Tapped: A Love on the Rocks Novella (3 page)

BOOK: Tapped: A Love on the Rocks Novella
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ill had died
and gone to fucking heaven. Georgia on her knees, looking up at him through her librarian glasses, with his cock buried in her cleavage. Jesus.

If he didn't stop himself, he'd end up blowing his load before they got to the main event. And like hell he'd be passing up having Georgia in his bed. He wasn't twenty anymore, he needed more than ten minutes to recover.

Will looked down at Georgia and rethought his last statement. Her hair was still neatly pulled away from her face in a fancy twist, her dark glasses highlighted her gorgeous eyes, and those perfectly plump lips hovered just above his cock. Ten minutes and he'd be ready to go again with her. His every fantasy brought to life, and he couldn't get enough of her. Smart, curvy, drop dead sexy.

He slowed his thrusts, pausing to catch his breath, before scooping Georgia into his lap. She gave a surprised squeal before settling into his arms. Will could see the moment she was about to protest. Before she could speak, he kissed her. Long and hot.

"I'm not going to listen to you say a word about your weight." Will ran a hand down her hip and squeezed. "You are perfection."

Georgia snapped her mouth shut and a blush crept across her cheeks. "That's nice of you to say, Will."

"Hey, I'm not saying it to be nice. It's the truth." He kissed her quick, biting her lower lip before pulling away. "You're a fucking wet dream, Georgia."

Her embarrassment disappeared and she pressed closer to his chest. "Please tell me you have a stash of condoms in this gorgeous house."

Will's face split into a grin. "I thought you were on the make tonight. Don't you have any in that tiny purse of yours?"

"Only one." She stroked a hand down his chest. "I thought we might need more than one tonight. Unless I'm wrong?"

"Definitely not wrong." Will planted another hard kiss to her lips, letting it slide into a tender tangle of tongues before pulling away. "Bedroom?"

"Yes, please."

He took Georgia by the hand, leading her through the open floor plan to the back of the house. The master overlooked a stunning view of the lake and had a stone fireplace tucked into the corner of the room. The perks of being a contractor, getting all the best designs for your own home.

They entered the bedroom and the late evening sun made the room glow in golds and pinks, washing over Georgia as she made her way to the back wall of windows. Naked, and bathed in the colors of the setting sun, she made a study in natural beauty.

"Will, this is unbelievable! I can't get over how gorgeous your home is. It's like something out of a magazine."

He laughed. "Well, my sister will be pleased to hear you like it. She's my interior designer. I'm the contractor only."

Georgia turned to face him, her figure highlighted from the light filtering through the glass behind her. "The house is gorgeous without all the extra stuff. You have an amazing eye for detail. These are hand hewn beams in the ceiling, real stonework for the fireplace. And, if I'm guessing right, these are reclaimed wood floors."

Pleased, unexpectedly so, he only nodded.

"You, Will Calder, are more than meets the eye."

"And you, Just Georgia, are more than I could've ever dreamed. How is that you know so much about building?"

She shrugged. "I used to date a guy in the business."

With another woman that might've taken the edge off his lust, the talk about a former boyfriend, but nothing was diminishing his need for Georgia. He took the few steps to stand in front of her. Gently he cupped her face and kissed her, letting the need build up again until she was gripping his waist and tugging him closer.

Will pulled just far away from her mouth to whisper, "You are so lovely, Georgia."

She melted against him. "You don't have to sweet talk me. I'm a sure thing."

Her words were light, joking, but underneath them, Will knew Georgia truly felt they weren't warranted. Will disagreed. She deserved to be showered with tender words. True words.

He took a moment, just to soak her in, and smoothed a hand down her back. It was a risk, letting her see the softer side so early. But, he thought, even as she pushed him away with impersonal words, she was delicate underneath the bluster.

* * *

's touch lit a fire down her spine as he traced a finger there. He was looking at her like she was the sun and it made her heart thud painfully in her chest. Of all the potential guys to follow home for just one night, she had to find the one she wanted to keep. She couldn't even do a one night stand right.

