She shook her head. “No, it's nothing,” she lied.

“Your table is ready,” a waiter said. Julian led her through the restaurant and to a very private table at the back. He ordered wine and they took their menus.

“The specialty here is the pasta. It's homemade, simple, and incredibly delicious.”

“I can't understand the menu,” she said.

“If you don't mind, I'll order for both of us.”

“I'd like that.”

The waiter returned with the wine, and Gabrielle once again watched Julian as he ordered their meal.

“I love to hear that,” she said once they were alone again.

He leaned in close to her ear and whispered something before nibbling on her neck.

“I know what you said was dirty,” she said, laughing. She took her glass of wine and raised it to his.

“This is turning out to be a very different weekend than I imagined,” she said. “But also very much what I hoped for. I just didn't know it would come about this way.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, I came here to force myself to face things and move on. I don't think I would have been able to do it without you, Julian. When you spanked me the other night,” she said, blushing a little at the word, “it was what I needed in so many ways. I cheated on William with a man who I thought would be able to give me what you've given me. It took me a long time to face my nature, my sexual nature I mean, and once I did, well, it just needed to be fulfilled. William couldn’t give me what I wanted and I sought it elsewhere. That turned out to be a bust,” she said, trying to make light of it.

“Do you think, Gabrielle, that if you hadn't had the affair or hadn't been found out that your marriage would have survived? Would have gratified you as time passed?”

“No. I know that now and I knew it then, but it didn't make what happened and the way it happened any easier.”

“This need, you say it's a sexual need…”

She nodded, listening.

“It's more than that though. You want a man to take you in hand, to care for you, to love you, but also to hold you accountable and punish you when it is needed.”

She didn't have a response. He was right, but she wasn't comfortable talking about it out loud. Saying the words or even hearing them was difficult to say the least.

“I'd like to have another session like the first one tonight,” she said, forcing herself to look at him.

“We can do that,” he said.

“I'm leaving tomorrow afternoon, Julian,” she said.

This time it was he who had nothing to say.

“I trust you,” she said, “and I need you to do something for me.”

He waited.

“Tonight, when you punish me, I want you to do it hard. I want
to decide how much I need and I don't want a safe word. I don't want to be able to back out.” She sipped her wine while he continued to watch her. “I need you to help me. I want this over. I want it behind me, and I'm afraid I can't do it alone.”

The food came just as she finished, breaking into their intimate conversation. Gabrielle wasn't sure if she was relieved or annoyed about it.

When the waiter left, she turned back to Julian.

“Are you certain?” he asked.

She nodded. She knew that this was what she needed and she also knew that if she didn't ask for it now, she wouldn't ask for it ever.

“All right. But I won't be easy on you.”

“I don't want you to be. I want you punish me, Julian. A real punishment.”

He squeezed her hand. “Eat now, before your pasta gets cold.


Chapter Seven



They spent another hour in the village and stopped at a small grocery store on their way home. Julian bought some produce and a bottle of wine while Gabrielle looked around and they were back at the Villa by early evening.

Julian walked her to her room. “I want to ask you one more time if you're sure, Gabrielle.”

“Yes, Julian.”

“Then you'll do exactly as I say during your punishment and I'll be free to do what I need to do.”

“I trust you.”

“All right. Give me your key,” he said.

She handed it over, confused because she'd expected to go to his room again.

“I'll return in half an hour. I'll expect you naked and kneeling, knees apart, hands on your thighs with palms turned up. You will refer to me as Sir when you're asked a question but you will not speak otherwise. I will give you the punishment I believe you need and you will submit to it, and to me. Do you agree?”

She was already creaming her panties at his words, although she had no doubt the punishment would be more difficult to bear than she could imagine.

“I agree.”

“Go inside and prepare, Gabrielle.” He kissed her lips, just a soft laying of his mouth over hers, before leaving her.


