Tapestries 05 - Embroidered Fantasies (11 page)

Read Tapestries 05 - Embroidered Fantasies Online

Authors: N. J. Walters

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #General, #Contemporary, #Fiction

BOOK: Tapestries 05 - Embroidered Fantasies
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“Roxanne?” Radnor raised his head from her breast, his lips damp and sensual. He stroked a hand over her belly, his fingers combing through the curls covering her mound.

She made her choice. Slowly, she spread her legs. The cool air hit her moist core, making her very aware of her nakedness. It was a sensual caress that had her arching her hips. She hungered for their touch.

Radnor smiled, openly and warmly. Roxanne couldn’t believe how much younger it made him appear. He leaned down and lapped at her swollen nipple one final time before shifting lower in the bed. He parted the slick folds with his fingers and blew gently.

Roxanne gasped. She wanted to close her eyes and savor the sensations, but was unable to look away. Both men were gazing at her pussy, enthralled by what they saw.

It made her feel powerful and wanton at the same time. She wanted them to do more than look. “Touch me,” she demanded.


Sednar shot her a seductive grin. “As you command.” He crawled between her thighs and his massive shoulders pushed her legs farther apart. With Radnor holding her labia wide, Sednar licked up one side and down the other.

A low keening sound erupted from her throat. Sweat broke out on her brow. Every nerve ending in her body was charged and tingling. Reaching down, she tugged on Sednar’s hair, pulling him closer. He laughed, the vibration humming along her slick folds. He settled his lips over her swollen clit and flicked his tongue over the nub of nerves.

Roxanne cried out as the sensation shot through her body. Her breasts seemed to swell and her nipples tightened. She panted hard, unable to draw a deep breath.

Radnor outlined the opening of her sheath with one thick finger before slipping it inside. Her inner muscles clasped around it and she arched her hips, wanting him deeper.

He obliged.

As Sednar used his tongue and lips on her clit, teasing and tormenting her with his skilled mouth, Radnor worked a second finger into her core. His fingers were broad and blunt and two of them stretched her. He patiently worked them all the way in before dragging them back to her entrance.

It felt amazing. It was too much. It wasn’t enough. Roxanne had no frame of reference for what she was feeling right now. She’d had good sex, bad sex and painful sex, but she’d never experienced anything like this.

Keeping his fingers pumping in and out of her, Radnor surged upward and claimed her mouth in a torrid kiss. She grabbed his head, holding him tight.

Fear surged up from deep within her, a protective mechanism. If these men could make her feel this way, then she was already in too deep. The fact that she trusted them in bed should have been her first warning that she was already emotionally involved with them. They could hurt her. Not physically. She didn’t think, no, she knew, they’d never hurt her in that way. But emotionally, they could devastate her.

Radnor tore his mouth from hers. “Don’t think about it. Let yourself go. Feel my fingers in your hot cunt. Your juices are flowing all around them, coating them with your pleasure.” In and out his fingers went in a faster rhythm.

Roxanne panted harder, her breasts swaying with each gulped breath. Sednar sucked on her clit and her hips jerked toward his mouth. She needed more, needed to come. She was balanced on the edge, on the verge of tears.

“Come for me, Roxanne,” Radnor whispered in her ear. He caught the sensitive lobe between his teeth and nipped carefully. Goosebumps broke out on her arms. She was hot and aching. Ripe. Ready to burst.

Radnor introduced a third finger into her tight sheath. She felt stretched to the max, on the verge of pain, but not quite. Sednar sucked hard, flicking his tongue over her clit.

A flash of hot, white light filled her, overwhelming her. She heard herself cry out as she came. Hard and fast, her orgasm swept over her, making her lose all sense of time 59

and place. It was so intense it was frightening. She tangled one hand in Sednar’s hair and tightened her grip on Radnor, needing them to anchor her in the sensual storm engulfing her.

When it finally subsided, she felt herself sink into the mattress. She jerked and moaned when Radnor carefully removed his thick fingers from her pussy. A low sob broke from her as Sednar gave one final lap at her clit and sat up, his face filled with male satisfaction.

A tear seeped from the corner of her eye, rolling down her temple to disappear in her hair. She closed her eyes, overwhelmed by what had just happened. She hadn’t had intercourse with either man, yet she felt more spent than if they’d fucked for hours.

