Read Tangles and Temptation Online

Authors: India-Jean Louwe

Tags: #Erotic Fiction, #Historical, #Lesbian, #Ménage à Trois, #Paranormal, #Romance

Tangles and Temptation (6 page)

BOOK: Tangles and Temptation
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Vasiliki Akantha seemed oblivious to the urgency in his voice. She strolled leisurely to the kline and ran her hand softly over the crumpled pillow. Finally, she looked up at him and stated, “I believe I can safely guess the origin of our mysterious Kyra.”

Eris lost all immediate interest in the door and focused on this new information. “What evidence have you found?”

The queen shook her head solemnly before answering, “I do not believe you will be pleased with my suspicion. I have studied the ways and traits of Kyra and have found something that cannot be denied.”

Eris wished she would simply get to the point. But he felt a tiny surge of panic at her words. “Pleased or not, I eagerly await your speech.”

“Kyra possesses a somewhat whimsical nature, a thorough curiosity in
things, and a strong will to satisfy that desire despite any reservations she may have within her. Added to her extremely exquisite countenance and alluring character, I can safely surmise her to be of one nation—the people of Pandora.”

Eris drew back in horror. “How can she possibly be of such an ignorant, vain people? It is patently clear that she possesses great intelligence and wit. I am afraid I cannot accept this.”

The queen held up cautioning hand as he made to leave. “Allow me but a minute of your time, Eris. Would you intentionally seek to keep yourself in ignorance?”

Eris paused. He did wish to hear the story behind the fair Kyra, even if it was not exactly what he wanted to hear. He nodded simply for her to continue.

“As we know, the Gods did not hold mankind in high regard. They found us weak and vain. But there were a few among them who sought to assist and protect us. One such Titan was Prometheus—forethought.”

Eris nodded. “He has gifted us with fire. And he suffered greatly for that aid he extended us. The other Gods were furious. That is the reason we pay allegiance to him.”

The queen rubbed the soft, purple rug on the kline between her fingers. “Prometheus’s punishment was indeed grave, strapped to a rock while an eagle picked and fed at his liver for all eternity.”

“But the Gods found a weakness in his attack of mankind. That weakness came in the form of the brother. While Prometheus refused to give in to the Gods’ constant request of foretelling the future, and endured the cruel punishment set upon him, Epimetheus—afterthought—was weak and vain enough to accept the gift the Gods sent him.”

The woman inclined her head. “Against his brother’s explicit warnings, Epimetheus greedily welcomed the gift—
. She was said to be the most alluring of women, and no man would resist her. Epimetheus certain could not. Pandora, in turn, was unable to resist the temptation of the jar she had arrived with, Pandora’s Box. The Gods forbade her against ever opening the box, knowing full well she would succumb to her curious nature. She opened the jar, and out spilled all the ills affecting mankind—evils, sorrow, plagues, misfortunes, but fortunately a speck of hope as well.”

Eris listened to her tale and shook his head. “I am aware of these stories, Vasiliki Akantha. What I wish to hear is your evidence that Kyra is one of these people who ignorantly offer praise to the foolish Epimetheus.”

The queen sighed heavily. “Pandora bore from her womb the most beautiful and alluring females. They attracted the eyes of men wherever they set foot. They also bore the incessant craving of having their curiosity fulfilled. They disregard common logic and good sense simply on their own whims. Kyra has shown these characteristics. It distresses me to be the harbinger of ill tidings, but she is a mere product born of a foolish people.”

Eris narrowed his eyes. “How exactly have you come to this conclusion?”

Vasiliki Akantha shrugged and licked her bottom lip leisurely. “Let me just say I have tested her, and she has failed dismally. The taste of her still lingers despite her apparent rejection of my decadent offer.”

The snake upon Eris’s chest coiled in uncertainty, seeking comfort within the twists and swirls of its body. Eris frowned at the bed. He had heard of this people, and he held no respect for them. Why they continued to offer their worship to a Titan who had proved himself so foolish was a question he had never been able to find an answer to. His continued, unwavering stare at the unmade bed was no coincidence. Within him raged a battle. His body still wished the taste of her while his mind drew away in revolt. Finally he sighed, accepting the inevitable. “I seek the pleasures offered in her wares, and nothing further. It matters not to me where she descends from. The taste I shall garner from between her thighs would taste just as sweet were she of a more noble people. However, I shall send forth a messenger to the people of Pandora to find out if one named Kyra is missing amongst their ranks.”

