Tapestries 04 - Threads of Destiny (3 page)

BOOK: Tapestries 04 - Threads of Destiny
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“What is wrong with me?” He raked his fingers though his hair as he paced back and forth. The fireplace was empty but he felt no need to strike a flint and light the waiting logs. No amount of heat could melt the icy numbness that filled him more each day.

The only time relief came was when he slept. He stopped at the window and peered out at the stars that were just beginning to wink into view as darkness claimed the land.

He’d been dreaming of a woman for the past two nights now. His fingers wrapped around the hilt of the sword strapped to his waist and tightened. In the dream, the woman was his. She was in danger and he was unable to protect her. To a warrior, that was unacceptable.

But there were other moments in his dreams. Hot, tender moments. He whirled away from the window and stalked to a large wooden chair which sat in front of the fireplace. Throwing himself into it, he tilted back his head and closed his eyes, trying to recapture the vision of this woman.

She was tall, with long, slender legs that seemed to go on forever. He grunted and adjusted his pants to relieve his growing erection. It didn’t help. Her hair was the color of fire and she seemed to favor keeping it confined at her nape. Marc longed to sift his fingers through her hair to see if was as soft as it appeared.

Her face was heart-shaped and her nose was slender and feminine. Her skin was flawless except for six freckles, which dotted her otherwise pale complexion—three on either side of her nose. Stubbornness showed in the slight upward tilt of her angular chin. She’d be a handful and then some.

Sighing, he clasped his hands over his stomach and willed sleep to come. Maybe she would come to him in his dreams again and fill the lonely places in his heart. His breathing deepened and his head lolled to one side…


He stood at the bottom of the bed and watched her sleep. Her hair was down but it was too dark for him to see more than the occasional glint of red. The light seeping in through the window was slight but it was enough. For now.


He sensed two others in the room and squinted to see into the darkness. The figures slid from the darkness to stand on either side of him, poised and ready to fight to protect her.

“She is mine.” His words were little more than a low growl. Every muscle in his body tensed and he forced himself to relax. He bent his knees slightly and fingered the sword at his waist. He was coiled, ready to fight for what was his.

He’d been drawn to Christina from the moment he’d laid eyes on her but this was different. It went deeper, all the way to his very soul. The woman on the bed had been made especially for him, belonged to him. Nothing would stand in the way of him claiming her.

Both men paused and watched him. He sensed they weren’t afraid to fight him but were rather trying to decide what to make of him. Finally, the one on his left gave a curt nod. “Kathryn is ours as well.” The voice was rough and Marc could hear the underlying challenge. So be it. He glanced over at the other man who inclined his head slightly.

A low moan came from the bed, pulling all their gazes to the woman who lay there.

The moonlight on her face revealed her frown. Tension seemed to fill the air around them. Her brow wrinkled and she held out her hands as if to ward them off. “No,” she gasped, batting her hands uselessly at the air.

Marc’s heart ached for her obvious pain. Unable to stop, he unsheathed his sword and put it aside, before crawling onto the bed beside her. “Hush,” he crooned as he cupped the side of her face with his hand.

Her eyelids fluttered and she blinked at him. “Who?” she gasped.

He didn’t give her time to object but gently laid his lips against hers. They were soft and warm and tasted sinfully sweet. He felt the mattress sink on either side and knew the other two men were moving in to stake their claim.

Ignoring them, he focused all his attention on the woman in the bed. Kathryn, they’d said her name was. “Open for me, Kathryn.” His tongue traced the seam of her lips, coaxing her to part them. Her name rolled easily from his mouth and he liked the sound of it.

Her hand clutched at his shoulder and she sighed. “Dreaming,” she muttered. Marc took advantage and slid his tongue into the moist cavern of her mouth. He slid his tongue over hers, inviting it to play with his. After a moment’s hesitation, she did just that. Marc’s pants were uncomfortably tight now, his erection pressing hard against the leather but he didn’t care. He could lie here all night long and just taste her mouth.

Her fingernails dug into his shoulders and he pulled free long enough to push aside his leather vest, letting it fall to the mattress behind him. “Touch me.” It was part demand, part plea and she answered it. Flattening her palms against his skin, she stroked over the hard planes of his chest. He swore under his breath when her fingers brushed his nipples. His cock was throbbing hard now and his balls ached.