They’d reached past all her defenses and touched the core of the woman she’d buried inside. Worse, she’d let them.

She was marked, permanently, by their touch, their caress. She was forever spoiled for other men, instinctively knowing that no other would ever measure up to these men. When she returned home, she’d miss them forever.

A second tear escaped. She took a deep breath and tried to calm her wayward emotions. No wonder she was on the verge of tears. She’d been attacked by her ex-husband and snatched out of her own world and thrust into another. Beyond that, she had two handsome warriors who wanted to claim her as was the custom of their world and had just had the most amazing sexual experience of her life, even if she hadn’t had intercourse.

It was all so confusing.

Strong arms wrapped around her. Her eyes flew open as Radnor lifted her into his arms. Sednar rolled out of bed and padded ahead of them as they entered a smaller room off the bedroom. A bathroom. A huge wooden tub, filled with steaming water, sat against the far wall.

She didn’t want to think of someone actually filling that tub while she was in the bedroom engaged in sexual activities with Sednar and Radnor. It was embarrassing.

She supposed she should be grateful there seemed to be a separate entrance to this room so they didn’t have to troop through the bedroom. And wouldn’t that have been fun? Not.

Radnor lowered her into the tub. The hot water surrounded her, seeping into her sore muscles, soothing her tattered nerves. Now that hormones and adrenaline were no longer pumping through her, she was feeling some of her bruises and the stiffness left from the fight with Michael.

“Bathe.” Sednar set a towel and a cloth on a low wooden table that sat next to the tub. “When you are done, you will eat.” He cocked an eyebrow. “Unless you want help washing your back.”

Roxanne wanted time alone. Needed it to regain what little of her wits remained.

She shook her head. He looked disappointed, but inclined his head. “As you wish.” 60

Radnor leaned down and placed a chaste kiss on her forehead, another one on her nose, before dropping a quick one on her lips. “Everything will be fine, Roxanne. We will take care of you.”

He straightened and stared down at her. He was totally naked, his cock fully erect again. Her gaze flew from his shaft to his face. She could feel her cheeks getting hot.

He shook his head. “I would love to fuck you. To bury my cock in your moist heat.

To feel the welcome of your soft body as it took mine within it.” He wrapped his hand around his shaft and pumped. His cock head was damp and dark. “But it’s your choice.

It’s up to you to say yes or no.”

The longer she was around these men, the less she wanted to say no. She swallowed hard and said nothing. Radnor sighed and released his cock. He motioned to a small bench just beside the door. “There are clean clothes when you’re done.”

“Thank you,” she whispered. He was halfway to the door and turned toward her when she spoke. “For everything.”

One corner of his mouth turned up. “It’s my pleasure.” Then he was gone and she was alone with her thoughts.

Picking up a cloth, she dipped it in the water and slapped it over her face. Oh god, what had she done? Had the best sex of your life, a voice in the back of her head insisted.

That was the problem. Radnor and Sednar had somehow found a way to slip past her defenses. No, that wasn’t true. She’d lowered her defenses and invited them in.

Roxanne pulled the cloth away from her face, picked up the bar of soap from the ledge next to the tub and began to wash. As she carefully scrubbed every inch of her skin, she put her thoughts in order.

She’d had sex, kind of. Not intercourse, but there was no denying she’d had an orgasm. There was also no denying she’d sucked both men’s cocks and loved every second of it. She’d discovered a part of herself she hadn’t realized existed—a woman who enjoyed sex, the giving and receiving that came with it.

Maybe it was this place, but she didn’t feel like herself. She stilled and the cloth she was holding slipped away and sank into the water. Michael wasn’t here. She was safe.

That’s what had made her feel so free, so alive.

She shivered and grabbed the cloth and finished washing. “You can’t stay,” she whispered aloud.

Why not?

She wished the voice in the back of her head would stop saying things like that.

“Because,” she muttered. Not exactly a stellar reason. This world wasn’t hers. She had no place here.

What place did she have back home?

It was all so confusing. She had no idea about this place beyond a quick glimpse of the courtyard before she fainted, or rather, passed out due to everything she’d been through. That sounded better than saying she fainted.