* * *


Julian went into his room and closed the door. He was hard already at the thought of what was to come but he wouldn't decide until after the punishment if there would be sex. His priority was Gabrielle. It had taken courage to ask for what she'd asked. She trusted him to deliver what she needed. She trusted him completely.

He unpacked the ginger he'd bought and set the bottled water in the small refrigerator. He then took the small fruit knife and went out on his patio. There, he peeled the thick pieces of ginger root and began to carve them.

Her punishment would be thorough tonight, inside and out. She might be sorry she asked for it in fact. Julian considered his feelings for Gabrielle. She was beautiful and he was attracted to her; that went without saying. But her nature, her softness, her innocence… it all made him feel very protective of her, very possessive. She was a woman he could see himself with for longer than a weekend or a few nights.

But he pushed those thoughts aside. She needed him tonight. She needed him to chastise her. He'd come to terms with the part of him that gained satisfaction from giving discipline. But her trusting him enough to give herself over completely, to give up her safety net, that fulfilled a whole other need.

He checked his watch. Ten minutes to go. He placed the carved ginger root in the refrigerator and stripped off his clothes to have a shower and change.


* * *


Gabrielle knelt in the corner farthest from the door. He'd be here in less than five minutes. Her stomach was in knots, goose bumps raised every hair on her body, and her nipples were pebbled hard. Moisture lubricated her throbbing pussy, her lips spread open, hungry, waiting.

The key turned in the lock and her heart all but stopped. When the door opened, she dropped her gaze to the floor and listened as he closed and locked the door, set the key on the table beside it, and approached. She could see from beneath her eyelashes that he wore dress shoes and black slacks. She dared a glance up to see him set the grocery bag from earlier on the table and quickly dropped her gaze again when she caught his disapproving look. He was dressed in a black suit with a white button down shirt that was open at the collar. His hair was still wet from his shower and seeing him like he was while she knelt at his feet, naked, made her want him like she'd never wanted a man before.

She listened as he took off his jacket and set it over the back of the chair.

“Look at me, Gabrielle,” he said.

She swallowed and lifted her eyes to his. She watched while he rolled up his shirt-sleeves, recognizing once again the power in those arms, those hands.

“Tonight I'm going to punish you hard. I expect you to submit and take your punishment unbound, but if you struggle or resist, I'll bind you. If that happens, you'll receive additional strokes. Do you understand?”

She nodded, eyes wide.

He stepped closer and took hold of a handful of her hair.

“Ow!” She reached instinctively for his hand.

“Words, Gabrielle. This will be your only reminder.”

“Yes. Yes, Sir. I understand.”

He released her. “Good. Stand up.”

That wasn't a question so she didn't answer. She rose to her feet, but she was unsure whether to meet his eyes or not and so she kept hers to the ground.

“Climb on the bed, on your knees and elbows. Keep your legs wide and face forward.” He moved to retrieve whatever he'd brought with him.

She couldn't see the item while she moved into position, feeling the sticky moisture drying on her thighs while she situated herself, settling on her elbows which lifted her ass high.

She heard his feet on the tile floor and couldn’t help glancing back when the bed dipped beneath his weight.

A sharp slap to her buttocks quickly readjusted her position.

“Turn around again and I won't stop at one.”

“I'm sorry, Sir.” He was being harsher than he had been before, harder on her. It turned her on and frightened her at the same time.

“This,” he said, just as she felt something cold and rough at her anus. “Is ginger root. It's about two inches long and two finger widths wide.” He pressed and she clenched. “And this is exactly the reason we're using it tonight. Relax your muscles and push against it. It will go easier.”

She mewled and although she wanted to do as he said, she just couldn't.

“I won’t be using lubricant or the ginger won't serve its purpose. Do you know what that purpose is Gabrielle?'

“No, Sir.” The sting had already settled along the rim of the tight passage, giving her some idea when the tip of the root penetrated her entrance.

BOOK: Taught to Kneel
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