When she frowned, Will touched a finger to her lips. "You know we can skip the sex and just order that pizza tonight."

Jesus. This guy. "Stop. I'm all in. Just because I frowned at some random thought popping into my head, doesn't mean I've changed my mind."

"You'll tell me if you do?"

Georgia smiled, a real deep down to her bones smile. "Yes, Will. I am enthusiastically consenting to some hot sex and then pizza."

"And another date." He winked.

"Right. A second date."

She leaned up, stretching to reach his mouth, and he met her halfway.

Georgia let herself fall into his kiss. He was so gentle with his soft caresses and slow movements. It merely amped up her anticipation until she was ready to climb him like a tree.

In the distance she heard Rowe give a booming bark and Will abruptly pulled away from her.

"Hold that thought, Georgia. My girl is not a barker, I need to check that out."

Will pulled out a pair of sweats from a drawer and pulled them on before leaving the room. Feeling more than a little foolish, standing naked in Will's bedroom without the man in question, she listened for a moment longer. But Rowe was still barking and she was sure Will was outside.

Both curious and uncomfortable, Georgia glanced around and found a stack of clean clothes on the edge of the bed and pulled a shirt out of the pile. It was a flannel that reminded her of lumberjacks and scratchy full beards. She'd bet her favorite pair of heels that Will looked fucking amazing in it.

She was still buttoning it up as she headed into the living room. Rowe came barreling through the open front door and made a beeline for Georgia, crashing into her bare legs and promptly sitting on her foot.

"Oy, chick. You are one heavy little lady." She bent down to give her some love. "Good thing you are so damn cute."

Will appeared in the doorway and looked hot as hell standing there half naked with his sweats hanging dangerously low on his hips. He also looked more than a little agitated with his face pulled into a severe frown.

"What's the matter?"

"My mother is here."


eorgia's eyes
widened in alarm, her mouth making a perfect circle. Will couldn't blame her. His mother was the reigning queen of bad timing on any given day, but she would never lose her crown after this cluster fuck.

Georgia was flapping her arms, attempting to speak, but only managing a squeak. But Will knew what she was trying to say, because his living room was littered with their clothing. He bent to scoop up her lingerie and lifted up his coffee table with the hidden compartment and dropped the lace quickly, letting the lid snap back into place as his mother entered the living room.

"Will, darling, there's a pie in the trunk of my car. Be a dear now."

Georgia squeaked again. Damn, she was adorable. Will curled an arm around her, scooting Rowe off her foot in the process, and gave her a quick kiss to her temple. Whispering, he said, "Follow my lead if you want to survive."

As expected, his mother turned her attention to where Georgia gripped his waist. And smiled. They were so fucked.

"William James Calder, who is this lovely vision? Your momma is always the last to know anything around here."

"Momma, this is Georgia. Georgia let me introduce you to Maribel Calder."

Georgia tensed a moment before she released him and stretched a hand out with a warm smile, "It's lovely to meet you, Mrs. Calder."

"Darling, Maribel please."

Will's eyebrows pulled together. His mother never liked any woman he introduced, and he'd never been forced to present any of his previous girlfriends to her while half naked. But Maribel Calder was shaking Georgia's hand and looking pleased as punch.

"Are you hungry, Georgia? I brought Will some of my fried chicken and homemade cherry pie. Will's missing the family cookout tomorrow. His daddy didn't want him to miss out on his favorites." She tugged Georgia closer, placing an arm around her shoulder and steering her into the kitchen. "You know how busy our Will is this time of year."

His mother hugged Georgia closer and gave that exaggerated sigh she had patented by the time he was eleven.

"That sounds lovely, Maribel. Thank you, but I should probably head out. Let you and Will catch up."

His momma neatly coerced Georgia onto one of the stools at the bar before saying, "Don't be silly, dear. I'm just going to drop off the food, and I'll be right out of your hair."