“My turn.” The sound came from the other side of Kathryn. The dim light shone on the man watching them. His hair was dark, his body lean and determination was etched on every inch of his face. There was no doubt that this man wanted Kathryn.

As Marc watched, the dark-haired man leaned down and kissed her lightly, sipping at her lips. “Tienan,” she groaned before turning her head away. “Logan?” Her voice was little more than a whisper but the man behind him heard it. He pushed Marc aside and cupped her face in his hands. “I’m here, little one.” Marc shifted until he sat between her legs, her nightgown bunched around her thighs. “Kathryn?” Her name was low and urgent. He needed her to look at him, to acknowledge him.

She turned to him and frowned. “Who are you?”

“I am Marc of the House of Garen—” He broke off as she gasped.

“You came. I wanted to dream of you and you came.” She smiled at him then and it went straight to his heart and his groin.

He placed his hands on her legs and slid them upward, pushing the light fabric of her gown higher and higher until she was exposed to him. He wished he could see her better, wanted to know if the fine hair between her thighs was as fiery red as that on her head.

Her legs shifted restlessly against the mattress and he pressed them wide as he bent forward. “You smell hot and sweet,” he muttered. “How will you taste?” She didn’t answer but she made no move to stop him as he licked up one side of her labia and down the other. Her low moan was music to his ears. He raised his head and smiled, noting that the two other men had shifted the straps of her gown from her shoulders and were sucking on her nipples.

Her hips tilted upward and he feathered his fingers over her sensitive flesh before slowly pressing one inside her opening. She was snug and hot around him. His body clenched as he imagined how tightly her pussy would hold his cock, squeezing it in exquisite sensual torture as he fucked her.

He shoved his hips into the mattress and pressed down hard. He was close to coming, could feel the liquid seeping from the tip of his shaft. His balls were heavy and pulled up tight against his body. His skin was slick with perspiration as he struggled not to yank down his pants and shove his cock into her welcoming heat.

He needed her pleasure first.

She made a sound of displeasure when he withdrew his finger but cried with delight when he pressed two fingers back into her. Her moist walls closed around him, pulling him deeper. Leaning closer, he inhaled her unique scent—musky, aroused woman with a touch of honey and something floral. It went to his head harder and more quickly than the most potent of ale.


He widened his fingers and withdrew slowly, keeping the tips of his fingers just inside her sheath. Then he plunged them back inside. Over and over, he repeated the action, gaining speed as he went.

Her hips were arching into the air, her body jerking. He knew she was close to reaching her pleasure. He captured the bundle of nerves at the apex of her sex between his lips and sucked. Kathryn screamed his name as she came. Satisfaction roared through him as he continued to stroke her with his hand and his mouth, prolonging her climax.

Finally, he forced himself to release her. Sitting back, he swiped his face with the back of his hand, groaning when her scent filled his nostrils. His hands went to the fastenings of his pants. He would have her now.

“Kathryn?” She blinked at him, hearing the question. It was her choice. Logan and Tienan sat on either side of her, watching her, waiting for her decision.

She nodded. “I asked the tapestry to bring you to me and it did.” Marc’s fingers froze on the laces of his pants. “Tapestry?” She gifted him with a sleepy, sated smile. “Yes, tapestry. I read the book and know all about Jarek, Christina and Javara. I’ve wanted you since I first read the story.” She sighed. “I found the book months ago but only discovered the tapestry and an old journal in the attic this afternoon. I asked for it to bring you to me in my dreams.” She laughed. “I needed this release more than I thought.” She glanced, almost shyly, at the men on either side of her. “Although, I didn’t imagine all three of you.” Marc’s head began to spin, his vision fading. “No. This can’t be.” He could hear the horror in his voice as the room around him began to disappear.

“Marc.” He could hear the fear in her voice, hear the exclamations of the other two men. He managed to roll to one side and grab his sword…


He jerked awake, jumping to his feet, sword drawn, his hand clenched tightly around the handle. Kathryn’s cry seemed to echo in the air around him. He was painfully aroused, his erection pulsing heavily.