The queen nodded with a grim grin. “As I was expecting this very response from you, I have already dispatched a messenger with instructions to make haste. You are, after all, a man, and no man stood a chance against Pandora. Why would you fare any better with her enticing descendent? Resist not such a tasty morsel but pursue as you will while erring on the side of caution with regards to any tender feelings. I tell you this not to dissuade you from seeking your thrills within the warm confines of her crevice,
. I tell you this so that you will consider carefully before welcoming further, deeper feelings.”

Eris nodded curtly. Before he could pass the opening at the door he inquired, “Why then do you warn only
? Surely Sappho faces the same trap. Is he not already embroiled in this sticky web?”

Vasiliki Akantha laughed. “Not in
particular instance. Let me not hold you up further from your desire for sport. I shall simply say, as a woman, I am able to see things more clearly—the snake has already foraged an undeniable path.”


* * * *


Eris entered a bathing chamber. But it was not the bathing chamber he was accustomed to seeing in his homeland. It resembled the vast harem halls he had been a guest to in foreign, more free and carnal cities. Candles lit every spare corner of the chamber, scented heavily, heady and intoxicating. Petals carpeted not only the floor but were scattered liberally over the water. But one feature differed with regards to other harems. Here there was only a single attraction, and she sparkled like a rare jewel. He strode forward. “Have you not disrobed in anticipation of my arrival, fair Kyra?”

Kyra turned away from the slave girl she had been instructing and smiled. “The night is but young. Let us not be too eager lest we tire too quickly and waste it in sleep. We have already wasted a good measure due to your tardiness. But I shall overlook that slight, for tonight.”

The corners of Eris’s lips lifted at the corners, “There is no need for fear of that. Sleep is a commodity that shall not claim me this night.” He studied her slender figure through the sheer white robe she donned. “And neither shall you find respite in sleep, I can assure you of that.”

Kyra chuckled. “Such confidence. I find myself moisten at the promises that drip like warm melted honey from your lips. Only actions of your body through the hours of this night shall prove the truth or falseness of those words.” She gestured toward a dimly lit corner. “I have ordered supplements to aid your ardor. The absence of both brothers was felt at the dining table this evening.”

Eris eyed the low table laden with scrumptious morsels, fruit, and delicate greens. He eyed Sappho, who munched on a bunch of grapes as he offered, “
is not the appetite I have come to appease.”

Kyra lifted a single eyebrow. “And yet it is one that shall be appeased nonetheless. Go seat your overeager body, after you have rid it of those cumbersome cloths. Eat. Drink.” As Eris made to argue further, she commanded none too lightly, “I also have a surprise.” She dangled a short, wide strip of dark fabric from her fingers. Her eyes sparkled with mischief and unspoken promises.

Eris’s imagination churned out image after delicious image for the use of such material while making love. Given a choice he would tie her hands. But he remained silent, allowing her her freedom. Keeping his eyes locked with hers, Eris slowly unwrapped the twisted cloth around his waist and dropped it to the floor, leaving his body nude and open to her hungry gaze. She remained silent, but the light of appreciation lit in her eyes, flaring her pupils with banked desire. With a delighted shudder, she turned away from the sight and strode to the edge of the water. Eris watched her stroll away before seating himself at the low table. Cushions upon the floor cradled his naked ass cheeks as he crossed his legs and reached for a handful of bloodred berries. He popped them into his mouth, ignoring Sappho completely.

He was soon entranced as Kyra paused at the boundary of the wide pool only long enough to hand the fabric to the awaiting serfs, then stepped down the wide stairs. She continued until the water was at her waist and slowly dropped to her knees, submerging herself completely. She came up suddenly with the sheer robe clinging enticingly to her wet body. Kyra stared hard at him as she walked to the side and ascended the stairs. She called for the two slave girls’ assistance. The girls moved quickly. One bound the fabric across her eyes securely while the other reached for the collar of her robe, drawing it slowly away from her body. Inch by inch, skin as white as pearls and soft as petals was revealed to the awaiting men’s gaze. Eris noticed the deep flush of red spread from her breasts, deep crimson, all the way to the triangle of vibrant blonde curls at the V of her thighs.