Taking the hint, Will headed back out to the car and scooped up the dishes neatly placed in the trunk. His momma must've packed enough food for a small army. The dishes were still warm to the touch and his stomach rumbled.

Will was rushing back into the house when another car pulled into his drive. Christ. Any other night he'd not have seen a soul, but the minute he had a woman in his house every crazy member of his family had to make an appearance.

* * *

aribel Calder faced
her from across the expanse of Will's stone counter and Georgia was about to start sweating. Even though Maribel had a sweet smile on her face, Georgia knew underneath it beat the heart of a fierce southern momma.

"Now, Georgia, Will never gave me your last name."

"Oh, my apologies." Unwilling to admit to this woman it was because her son didn't even know it. "Burke. Georgia Burke."

Maribel took a closer look at her, cocking her head to one side. "Dane Burke's sister?"

Small towns. Christ. "Yes, ma'am."

"Oh, I just adore that boy and that nephew of yours. They are such a pair."

Georgia merely smiled and fought the urge to fidget and pull Will's shirt away from her breasts. She was incredibly uncomfortable being practically naked while her one night stand's mother talked about her nephew and her brother. Jesus, Dane was
going to be happy to hear about his sister hooking up with a random guy while he was gone. And there was no freaking way he wasn't going to find out.

"Now, Georgia, I understand you live in Chicago then?"

Will practically skidded into the kitchen on his bare feet, carrying the dishes from Maribel's car. "Momma, this smells delicious."

Georgia grinned. He was so earnest, trying to keep Maribel's attention. But Georgia knew Maribel was no fool. As polite as she'd been, Will's mother knew exactly what she'd interrupted and wasn't the least bit uncomfortable about it.

Georgia curled her hand into Will's before saying, "Yes, I live in Chicago. But I'm here for a bit while my brother takes the kidlet on a summer road trip. Male bonding at its finest, full of camping and fishing, and absolutely no girls allowed. They even took the dog, but, according to Mason, only because he was a boy."

Will turned with a confused look on his face, but he didn't say anything, even though he looked like he really wanted to ask her a question. Maribel just watched them, and Georgia started to feel like a bug under a microscope again.

"Will, try to finish up that job tomorrow a little early. The party will be going on all day and your daddy would love to meet your lady friend."

Before Will could respond his mother was scooping up her car keys from the counter and making her way out of the kitchen. She turned, taking them in again, and a smile split her face before saying, "Georgia, darling, it was a pleasure to meet you. Now don't you two forget about us tomorrow."

"Momma! I have a job tomorrow."

Will only got a quick finger wave as Maribel left as quickly as she appeared.

"Will Calder, your momma is a force to be reckoned with."

"Georgia Burke, you have no idea. She must like you, because normally she'd have embarrassed me ten ways to Sunday."

"Dammit. You know Dane too?"

Will smiled. That devastating slow grin that made her stomach flutter. "Darling, your brother is the town sheriff. Every local at Fox Lake knows Sheriff Burke."

Georgia let her head fall to the counter, embarrassed beyond belief. "Fuck my life."

He laughed, rubbing her back before saying, "Honey, you weren't going to be Just Georgia for long. But, full disclosure, I'm actually pretty good friends with your brother, and I have been known to babysit that nephew of yours."

All she could do was groan. Of course she picked up the one guy who not only knew her brother, but freaking babysat her seven-year old nephew.

"I hate you right now. I can't even do a one night stand right!"

"Hey now, we have another date. I can't be a one night stand if we see each other again. Don't be sullying my choir boy reputation."

Georgia lifted her head from the counter, giving him her fiercest scowl. "William James Calder," she fumed. "You hit on me first!"

He choked out a laugh. "That I most certainly did." He leaned in with a quick kiss. "I had to scoop you up before someone beat me to it."

Hell, when the man said sweet things like that Georgia just wanted to keep him.

BOOK: Tapped: A Love on the Rocks Novella
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