“A dream.” He shook himself, stumbling over to the table and pouring himself a cup of water. “It was only a dream.” He downed it in one gulp.

A strange scent caught his attention and he raised his hand to his nose.

“Impossible.” He sniffed again and sure enough, the smell of musk, honey and flowers drifted up from his fingers. His cock flexed and he swore, loosening the ties of his pants to alleviate the pressure.

He shook his head and raked his waist-length brown hair back from his face. “It’s all the thoughts of Christina and Jarek that made me dream of the tapestry.” The hairs on the back of his neck were warning him of danger but he couldn’t see anything out of place in the room.


He lowered his sword, placing it back in the scabbard at his side. It was only then that he realized he was no longer wearing his vest. He glanced around the room but it was nowhere to be seen.


Kathryn cried out, bolting upright in the bed. A large hand covered her mouth, drowning out most of her scream as the light on her bedside table came on. Tienan and Logan, both looking disheveled, were seated on either side of her, concern in their eyes.

Tienan slowly lowered his hand. “Are you all right?” Her eyes darted around the room, assuring her that there was no one else beyond the three of them here. “I’m fine. It was just a dream.” Logan gave a rough chuckle. “Dreams can be pretty powerful things.” He shifted on the bed and it was then she noticed his erection. She took a quick peek at Tienan and noted he was in the same condition. Her own body pulsed and ached and she could feel liquid release between her thighs. It had been one heck of a realistic dream.

It was only then that she realized that the straps of her gown were down around her elbows, exposing her breasts and the bottom of it was bunched around her waist.

Thankfully, the blankets were covering her but her shoulders were still bear. Both men were watching her carefully and she could see the heat of arousal in their eyes.

She cleared her throat. “Yes, they can. Sorry if I woke you.”

“That’s okay. I was dreaming too but it ended abruptly.” Tienan’s gaze narrowed as the cover slipped down one arm. “What the hell is that?” He grabbed the blanket and shoved it aside.

Kathryn cried out and tucked the cover around her exposed breasts. “What is the matter with you?”

“Oh, sweetheart.” Logan’s soft words were tinged with anger and sadness. She glanced at him but he was looking at her arm.

She swallowed hard, realizing that the bruises from today’s interrogation were fully visible. They were even worse than earlier—dark and ugly. “It’s nothing.”

“I’m going to kill him.” There was no need for either of them to ask who Tienan meant. They all knew that General Caruthers was responsible.

“No.” Reaching out, she cupped his face in her hands. “That’s suicide and I couldn’t bear it if anything happened to you.” She looked at Logan. “To either of you.” Letting out a rough breath, Tienan rested his forehead against hers. “I cannot let him live. I have sworn to protect you. You risked everything for me, for us.”

“You can let him live. For now, anyway. All that matters is finding a way for all of us to escape the city and get beyond the Gate.”

“All of us?” Logan sat very still beside her.


Releasing Tienan, she turned to him, licking her lips. She had the weirdest feeling that she knew what his kiss would taste like, what both their kisses would taste like.

That was one heck of a realistic dream she’d had. Forcing it to the back of her mind, she focused on the task at hand—keeping all of them alive.

“All of us. I can’t stay here. Not now.”

“There is no safety for you beyond the Gate.” Tienan took her hand, wrapping his fingers around hers. “You should stay here.”

Kathryn shook her head. “I’d rather die out there, than stay in here and be party to more atrocities.”

Logan started to protest but she held up her hand. “My mind is made up. Either I go with you or I go alone.”

“With us,” Tienan declared. “You will not be alone.”

“Okay then, it’s time to try to get some sleep.” She tugged at the straps of her gown, pulling them back into place. Reaching down, she pushed the fabric back over her torso and legs. Her hand hit something and she frowned as she dragged it from under the covers. “What the heck?” A large, leather vest emerged from beneath the blankets, held tight in her grasp.

Logan frowned and then his eyes widened. “The dream.”

“What do you mean?”

Tienan’s eyes narrowed and he scowled at the garment before shooting Logan a look that she couldn’t interpret. “We’ll talk more in the morning. Now is not the time.” Logan nodded once and then turned out the light, plunging the room back into darkness. She expected both men to return to their pallets on the floor. Instead, they stretched out on either side of her in a protective barrier.

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