Clean from head to toe, she stood and let the water cascade down her body. She shivered as her nipples peaked. Her skin felt oversensitized and she ached between her thighs. No doubt about it, she might have had the mother of all orgasms, but she still wasn’t satisfied. She had a sneaking suspicion she wouldn’t feel satisfied until she’d had both men, felt their thick cocks buried in her slick, heated passage.

Roxanne stepped out of the tub and dragged the towel over her tender flesh.

Ignoring the throbbing between her thighs, she padded to the bench and picked up the clothing that had been left for her. She shook out the first piece. A skirt. She shrugged, dropped the towel and tugged it on. There was a drawstring at the waist, which she tightened. The next item of clothing was a tunic that fell to her hips. Both were made from a soft, supple fabric. She couldn’t tell if it was cotton, linen or wool. Or maybe a combination of several of them. Whatever it was, it was comfortable and loose, which was nice considering she was feeling sore and slightly bruised.

She pulled up the skirt and examined her legs. A few dark marks marred her skin.

It was the same with her arms. Overall, she felt better than she expected. She gingerly touched her forehead. Even her head felt pretty good.

It felt strange not to be wearing any underwear, but she had no idea where her panties and bra were. And she wasn’t about to go looking for them. Not with Radnor and Sednar sitting in the next room. She’d search for them when the men were no longer around. Until then, she’d have to get used to walking around without underwear. She took a few practice steps and almost groaned. The fabric brushed lightly against her breasts, her bottom and her thighs, a teasing, torturous caress.

“Nothing you can do about it now,” she told herself as she smoothed the fabric over her legs.

She spied a comb on the bench. Grabbing it, she combed her hair, grateful it wasn’t long any more. The shorter style was much easier to deal with. There was no mirror and she was just as glad there wasn’t. She had no desire to see what she looked like at the moment. She was clean and safe. That was all that mattered.

Roxanne thought about her job and her stomach dropped. Would she even have one by the time she got back? She chewed on her bottom lip. She was supposed to be off—she stopped and thought—tomorrow. She’d miss today’s shift. If what Radnor had said was true, she’d be able to go home late tomorrow. She’d call Joe and plead with him if she had to, telling him she was ill. She’d never missed a shift before. Hopefully that would count for something. Her apartment would be fine. Unless Michael had trashed it.

Would the tapestry return her to the exact moment she left or would time have passed back home as well? It was all too confusing.

She couldn’t think about that. Not now. There was nothing she could do about it.

Her stomach growled, reminding her that she hadn’t eaten in quite some time. Life went on no matter what. Dropping the comb back onto the bench, she picked up the 62

damp towel and hung it on a wooden peg. She returned to the tub long enough to pull out the wooden plug at the bottom. The water slowly began to drain.

There was nothing else to keep her in here, nothing except nerves. She took a deep breath, drew her courage around her, opened the door and strode back into the bedroom.

Both men were waiting for her and stood when she entered. They were dressed, thankfully. She didn’t think she could eat with two naked men sitting next to her. Not that the vests they wore covered much of their chests, but it was better than nothing.

Their skin and the ends of their hair were damp. They looked as though they’d washed while she was lolling in the tub.

“Hi.” She didn’t know what else to say. Felt slightly awkward now that they weren’t in bed, which was silly.

“Come and eat.” Sednar held out a chair. It was a command, but he punctuated it with a smile. She was quickly learning that was his way. But his tone left no doubt that he expected to be obeyed.

She arched a brow at him and padded over, her bare feet making a slapping sound against the cool stone. She shivered as the cold seeped through the soles of her feet and into her body.

Without saying a word, Radnor scowled, turned on his heel and strode to the door.

He yanked it open and disappeared. Roxanne swallowed her disappointment and offered Sednar a half-hearted smile as he seated her.

“There is bread, cheese, fruit, meat and stew. We weren’t sure what you’d like.” Her gaze went to the table in front of her and her eyes widened. It was filled with platters and bowls of food. They’d obviously gone to a lot of trouble.

“Thank you.” Even though her stomach was protesting, she wasn’t really hungry.

But she knew she had to eat to keep up her strength. She took a piece of the bread, some cheese and something that resembled an apple and began to eat. Sednar poured something from a wooden jug into a cup and handed it to her. She sniffed it.

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