Eris dipped his hand into the bowl of water to cleanse it and reached for his glass without taking his eyes of the woman who blatantly enticed and allured. His shaft jerked eagerly at the sight. He brought the goblet to his lips, wine already poured and ready for his lips. He sipped lightly, allowing the amber liquid to fire first his tongue and then burn a scorching path down his throat. He sniffed. Satyrion, the aphrodisiac made of ragwort, had been infused into the wine. He placed the goblet back onto the table. He had no need for it. From the corner of his eye he glimpsed Sappho gulp down his own liquid. He did not hold that against him. The sight before them would parch the mouth of the strongest hot-blooded male. Yet he himself opted for the glass of clear crystal water.

Kyra purred but remained tall and proud as the slave girls lathered sweet-smelling soap onto washcloths. She was absolutely breathtaking as she stood wearing nothing but the black blindfold. The girls ran cloths over her body, tenderly rubbing in the soap. They were careful to avoid the private areas of her breasts and her thighs. Eris scowled. He wanted to see her being touched
over. As if sensing his wish, Kyra reached for the soap herself. She lathered it generously in both hands. Dropping the soap back into the water, she ran her hands caressingly over her breasts. Her hands covered her swollen orbs and pressed, squeezed, and kneaded. Eris swallowed as she slowly rolled each nipple between her thumbs and fingers. Sappho beside him gripped his goblet until his knuckles turned white.

Kyra arched her back as she ran her hands down the length of her middle. Finally, painstaking moments later, she reached the core of her womanhood. She cupped herself with her slippery hand and moved it in slow circular motions. Eris watched, captivated, as the girls continued the wash the stretch of her throat and length of her back. A shudder ran through her as she spread her wet folds of her pussy and dipped her finger into her crevice. Holding the way open with one hand, her massaging finger swirled around the very visible, tender bud. Eris felt his erection throb painfully. Sappho squashed the melon he had seized until the pulp and juices flowed between his clenched fingers. Kyra moaned as she spread her legs slightly and inserted her finger into her wet entrance fully.

Eris could hold himself back no more. He called out his instruction as he rose. “Rinse her.” His lance proudly pointed the way to his desire. He followed blindly. He reached her just as water came cascading over her head and shoulders. Another command echoed his as Sappho approached.

“Leave us.”

The girls scurried away.

Kyra halted them with words. “I will choose who shall enter my tight, hot pussy.” She licked her lips. “I shall taste which I prefer.”

Sappho and Eris both took a breast in their hands and fondled. Sappho impatiently pushed forward, stealing her lips in a hungry kiss. He pinched her nipples gently between his fingers. Kyra thrust her breasts fully into the caressing hands.

Eris admired her body as she received his brother’s kiss. He continued to tug and play with her aroused nipple. Finally she turned her face aside. It was his turn. His kiss was unhurried, light. With slow, steady swipes of his tongue along the seams of her mouth, he coaxed her lips into parting. Still he did not rush in. His tongue sank in patiently, exploring, caressing. His hands moved down and covered the tuft of curls at the junction of her thighs. She lurched as her arms snaked around his neck. She clung to him fiercely, leaning into his body, drowning in his kiss. The choice was made.


* * * *


Sappho eagerly moved around her, accepting her decree without argument. He caressed the dip of her back just where it greeted the gentle well of her ass.
He did not mind this at all. His finger dipped into the tight crevice of her bottom, slick and wet with water, as he whispered in her ear, “You burn a fiery red here even though you are no
, no maid.” His hand looped around her ribs to grasp her breasts, kneading and rolling her taut, hard nipples. “You have a body of great
, beauty. It is made for the hands of a man.”

Kyra arched her body back, allowing him more access. “Then touch me as a man would.”

BOOK: Tangles and Temptation
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